NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches

Race-hate 'killer' Dylann Roof 'was taking drug that causes sudden violent outbursts'
  • During a February arrest, the 21-year-old was carrying orange strips which he identified as suboxone
  • It is used to treat opiate addiction but is highly addictive itself and can make users depressed or aggressive, according to users on online forums
  • Users and their spouses have recounted startling stories online of violence after taking the drug

Here comes the bullshit! Is that same drug responsible for planning an attack for 6 months?

Hey wake up and smell the coffee. The kid was a racist pig who just happened to be taking this drug (busted and this was on his person four months ago) BUT radar on line also had him busted with meth, coke and LSD in his possession.

Kid was a drug fueled racist asshole who made his sick fucking twisted fantasy come true.

The drugs don't excuse his racism or his domestic terrorism.

How many of the other white supremacist racists are funding their hate filled websites by pushing drugs?
Amazing this kid was on the street with that many drugs....*looks at his picture*....wait, no its not

And yet he doesn't look anything like the image of the drug pushing/using kid from the inner city that the racists here like to claim are responsible for doing all of the killing.
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

" A board member for the National Rifle Association blamed pastor and South Carolina state Sen. Clementa Pinckney for not only his own death, but the deaths of eight others in Wednesday night’s terrorist attack at his church, Think Progress reported on Thursday night."

NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor s vote against guns in churches
"Think Progress"? Likely this story is a fabrication.

The story simply states the truth..the pastor made his church a gun free one in the church was allowed to have a gun to stop the that is about race only a batshit crazy leftists can say.....otherwise it is the truth....he isn't blaming the pastor, he is simply stating the reality of the church as a gun free zone...
Race-hate 'killer' Dylann Roof 'was taking drug that causes sudden violent outbursts'
  • During a February arrest, the 21-year-old was carrying orange strips which he identified as suboxone
  • It is used to treat opiate addiction but is highly addictive itself and can make users depressed or aggressive, according to users on online forums
  • Users and their spouses have recounted startling stories online of violence after taking the drug

Here comes the bullshit! Is that same drug responsible for planning an attack for 6 months?

Hey wake up and smell the coffee. The kid was a racist pig who just happened to be taking this drug (busted and this was on his person four months ago) BUT radar on line also had him busted with meth, coke and LSD in his possession.

Kid was a drug fueled racist asshole who made his sick fucking twisted fantasy come true.

The drugs don't excuse his racism or his domestic terrorism.

How many of the other white supremacist racists are funding their hate filled websites by pushing drugs?

Does the democrat party sell drugs now...?
NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches

Well that would make him a fucking idiot, wouldn't it? Just like someone blaming the NRA for the shooting would be a fucking idiot, right?
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Guns should be allowed in the House of God? I know what God would think about that idea.
Are you people totally insane? did it turn out when they didn't have guns........did that work out well for these 9 people...or the Jewish people who were shot...or the sure stopped the killers in Colorado and that Janitor that I posted about.......if you are a good person....why is having a gun in church a problem...a good person isn't going to shoot anyone.......are they....

Did not having a gun in this church save any lives?

Please...try to think more on these issues.....

You really are that clueless about the House of God and what it means?
Oh well, since you started posting here, I haven't been impressed, so I guess I'm not surprised at all.
It's not like I am anti-gun, both my wife and I hunt. But we aren't hyper paranoid about the boogieman taking our guns. Only suckers believe that crap.
I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "their want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them.
Guns should be allowed in the House of God? I know what God would think about that idea.
Are you people totally insane? did it turn out when they didn't have guns........did that work out well for these 9 people...or the Jewish people who were shot...or the sure stopped the killers in Colorado and that Janitor that I posted about.......if you are a good person....why is having a gun in church a problem...a good person isn't going to shoot anyone.......are they....

Did not having a gun in this church save any lives?

Please...try to think more on these issues.....

You really are that clueless about the House of God and what it means?
Oh well, since you started posting here, I haven't been impressed, so I guess I'm not surprised at all.
It's not like I am anti-gun, both my wife and I hunt. But we aren't hyper paranoid about the boogieman taking our guns. Only suckers believe that crap.
I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "their want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them.

Does it mean that the people in the House of God should simply submit to murder....? That is what you believe...considering at least two shooters in other churches were stopped by people with that a stop the taking of an innocent life? And no one here is hyper paranoid....we understand that democrat politicians do not believe people should own guns...and if they can get the political clout they will pass laws that make this happen.....Australia lost their guns, as did Britain, the French lost their guns after World War 2....

We also understand guys don't seem to know that what happened in the past can happen again.....just like you guys seem to think that if you and your family have never been victims of violent crime, then there is no need for anyone to carry a gun for self defense....even though people are raped, robbed and murdered every single day...

You live in a fairy tale land......hopefully for you and your family you won't meet a monster like the family that lived down the block from Joe Washington D.C....a wealthy neighborhood...they woke up that morning probably thinking exactly like you do....and in 20 hours they were dead......
Fact is, if someone was armed they could've shot the gunman and saved lives.

No. That is not the fact. The fact is that this was a popular church and filled with people. The guy didn't come in and give everyone an announcement of his intentions so they could get ready. It just started happening and was probably over in seconds. People screaming, running, jumping to their feet - in other word, chaos. Someone else firing a piece in that would be more likely to hit one of the churchgoers than the shooter.

John Hinckley walked up to Reagan, who was surrounded by trained and armed secret service agents who were looking for threats, and he was able to put rounds in the President and Brady before they took him down. But you think an amateur in the middle of a melee could accurately fire at a single person? There is a difference between a movie and real life.
NRA Board Member said:
“And he voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue.”

The facts are facts bed wetters, if someone who wasn't a crazy asshole had been armed in that church, the outcome would have been much different.
This is unsurprisingly moronic and wrong.

Even if South Carolina concealed carry statutes didn't prohibit carrying a firearm in churches, it's ridiculous to assume any of the church members would be in possession of a gun that night, or that they'd have an opportunity to use it.

And to blame the victims for their own murders is yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right.
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

" A board member for the National Rifle Association blamed pastor and South Carolina state Sen. Clementa Pinckney for not only his own death, but the deaths of eight others in Wednesday night’s terrorist attack at his church, Think Progress reported on Thursday night."

NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor s vote against guns in churches

LOLOLOL......its deflection time again, that murdering maggot is a racist, hate seeing his prized white mops with black guys and hate the fact Obama is president....his words, not mine. Guns had nothing to do with pay attention or change your mind, what's left of it anyways
Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore

The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?

Everytime the victim is white you run around saying the race doesnt matter. No one is fooled by your fuckery

Where have I said that "every time"

In fact it shouldn't matter what race any victim of a crime is should it?

It matters when the killer says he killed them because they were black.

Not really. Psychos can fixate on anything race is merely one of the many fixations psychos have

And what about the people who agree with everything he said about blacks but don't actually act out in this extreme manner.

Are you going to tell they're just psychos too? Are you going tell us they're not racists?
Guns should be allowed in the House of God? I know what God would think about that idea.
Are you people totally insane? did it turn out when they didn't have guns........did that work out well for these 9 people...or the Jewish people who were shot...or the sure stopped the killers in Colorado and that Janitor that I posted about.......if you are a good person....why is having a gun in church a problem...a good person isn't going to shoot anyone.......are they....

Did not having a gun in this church save any lives?

Please...try to think more on these issues.....

You really are that clueless about the House of God and what it means?
Oh well, since you started posting here, I haven't been impressed, so I guess I'm not surprised at all.
It's not like I am anti-gun, both my wife and I hunt. But we aren't hyper paranoid about the boogieman taking our guns. Only suckers believe that crap.
I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "their want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them.

Alas, it appears you are unaware of "The Gatekeepers". Right in the Word.

Of course back then they were armed with swords, spears and bows.

1 Chronicles 9:21-24 ESV
Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah was gatekeeper at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

All these, who were chosen as gatekeepers at the thresholds, were 212.

They were enrolled by genealogies in their villages. David and Samuel the seer established them in their office of trust.

So they and their sons were in charge of the gates of the House of the Lord, that is, the house of the tent, as guards.

The gatekeepers were on the four sides, east, west, north, and south"

What Does the Bible Say About Church Security
Guns should be allowed in the House of God? I know what God would think about that idea.
Are you people totally insane? did it turn out when they didn't have guns........did that work out well for these 9 people...or the Jewish people who were shot...or the sure stopped the killers in Colorado and that Janitor that I posted about.......if you are a good person....why is having a gun in church a problem...a good person isn't going to shoot anyone.......are they....

Did not having a gun in this church save any lives?

Please...try to think more on these issues.....

You really are that clueless about the House of God and what it means?
Oh well, since you started posting here, I haven't been impressed, so I guess I'm not surprised at all.
It's not like I am anti-gun, both my wife and I hunt. But we aren't hyper paranoid about the boogieman taking our guns. Only suckers believe that crap.
I'll make a prediction, the NRA will produce another "their want your guns" campaign like they do after every mass killing, then a record number of guns will be sold. They do this every time and the gun manufactures love this and no one can have too many guns. Right? Mass murders are great business for gun manufactures, it's like Christmas for them.

Does it mean that the people in the House of God should simply submit to murder....? That is what you believe...considering at least two shooters in other churches were stopped by people with that a stop the taking of an innocent life? And no one here is hyper paranoid....we understand that democrat politicians do not believe people should own guns...and if they can get the political clout they will pass laws that make this happen.....Australia lost their guns, as did Britain, the French lost their guns after World War 2....

We also understand guys don't seem to know that what happened in the past can happen again.....just like you guys seem to think that if you and your family have never been victims of violent crime, then there is no need for anyone to carry a gun for self defense....even though people are raped, robbed and murdered every single day...

You live in a fairy tale land......hopefully for you and your family you won't meet a monster like the family that lived down the block from Joe Washington D.C....a wealthy neighborhood...they woke up that morning probably thinking exactly like you do....and in 20 hours they were dead......

He's just unaware that the Word talks about the Gatekeepers who protected the House of the Lord.
The comment is tactless and cruel at the very moment that some degree of sensitivity should be shown. If you can't say something to show your empathy and compassion for the victims, then don't say anything at all.
And yet he doesn't look anything like the image of the drug pushing/using kid from the inner city that the racists here like to claim are responsible for doing all of the killing.
Racists claim? You're what is known as an Urban Denier. And it's not racist to call a spade a spade.
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

" A board member for the National Rifle Association blamed pastor and South Carolina state Sen. Clementa Pinckney for not only his own death, but the deaths of eight others in Wednesday night’s terrorist attack at his church, Think Progress reported on Thursday night."

NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor s vote against guns in churches
I've been wondering why Roof chose a church where his targets would be relatively decent, hard-working, law-abiding Black people. His action would be more understandable if he chosen a gathering of gang-banger types. But why those church-going types whom I understand had kindly invited him to join their Bible study group.
Mike Brown stole a box of blunts and you guys went one and on calling it robbery.

This kid is caught with an entire medicine cabinet in his pockets and murders 9 people and you seek to understand.

You guys are a fucking hoot

I don't want to understand him. I disagree with diminished capacity defenses

He should be executed for what he did.

All that matters is the behavior. IDGAF why someone murders anyone in cold blood.

And BTW stealing is stealing no matter what was taken
The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?

Everytime the victim is white you run around saying the race doesnt matter. No one is fooled by your fuckery

Where have I said that "every time"

In fact it shouldn't matter what race any victim of a crime is should it?

It matters when the killer says he killed them because they were black.

Not really. Psychos can fixate on anything race is merely one of the many fixations psychos have

And what about the people who agree with everything he said about blacks but don't actually act out in this extreme manner.

Are you going to tell they're just psychos too? Are you going tell us they're not racists?

Yes because he has a following just like the TV show right?

I never said racism doesn't exist.

I said it doesn't matter why he killed those people only that he did.

BTW how is your search going for my supposed bias for so called conservative criminals?

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