NRA emergency airlifts high capacity magazines into Virgina as tensions flare

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

Lets abolish all laws because people still murder, rape & rob.

Great logic.

About as logical as punishing one group of people for the actions of another. Say, by your logic we can go head and pre arrest all black people for hate crimes because black people in New Jersey are committing hate crimes agains news in New Jersey. That. And ban machetes to because that's what the last black guy to assault jews in Jersey used.

Yes, it's aggravating that some assholes always screw it up for the rest of us. We used to be able to drink a beer on the way home, but drunks killed too many people, and now we have open container laws. I used to be able to catch all the fish I wanted but some ass holes took so many till it didn't leave enough to spawn the next generation of fish. Now we have limits on what we can catch. You figure out a way to keep ass holes from messing it up for the rest of us, and you'll get rich. Until then, those few will cause us all problems.

Agree with all of it, but more folks in this country STILL die from drunk drivers then guns. And I feel ya on the bag limits on the fish, but those limits actually work. Same for deer. I catch way better reds then your grandpa. I would have said my grandpa, but he ain't from America and he is dead. Still, bag limits have an impact that you can see in whatever game you are after. You add these weird rules to a right that's written into the constitution (drinking beer while driving home ain't) or modify that constitutional right then why not do it with the first to? Why shouldn't the govrenment moderate USMB? Or why couldent blacks use their own water fountain? It's a slippery slope.

The supreme court has determined that background checks are not infringement. No need to modify anything in the constitution. The government does regulate USMB. There are rules that must be followed by the owners of the site as well as posters. hat doesn't infringe on any rights we have. Your absurd remark about blacks and their own water fountains is almost as dumb as your slippery slope whine. It's been more than 40 years that gun nuts have been whining about their unfounded fear of gun confiscation. Which were the slippery years during that time?

USMB is NOT moderated by the govrenment. Anyone is free to say whatever they want. It's USMB that moderates. If we want to say things they don't like there is the whole woorld wide web for us to find our spot. And the blacks having their own water fountain remark is at least definable. You are still struggling with a universal background check is. I mean, you say we need it, but you just can't say what it exactly is. I buy a gun, I fill out a yellow paper and my background is checked. It works. Matter of fact, the only failure have been on the part of the govrenment that needs "universal backroad checks" that no one can define, they just know we need them. But you still can't say what in them is better then what we already got. And I'm not worried about my guns being taken. If they said I have to give them up I would hand them over. My whine is what's so awesom about more rules and laws when one can point to several failures in them. Again, you still pop a top official n your way home after work, or do you obey the law?
Yes, I'm aware that is what you fear. There just isn't any reason to believe your fears are reasonable. Again, I ask if you have any logical reasons to believe your guns will be confiscated.
Yes, I do, unreasonable and illogical gun control laws. each one puts us one step closer to confiscation...[do me a favor, copy that and then paste it in response to your upcoming posts, all of them.:abgg2q.jpg:

Normally, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and at least give you the opportunity to say something other that your short trite talking point, but if you insist, I will try to honor your request, and just scroll past what you might post.
Because all these years, hundreds of them in fact this really hasn't been an issue. Should we have licensed the sale of ladders after the first person fell off one and died? What about hammers? Those actually have an FBI stat for use as a murder weapon.

We aren't talking about hammers or ladders. Why are you trying to change the subject?

Not. You want me to have a baby sitter because I have a gun. Hammers, screw drivers, ladders and horses kill plenty of people more frequently then me and my gun. There is no point to your "universal background check", something no one can define, that the standard background check doesn't cover already. So what you are doing is saying I can't give my sons a gun because some gay haji wannabe shot up a gay night club in Florida, or some kid in Santa Fe Texas went batshit crazy and shot up his school. What your doing is buying the same bullshit that consist of buzzwords "universal background check" so you can be sold fake security. In the end, a bad guy is going to get a gun and he will shoot up a mall, school, post office, or whatever and nothing your polititions or TV personalities say or do will change that.

I'm still not sure why you keep trying to change the subject to such odd things. I have no idea if you need a babysitter. You should ask your care giver about that. If the word universal confuses you, I just mean anybody who takes ownership of a gun should have to pass a background check, just like we now do with licensed sellers. I'll consider using another word if that one is too big for you. You are free to give your sons all the guns you want. I'm not aware of any regulation that assures 100% effectiveness. Drivers licenses don't prevent unsafe drivers. Doctor's certifications don't prevent unqualified doctors, and contractor licensing doesn't prevent shoddy work. Why would you require 100% effectiveness when no other regulation is capable of providing that?

See? You don't even know what a universal background check is other then "it's universal and we need it". You say we need it, but you don't even know what "IT" is. That's how sheep are. Don't fall for it. Know what you are promoting. You want to ban parking lot sales at gun shows. Fine. That's not unreasonable. But what would it do to curb gun violence?

The same checks that licensed gun dealers are required to do seems pretty self explanatory to me. Which part of that confuses you?

Now you are beginning to crawfish. You claim universal background checks will end gun violence. STILL you can't say why. Be honest, it's because you don't even know what a universal background check is. No one does. Y'all say the same shit when asked to explain it. "We need it, then close the gun show loop hole" which has been closed since around 1995. I have yet to buy at a fun show without filling out he paper. You seem to listen to the politicians, what is a universal background check, how will it help us not get shot? And do you still pop a top on your way home after work?
Gun nuts have been whining about gun confiscation for more than 40 years. Probably more, but I know it's been at least more than 40 years. Can you name one time when it could have been a real possibility? You're nuts. I won't even pretend to know anything about problems you people who are nuts have communicating.
"GUN NUTS" the language of those who want to confiscate guns...
...every time you vote it makes the confiscation a possibility and right now we are closer than ever...with every new gun control law we get one step closer and while you may be able to deny that you are voting for politicians who would love to outlaw guns no one is fooled by that.

Please name the current bill that would confiscate your guns.

After you answer honestly, do you still pop a top on your way home?

No I don't. That doesn't mean that I might not decide I want to some day. If I do, I know that I'll be taking the risk of a open container charge. At my age, I pretty much do what I want to do.
Normally, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and at least give you the opportunity to say something other that your short trite talking point, but if you insist, I will try to honor your request, and just scroll past what you might post.
I already told you this but here it is again, every gun control law is a step toward confiscation.
Gun nuts have been whining about gun confiscation for more than 40 years. Probably more, but I know it's been at least more than 40 years. Can you name one time when it could have been a real possibility? You're nuts. I won't even pretend to know anything about problems you people who are nuts have communicating.
"GUN NUTS" the language of those who want to confiscate guns...
...every time you vote it makes the confiscation a possibility and right now we are closer than ever...with every new gun control law we get one step closer and while you may be able to deny that you are voting for politicians who would love to outlaw guns no one is fooled by that.

Please name the current bill that would confiscate your guns.

After you answer honestly, do you still pop a top on your way home?

No I don't. That doesn't mean that I might not decide I want to some day. If I do, I know that I'll be taking the risk of a open container charge. At my age, I pretty much do what I want to do.

And there you go. I happen to agree with you on that issue. But in the end, making open container in the car illegal did nothing to stop folks getting killed in DUI accidents. Same with new gun laws. Some make sense, most are just stupid patronizing crap from political elites.
You aint doing shit but ordering ED pills from Alex Jones and dying...…..shut yo bitch ass up
No, we are preparing for a war against your kind. Now, I think it will be averted because most of you want someone else to do your dirty work, and you won't have the spine to attack all those armed Americans in VA. if there is an attack it will be some cowardly back shooting or church massacre like you are known for. Perhaps pull a few old men out of their cars and beat them. Things like that.
Like I said, you aint gonna do shit but tap your little dic sucking hands on them computer keys and shut the fuck up when you see me or any of my kind in public.....
You can say it as many times as you like but you know and all the rest of us know you are a liar. I have family in VA and we aren't laying down. Do what you will liar. We are ready.
I have family in VA too...I graduated college in VA...

You aint gonna do shit but shut the fuck up...

And the minute any of you "we gonna go kill da blacks" ever does something like walk into a church and murder black folks -- dick suckers like you are the first ones to distance yourself and pretend "he was just a nut job" --too much of a coward to own that bullshit you fuk what you yapping about now
Look how this traitor in melting down at the fact that will not be cheated out of our rights. Tell us some more lies, quisling.

So you start an internal war in the US. Is that the threat that makes you want to have arsenals in your home?
Lets abolish all laws because people still murder, rape & rob.

Great logic.

About as logical as punishing one group of people for the actions of another. Say, by your logic we can go head and pre arrest all black people for hate crimes because black people in New Jersey are committing hate crimes agains news in New Jersey. That. And ban machetes to because that's what the last black guy to assault jews in Jersey used.

Yes, it's aggravating that some assholes always screw it up for the rest of us. We used to be able to drink a beer on the way home, but drunks killed too many people, and now we have open container laws. I used to be able to catch all the fish I wanted but some ass holes took so many till it didn't leave enough to spawn the next generation of fish. Now we have limits on what we can catch. You figure out a way to keep ass holes from messing it up for the rest of us, and you'll get rich. Until then, those few will cause us all problems.

Agree with all of it, but more folks in this country STILL die from drunk drivers then guns. And I feel ya on the bag limits on the fish, but those limits actually work. Same for deer. I catch way better reds then your grandpa. I would have said my grandpa, but he ain't from America and he is dead. Still, bag limits have an impact that you can see in whatever game you are after. You add these weird rules to a right that's written into the constitution (drinking beer while driving home ain't) or modify that constitutional right then why not do it with the first to? Why shouldn't the govrenment moderate USMB? Or why couldent blacks use their own water fountain? It's a slippery slope.

The supreme court has determined that background checks are not infringement. No need to modify anything in the constitution. The government does regulate USMB. There are rules that must be followed by the owners of the site as well as posters. hat doesn't infringe on any rights we have. Your absurd remark about blacks and their own water fountains is almost as dumb as your slippery slope whine. It's been more than 40 years that gun nuts have been whining about their unfounded fear of gun confiscation. Which were the slippery years during that time?

USMB is NOT moderated by the govrenment. Anyone is free to say whatever they want. It's USMB that moderates. If we want to say things they don't like there is the whole woorld wide web for us to find our spot. And the blacks having their own water fountain remark is at least definable. You are still struggling with a universal background check is. I mean, you say we need it, but you just can't say what it exactly is. I buy a gun, I fill out a yellow paper and my background is checked. It works. Matter of fact, the only failure have been on the part of the govrenment that needs "universal backroad checks" that no one can define, they just know we need them. But you still can't say what in them is better then what we already got. And I'm not worried about my guns being taken. If they said I have to give them up I would hand them over. My whine is what's so awesom about more rules and laws when one can point to several failures in them. Again, you still pop a top official n your way home after work, or do you obey the law?

I guess I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a discussion board has to meet certain requirements like every other business does. I'm not sure what those requirements might be, but I'll bet a dollar that they exist. The only problem I seem to be having is saying it in a way that you will understand. The checks I am talking about wouldn't be any better than the ones that are required now. They would be the exact same background checks we do now. They just wouldn't be limited to guns bought from a licensed dealer. Yes, some individual sellers wouldn't bother with following the law, but I know lots of people would be less likely to allow a crook to buy their gun if there was a chance, however small, that they could be found liable for not performing the background check. I'm still not clear how you can demand background checks for individual sellers be 100% effective when no other law that we have for anything is 100% effective. That just sounds unreasonable to me.
We aren't talking about hammers or ladders. Why are you trying to change the subject?

Not. You want me to have a baby sitter because I have a gun. Hammers, screw drivers, ladders and horses kill plenty of people more frequently then me and my gun. There is no point to your "universal background check", something no one can define, that the standard background check doesn't cover already. So what you are doing is saying I can't give my sons a gun because some gay haji wannabe shot up a gay night club in Florida, or some kid in Santa Fe Texas went batshit crazy and shot up his school. What your doing is buying the same bullshit that consist of buzzwords "universal background check" so you can be sold fake security. In the end, a bad guy is going to get a gun and he will shoot up a mall, school, post office, or whatever and nothing your polititions or TV personalities say or do will change that.

I'm still not sure why you keep trying to change the subject to such odd things. I have no idea if you need a babysitter. You should ask your care giver about that. If the word universal confuses you, I just mean anybody who takes ownership of a gun should have to pass a background check, just like we now do with licensed sellers. I'll consider using another word if that one is too big for you. You are free to give your sons all the guns you want. I'm not aware of any regulation that assures 100% effectiveness. Drivers licenses don't prevent unsafe drivers. Doctor's certifications don't prevent unqualified doctors, and contractor licensing doesn't prevent shoddy work. Why would you require 100% effectiveness when no other regulation is capable of providing that?

See? You don't even know what a universal background check is other then "it's universal and we need it". You say we need it, but you don't even know what "IT" is. That's how sheep are. Don't fall for it. Know what you are promoting. You want to ban parking lot sales at gun shows. Fine. That's not unreasonable. But what would it do to curb gun violence?

The same checks that licensed gun dealers are required to do seems pretty self explanatory to me. Which part of that confuses you?

Now you are beginning to crawfish. You claim universal background checks will end gun violence. STILL you can't say why. Be honest, it's because you don't even know what a universal background check is. No one does. Y'all say the same shit when asked to explain it. "We need it, then close the gun show loop hole" which has been closed since around 1995. I have yet to buy at a fun show without filling out he paper. You seem to listen to the politicians, what is a universal background check, how will it help us not get shot? And do you still pop a top on your way home after work?

I never claimed any such thing. I explained the checks are the same as we already do, just for more than licensed dealers. If you want to buy guns without any paperwork at all, bring money and a pickup and meet me in Houston. You'll go home with a truck load of guns with no checks or paperwork of any kind. If there is a gun show in town, your truck will be full before noon. Being retired, I don't do anything that could be classified as work. other than a little consulting, and that is mostly just a code word my ex boss uses to justify paying for my plane ticket, hotel room and rental car when I go to the Christmas and 4th of July parties at corporate headquarters. Hard to enjoy a beer while driving, but it's not unusual to have a couple when I'm kicked back on the porch swing. I'm more of a Rum or Scotch drinker
Normally, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and at least give you the opportunity to say something other that your short trite talking point, but if you insist, I will try to honor your request, and just scroll past what you might post.
I already told you this but here it is again, every gun control law is a step toward confiscation.

Maybe not confiscation, but definitely removing them from poor people's hands. If they can't ban them the goal is to make owning them suck so bad and so expensive that folks just won't try.
About as logical as punishing one group of people for the actions of another. Say, by your logic we can go head and pre arrest all black people for hate crimes because black people in New Jersey are committing hate crimes agains news in New Jersey. That. And ban machetes to because that's what the last black guy to assault jews in Jersey used.

Yes, it's aggravating that some assholes always screw it up for the rest of us. We used to be able to drink a beer on the way home, but drunks killed too many people, and now we have open container laws. I used to be able to catch all the fish I wanted but some ass holes took so many till it didn't leave enough to spawn the next generation of fish. Now we have limits on what we can catch. You figure out a way to keep ass holes from messing it up for the rest of us, and you'll get rich. Until then, those few will cause us all problems.

Agree with all of it, but more folks in this country STILL die from drunk drivers then guns. And I feel ya on the bag limits on the fish, but those limits actually work. Same for deer. I catch way better reds then your grandpa. I would have said my grandpa, but he ain't from America and he is dead. Still, bag limits have an impact that you can see in whatever game you are after. You add these weird rules to a right that's written into the constitution (drinking beer while driving home ain't) or modify that constitutional right then why not do it with the first to? Why shouldn't the govrenment moderate USMB? Or why couldent blacks use their own water fountain? It's a slippery slope.

The supreme court has determined that background checks are not infringement. No need to modify anything in the constitution. The government does regulate USMB. There are rules that must be followed by the owners of the site as well as posters. hat doesn't infringe on any rights we have. Your absurd remark about blacks and their own water fountains is almost as dumb as your slippery slope whine. It's been more than 40 years that gun nuts have been whining about their unfounded fear of gun confiscation. Which were the slippery years during that time?

USMB is NOT moderated by the govrenment. Anyone is free to say whatever they want. It's USMB that moderates. If we want to say things they don't like there is the whole woorld wide web for us to find our spot. And the blacks having their own water fountain remark is at least definable. You are still struggling with a universal background check is. I mean, you say we need it, but you just can't say what it exactly is. I buy a gun, I fill out a yellow paper and my background is checked. It works. Matter of fact, the only failure have been on the part of the govrenment that needs "universal backroad checks" that no one can define, they just know we need them. But you still can't say what in them is better then what we already got. And I'm not worried about my guns being taken. If they said I have to give them up I would hand them over. My whine is what's so awesom about more rules and laws when one can point to several failures in them. Again, you still pop a top official n your way home after work, or do you obey the law?

I guess I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a discussion board has to meet certain requirements like every other business does. I'm not sure what those requirements might be, but I'll bet a dollar that they exist. The only problem I seem to be having is saying it in a way that you will understand. The checks I am talking about wouldn't be any better than the ones that are required now. They would be the exact same background checks we do now. They just wouldn't be limited to guns bought from a licensed dealer. Yes, some individual sellers wouldn't bother with following the law, but I know lots of people would be less likely to allow a crook to buy their gun if there was a chance, however small, that they could be found liable for not performing the background check. I'm still not clear how you can demand background checks for individual sellers be 100% effective when no other law that we have for anything is 100% effective. That just sounds unreasonable to me.

I do see your point. Like I said, want to ban parking lot sales at gun shows, by all means go head. Most places already do that. but in the end it comes down to the guy doing the shooting. Maybe find out what's making them do this shit. And we gotta accept that nothing we do will stop a crazy person from going into a night club and shooting everybody. But a law for the sake of having a law is just dumb. As for what one can say and what's protected by the 1st amendment I'll PM you a weird SCOTUS case.
Gun nuts have been whining about gun confiscation for more than 40 years. Probably more, but I know it's been at least more than 40 years. Can you name one time when it could have been a real possibility? You're nuts. I won't even pretend to know anything about problems you people who are nuts have communicating.
"GUN NUTS" the language of those who want to confiscate guns...
...every time you vote it makes the confiscation a possibility and right now we are closer than ever...with every new gun control law we get one step closer and while you may be able to deny that you are voting for politicians who would love to outlaw guns no one is fooled by that.

Please name the current bill that would confiscate your guns.

After you answer honestly, do you still pop a top on your way home?

No I don't. That doesn't mean that I might not decide I want to some day. If I do, I know that I'll be taking the risk of a open container charge. At my age, I pretty much do what I want to do.

And there you go. I happen to agree with you on that issue. But in the end, making open container in the car illegal did nothing to stop folks getting killed in DUI accidents. Same with new gun laws. Some make sense, most are just stupid patronizing crap from political elites.

Of course open container laws prevent deaths. If you aren't drinking while you drive, you can't get drunk. Yes, I know some get drunk before they drive, but lots have been sober when they left work, and a long drive home while drinking made them dangerous.
Normally, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and at least give you the opportunity to say something other that your short trite talking point, but if you insist, I will try to honor your request, and just scroll past what you might post.
I already told you this but here it is again, every gun control law is a step toward confiscation.

Maybe not confiscation, but definitely removing them from poor people's hands. If they can't ban them the goal is to make owning them suck so bad and so expensive that folks just won't try.

So say that and we can discuss that. Whining about confiscation is bullshit. I know that, and you just admitted it.
Yes, it's aggravating that some assholes always screw it up for the rest of us. We used to be able to drink a beer on the way home, but drunks killed too many people, and now we have open container laws. I used to be able to catch all the fish I wanted but some ass holes took so many till it didn't leave enough to spawn the next generation of fish. Now we have limits on what we can catch. You figure out a way to keep ass holes from messing it up for the rest of us, and you'll get rich. Until then, those few will cause us all problems.

Agree with all of it, but more folks in this country STILL die from drunk drivers then guns. And I feel ya on the bag limits on the fish, but those limits actually work. Same for deer. I catch way better reds then your grandpa. I would have said my grandpa, but he ain't from America and he is dead. Still, bag limits have an impact that you can see in whatever game you are after. You add these weird rules to a right that's written into the constitution (drinking beer while driving home ain't) or modify that constitutional right then why not do it with the first to? Why shouldn't the govrenment moderate USMB? Or why couldent blacks use their own water fountain? It's a slippery slope.

The supreme court has determined that background checks are not infringement. No need to modify anything in the constitution. The government does regulate USMB. There are rules that must be followed by the owners of the site as well as posters. hat doesn't infringe on any rights we have. Your absurd remark about blacks and their own water fountains is almost as dumb as your slippery slope whine. It's been more than 40 years that gun nuts have been whining about their unfounded fear of gun confiscation. Which were the slippery years during that time?

USMB is NOT moderated by the govrenment. Anyone is free to say whatever they want. It's USMB that moderates. If we want to say things they don't like there is the whole woorld wide web for us to find our spot. And the blacks having their own water fountain remark is at least definable. You are still struggling with a universal background check is. I mean, you say we need it, but you just can't say what it exactly is. I buy a gun, I fill out a yellow paper and my background is checked. It works. Matter of fact, the only failure have been on the part of the govrenment that needs "universal backroad checks" that no one can define, they just know we need them. But you still can't say what in them is better then what we already got. And I'm not worried about my guns being taken. If they said I have to give them up I would hand them over. My whine is what's so awesom about more rules and laws when one can point to several failures in them. Again, you still pop a top official n your way home after work, or do you obey the law?

I guess I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a discussion board has to meet certain requirements like every other business does. I'm not sure what those requirements might be, but I'll bet a dollar that they exist. The only problem I seem to be having is saying it in a way that you will understand. The checks I am talking about wouldn't be any better than the ones that are required now. They would be the exact same background checks we do now. They just wouldn't be limited to guns bought from a licensed dealer. Yes, some individual sellers wouldn't bother with following the law, but I know lots of people would be less likely to allow a crook to buy their gun if there was a chance, however small, that they could be found liable for not performing the background check. I'm still not clear how you can demand background checks for individual sellers be 100% effective when no other law that we have for anything is 100% effective. That just sounds unreasonable to me.

I do see your point. Like I said, want to ban parking lot sales at gun shows, by all means go head. Most places already do that. but in the end it comes down to the guy doing the shooting. Maybe find out what's making them do this shit. And we gotta accept that nothing we do will stop a crazy person from going into a night club and shooting everybody. But a law for the sake of having a law is just dumb. As for what one can say and what's protected by the 1st amendment I'll PM you a weird SCOTUS case.

If selling guns in the parking lot without a background check is unacceptable, what about selling one to someone you don't know out of your trunk on the side of the road, or in an alley?
Normally, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and at least give you the opportunity to say something other that your short trite talking point, but if you insist, I will try to honor your request, and just scroll past what you might post.
I already told you this but here it is again, every gun control law is a step toward confiscation.

Maybe not confiscation, but definitely removing them from poor people's hands. If they can't ban them the goal is to make owning them suck so bad and so expensive that folks just won't try.

So say that and we can discuss that. Whining about confiscation is bullshit. I know that, and you just admitted it.

To be honest, I don't think I whined about confiscation. I whined about more pointless stupid laws like limiting magazine capacity or cosmetic features. Laws like that are nothing more then pandering to stupid people. What's going on in Virgina will demonstrate that just like the do in California, Illinois and so on.
There is no proof that 90% of gun owners support more gun laws than we already have

But what you are saying is people who agree with you are ok and people who dont are “gun nuts”

Well, yes. There is lots of proof that more than 90% support universal background checks. .
Poll: 97 percent support background checks for all gun buyers

You just proved our point. Thank you, dumbass!

Let's see a poll that distinguishes background checks from universal background checks? Don't have one of those due you?

Have you bought a plant today to make up for the oxygen you waste simply by existing?

What a childishly silly remark.

You can't answer the question, so you deflect. You are an incredible waste of skin.

What then you pathetic little weeny? You'll just petulantly keep demanding polls from smaller and smaller subsets of the population until you finally get the result you are looking for. The vast majority of the country wants universal background checks but the NRA, using their bought and paid for right wing politicians, are usurping the will of the people. The fact that they are powerful enough to do that, but you are still too much of a pussy to even admit that is what is happening is just more proof that they are pulling your strings like a puppet. You send them money so they can do things you are too embarrassed to admit.

Tell me the difference in a background check and a universal background check!

Then you need to explain exactly how a universal background check will prevent the purchase of guns by those not legally able to possess a gun.

That's clothing, bags, etc. dumbass!

You see any guns, ammunition, or gun accessories for sale on that site?

The closest thing they have are holsters.
That's not what you said dumbass. You said they sell nothing but membership's

They don't sell GUNS, shit for brains!

The gear they do sell is membership related.

I swear, I have rarely seen someone dumber than a liberal, but I think we have a winner in you, racist POS!

When even another gun nut as crazy as Bigreb says you are full of shit, you really should reconsider your strategy.

Bigreb is just pissed at me because he is a racist SOB who does not like it that I outed him to the world. Besting him was little consequence for me.
What propaganda are you referring to?

the NRA is a gun rights organization

citizens buy guns based on need not any alleged brainwashing by the NRA

Bullshit. The NRA convinces the gun nuts they need to buy lots of guns.
Most gun owners are not “gun nuts”

you have it backwards

gun owners do not exist because of the NRA

The NRA exists because of gun owners

I never said gun owners and gun nuts were the same thing. More than 90% of the country, including gun owners, support universal background checks. Gun nuts, brainwashed by NRA propaganda, oppose them.

That is a lie.....people who support those background checks don't understand the issue....if they did, they wouldn't support background checks....

You know this and have been shown the are a lying asshat.

Right. Anyone who isn't a gun nut like you is just too stupid to understand. That strategy has worked so well with the black folk, so you should expand it to all your other areas of endeavor. What could go wrong?

It is not that anyone is too stupid to understand. Most people do not know the facts because they don't own guns and live in the falsehoods produced by TV shows where you can always identify the gun's owner, despite the fact you cannot do that in most parts of this country where registration is not required..

On the other hand, you ARE that fucking stupid!
The NRA sells everything gun related. They were once a fine organization that taught gun safety. Now they are nothing more than the marketing wing for the gun manufacturers.

The NRA sells nothing gun related you ignoramus. There are paid for adds in their magazines but they aren't selling any gun related. You're about as bright as a night light aren't you.

No, not direct sales, but marketing does have a huge effect on sales. Are you really going to try to use that tiny distinction to say the NRA doesn't bring in millions of dollars for gun and gun paraphernalia companies?

So? It's a free country. Why is that a problem for you? Does it go against your statist beliefs?

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