NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


There are over 4 million NRA members. Neither I nor the NRA are responsible for the actions of the lunatic fringe.

But I see that you still haven't answered my question.

Why is he a "lunatic fringe"?

Frankly, the only difference I see between McVeigh and Dowlut and LaPeirre is that McVeigh actually acted and just didn't talk smack.

If you can't see the difference then you need help.

I told you the difference.

The NRA talks smack.

McVeigh walked the walk.

What do you you really think a revolution agianst the government is going to look like? Just asking. Because if you insist the reason why we need Mama Nancy armed like the Zombies are coming because the government might impose "tyranny" on us, what do you think that's going to look like, exactly.

There are over 4 million NRA members. Neither I nor the NRA are responsible for the actions of the lunatic fringe.

But I see that you still haven't answered my question.

Why is he a "lunatic fringe"?

Frankly, the only difference I see between McVeigh and Dowlut and LaPeirre is that McVeigh actually acted and just didn't talk smack.

If you can't see the difference then you need help.

I told you the difference.

The NRA talks smack.

McVeigh walked the walk.

What do you you really think a revolution agianst the government is going to look like? Just asking. Because if you insist the reason why we need Mama Nancy armed like the Zombies are coming because the government might impose "tyranny" on us, what do you think that's going to look like, exactly.

Still not answering the question? Hmmmm.
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

... NRA general counsel Robert J. Dowlut, is a low-profile yet influential legal expert who has spent more than 35 years pushing for an aggressively broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. In 1964, he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting his girlfriend's mother in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Did the NRA Know About Robert Dowlut's Reversed Murder Conviction? | Mother Jones

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

so who the fuck cares now?

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

They shot a 14 year old boy in the back as he retreated. And the Weavers were not Nazis. They were fundamentalist christians who thought the apocalypse was imminent. But that didn't harm anyone.

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

They shot a 14 year old boy in the back as he retreated. And the Weavers were not Nazis. They were fundamentalist christians who thought the apocalypse was imminent. But that didn't harm anyone.

Um, yeah, other than they were racists and stockpiling weapons.

So Nancy wasn't a Prepper and the Weavers weren't Nazis. Next you'll be telling me Koresh was an okay guy.

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

They shot a 14 year old boy in the back as he retreated. And the Weavers were not Nazis. They were fundamentalist christians who thought the apocalypse was imminent. But that didn't harm anyone.

Um, yeah, other than they were racists and stockpiling weapons.

So Nancy wasn't a Prepper and the Weavers weren't Nazis. Next you'll be telling me Koresh was an okay guy.

Whatever you think you know about the Weavers, for a 14 year old boyto be shot in the back and for a mother to be murdered by a sniper as she held a baby in her arms is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

That you blame others in this thread of racism and of being unconcerned about the gun deaths, and then say the things you have said is equally unacceptable. But not surprising.

Now, the reason Timothy McVeigh entered this conversation was by way of showing that your demented plans will change nothing if we do not change the fundamental causes of the violent behaviors. But since you support violent behavior, as long as it's against the right people, I can understand why that is beyond your comprehension.

Whatever you think you know about the Weavers, for a 14 year old boyto be shot in the back and for a mother to be murdered by a sniper as she held a baby in her arms is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

That you blame others in this thread of racism and of being unconcerned about the gun deaths, and then say the things you have said is equally unacceptable. But not surprising.

Seriously, guy, fuck the Weavers. They were Nazis. Tapping that 14 year old just deprived the prison-industrial complex of a Swastika-tattooed permanent resident. THe only mistake they made was after the shootout, they didn't go in and double tap Randy and his pals.

Now, the reason Timothy McVeigh entered this conversation was by way of showing that your demented plans will change nothing if we do not change the fundamental causes of the violent behaviors. But since you support violent behavior, as long as it's against the right people, I can understand why that is beyond your comprehension.

No, you see, here's the problem. You see, after McVeigh did what he did, we put a whole bunch of restrictions in place on who could buy fertilizer and started tracking it. Because - get this- you didn't have a National Fertilizer Association fighting for the right of crazy shits to make bombs out of their product.

Whatever you think you know about the Weavers, for a 14 year old boyto be shot in the back and for a mother to be murdered by a sniper as she held a baby in her arms is unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable.

That you blame others in this thread of racism and of being unconcerned about the gun deaths, and then say the things you have said is equally unacceptable. But not surprising.

Seriously, guy, fuck the Weavers. They were Nazis. Tapping that 14 year old just deprived the prison-industrial complex of a Swastika-tattooed permanent resident. THe only mistake they made was after the shootout, they didn't go in and double tap Randy and his pals.

Now, the reason Timothy McVeigh entered this conversation was by way of showing that your demented plans will change nothing if we do not change the fundamental causes of the violent behaviors. But since you support violent behavior, as long as it's against the right people, I can understand why that is beyond your comprehension.

No, you see, here's the problem. You see, after McVeigh did what he did, we put a whole bunch of restrictions in place on who could buy fertilizer and started tracking it. Because - get this- you didn't have a National Fertilizer Association fighting for the right of crazy shits to make bombs out of their product.

Do you think it is impossible to build a bomb now? lmao
Seriously, guy, fuck the Weavers. They were Nazis. Tapping that 14 year old just deprived the prison-industrial complex of a Swastika-tattooed permanent resident. THe only mistake they made was after the shootout, they didn't go in and double tap Randy and his pals.

No, you see, here's the problem. You see, after McVeigh did what he did, we put a whole bunch of restrictions in place on who could buy fertilizer and started tracking it. Because - get this- you didn't have a National Fertilizer Association fighting for the right of crazy shits to make bombs out of their product.

Wow! Disgusting and stupid.

Do you think it is impossible to build a bomb now? lmao

Impossible? No. Harder? Absolutely.

same thing after 9/11. After they flew those planes into buildings, we put in a bunch of restrictions. We put steel doors on cockpits. We put air marshals on planes. we put better scanners in the airports. We replaced the minimum wage rent-a-cops with professional TSA agents. You see, that's what you do when you have a tragedy. You find out what went wrong, you learn from it, you make corrections.

Unless of course, the Tragedy involves guns. Then you get assholes like Dowlut and LaPeirre coming out talking about "Freedom" and "Founding Fathers" and saying absolutely batshit crazy shit about how we need to have the teachers packing heat. Because we don't dare deprive Crazy Nancy of her Anti-Zombie arsenal.

Do you think it is impossible to build a bomb now? lmao

Impossible? No. Harder? Absolutely.

same thing after 9/11. After they flew those planes into buildings, we put in a bunch of restrictions. We put steel doors on cockpits. We put air marshals on planes. we put better scanners in the airports. We replaced the minimum wage rent-a-cops with professional TSA agents. You see, that's what you do when you have a tragedy. You find out what went wrong, you learn from it, you make corrections.

Unless of course, the Tragedy involves guns. Then you get assholes like Dowlut and LaPeirre coming out talking about "Freedom" and "Founding Fathers" and saying absolutely batshit crazy shit about how we need to have the teachers packing heat. Because we don't dare deprive Crazy Nancy of her Anti-Zombie arsenal.

The problem is your knee-jerk reactions do not do anything for the actual reasons for the violence. You want to remove a tool, but ignore the problems that should be addressed and ignore the failings of the systems in place.

You also are willing to risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens in your bid for governmental control of more and more of our lives. The fact that you cannot stay on one topic shows both your ignorance and your inability to win the debate. That you can only stay with a topic if you make off-the-wall connections and deny facts (simply because you don't like them) shows the lunacy of your side.

And the fact that you insist that one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights was written to protect the rights of a government, and not the people, shows both ignorance and a willingness to toss away rights in a quest for some utopia that will never exist.

That you think only your own questions need to be answered shows your personality and leaves you lacking.

The problem is your knee-jerk reactions do not do anything for the actual reasons for the violence. You want to remove a tool, but ignore the problems that should be addressed and ignore the failings of the systems in place.

You also are willing to risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens in your bid for governmental control of more and more of our lives.

Again, your argument would hold validity if no one had every successfully implmented gun control.

But every other industrialized nation has, every other industrialized nation reduced their murder rates after doing so.

The fact that you cannot stay on one topic shows both your ignorance and your inability to win the debate. That you can only stay with a topic if you make off-the-wall connections and deny facts (simply because you don't like them) shows the lunacy of your side.

yes, yes, let it all out.... Poor baby.

And the fact that you insist that one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights was written to protect the rights of a government, and not the people, shows both ignorance and a willingness to toss away rights in a quest for some utopia that will never exist.

Right. Except that England and Australia have tossed away these "rights", they are just as free as we are and they have a fraction of our murder rate.

But, but, but Founding Fathers. LIke I give a fuck about what they thought. If Thomas Jefferson let Sally Hemming pack heat, then I'd take him seriously.

That you think only your own questions need to be answered shows your personality and leaves you lacking.

I think that when people speculate about me, it means they usually don't have an argument.

I pride myself on how many people I've butthurt so bad they complain about me in their sig-lines.

The problem is your knee-jerk reactions do not do anything for the actual reasons for the violence. You want to remove a tool, but ignore the problems that should be addressed and ignore the failings of the systems in place.

You also are willing to risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens in your bid for governmental control of more and more of our lives.

Again, your argument would hold validity if no one had every successfully implmented gun control.

But every other industrialized nation has, every other industrialized nation reduced their murder rates after doing so.

The fact that you cannot stay on one topic shows both your ignorance and your inability to win the debate. That you can only stay with a topic if you make off-the-wall connections and deny facts (simply because you don't like them) shows the lunacy of your side.

yes, yes, let it all out.... Poor baby.

And the fact that you insist that one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights was written to protect the rights of a government, and not the people, shows both ignorance and a willingness to toss away rights in a quest for some utopia that will never exist.

Right. Except that England and Australia have tossed away these "rights", they are just as free as we are and they have a fraction of our murder rate.

But, but, but Founding Fathers. LIke I give a fuck about what they thought. If Thomas Jefferson let Sally Hemming pack heat, then I'd take him seriously.

That you think only your own questions need to be answered shows your personality and leaves you lacking.

I think that when people speculate about me, it means they usually don't have an argument.

I pride myself on how many people I've butthurt so bad they complain about me in their sig-lines.

Your quote in my sig-line is not a complaint. It is mocking you.
No, guy, it's you whining i didn't accept your horseshit about kind employers.
The fact that you cannot stay on one topic shows both your ignorance and your inability to win the debate. That you can only stay with a topic if you make off-the-wall connections and deny facts (simply because you don't like them) shows the lunacy of your side.

yes, yes, let it all out.... Poor baby.

Poor baby? lmao I am the one on the winning side. You are the one whining like a baby about things done by the tiny minority.
No, guy, it's you whining i didn't accept your horseshit about kind employers.

Right, because of your bullshit story about your injury and being mistreated. Not out of any sense of what is right or wrong. That would have required acknowledging that threatening someone's children was wrong.

You have lied, whined, ignored facts and changed topics throughout this entire thread.

Poor baby? lmao I am the one on the winning side. You are the one whining like a baby about things done by the tiny minority.

Well, you are coming off as a little whiny... :dev3:

Poor baby? lmao I am the one on the winning side. You are the one whining like a baby about things done by the tiny minority.

Well, you are coming off as a little whiny... :dev3:

Because I point out that you reject any facts that don't comply with your view? lol Hardly a whine. Simply a statement.

Guy, you've been whining for 29 pages now, mostly that I don't respect your magic "right" to own something that can kill your neighbors.

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