NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches

No one could have stopped this loon from this murder spree even if the church allowed was an ambush, no one was or could have been prepared.... it's bull crap to say or imagine otherwise.
Charles Cotton's statement is factually wrong, reprehensible, and unwarranted – the 'argument' of blaming the victim fails as a fallacy.

He has every right to express his belief, his statement is representative of only himself, and no one seeks to prohibit him from expressing his point of view – none of which mitigates the callous stupidity of the statement, where those to attempt to defend Cotton are just as reprehensible and wrong.
Yes. Let's blame the victim. Dear NRA, I'm sorry, but your point of view is meritless, dangerous, irresponsible and, while it is the desire of their people, it is not the desire of the people.
Yes. Let's blame the victim. Dear NRA, I'm sorry, but your point of view is meritless, dangerous, irresponsible and, while it is the desire of their people, it is not the desire of the people.

Did the pastor make his church a gun free zone? Yes. He disarmed anyone who might have been able to stop the killer....and in 2 other church shootings armed citizens stopped shooters...because they were not gun free zones.
No one could have stopped this loon from this murder spree even if the church allowed was an ambush, no one was or could have been prepared.... it's bull crap to say or imagine otherwise.
He had a small capacity revolver. He stopped and reloaded five times. Certainly some decent person with their own weapon could have put an end to him.
It sounds like it was a .45 semi automatic....if it was a colt then it would have had 8 rounds.....showing that a 10 round magazine limit is stupid. I am waiting to know for sure.
Guns should be allowed in the House of God? I know what God would think about that idea.
Are you people totally insane? did it turn out when they didn't have guns........did that work out well for these 9 people...or the Jewish people who were shot...or the sure stopped the killers in Colorado and that Janitor that I posted about.......if you are a good person....why is having a gun in church a problem...a good person isn't going to shoot anyone.......are they....

Did not having a gun in this church save any lives?

Please...try to think more on these issues.....

You really are that clueless about the House of God and what it means?
Oh well, since you started posting here, I haven't been impressed, so I guess I'm not surprised at all.
It's not like I am anti-gun, both my wife and I hunt. But we aren't hyper paranoid about the boogieman taking our guns. Only suckers believe that crap.
I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "their want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them.

Alas, it appears you are unaware of "The Gatekeepers". Right in the Word.

Of course back then they were armed with swords, spears and bows.

1 Chronicles 9:21-24 ESV
Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah was gatekeeper at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

All these, who were chosen as gatekeepers at the thresholds, were 212.

They were enrolled by genealogies in their villages. David and Samuel the seer established them in their office of trust.

So they and their sons were in charge of the gates of the House of the Lord, that is, the house of the tent, as guards.

The gatekeepers were on the four sides, east, west, north, and south"

What Does the Bible Say About Church Security

Amazing how you can justify almost any atrocity using the bible.

So how would those gatekeepers have prevented Dylan Roof from killing 9 people considering that he was already past the gatekeepers and inside praying with them?

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