NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


Yeah, blame anyone but the asshole who pulled the trigger. Nice.

The "****", you blame hung in there with her child and endured. She hung in there with a child that hated to be touched. With a child that did not allow birthdays or Christmas to be celebrated. With a child that couldn't tolerate certain foods being served on certain dishes. But she found a way to connect.

No, I am not making your point for you. Yu have the benefit of knowing what happened. Without that little detail, you would have to restrict the rights of people based on what you see in your crystal ball.

Would an in-depth study of the Lanza's have revealed Adam's murderous plans? Perhaps. But then, that type of study would cost plenty too. And would have labelled him as a lunatic, and you don't want them stimatized.

Your ideas seem based on the Adam Lanza story. That is nice, since it is your obsession. But it has very little to do with the majority of the shootings that happen in the US.

Adam should have been institutionalized.

He should not have been allowed to play first person shooter games and given access to Mom's Anti-Zombie Arsenal.

Now, you want to feel bad for Nancy, I don't. I would even call her demise "karmic".

Unfortunately, the other 26 people who died, not so much.

But, um, "Founding fathers".... er... "Freedom"....

So you don't want the dangerously insane stimatized by having their name in a database, but you are all for locking them up? lmao! Nice.

Someone who was that far gone, yeah. That's well beyond a little depression you aren't seeking treatment for because you don't want to end up on someone's database.

The Lanza thing is a terrible, and rare, tragedy.

It is not a reason to remove the 2nd amendment rights of 310 million citizens.

That you doubt the numbers does not change that fact that the are accurate, if on the low end. The 100k number comes from a study done by the gov't.

The fact that 100k (as a minimum) crimes are stopped and only 200 criminals are killed shows that the armed civilian is a good thing. You are helping prove my point. Other studies show 250k to 350k crimes stopped, but still on 200 criminals killed. Now how about criminals wounded? How many of those are there annually?

It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.

Yeah, I guess it helps your argument if you can just say "It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from" when something contradicts what you want, huh?

That you doubt the numbers does not change that fact that the are accurate, if on the low end. The 100k number comes from a study done by the gov't.

The fact that 100k (as a minimum) crimes are stopped and only 200 criminals are killed shows that the armed civilian is a good thing. You are helping prove my point. Other studies show 250k to 350k crimes stopped, but still on 200 criminals killed. Now how about criminals wounded? How many of those are there annually?

It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.

We have a RIDICULOUSLY high crime rate compared to other industrialized democracies. And this is despite locking up 2 million Americans and having another 7 million on probation or parole.

Again- Japan only locks up 69,000 people and Germany only locks up 78,000. Hmmmm.

um, "Founding fathers". "Freeeeeeeeedom."

The number of people locked up in prison isn't what we are discussing. But if you want to change topics yet again, why not.

from: Wonkbook 11 facts about America 8217 s prison population - The Washington Post
"The single largest driver in the increase in the federal prison population since 1998 is longer sentences for drug offenders."

And the overwhelming majority of those are for drugs that are illegal. But somehow the people get their hands on them.

Please post a link with proof of your allegation about the NRA making it easy for crooks.

you mean when they keep shooting down waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, regulating private guns sales, limiting background checks? Are you fucking serious?

Hello? Do you realize how much larger and more heavily populated the US is compared to Japan? :lol:

Uh, no, not really.

Japan actually has a GREATER population density than the US does. 126,000,000 million people living on 378,000 Square kilometers. That's 337 people living to a square kilometer

As opposed to the US, which has 318,000,000 living on 9,600,000 Square KM. (Or 34 people to a square kilometer.)

if anything, Japan is a lot more densely populated. Yet oddly enough, you don't hear about drive bys in Tokyo. Nor do you have the police running around with tanks tear-gassing people when they are upset about something.

Density schemsity. That means absolutely nothing. The fact is that the United States has a MUCH larger population and a much more diverse population. You fail, yet again. :lol: I'm really surprised you haven't pulled a muscle yet, with all the acrobats you're trying to pull here.
YOu also don't hear about protests in Japan. Nor do you, apparently know that the police can stop and search you or come in your house to search, without a warrant.

Hey, guy, here's a picture of some Japanese, and they are protesting. Wow.

But look at those cops on the bottom of the picture. No riot gear. No guns. No Tank spraying them with water or gassing them with tear gas.

Fricking Japs don't know how to have a fun protest like we do, eh?


And the protests can be shut down, violently if need be, by the gov't at any time.

The basic rights guaranteed to us seem to have no value to you.

Yet, oddly, you don't see shit in Japan like we saw in Ferguson for the last month.


Go move to Japan then.

Yes we do. Thank you. Our crime rates are higher across the board. And you think removing the TOOL for a few types of crime will solve the problem?? Are you that naive?

will it solve all of the problem? Nope. Will it solve SOME of the problem? Yup.

:lol: You are dense. Like has already been discussed, the guns would just move into the black market and the violence would grow exponentially.

That you doubt the numbers does not change that fact that the are accurate, if on the low end. The 100k number comes from a study done by the gov't.

The fact that 100k (as a minimum) crimes are stopped and only 200 criminals are killed shows that the armed civilian is a good thing. You are helping prove my point. Other studies show 250k to 350k crimes stopped, but still on 200 criminals killed. Now how about criminals wounded? How many of those are there annually?

It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.

We have a RIDICULOUSLY high crime rate compared to other industrialized democracies. And this is despite locking up 2 million Americans and having another 7 million on probation or parole.

Again- Japan only locks up 69,000 people and Germany only locks up 78,000. Hmmmm.

um, "Founding fathers". "Freeeeeeeeedom."

The number of people locked up in prison isn't what we are discussing. But if you want to change topics yet again, why not.

from: Wonkbook 11 facts about America 8217 s prison population - The Washington Post
"The single largest driver in the increase in the federal prison population since 1998 is longer sentences for drug offenders."

And the overwhelming majority of those are for drugs that are illegal. But somehow the people get their hands on them.

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Density schemsity. That means absolutely nothing. The fact is that the United States has a MUCH larger population and a much more diverse population. You fail, yet again. :lol: I'm really surprised you haven't pulled a muscle yet, with all the acrobats you're trying to pull here.

Actually, they've done studies that population density increases violent behavior.

Variables Affecting Crime - Crime in the United States 2009

We have a larger population, but not that much larger and more spread out.

And about a third of the population has guns and shouldn't.

Yes we do. Thank you. Our crime rates are higher across the board. And you think removing the TOOL for a few types of crime will solve the problem?? Are you that naive?

will it solve all of the problem? Nope. Will it solve SOME of the problem? Yup.

:lol: You are dense. Like has already been discussed, the guns would just move into the black market and the violence would grow exponentially.

Well, except the experience of Australia and the United Kingdom says otherwise.

Density schemsity. That means absolutely nothing. The fact is that the United States has a MUCH larger population and a much more diverse population. You fail, yet again. :lol: I'm really surprised you haven't pulled a muscle yet, with all the acrobats you're trying to pull here.

Actually, they've done studies that population density increases violent behavior.

Variables Affecting Crime - Crime in the United States 2009

We have a larger population, but not that much larger and more spread out.

And about a third of the population has guns and shouldn't.

It isn't all spread out, genius. That depends on which city you reside in, in which part of the country. In inner cities, the population is most certainly dense, kind of like you. :D

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

It isn't all spread out, genius. That depends on which city you reside in, in which part of the country. In inner cities, the population is most certainly dense, kind of like you. :D

Exactly- in the INNER CITIES, they are more packed in. and they are more violent.

In Japan, they are evern MORE packed in. But since they don't give guns to average citizens who have no business having them, Japan had all of 11 gun murders in 2010. As opposed to our 11 THOUSAND gun murders.

The number of people locked up in prison isn't what we are discussing. But if you want to change topics yet again, why not.

from: Wonkbook 11 facts about America 8217 s prison population - The Washington Post
"The single largest driver in the increase in the federal prison population since 1998 is longer sentences for drug offenders."

And the overwhelming majority of those are for drugs that are illegal. But somehow the people get their hands on them.

Just because you are too much of an ignoramus to connect the dots...

We have millions of guns and millions of prisoners, and yet oddly, we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Now, wait, don't you wingnuts keep claiming we need more guns and more prisons?

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

What does this even mean?
. . . people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

What does this even mean?
. . . people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

I really don't have the time and inclination to education you.

But look up "Prison-Industrial Complex", and you will be amazed how big corporations are making all this money off of prisons and why we are locking up guys for life for swiping a slice of pizza.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

In a study of prosecuted murder cases,
about 80 percent of murder victims knew their
killers and 16 percent were related to their
killers, the Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS) announced today. BJS, a Department
of Justice agency, said more than half of
the victims had a romantic or social
relationship with their murderers.

The data are based on an analysis of
the homicide cases in which there was an
arrest and prosecution in the nation's
75 most populous counties during 1988, BJS said.

Almost half of the victims died in fights
with the offender arising from property disputes,
domestic arguments, insults or feuds. An
estimated 11 percent were involved with
the killer in illegal drug activities and
12 percent were collaborating in other
criminal activities with their killer.

More than 30 percent of the female
victims were killed by a husband compared
to 10 percent of the male victims. Ten
percent of the female victims were killed
by other women.

Most people are killed by people they know.
With Guns.

This guy is all OVER the place. He has no idea what he's talking about, and every time he gets beat down, he tries to move the goal posts. He must like abuse because he keeps coming back for more beat downs. Lol.

He also seems to have such a poor understanding of America and our history and background and our laws. I wonder if he's really even from this country?

Whinerborn withdrew his original post... So I can' answer that stupidity.

But, yeah, the reality is, we have a society where a lot of people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

I mean, if you weren't peeing your panties at the thought of a criminal, you wouldn't be such a good customer for the NRA's masters.

What does this even mean?
. . . people are getting rich off the causes of crime and no incentive to solve it.

Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

I really don't have the time and inclination to education you.

But look up "Prison-Industrial Complex", and you will be amazed how big corporations are making all this money off of prisons and why we are locking up guys for life for swiping a slice of pizza.

:disagree: You cannot explain because you have a very limited understanding of the issues, the complications involved, and the unintended consequences. You are the one who needs schooling. Lol!


Clarify please.

The bottom line is that most of the murders due to gun violence are taking place in the inner cities between gangs. Are you denying this?

In a study of prosecuted murder cases,
about 80 percent of murder victims knew their
killers and 16 percent were related to their
killers, the Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS) announced today. BJS, a Department
of Justice agency, said more than half of
the victims had a romantic or social
relationship with their murderers.

The data are based on an analysis of
the homicide cases in which there was an
arrest and prosecution in the nation's
75 most populous counties during 1988, BJS said.

Almost half of the victims died in fights
with the offender arising from property disputes,
domestic arguments, insults or feuds. An
estimated 11 percent were involved with
the killer in illegal drug activities and
12 percent were collaborating in other
criminal activities with their killer.

More than 30 percent of the female
victims were killed by a husband compared
to 10 percent of the male victims. Ten
percent of the female victims were killed
by other women.

Most people are killed by people they know.
With Guns.

Number one, your data is outdated (from 1988). Also, this mentions nothing about "gun homicides." It speaks of homicide in general, and it certainly does nothing to detract from the fact that most gun-related homicides in America are due to gang violence. You cannot refute that because you know it is so.

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