NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?

I'm afraid I don't know who "filled his head with those ideas". Are you going to suggest it was Robert Dowlut who filled Mcveigh's head with ideas of bombing a federal building? I hold Mcveigh responsible for his actions.

I know he was angry about the murder of the woman at Ruby Ridge.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

Oh, so it was a union man who filled his head.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

Oh, so it was a union man who filled his head.
The little acorn doesn't fall far from the democratic tree
Let's also not forget his father was a democrat.
Didn't your faher have some kind of influence on how you think?

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?

I notice you didn't answer my question about hunting rifles and shotguns. Will those be banned in your utopian fantasy? Of course, many of us hunt with handguns as well. I suppose a very large single action revolver won't make it thru your bans, will it?

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

Oh, so it was a union man who filled his head.
The little acorn doesn't fall far from the democratic tree
Let's also not forget his father was a democrat.
Didn't your faher have some kind of influence on how you think?

He did, to a point. Mine also taught me to think for myself and to question things. He and I argued about the Vietnam War. I thought it should never have happened, and he thought we should support it. Many years later he told me I was right in that argument. So he also taught me to admit when I am wrong.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

Oh, so it was a union man who filled his head.
The little acorn doesn't fall far from the democratic tree
Let's also not forget his father was a democrat.
Didn't your faher have some kind of influence on how you think?

He did, to a point. Mine also taught me to think for myself and to question things. He and I argued about the Vietnam War. I thought it should never have happened, and he thought we should support it. Many years later he told me I was right in that argument. So he also taught me to admit when I am wrong.
Your's taught you but McViegh father also taught him differently.the democrat way of doing things.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

And who filled McVeigh's head with those ideas, eh?
McVieghs Father was a union member democrat McViegh grew up being taught by his father.

Oh, so it was a union man who filled his head.
The little acorn doesn't fall far from the democratic tree
Let's also not forget his father was a democrat.
Didn't your faher have some kind of influence on how you think?

He did, to a point. Mine also taught me to think for myself and to question things. He and I argued about the Vietnam War. I thought it should never have happened, and he thought we should support it. Many years later he told me I was right in that argument. So he also taught me to admit when I am wrong.
Your's taught you but McViegh father also taught him differently.the democrat way of doing things.
McVeigh's anti-government tyranny, pro 2nd amendment gun rights, and anti-tax stances sound like those of typical republicans, not democrats. And you don't show any info about his father's views. I think you've just made it all up.

Man, you gun nuts don't want to own any of your own, do you?

Embrace Lanza and McVeigh. They did what you fantasize about and would never have the balls to do.

What? I'm sorry, but you'll haveto do better than that at connecting McVeigh to the NRA or anyone else I am remotely connected with.

Man, you gun nuts don't want to own any of your own, do you?

Embrace Lanza and McVeigh. They did what you fantasize about and would never have the balls to do.

What? I'm sorry, but you'll haveto do better than that at connecting McVeigh to the NRA or anyone else I am remotely connected with.

McVeigh was an NRA member. Sorry, guy.

When you guys talk shit about overthrowing the government, what do you think you are really talking about?

Do you think the evil Tyrannical Government is going to quiver at the sight of you "No, this really isn't an Assault Rifle" ?

Man, you gun nuts don't want to own any of your own, do you?

Embrace Lanza and McVeigh. They did what you fantasize about and would never have the balls to do.

What? I'm sorry, but you'll haveto do better than that at connecting McVeigh to the NRA or anyone else I am remotely connected with.

McVeigh was an NRA member. Sorry, guy.

When you guys talk shit about overthrowing the government, what do you think you are really talking about?

Do you think the evil Tyrannical Government is going to quiver at the sight of you "No, this really isn't an Assault Rifle" ?

There are over 4 million NRA members. Neither I nor the NRA are responsible for the actions of the lunatic fringe.

But I see that you still haven't answered my question.

Man, you gun nuts don't want to own any of your own, do you?

Embrace Lanza and McVeigh. They did what you fantasize about and would never have the balls to do.

What? I'm sorry, but you'll haveto do better than that at connecting McVeigh to the NRA or anyone else I am remotely connected with.

McVeigh was an NRA member. Sorry, guy.

When you guys talk shit about overthrowing the government, what do you think you are really talking about?

Do you think the evil Tyrannical Government is going to quiver at the sight of you "No, this really isn't an Assault Rifle" ?

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

The Waco debacle could have been avoided, but they wanted to make an example out of them. The Ruby Ridge shootings were murder, pure and simple.

That you can so be so cavalier about such murders shows your true colors.

There are over 4 million NRA members. Neither I nor the NRA are responsible for the actions of the lunatic fringe.

But I see that you still haven't answered my question.

Why is he a "lunatic fringe"?

Frankly, the only difference I see between McVeigh and Dowlut and LaPeirre is that McVeigh actually acted and just didn't talk smack.

If you can't see the difference then you need help.

McVeigh acted out of a sense of revenge for the federal actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco. He was not acting as an NRA member. He was, in his mind, serving up revenge for murders by the federal gov't.

Yup, because the world is a much worse place because the Federal Government Murked some Nazis and Child molesting cultists.

No, no, wait. That's a "Public Service".

The Waco debacle could have been avoided, but they wanted to make an example out of them. The Ruby Ridge shootings were murder, pure and simple.

That you can so be so cavalier about such murders shows your true colors.

Yeah, I don't sit up worrying that we have a few less fucking Nazis in the country.

The Waco Debacle could have been avoided. Kiddy-fucker Koresh could have complied with the lawfully applied federal warrants to search his compound and arrest him.

But he knows what they do to Pedophiles in Prison, so he decided to take his whole sick-ass cult down with him.

Which I'm good with.

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