NRA ad sending leftists into a tizzy

Here's the quote you must have forgotten .

So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!'[6]

— Charlton Heston, May 20, 2000
Manbearpig is a rotten piece of shit that has no credibility and lives in hypocrisy of, why don't you get a bobble head of Al gore and shove it up your ass since like him so much.

By the way quit falling down the well

You didn't address the issue . You two faced righty liars won't admit that the pro gun crowd mantra is that u need a gun to rise up against the government.
A progressive socialist government does not have our interests in mind...
when an organization such as this cannot answer to where my membership fees go, they no longer are worthy of my money. It's time they put capable people answering their phone's.

You are better off donating to your local state gun group .

Scene of scary THEM that can only be dealt with through violence.

In less than a minute, The NRA paints an America irrevocably divided between “we” and “they.” An America where the media has fallen into their hands. Where the schools are instruments of their lies. Where every action is designed to threaten “the law abiding.” Where the only way “to save our country” is strike back with a “clenched fist.”

How many of those Republican Congressmen who were calling for a reduction in rhetoric following the ballfield shooting, will step forward to condemn this video that uses that incident to call for civil war on Americans?

The NRA declares war on America: 'the only way we save our country ... is with the clenched fist'
None. Inflammatory rhetoric only matters if repugs are targeted.
The video, created for the Second Amendment fanatics of the NRA, cited a few isolated incidents to detract from the truth, that being, there are hundreds of peaceful protests. These liberal protests only require a police presence to prevent violence AGAINST the protesters. This is a fact conservatives like to ignore.

However, protests by conservatives are often begun by individuals or groups carrying firearms. Here are a few examples the folks who wrote and produced the NRA’s video forgot, or just plain ignored.

There was no mention in the NRA's video about Ruby Ridge. Conservatives must be reminded this was the site of an eleven-day siege near Naples, Idaho. It involved Randy Weaver, members of his immediate family, and family friend Kevin Harris. The deaths resulting from this criminal act, by a group who were obviously conservatives, included Weaver's son Samuel, age 14, Weaver's 43-year-old wife Vicki, Deputy US Marshal William Francis Degan, and worst of all, a Weaver family dog. Had Weaver not refused to appear in court on firearms charges, all these deaths would have been avoided.

The same lack of attention by the video’s creator can be said not saying a word about Cliven Bundy. For years, Bundy had been, illegally, grazing his cattle on public land. Grazing his cattle on privately owned land, illegally, would not be acceptable, not even to conservatives. But Bundy and his band of rag tag militiamen believed he had a right to the use of public lands free-of-charge. Why, because they are ranchers? It is a certainty, had a group of people in off-road vehicles wanted to use the same land area, Bundy would have run them off using guns. So his defense that the land should be open to “public use” doesn’t hold water. He and his gang were only defending BUNDY’S RIGHT to use public lands.

Forgetting again of conservatives’ violent nature, the video failed to show that: Inspired by their daddy’s crimes, in 2016 Bundy’s sons Ammon and Ryan gathered together a small group of armed militiamen, and attempted to force a showdown with the government when they refused to leave an Oregon wildlife refuge. All this violent bullsh!t by the conservative Bundys and still Pa Bundy hasn’t paid his past due bill of $1 million in grazing fees.

The list of conservative violence goes on and on, just check out Google.

Conservative politicians and groups such as the Second Amendment fanatics, know exploiting crises to scare the weak-minded righties nationwide keeps them riled up.

This is the reason FOX New(?) is so successful. FOX spews the fear and hate speech necessary to scare conservatives to consistently vote against their own best interests.

The NRA video is perfectly written and the producer's use of the pretty face makes conservative crazies oblivious to the truth.

Were the government to go ahead and placate the idiots on the right and somehow establish the police-state advocated in the video, conservative groups, known to protest outside Planned Parenthood clinics, and demonstrations by right wing political groups like the Tea Party would immediately be screaming about unconstitutional actions against peaceful protests.

No, the violence is seen, by far, more often being committed by right wing groups. And the violent occurrences during liberal demonstrations is usually provoked by counter-demonstrators belonging to violent right wing gangs.


Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won.


The Weavers at ruby ridge were minding their own business till the feds under bill and hillary moved in for the kill. Same thing with waco, hillary and janet reno went in and massacred and burned alive men, women and children while bill hid behind their skirts. So far, no bloodthirsty and fascist like attacks on innocents from the republicans.

Much like the Bundy Bunch?
Here's the quote you must have forgotten .

So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!'[6]

— Charlton Heston, May 20, 2000
Manbearpig is a rotten piece of shit that has no credibility and lives in hypocrisy of, why don't you get a bobble head of Al gore and shove it up your ass since like him so much.

By the way quit falling down the well

You didn't address the issue . You two faced righty liars won't admit that the pro gun crowd mantra is that u need a gun to rise up against the government.
A progressive socialist government does not have our interests in mind...

So u admit the NRA touts violence against the government .?
will not do that either. MY guns are locked in my safe. My second amendment rights are safe and have always been safe despite what dear factor wimps say to try to extract my money. Liars they are.
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing. is your guys actually shooting Republicans and cops......your bernie sanders supporter actually shot Republicans, your black lies matter sympathizers killed police, and your bernie sanders supporters are violently attacking people who disagree with them....

Blow it out your ass....

Who shot Gabby Giffords?
A Progressive nut job

What makes you think he is a progressive?
"All to make them march, make them protest, make them scream racism and sexism and xenophobia and homophobia. To smash windows, burn cars, shut down interstates and airports, bully and terrorize the law-abiding — until the only option left is for the police to do their jobs and stop the madness."

RW garbage propaganda. Millions of Dems have peacefully protested for months, but al the dupes know is the horrible violence of of a few Antifa, anarchists and gangsta wannabees at BLM protests last year lol. Great job, bs hate liars- the whole RW. Poor America. is your guys actually shooting Republicans and cops......your bernie sanders supporter actually shot Republicans, your black lies matter sympathizers killed police, and your bernie sanders supporters are violently attacking people who disagree with them....

Blow it out your ass....

Who shot Gabby Giffords?
Report: Giffords’ Gunman Is ’Left Wing, Quite Liberal’

A violent mentally ill leftist.

Both are mentally ill. Labeling left or right detracts from the problem.
Progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

Oh, cons are tolerant!?!! Lol! Provide one example of that . Just one !

Your own post is intolerant of Muslims !
I don't try to push my ways on anybody, that's what part of being a libertarian is.
I just don't want to be forced into a socialist society That certainly does not benefit me or support my interests at all.
will not do that either. MY guns are locked in my safe. My second amendment rights are safe and have always been safe despite what dear factor wimps say to try to extract my money. Liars they are.

Good Job!!! You are a responsible gun owner.
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing. is your guys actually shooting Republicans and cops......your bernie sanders supporter actually shot Republicans, your black lies matter sympathizers killed police, and your bernie sanders supporters are violently attacking people who disagree with them....

Blow it out your ass....

Who shot Gabby Giffords?
A Progressive nut job

What makes you think he is a progressive?
What makes you think he isn't?
No, stupid.

This open call for all out war should outrage all human beings.

But, since human garbage like Odious welcomes violence, they'll celebrate and make it an excuse to ramp it up.

You RWNJs can never ever again pretend you don't want violence and you cannot blame the left for what YOU are doing. is your guys actually shooting Republicans and cops......your bernie sanders supporter actually shot Republicans, your black lies matter sympathizers killed police, and your bernie sanders supporters are violently attacking people who disagree with them....

Blow it out your ass....

Who shot Gabby Giffords?
A Progressive nut job

What makes you think he is a progressive?
Total nutjobs, Antifa anarchist punks, and gangsta wannabees hiding at non-violent protests. All well know progressives by ignorant hater dupes...

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