NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

You haven't, but your boyfriend has. He was totally convinced that Nancy wasn't a prepper (even though she had enough weapons to fight the Zombie Apocalypse and all her family members said she was) and that she was a wonderful mother because she was really trying with poor Adam. Of course, her "really trying" was taking that freak to a gun range and letting him play violent video games all day.

Yeah, I talked about Nancy Lanza. I did so because you won't stay on topic.

And no, she wasn't a prepper. Anyone who can't shoot 200 rounds at the range more than once without running out of ammo for any given firearm, is certainly no prepper.

I found a few references to the family saying she talked about being prepared. I have no idea why that is a bad idea. But the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing is just bullshit.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

Of course it isn't.

That's why every picture you guys show of gangs is people of color, but it's not about race at all.

Hey, here's a concept. Instead of being worried about what color they are or what groups they belong to, let's just admit that people being killed is a bad thing, and they shouldn't have easy access to guns.

Um... Wait. "Founding Fathers!!!!! Freeeeeeeeedom!!!!! Liberty."

Right, whatever.

His desperation is showing.

No, that would be Frustration.

I honestly get fucking frustrated that you guys are totally cool with dead kids because, heck, most of them are darkies.... er "gang members", and gosh darn, some Founding Father said you could have a gun.

More bullshit. Please show where anyone has said dead kids are ok?

What I HAVE said is that your ideas concerning gun control would likely have little or no effect on violent crime. And that is the best case scenario. Given the number of times guns are used toe stop crimes (whether you dislike the number or not), there would likely be more crimes. The idea that banning something removes it from the hands of the criminals is completely naive or foolish. You pick which one.

"Golly gee, people died being shot, let's ban all the guns so that no one will ever be shot again" <<<<Lunacy

Yeah, I talked about Nancy Lanza. I did so because you won't stay on topic.

And no, she wasn't a prepper. Anyone who can't shoot 200 rounds at the range more than once without running out of ammo for any given firearm, is certainly no prepper.

I found a few references to the family saying she talked about being prepared. I have no idea why that is a bad idea. But the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing is just bullshit.

Oh, it was bullshit, all right. but that's the kind of crazy you guys are engaged in.

As for your pinup girl.

Nancy Lanza stockpiling guns food as part of prepper movement says sister-in-law GlobalPost

Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha, said the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was a gun-hoarding survivalist who had been stockpiling weapons in preparation for an economic collapse.

The Belfast Telegraph cited her sister-in-law Marsha Lanza, as telling reporters at her Illinois home that Nancy was part of the "prepper" movement that fears an economic collapse will lead to a breakdown in society.

"She prepared for the worst. Last time we visited her in person, we talked about prepping — are you ready for what could happen down the line, when the economy collapses?"

Nancy Lanza, 52, was also reported to have been stockpiling food in the large home she shared with Adam in Newtown.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

Of course it isn't.

That's why every picture you guys show of gangs is people of color, but it's not about race at all.

Hey, here's a concept. Instead of being worried about what color they are or what groups they belong to, let's just admit that people being killed is a bad thing, and they shouldn't have easy access to guns.

Um... Wait. "Founding Fathers!!!!! Freeeeeeeeedom!!!!! Liberty."

Right, whatever.

All they have to do is show a valid ID and go thru a background check. Oh, but since most gangbangers who are old enough have felony records, I guess they can get a legal gun easily. And your savior, gun bans, won't effect them at all.

Why do the pictures show gang members as people of color? Because most gang members are people of color?
"The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members." from: Request Rejected

89% of the gang members are people of color.

Now, that said, I could give a rat's ass what color the criminal is. I care about protecting my family, myself and hopefully others.

More bullshit. Please show where anyone has said dead kids are ok?

What I HAVE said is that your ideas concerning gun control would likely have little or no effect on violent crime. And that is the best case scenario. Given the number of times guns are used toe stop crimes (whether you dislike the number or not), there would likely be more crimes. The idea that banning something removes it from the hands of the criminals is completely naive or foolish. You pick which one.

"Golly gee, people died being shot, let's ban all the guns so that no one will ever be shot again" <<<<Lunacy

Uh, yeah, the problem is, your argument would be good if people had tried those ideas and they failed miserably. Then you'd have an argument, like you have about Communism. People tried it, it didnt' work, let's not do that.

Except in this case- Countries HAVE banned gun. They HAVE drastically reduced crime and murder. It's been tried and it's worked, just fine.

Yeah, I talked about Nancy Lanza. I did so because you won't stay on topic.

And no, she wasn't a prepper. Anyone who can't shoot 200 rounds at the range more than once without running out of ammo for any given firearm, is certainly no prepper.

I found a few references to the family saying she talked about being prepared. I have no idea why that is a bad idea. But the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing is just bullshit.

Oh, it was bullshit, all right. but that's the kind of crazy you guys are engaged in.

As for your pinup girl.

Nancy Lanza stockpiling guns food as part of prepper movement says sister-in-law GlobalPost

Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha, said the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was a gun-hoarding survivalist who had been stockpiling weapons in preparation for an economic collapse.

The Belfast Telegraph cited her sister-in-law Marsha Lanza, as telling reporters at her Illinois home that Nancy was part of the "prepper" movement that fears an economic collapse will lead to a breakdown in society.

"She prepared for the worst. Last time we visited her in person, we talked about prepping — are you ready for what could happen down the line, when the economy collapses?"

Nancy Lanza, 52, was also reported to have been stockpiling food in the large home she shared with Adam in Newtown.

Stockpiling food? Or making sure she had enough for when bad times or natural disasters hit? I'm still waiting to see anything about a Zombie Apocalypse as you have repeated a few dozen times.

And if she planned to survive with the ammo she had, she was planning for a pretty peaceful Armeggedon.

All they have to do is show a valid ID and go thru a background check. Oh, but since most gangbangers who are old enough have felony records, I guess they can get a legal gun easily. And your savior, gun bans, won't effect them at all.

Most gangbangers get guns from straw buyers. For instance, 24% of the guns recovered from gangbangers in Chicago all came from one store in River Forest. The problem with "background checks" is that your boy Dolhut has managed to so get the laws watered down they are meaningless.

So this store in River Forest can sell to a known gun trafficker, and that person can do "private sales" to a gangbanger.

Now, that said, I could give a rat's ass what color the criminal is. I care about protecting my family, myself and hopefully others.

a gun in the house is 43 time more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. This isn't about protecting families, it's about you guys wanted a false sense you control your own fate.

More bullshit. Please show where anyone has said dead kids are ok?

What I HAVE said is that your ideas concerning gun control would likely have little or no effect on violent crime. And that is the best case scenario. Given the number of times guns are used toe stop crimes (whether you dislike the number or not), there would likely be more crimes. The idea that banning something removes it from the hands of the criminals is completely naive or foolish. You pick which one.

"Golly gee, people died being shot, let's ban all the guns so that no one will ever be shot again" <<<<Lunacy

Uh, yeah, the problem is, your argument would be good if people had tried those ideas and they failed miserably. Then you'd have an argument, like you have about Communism. People tried it, it didnt' work, let's not do that.

Except in this case- Countries HAVE banned gun. They HAVE drastically reduced crime and murder. It's been tried and it's worked, just fine.

And those countries has seen a steady rise in their violent crime rates. we have not.

Plus, as I have said over and over and over, the US has more violent crime across the board. There are more non-gun related murders per capita here than in those other countries. There are more non-gun related rapes, and non-gun related assaults. So, obviously, the guns are not the problem. Try actually addressing the PROBLEM.

Also, the legally owned firearms stop crimes more often than they are used to kill. 75% of murders are committed by someone who cannot legally own a gun. Your bans would not effect them at all.

All they have to do is show a valid ID and go thru a background check. Oh, but since most gangbangers who are old enough have felony records, I guess they can get a legal gun easily. And your savior, gun bans, won't effect them at all.

Most gangbangers get guns from straw buyers. For instance, 24% of the guns recovered from gangbangers in Chicago all came from one store in River Forest. The problem with "background checks" is that your boy Dolhut has managed to so get the laws watered down they are meaningless.

So this store in River Forest can sell to a known gun trafficker, and that person can do "private sales" to a gangbanger.

Now, that said, I could give a rat's ass what color the criminal is. I care about protecting my family, myself and hopefully others.

a gun in the house is 43 time more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. This isn't about protecting families, it's about you guys wanted a false sense you control your own fate.

The whole "more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy" claim has been debunked repeatedly. I did so thoroughly earlier in this thread.

Sounds like the gun store in Chicago needs to be shut down. Pull the FFL and it will stop it completely. And prosecute the gun trafficker. That will give him a record and put him out of business.

The background check database works fine if the info is submitted. Anyone with a felony record or who has beeen convicted of domestic violence is turned down. Anyone who has been submitted to the database by a mental health professional cannot buy a gun. But the mental health professional neglect to do so. And when there is any doubt, as there often is, the sale is denied. I have seen this happen numerous times. I had one refused several years ago. And I watched a guy get denied even though he is a cop and the range master for the city police shooting range.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

Of course it isn't.

That's why every picture you guys show of gangs is people of color, but it's not about race at all.

Hey, here's a concept. Instead of being worried about what color they are or what groups they belong to, let's just admit that people being killed is a bad thing, and they shouldn't have easy access to guns.

Um... Wait. "Founding Fathers!!!!! Freeeeeeeeedom!!!!! Liberty."

Right, whatever.

Most gang members are African Americans. Sorry if you cannot handle facts.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

Of course it isn't.

That's why every picture you guys show of gangs is people of color, but it's not about race at all.

Hey, here's a concept. Instead of being worried about what color they are or what groups they belong to, let's just admit that people being killed is a bad thing, and they shouldn't have easy access to guns.

Um... Wait. "Founding Fathers!!!!! Freeeeeeeeedom!!!!! Liberty."

Right, whatever.

I think you need to renew your psychiatric medication prescription, seriously. :cuckoo:

Yeah, I talked about Nancy Lanza. I did so because you won't stay on topic.

And no, she wasn't a prepper. Anyone who can't shoot 200 rounds at the range more than once without running out of ammo for any given firearm, is certainly no prepper.

I found a few references to the family saying she talked about being prepared. I have no idea why that is a bad idea. But the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing is just bullshit.

Oh, it was bullshit, all right. but that's the kind of crazy you guys are engaged in.

As for your pinup girl.

Nancy Lanza stockpiling guns food as part of prepper movement says sister-in-law GlobalPost

Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha, said the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was a gun-hoarding survivalist who had been stockpiling weapons in preparation for an economic collapse.

The Belfast Telegraph cited her sister-in-law Marsha Lanza, as telling reporters at her Illinois home that Nancy was part of the "prepper" movement that fears an economic collapse will lead to a breakdown in society.

"She prepared for the worst. Last time we visited her in person, we talked about prepping — are you ready for what could happen down the line, when the economy collapses?"

Nancy Lanza, 52, was also reported to have been stockpiling food in the large home she shared with Adam in Newtown.

You're a crazy nut. This thread is NOT about the Lanza family, you tard.

Yeah, I talked about Nancy Lanza. I did so because you won't stay on topic.

And no, she wasn't a prepper. Anyone who can't shoot 200 rounds at the range more than once without running out of ammo for any given firearm, is certainly no prepper.

I found a few references to the family saying she talked about being prepared. I have no idea why that is a bad idea. But the whole "Zombie Apocalypse" thing is just bullshit.

Oh, it was bullshit, all right. but that's the kind of crazy you guys are engaged in.

As for your pinup girl.

Nancy Lanza stockpiling guns food as part of prepper movement says sister-in-law GlobalPost

Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha, said the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was a gun-hoarding survivalist who had been stockpiling weapons in preparation for an economic collapse.

The Belfast Telegraph cited her sister-in-law Marsha Lanza, as telling reporters at her Illinois home that Nancy was part of the "prepper" movement that fears an economic collapse will lead to a breakdown in society.

"She prepared for the worst. Last time we visited her in person, we talked about prepping — are you ready for what could happen down the line, when the economy collapses?"

Nancy Lanza, 52, was also reported to have been stockpiling food in the large home she shared with Adam in Newtown.

Stockpiling food? Or making sure she had enough for when bad times or natural disasters hit? I'm still waiting to see anything about a Zombie Apocalypse as you have repeated a few dozen times.

And if she planned to survive with the ammo she had, she was planning for a pretty peaceful Armeggedon.

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

You haven't, but your boyfriend has. He was totally convinced that Nancy wasn't a prepper (even though she had enough weapons to fight the Zombie Apocalypse and all her family members said she was) and that she was a wonderful mother because she was really trying with poor Adam. Of course, her "really trying" was taking that freak to a gun range and letting him play violent video games all day.

My boyfriend? :cuckoo: You are crazy. Seek help.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

Lol, good luck talking sense to a liar like JoeB

And those countries has seen a steady rise in their violent crime rates. we have not.

No, they haven't. But I'm sure you read that on a gun nutter website right after they discussed what a good mom Nancy Lanza was.

Plus, as I have said over and over and over, the US has more violent crime across the board. There are more non-gun related murders per capita here than in those other countries. There are more non-gun related rapes, and non-gun related assaults. So, obviously, the guns are not the problem. Try actually addressing the PROBLEM.

Guns are PART of the problem, and probably the easiest to control. Getting rid of racism and economic inequality would be harder, but I'd love to work on those, too.

Also, the legally owned firearms stop crimes more often than they are used to kill. 75% of murders are committed by someone who cannot legally own a gun. Your bans would not effect them at all.

Well, no, because those 75% get their from someone who COULD legally get a gun.

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

Well, yeah, it does matter, because she created an environment where a damaged kid like Adam could get guns, be desensitized to use them and be anti-social enough to want to mow down a bunch of preschoolers.

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