NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

What does this even mean?
. . . people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

I really don't have the time and inclination to education you.

But look up "Prison-Industrial Complex", and you will be amazed how big corporations are making all this money off of prisons and why we are locking up guys for life for swiping a slice of pizza.

:disagree: You cannot explain because you have a very limited understanding of the issues, the complications involved, and the unintended consequences. You are the one who needs schooling. Lol!

Not from an ignoramus like you. Frankly, as boring as Whinerborn's OCD is, he at least does research.

The problem is, I could explain it to you and you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Number one, your data is outdated (from 1988). Also, this mentions nothing about "gun homicides." It speaks of homicide in general, and it certainly does nothing to detract from the fact that most gun-related homicides in America are due to gang violence. You cannot refute that because you know it is so.

post a link from a non-nutter website...

You want more up to date people are killed by their friends data, here you go.

Study says victims know their killers

Black females murdered by men are most often killed with a gun and almost always by someone they know, according to the new Violence Policy Center (VPC) report "When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2009 Homicide Data". The annual VPC report details national and state-by-state information on female homicides involving one female murder victim and one male offender. The study uses the most recent data available from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s unpublished Supplementary Homicide Report and is released each year to coincide with Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. According to the study:

• In 2009, 497 black females were murdered by males in single victim/single offender homicides. Black females were murdered at a rate nearly two and a half times higher than white females: 2.62 per 100,000 versus 1.06 per 100,000. Ten percent of black female victims were less than 18 years old.

• Firearms - especially handguns - were the most common weapon used by males to murder black females in 2009. For the 451 homicides where the murder weapon could be identified, 59 percent of black female victims (264 victims) were shot and killed with guns. Of these, 76 percent (201 of 264) were killed with a handgun.

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

What does this even mean?
. . . people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

I really don't have the time and inclination to education you.

But look up "Prison-Industrial Complex", and you will be amazed how big corporations are making all this money off of prisons and why we are locking up guys for life for swiping a slice of pizza.

:disagree: You cannot explain because you have a very limited understanding of the issues, the complications involved, and the unintended consequences. You are the one who needs schooling. Lol!

Not from an ignoramus like you. Frankly, as boring as Whinerborn's OCD is, he at least does research.

The problem is, I could explain it to you and you STILL wouldn't understand it.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Number one, your data is outdated (from 1988). Also, this mentions nothing about "gun homicides." It speaks of homicide in general, and it certainly does nothing to detract from the fact that most gun-related homicides in America are due to gang violence. You cannot refute that because you know it is so.

post a link from a non-nutter website...

You want more up to date people are killed by their friends data, here you go.

Study says victims know their killers

Black females murdered by men are most often killed with a gun and almost always by someone they know, according to the new Violence Policy Center (VPC) report "When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2009 Homicide Data". The annual VPC report details national and state-by-state information on female homicides involving one female murder victim and one male offender. The study uses the most recent data available from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s unpublished Supplementary Homicide Report and is released each year to coincide with Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. According to the study:

• In 2009, 497 black females were murdered by males in single victim/single offender homicides. Black females were murdered at a rate nearly two and a half times higher than white females: 2.62 per 100,000 versus 1.06 per 100,000. Ten percent of black female victims were less than 18 years old.

• Firearms - especially handguns - were the most common weapon used by males to murder black females in 2009. For the 451 homicides where the murder weapon could be identified, 59 percent of black female victims (264 victims) were shot and killed with guns. Of these, 76 percent (201 of 264) were killed with a handgun.

Yes, in the inner cities, gang members often kill females as well. Normally, they grew up in the same "hoods," so they are at least acquaintances.
Crime Victim Services CVS

From 2010...

In 2010, where the victim-offender relationship was known, 37.4 percent of homicide victims were killed by an acquaintance; 22.2 percent were killed by a stranger; 18.4 percent were killed by an intimate partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend); 15 percent were killed by a family member; and 5.5 percent were killed by a friend.11

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

The number of people locked up in prison isn't what we are discussing. But if you want to change topics yet again, why not.

from: Wonkbook 11 facts about America 8217 s prison population - The Washington Post
"The single largest driver in the increase in the federal prison population since 1998 is longer sentences for drug offenders."

And the overwhelming majority of those are for drugs that are illegal. But somehow the people get their hands on them.

Just because you are too much of an ignoramus to connect the dots...

We have millions of guns and millions of prisoners, and yet oddly, we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Now, wait, don't you wingnuts keep claiming we need more guns and more prisons?

Am I? I can connect the dots to show that the majority of the increase in prison population is due to illegal drugs, not firearms. I can connect the dots to show that the violent crime rates in the US have been dropping since the 70s. I can connect the dots to show that our country has more non-gun related violent crime than most other countries, so the guns are certainly not the reason for it.
Crime Victim Services CVS

From 2010...

In 2010, where the victim-offender relationship was known, 37.4 percent of homicide victims were killed by an acquaintance; 22.2 percent were killed by a stranger; 18.4 percent were killed by an intimate partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend); 15 percent were killed by a family member; and 5.5 percent were killed by a friend.11

That is only in the cases where the relationship was known. That does not claim that 37.4% of homicides victims were killed by an acquaintance. In fact, in 36% of the homicides, they have no idea of the relationship.

But the information used to create the linked page does show the downward trend in murders.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

Of the ones they know the relationship, most are acquaintances. In other words, they knew each other's names or whatever. In an inner city situation, that can be most gang related incidents.

The actual numbers for your link show that, out of 12,996 murders, they did not know the relationship in 4,696 cases. And in 1,846 of the cases they did know the relationship, it was a stranger.

So a total 6,502 of the 12,996 murders (50%), we either don't know the relationship or they were strangers.

So it is not actually "most", at all.

I have shown Nancy Lanza was not a prepper. A prepper could go to the range more than once with what they have "stockpiled". She couldn't, except for with her .22 rifle.

But you have been flailing around since the beginning, and have not made any worthwhile case for the total disarmament you want. Luckily, people who think like you are in the minority and not likely to get your way in my grandchildren's lifetime.
Crime Victim Services CVS

From 2010...

In 2010, where the victim-offender relationship was known, 37.4 percent of homicide victims were killed by an acquaintance; 22.2 percent were killed by a stranger; 18.4 percent were killed by an intimate partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend); 15 percent were killed by a family member; and 5.5 percent were killed by a friend.11

What is your point here? This does not negate any of the things I've stated.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

He has tried to use Nancy Lanza as proof all gun owners are nuts and that the NRA's attorney should not be allowed to practice law. lol

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

He has tried to use Nancy Lanza as proof all gun owners are nuts and that the NRA's attorney should not be allowed to practice law. lol

His desperation is showing.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

I haven't mentioned Nancy Lanza at all. You are delusional.

You haven't, but your boyfriend has. He was totally convinced that Nancy wasn't a prepper (even though she had enough weapons to fight the Zombie Apocalypse and all her family members said she was) and that she was a wonderful mother because she was really trying with poor Adam. Of course, her "really trying" was taking that freak to a gun range and letting him play violent video games all day.

His desperation is showing.

No, that would be Frustration.

I honestly get fucking frustrated that you guys are totally cool with dead kids because, heck, most of them are darkies.... er "gang members", and gosh darn, some Founding Father said you could have a gun.
Crime Victim Services CVS

From 2010...

In 2010, where the victim-offender relationship was known, 37.4 percent of homicide victims were killed by an acquaintance; 22.2 percent were killed by a stranger; 18.4 percent were killed by an intimate partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend); 15 percent were killed by a family member; and 5.5 percent were killed by a friend.11

That is only in the cases where the relationship was known. That does not claim that 37.4% of homicides victims were killed by an acquaintance. In fact, in 36% of the homicides, they have no idea of the relationship.

But the information used to create the linked page does show the downward trend in murders.

You can explain what? You have been on this thread for weeks now and have failed to explain really anything. The things you do "try" to explain get shot down by . . . everyone. Lol!

Again, most gun-related homicides are due to gang violence. You going to deny that?

Uh, yeah, I just did. Several times.

Most gun related homicides are due to acquaintances--- with guns.

Yeah, you guys have totally shot me down, by proving Nancy Lanza was a wonderful mother and not at all a Prepper. That's the universe you weirdos live in.

Of the ones they know the relationship, most are acquaintances. In other words, they knew each other's names or whatever. In an inner city situation, that can be most gang related incidents.

The actual numbers for your link show that, out of 12,996 murders, they did not know the relationship in 4,696 cases. And in 1,846 of the cases they did know the relationship, it was a stranger.

So a total 6,502 of the 12,996 murders (50%), we either don't know the relationship or they were strangers.

So it is not actually "most", at all.

I have shown Nancy Lanza was not a prepper. A prepper could go to the range more than once with what they have "stockpiled". She couldn't, except for with her .22 rifle.

But you have been flailing around since the beginning, and have not made any worthwhile case for the total disarmament you want. Luckily, people who think like you are in the minority and not likely to get your way in my grandchildren's lifetime.

Dude, don't say things like that. It is presumptive and a set up to fail. That attitude is what got us in the condition we are in already. Were it not for Al Gore running on strict gun laws in 2000 most people I know would have still been deep into that 'It cant happen in America' dream they were in.
It's funny how an NRA counsel has been cleared of a murder charge via technicality and the government dropping the whole matter, but the libtards think it proves the guy actually did it.

But just 20 years ago a serial perjurer was convicted of perjury and impeached and not only have they forgotten, the celebrate this loser and pay big bucks to hear his speeches.

With the left EVERYTHING is politics, E V E R Y D A M N E D T H I N G.
It's funny how an NRA counsel has been cleared of a murder charge via technicality and the government dropping the whole matter, but the libtards think it proves the guy actually did it.

But just 20 years ago a serial perjurer was convicted of perjury and impeached and not only have they forgotten, the celebrate this loser and pay big bucks to hear his speeches.

With the left EVERYTHING is politics, E V E R Y D A M N E D T H I N G.

Oh, no, I think it's a matter of perspective.

Bill Clinton lied about a BLOW JOB. A blow job that he was willingly given. No one was hurt, no one died, I think the worse thing was a dress was ruined.

The NRA guy murdered a woman because she didn't like him having sex with her teenage daughter.

I think that second thing is a bit worse.

And today, this guy is in a position to influence our gun policy.

Like I said, most gang members are acquainted with one another. They grew up in the same neighborhoods, attended the same schools, etc. Even though there are many rival gangs, the communities are pretty tight knit.

Now what?

And they're a bunch of Darkies, so their deaths don't count, right?

I mean, that's what you really mean here, right?

Oh look, another piece of bullshit to divert the topic.

No, that is not what she meant. What she meant was the violence gangs, most of whom have felony records, are responsible for violence using firearms obtained illegally. Race is not relevant.

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