NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

Ethnic demographics of gang-membership?

Depends upon which part of the country and which city we're talking about, I suspect.

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

Well, yeah, it does matter, because she created an environment where a damaged kid like Adam could get guns, be desensitized to use them and be anti-social enough to want to mow down a bunch of preschoolers.

The tragedy in Sandy Hook has little or no bearing on the topic. What say we return to the topic, shall we?

You remember it?

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

Well, yeah, it does matter, because she created an environment where a damaged kid like Adam could get guns, be desensitized to use them and be anti-social enough to want to mow down a bunch of preschoolers.

The tragedy in Sandy Hook has little or no bearing on the topic. What say we return to the topic, shall we?

You remember it?

I know you would like to not talk about Sandy Hook, but the NRA should have taken out a billboard.

"The Sandy Hook Massacre- An NRA Production- Directed by Robert "Lady-Killer" Dowlet."

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

Well, yeah, it does matter, because she created an environment where a damaged kid like Adam could get guns, be desensitized to use them and be anti-social enough to want to mow down a bunch of preschoolers.

The tragedy in Sandy Hook has little or no bearing on the topic. What say we return to the topic, shall we?

You remember it?

I know you would like to not talk about Sandy Hook, but the NRA should have taken out a billboard.

"The Sandy Hook Massacre- An NRA Production- Directed by Robert "Lady-Killer" Dowlet."

I get that you are obsessed by that one particular event. But since the topic of the thread is Dowlut and the fact that his conviction was overturned and he is able to practice law. Feel free to start a thread about Sandy Hook. I will join in. But using an event that is as small a part of the gun deaths as Sandy Hook is shows your view is skewed. The entire event amounts to less than 1% of the murders that year. But that is where you want your focus? It is not typical of most murders, but that is where you want to focus? It is laughable. It has been nothing but a diversion on your part. Just another example of your dishonesty in the discussion.
I get that you are obsessed by that one particular event. But since the topic of the thread is Dowlut and the fact that his conviction was overturned and he is able to practice law. Feel free to start a thread about Sandy Hook. I will join in. But using an event that is as small a part of the gun deaths as Sandy Hook is shows your view is skewed. The entire event amounts to less than 1% of the murders that year. But that is where you want your focus? It is not typical of most murders, but that is where you want to focus? It is laughable. It has been nothing but a diversion on your part. Just another example of your dishonesty in the discussion.

The problem is that it's not that one event.

It's Columbine
and VA Tech
And Aurora
and Tuscon
and Fort Hood -TWICE!!!

And most sane people are of the attitude, No More!

But not mr. Dowlut, whose big life accomplishment is he murdered a woman who objected to him fucking her underaged daughter, and got away with it.
I get that you are obsessed by that one particular event. But since the topic of the thread is Dowlut and the fact that his conviction was overturned and he is able to practice law. Feel free to start a thread about Sandy Hook. I will join in. But using an event that is as small a part of the gun deaths as Sandy Hook is shows your view is skewed. The entire event amounts to less than 1% of the murders that year. But that is where you want your focus? It is not typical of most murders, but that is where you want to focus? It is laughable. It has been nothing but a diversion on your part. Just another example of your dishonesty in the discussion.

The problem is that it's not that one event.

It's Columbine
and VA Tech
And Aurora
and Tuscon
and Fort Hood -TWICE!!!

And most sane people are of the attitude, No More!

But not mr. Dowlut, whose big life accomplishment is he murdered a woman who objected to him fucking her underaged daughter, and got away with it.

If you total those events and other mass shootings by strangers you still get less than 1% of the murders for any given year. Are you upset because these are the ones that kill white people? Do the others matter less because they are darkies and in the ghetto?

Once again, there are at least 100k crimes stopped by armed citizens. There are around 11k gun related murders a year and that number is steadily dropping. The violent crime rates have been dropping steadily for decades, despite what you may want to claim.

Your claims of what sane people believe is very suspect. I doubt you would recognize sane if it bit you.
I get that you are obsessed by that one particular event. But since the topic of the thread is Dowlut and the fact that his conviction was overturned and he is able to practice law. Feel free to start a thread about Sandy Hook. I will join in. But using an event that is as small a part of the gun deaths as Sandy Hook is shows your view is skewed. The entire event amounts to less than 1% of the murders that year. But that is where you want your focus? It is not typical of most murders, but that is where you want to focus? It is laughable. It has been nothing but a diversion on your part. Just another example of your dishonesty in the discussion.

The problem is that it's not that one event.

It's Columbine
and VA Tech
And Aurora
and Tuscon
and Fort Hood -TWICE!!!

And most sane people are of the attitude, No More!

But not mr. Dowlut, whose big life accomplishment is he murdered a woman who objected to him fucking her underaged daughter, and got away with it.
lets cut the bullshit

your only reason for engaging in your faux indignation over that man's alleged crimes is that you are a hard core gun owner-hater and you want to bash the NRA.

Columbine-GUN FREE ZONE thanks to the anti gun assholes
VA TECH-gun FREE ZONE thanks to anti gun assholes
AUROA-gun free zone thanks to anti gun assholles
and YES FORT HOOD-gun free zone with lots of disarmed victims

Does it really matter if she was a prepper or not? Off topic, but plenty of preppers have never killed anyone. Probably more postal workers have killed people than preppers, but this guy you're talking with is living with paranoia and fear, and you cannot reason with the insane.

Well, yeah, it does matter, because she created an environment where a damaged kid like Adam could get guns, be desensitized to use them and be anti-social enough to want to mow down a bunch of preschoolers.

The tragedy in Sandy Hook has little or no bearing on the topic. What say we return to the topic, shall we?

You remember it?

I know you would like to not talk about Sandy Hook, but the NRA should have taken out a billboard.

"The Sandy Hook Massacre- An NRA Production- Directed by Robert "Lady-Killer" Dowlet."

I get that you are obsessed by that one particular event. But since the topic of the thread is Dowlut and the fact that his conviction was overturned and he is able to practice law. Feel free to start a thread about Sandy Hook. I will join in. But using an event that is as small a part of the gun deaths as Sandy Hook is shows your view is skewed. The entire event amounts to less than 1% of the murders that year. But that is where you want your focus? It is not typical of most murders, but that is where you want to focus? It is laughable. It has been nothing but a diversion on your part. Just another example of your dishonesty in the discussion.

Sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up, but he kept talking about, so I figured I'd comment.
lets cut the bullshit

your only reason for engaging in your faux indignation over that man's alleged crimes is that you are a hard core gun owner-hater and you want to bash the NRA.

Columbine-GUN FREE ZONE thanks to the anti gun assholes
VA TECH-gun FREE ZONE thanks to anti gun assholes
AUROA-gun free zone thanks to anti gun assholles
and YES FORT HOOD-gun free zone with lots of disarmed victims

Let's cut the bullshit.

The old argument is that if there was just a concerned CCA permit holder, these tragedies would have been prevented... except that never happens.

Fort Hood was a fucking military base. Lots of good guys with guns. But by the time they figured out what Major Jihad was up to. he had already run up his body count.

Columbine had armed security guards, and VA Tech had a whole fucking police force.

And, yes, I am pretty indignant that a guy who got away with murder is now helping thousands of murderers get away with their crimes.

If you total those events and other mass shootings by strangers you still get less than 1% of the murders for any given year. Are you upset because these are the ones that kill white people? Do the others matter less because they are darkies and in the ghetto?

Once again, there are at least 100k crimes stopped by armed citizens. There are around 11k gun related murders a year and that number is steadily dropping. The violent crime rates have been dropping steadily for decades, despite what you may want to claim.

Your claims of what sane people believe is very suspect. I doubt you would recognize sane if it bit you.

No, there really aren't crimes stopped by armed citizens...

Cops aren't equipped like they are driving through downtown Fallujah because they feel soooo much safer you and your NRA buddies are out there preventing crimes like a bunch of wannabe Batman-types.

They dress that way because shit, they never know what they are going to encounter with one of you nuts.

If you total those events and other mass shootings by strangers you still get less than 1% of the murders for any given year. Are you upset because these are the ones that kill white people? Do the others matter less because they are darkies and in the ghetto?

Once again, there are at least 100k crimes stopped by armed citizens. There are around 11k gun related murders a year and that number is steadily dropping. The violent crime rates have been dropping steadily for decades, despite what you may want to claim.

Your claims of what sane people believe is very suspect. I doubt you would recognize sane if it bit you.

No, there really aren't crimes stopped by armed citizens...

Cops aren't equipped like they are driving through downtown Fallujah because they feel soooo much safer you and your NRA buddies are out there preventing crimes like a bunch of wannabe Batman-types.

They dress that way because shit, they never know what they are going to encounter with one of you nuts.

Any NRA members shooting cops? This idea that the cops are equipped like marines because of the NRA members and law abiding citizens is absolute bullshit.

And yes, there really are crimes stopped by citizens with guns. You can stamp your feet and pretend differently, but it does not change the facts.
lets cut the bullshit

your only reason for engaging in your faux indignation over that man's alleged crimes is that you are a hard core gun owner-hater and you want to bash the NRA.

Columbine-GUN FREE ZONE thanks to the anti gun assholes
VA TECH-gun FREE ZONE thanks to anti gun assholes
AUROA-gun free zone thanks to anti gun assholles
and YES FORT HOOD-gun free zone with lots of disarmed victims

Let's cut the bullshit.

The old argument is that if there was just a concerned CCA permit holder, these tragedies would have been prevented... except that never happens.

Fort Hood was a fucking military base. Lots of good guys with guns. But by the time they figured out what Major Jihad was up to. he had already run up his body count.

Columbine had armed security guards, and VA Tech had a whole fucking police force.

And, yes, I am pretty indignant that a guy who got away with murder is now helping thousands of murderers get away with their crimes.

More lies and bullshit. First of all, there are very few firearms outside the armory on a military base. If you were the firearm expert you claimed, you would know this. So there were damn few good guys with guns.

Second, the Columbine shooting had a lower body count because the armed security guard engaged the shooters and prevented them from killing more people. FACT CHECK Columbine High s armed guard saved student lives - National Republican and NARRATIVE TIME LINE

He is not helping people get away with crimes. He is helping people maintain their 2nd Amendment rights and have the ability to defend themselves, which you want to take away.
More lies and bullshit. First of all, there are very few firearms outside the armory on a military base. If you were the firearm expert you claimed, you would know this. So there were damn few good guys with guns.

Second, the Columbine shooting had a lower body count because the armed security guard engaged the shooters and prevented them from killing more people. FACT CHECK Columbine High s armed guard saved student lives - National Republican and NARRATIVE TIME LINE

He is not helping people get away with crimes. He is helping people maintain their 2nd Amendment rights and have the ability to defend themselves, which you want to take away.

There would have been an even lower body count at Columbine if those two couldn't get guns to start with.

But someone who could legally buy guys got guns for them.

And, no, the "ability to defend one's self" is meaningless when a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home.

You might as well buy a rabid pit bull for home defense.

Any NRA members shooting cops? This idea that the cops are equipped like marines because of the NRA members and law abiding citizens is absolute bullshit.

And yes, there really are crimes stopped by citizens with guns. You can stamp your feet and pretend differently, but it does not change the facts.

I've never known it to happen once.

I know three people killed with guns someone brought into their house for "protection". (one murder, two suicides.)

Any NRA members shooting cops? This idea that the cops are equipped like marines because of the NRA members and law abiding citizens is absolute bullshit.

And yes, there really are crimes stopped by citizens with guns. You can stamp your feet and pretend differently, but it does not change the facts.

I've never known it to happen once.

I know three people killed with guns someone brought into their house for "protection". (one murder, two suicides.)

One of those was a terminally ill person who wanted to be spared the worst.

The fact that you have never known someone personally who did does not mean much.
More lies and bullshit. First of all, there are very few firearms outside the armory on a military base. If you were the firearm expert you claimed, you would know this. So there were damn few good guys with guns.

Second, the Columbine shooting had a lower body count because the armed security guard engaged the shooters and prevented them from killing more people. FACT CHECK Columbine High s armed guard saved student lives - National Republican and NARRATIVE TIME LINE

He is not helping people get away with crimes. He is helping people maintain their 2nd Amendment rights and have the ability to defend themselves, which you want to take away.

There would have been an even lower body count at Columbine if those two couldn't get guns to start with.

But someone who could legally buy guys got guns for them.

And, no, the "ability to defend one's self" is meaningless when a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home.

You might as well buy a rabid pit bull for home defense.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.
Here's part of an article recently published by Mother Jones.

... NRA general counsel Robert J. Dowlut, is a low-profile yet influential legal expert who has spent more than 35 years pushing for an aggressively broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. In 1964, he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting his girlfriend's mother in South Bend, Indiana. ...

Did the NRA Know About Robert Dowlut's Reversed Murder Conviction? | Mother Jones

All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

You posted this lame crap on another board and you got destroyed. The conviction was OVERTURNED and it happened FIFTY YEARS AGO

your hatred of the NRA is pathetic because you are a far left squealing statist and you are trying to smear the NRA because they oppose the socialist scum in office you fluff

More lies and bullshit. First of all, there are very few firearms outside the armory on a military base. If you were the firearm expert you claimed, you would know this. So there were damn few good guys with guns.

Second, the Columbine shooting had a lower body count because the armed security guard engaged the shooters and prevented them from killing more people. FACT CHECK Columbine High s armed guard saved student lives - National Republican and NARRATIVE TIME LINE

He is not helping people get away with crimes. He is helping people maintain their 2nd Amendment rights and have the ability to defend themselves, which you want to take away.

There would have been an even lower body count at Columbine if those two couldn't get guns to start with.

But someone who could legally buy guys got guns for them.

And, no, the "ability to defend one's self" is meaningless when a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home.

You might as well buy a rabid pit bull for home defense.

What about hunting firearms? You know, bolt action rifles and the like? Will you ban those too?

If they had been unable to get guns they could still have killed plenty. More in fact, if they made bombs.

Look what McVeigh was able to do without firing a shot.

Oh, and quoting the same bogus claim from a debunked 1986 study doesn't make it any more accurate.

Good point.

I've always thought that if guns were ever banned, then simple bombs would become the next weapon of choice. From what I hear, they are fairly cheap for material, easy to put together, and capable of killing a LOT of people at one time.

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