NRA board member blames Charleston shooting deaths on pastor’s vote against guns in churches

The NRA has become a cover group for terrorism. These racial terrorists are EXACTLY the same as al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIL.

Good grief you people are such flaming ass holes,there is just no other words to describe you fuck sticks.Claiming your little hearts are hurt when you are willing to climb on top of dead people to push your bull shit agendas,you have zip for integrity,zip!!
Hysterical fucking children the lot of you.
When I see a car with a NRA bumper sticker, it instantly tells me everything I need to know about that person. I live in a relatively small community, and people know each other. I will avoid that person at any social event, gathering, or meeting. i consider him to be a clueless asshole, and very possibly dangerous, as well. I consider the NRA to be little less than a militia with a terrorist's agenda.
No it wouldn't have. What an utterly ridiculous comment. Only someone who has never in their life been in a hostile situation would be so incredibly misinformed as to say something so blatantly stupid. Just because you saw it in a Rambo movie doesn't make it real.

Bullshit. You have no idea what I have seen in life, but obviously you're wedded to the idea that gun laws work and creating more soft targets won't make it easier for insane assholes to waste a group of people.

Based upon that mindless post, I have a clear idea of what you haven't seen in your life.
No it wouldn't have. What an utterly ridiculous comment. Only someone who has never in their life been in a hostile situation would be so incredibly misinformed as to say something so blatantly stupid. Just because you saw it in a Rambo movie doesn't make it real.

Bullshit. You have no idea what I have seen in life, but obviously you're wedded to the idea that gun laws work and creating more soft targets won't make it easier for insane assholes to waste a group of people.

Based upon that mindless post, I have a clear idea of what you haven't seen in your life.

...whatever the hell that means.......
Fact is, if someone was armed they could've shot the gunman and saved lives.

No. That is not the fact. The fact is that this was a popular church and filled with people. The guy didn't come in and give everyone an announcement of his intentions so they could get ready. It just started happening and was probably over in seconds. People screaming, running, jumping to their feet - in other word, chaos. Someone else firing a piece in that would be more likely to hit one of the churchgoers than the shooter.

John Hinckley walked up to Reagan, who was surrounded by trained and armed secret service agents who were looking for threats, and he was able to put rounds in the President and Brady before they took him down. But you think an amateur in the middle of a melee could accurately fire at a single person? There is a difference between a movie and real life.
I heard he reloaded 4 times. Someone with a gun could've of stopped him.
They just don't care how much salt they rub in the wounds. To wake up this morning and see this shit hurts my heart, I cannot even imagine how it must feel to those who personally lost a loved one. Gun nutters are terrible people.

The NRA is now just in the business of inducing fear and paranoia. That is their business model.
kind of like the government
NRA Board Member said:
“And he voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue.”

The facts are facts bed wetters, if someone who wasn't a crazy asshole had been armed in that church, the outcome would have been much different.
Right. Cause so many mass shootings have been nipped in the bud by that gun nut delusion, the good guy with a gun.
maybe not mass shootings but I'll bet a lot of individual deaths outnumbering those of all the mass shootings in this country combined have been prevented by gun owners
The NRA has become a cover group for terrorism. These racial terrorists are EXACTLY the same as al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIL.

Good grief you people are such flaming ass holes,there is just no other words to describe you fuck sticks.Claiming your little hearts are hurt when you are willing to climb on top of dead people to push your bull shit agendas,you have zip for integrity,zip!!
Hysterical fucking children the lot of you.
Kind of like Obama pushing gun control while speaking about the deaths in the church
dimocraps are scum

Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

According to a CBS News report, earlier this year when cops searched Roof after he was acting suspiciously inside a Bath and Body Works store, they found “orange strips” that Roof told officers was suboxone, a narcotic that is used to treat opiate addiction.

Suboxone is a habit-forming drug that has been connected with sudden outbursts of aggression.

A user on the MD Junction website relates how her husband “became violent, smashing things and threatening me,” after just a few days of coming off suboxone.

Another poster on the website tells the story of how his personality completely changed as a result of taking suboxone.

The individual relates how he became “nasty” and “violent” just weeks into taking the drug, adding that he would “snap” and be mean to people for no reason.

Another poster reveals how his son-in-law “completely changed on suboxone,” and that the drug sent him into “self-destruct mode.”

A user named ‘Jhalloway’ also tells the story of how her husband’s addiction to suboxone was “ruining our life.”

A poster on a separate forum writes about how he became “horribly aggressive” towards his partner after taking 8mg of suboxone.

A website devoted to horror stories about the drug called also features a post by a woman whose husband obtained a gun and began violently beating his 15-year-old son after taking suboxone.
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore

The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?
NRA Board Member said:
“And he voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue.”

The facts are facts bed wetters, if someone who wasn't a crazy asshole had been armed in that church, the outcome would have been much different.
Right. Cause so many mass shootings have been nipped in the bud by that gun nut delusion, the good guy with a gun.
maybe not mass shootings but I'll bet a lot of individual deaths outnumbering those of all the mass shootings in this country combined have been prevented by gun owners
And of course that is utter bullshit you cannot prove.
Fact is, if someone was armed they could've shot the gunman and saved lives.

No. That is not the fact. The fact is that this was a popular church and filled with people. The guy didn't come in and give everyone an announcement of his intentions so they could get ready. It just started happening and was probably over in seconds. People screaming, running, jumping to their feet - in other word, chaos. Someone else firing a piece in that would be more likely to hit one of the churchgoers than the shooter.

John Hinckley walked up to Reagan, who was surrounded by trained and armed secret service agents who were looking for threats, and he was able to put rounds in the President and Brady before they took him down. But you think an amateur in the middle of a melee could accurately fire at a single person? There is a difference between a movie and real life.
I heard he reloaded 4 times. Someone with a gun could've of stopped him.

Someone WITHOUT a gun COULD'VE stopped him. COULD being the word
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore

The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?
He was a right wing racist who killed after hearing, repeatedly, how much a problem black folks are. There is nothing in the record so far that he was on drugs.
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore

The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?

Why are you trying to weasel out of the FACT that this guy was a rightwing domestic terrorist?
Is it even possible anymore for a black person to die a violent death in America without the Right finding a way to make it the black person's fault?

Now you're getting it. ANYTHING that happens to a black person is the fault solely of that black person no matter what.

Thats why no one listens to their excuses and hand wringing anymore

The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?

Everytime the victim is white you run around saying the race doesnt matter. No one is fooled by your fuckery
The truth is that it really doesn't matter what race the victims were well only if you're not some partisan hack idiot sheep.

All I saw was good people killed by a psycho on drugs. Why do you have to make it more than that?

Because dimocraps are scum who are ONLY interested in how they can exploit a tragedy to their political advantage.

They absolutely could not care less about the victims.

dimocraps care only about the acquisition of power. Then, everything is whatever they say it is.

You people better start to realize that everything I'm saying about dimocraps is true.

They really are scum

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