NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder

No, I haven't seen that insinuation. The insinuation I've
seen made is that the NRA encourages gun sales
to criminals by lobbying against background checks and supporting the gun-show loophole, and what better man to support that loophole than a man who got away with murder on a loophole.

when someone claims there is a gun show loophole, I write them off as being either liars or so ignorant that their opinions on gun issues cannot be taken seriously ever again

Perhaps you don't want to take my arguments seriously because you lack the ability to successfully challenge them.

well that is really funny but you don't know what a loophole is

the law at gun shows is not different than at any other place within a given state

so when you start with a LIE you are not to be taken seriously

and your whining about what an employee of the NRA did 15 years before the NRA hired him is pathetic

On May 27, 1999, Wayne LaPierre testified before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, on behalf of theNational Rifle Association, saying that "We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone," he said. "That means closing the Hinckley loophole so the records of those adjudicated mentally ill are in the system. This isn't new, or a change of position, or a concession. I've been on record on this point consistently, from our national meeting in Denver, to paid national ads and position papers, to news interviews and press appearances."[23]

I guess Wayne LPisrre doesn't know what a loophole
Is now, though he did in 1999. His masters must have made
Him forget. Note, he said, "every sale, at every gun show." I believe that would include every private sale.

You realize Wayne is only doing the gun manufacturers bidding by changing his mind. Do you also reverse your position on order?

uh no I was pointing out you are clueless about what the laws are and what a loophole is

the law as to private citizens selling guns in INTRA STATE commerce is the same (at least in my state) whether I am at a gun show, the Knights of Columbus Hall, my gun club or my back porch

and one of the biggest problems many of us have with the NRA is that it compromises with asshole gun banners
Yet there is access. The dealers who sell guns at the shows are performing checks instantly in most cases, so the infrastructure is there.

Additionally the NRA (possibly Dowlut) has lobbied against
Taking away guns for individuals with protective orders against them. They partially won that fight, succeeding in saving the guns of those who have temporary orders against them. The winners? The gun industry! The losers? The 1
out of 5 women who are murdered by their partner while protected by a temporary order.

sounds like a good reason for women to be armed

only a cretin thinks that someone willing to kill his ex is going to obey a gun law



the thought of buying a gun illegally does not either
You may legally legally purchase a gun while under a temporary restraining order, thanks to the NRA, and possibly Robert Dowlut. When it's a woman dear to you, you might reconsider who you consider complicit.

constitutional rights should remain intact until they are deprived by due process of law where the target has had an opportunity to be heard, produce evidence and be represented by counsel

why do you hate "innocent until proven guilty"
Yet there is access. The dealers who sell guns at the shows are performing checks instantly in most cases, so the infrastructure is there.

Additionally the NRA (possibly Dowlut) has lobbied against
Taking away guns for individuals with protective orders against them. They partially won that fight, succeeding in saving the guns of those who have temporary orders against them. The winners? The gun industry! The losers? The 1
out of 5 women who are murdered by their partner while protected by a temporary order.

sounds like a good reason for women to be armed

only a cretin thinks that someone willing to kill his ex is going to obey a gun law



the thought of buying a gun illegally does not either
You may legally legally purchase a gun while under a temporary restraining order, thanks to the NRA, and possibly Robert Dowlut. When it's a woman dear to you, you might reconsider who you consider complicit.

constitutional rights should remain intact until they are deprived by due process of law where the target has had an opportunity to be heard, produce evidence and be represented by counsel

why do you hate "innocent until proven guilty"
You inadvertently made "target" a double entendre.
No, I haven't seen that insinuation. The insinuation I've
seen made is that the NRA encourages gun sales
to criminals by lobbying against background checks and supporting the gun-show loophole, and what better man to support that loophole than a man who got away with murder on a loophole.

when someone claims there is a gun show loophole, I write them off as being either liars or so ignorant that their opinions on gun issues cannot be taken seriously ever again

Perhaps you don't want to take my arguments seriously because you lack the ability to successfully challenge them.

well that is really funny but you don't know what a loophole is

the law at gun shows is not different than at any other place within a given state

so when you start with a LIE you are not to be taken seriously

and your whining about what an employee of the NRA did 15 years before the NRA hired him is pathetic

On May 27, 1999, Wayne LaPierre testified before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, on behalf of theNational Rifle Association, saying that "We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone," he said. "That means closing the Hinckley loophole so the records of those adjudicated mentally ill are in the system. This isn't new, or a change of position, or a concession. I've been on record on this point consistently, from our national meeting in Denver, to paid national ads and position papers, to news interviews and press appearances."[23]

I guess Wayne LPisrre doesn't know what a loophole
Is now, though he did in 1999. His masters must have made
Him forget. Note, he said, "every sale, at every gun show." I believe that would include every private sale.

You realize Wayne is only doing the gun manufacturers bidding by changing his mind. Do you also reverse your position on order?

uh no I was pointing out you are clueless about what the laws are and what a loophole is

the law as to private citizens selling guns in INTRA STATE commerce is the same (at least in my state) whether I am at a gun show, the Knights of Columbus Hall, my gun club or my back porch

and one of the biggest problems many of us have with the NRA is that it compromises with asshole gun banners
No, I haven't seen that insinuation. The insinuation I've
seen made is that the NRA encourages gun sales
to criminals by lobbying against background checks and supporting the gun-show loophole, and what better man to support that loophole than a man who got away with murder on a loophole.

when someone claims there is a gun show loophole, I write them off as being either liars or so ignorant that their opinions on gun issues cannot be taken seriously ever again

Perhaps you don't want to take my arguments seriously because you lack the ability to successfully challenge them.

well that is really funny but you don't know what a loophole is

the law at gun shows is not different than at any other place within a given state

so when you start with a LIE you are not to be taken seriously

and your whining about what an employee of the NRA did 15 years before the NRA hired him is pathetic

On May 27, 1999, Wayne LaPierre testified before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, on behalf of theNational Rifle Association, saying that "We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone," he said. "That means closing the Hinckley loophole so the records of those adjudicated mentally ill are in the system. This isn't new, or a change of position, or a concession. I've been on record on this point consistently, from our national meeting in Denver, to paid national ads and position papers, to news interviews and press appearances."[23]

I guess Wayne LPisrre doesn't know what a loophole
Is now, though he did in 1999. His masters must have made
Him forget. Note, he said, "every sale, at every gun show." I believe that would include every private sale.

You realize Wayne is only doing the gun manufacturers bidding by changing his mind. Do you also reverse your position on order?

uh no I was pointing out you are clueless about what the laws are and what a loophole is

the law as to private citizens selling guns in INTRA STATE commerce is the same (at least in my state) whether I am at a gun show, the Knights of Columbus Hall, my gun club or my back porch

and one of the biggest problems many of us have with the NRA is that it compromises with asshole gun banners
Yet it is illegal to sell a gun from your porch to
individuals who are known to be:

  • Those convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanors except where state law reinstates rights, or removes disability.
  • Fugitives from justice
  • Unlawful users of certain depressant, narcotic, or stimulant drugs
  • Those adjudicated as mental defectives or incompetents or those committed to any mental institution and currently containing a dangerous mental illness.
  • Non-U.S. citizens, unless permanently immigrating into the United States or in possession of a hunting license legally issued in the United States
  • Those who have renounced U.S. citizenship
  • Persons convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (an addition)
  • Persons under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year are ineligible to receive, transport, or ship any firearm or ammunition
The "loophole" makes it conveniently impossible to know this.

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.
It is funny that you are so quick to convict the Weavers based on little actual information, but you defend Michael Brown when there is ample evidence he committed crimes and used physical force.

I guess I consider shooting a federal marshal a more serious crime than "Grand Theft Cigar".

So do I. But neither Vicki Weaver nor her 14 year old son shot a federal marshall. In fact, the only thing Vicki Weaver had in her hand when she was executed by an FBI sniper was her 10 month old baby. But then, she had been in a room with someone you THINK was a Nazi, so you claim that makes her execution a public service.

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

So you support someone threatening someone's children, but want people who are not politically correct to be executed? Nice.

Sorry, but unless someone breaks the law they are entitled to the same freedoms you enjoy, despite your most fervent wish that the gov't remove everyone who isn't like you.
It is funny that you are so quick to convict the Weavers based on little actual information, but you defend Michael Brown when there is ample evidence he committed crimes and used physical force.

I guess I consider shooting a federal marshal a more serious crime than "Grand Theft Cigar".

So do I. But neither Vicki Weaver nor her 14 year old son shot a federal marshall. In fact, the only thing Vicki Weaver had in her hand when she was executed by an FBI sniper was her 10 month old baby. But then, she had been in a room with someone you THINK was a Nazi, so you claim that makes her execution a public service.

They were in a room with NAZIS with GUNS, who had just murdered a federal marshal.

Gee, I don't know, you are a Federal Marshal, people are shooting at you, you see something moving in the trees and fire to defend yourself after one of your teammates has just been killed, I'm just not seeing that as out of line.

Similarly, Vicky got hit because she was in the line of fire behind Nazi Randy and a bullet that missed him.

These were people who turned their home into an armed fort and went to fortified positions whenever anyone approached the house.

Like I said. Public Service Shooting.

So you support someone threatening someone's children, but want people who are not politically correct to be executed? Nice.

Sorry, but unless someone breaks the law they are entitled to the same freedoms you enjoy, despite your most fervent wish that the gov't remove everyone who isn't like you.

They did break the law.

They shot and killed a Federal Marshal.

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

I have no doubt you don't care what Coulson said. It goes against what you want so you will try to dismiss it.

But Danny Coulson was a Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, hardly just a pencil pusher.

He also created and commanded the FBI Hostage Rescue team. So he might know a bit more about tactical situations than either of us. So his opinion does carry weight. At least with rational people.

I have no doubt you don't care what Coulson said. It goes against what you want so you will try to dismiss it.

But Danny Coulson was a Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, hardly just a pencil pusher.

He also created and commanded the FBI Hostage Rescue team. So he might know a bit more about tactical situations than either of us. So his opinion does carry weight. At least with rational people.

This was the same Hostage rescue team that let Waco drag on for two months before they all burned themselves anyway.

No, seriously, fuck these Nazis.
It is funny that you are so quick to convict the Weavers based on little actual information, but you defend Michael Brown when there is ample evidence he committed crimes and used physical force.

I guess I consider shooting a federal marshal a more serious crime than "Grand Theft Cigar".

So do I. But neither Vicki Weaver nor her 14 year old son shot a federal marshall. In fact, the only thing Vicki Weaver had in her hand when she was executed by an FBI sniper was her 10 month old baby. But then, she had been in a room with someone you THINK was a Nazi, so you claim that makes her execution a public service.

They were in a room with NAZIS with GUNS, who had just murdered a federal marshal.

Gee, I don't know, you are a Federal Marshal, people are shooting at you, you see something moving in the trees and fire to defend yourself after one of your teammates has just been killed, I'm just not seeing that as out of line.

Similarly, Vicky got hit because she was in the line of fire behind Nazi Randy and a bullet that missed him.

These were people who turned their home into an armed fort and went to fortified positions whenever anyone approached the house.

Like I said. Public Service Shooting.

Execution without a trial and guilty by association. Nice to see you are equally disdainful of other parts of the US Constitution.

Execution without a trial and guilty by association. Nice to see you are equally disdainful of other parts of the US Constitution.

I think htey kind of gave up their rights when they went to war with the Federal Government.

Randy could have ended this AT ANY TIME. He could have walked down the road with his hands up and said, "Okay, I give up."

I have no doubt you don't care what Coulson said. It goes against what you want so you will try to dismiss it.

But Danny Coulson was a Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, hardly just a pencil pusher.

He also created and commanded the FBI Hostage Rescue team. So he might know a bit more about tactical situations than either of us. So his opinion does carry weight. At least with rational people.

This was the same Hostage rescue team that let Waco drag on for two months before they all burned themselves anyway.

No, seriously, fuck these Nazis.

Yeah, you have said that. You haven't said how you think you know the Weavers were nazis, but that is ok. I understand that you only accept facts that support your argument and reject any that call it into question. Just more of the "It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.", huh?
Last edited:

Execution without a trial and guilty by association. Nice to see you are equally disdainful of other parts of the US Constitution.

I think htey kind of gave up their rights when they went to war with the Federal Government.

Randy could have ended this AT ANY TIME. He could have walked down the road with his hands up and said, "Okay, I give up."

Sure, and gone to prison for a crime he didn't commit. And he was treated so fairly, wasn't he?
... All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

50 year ago, eh?

Can you come up with older news, or is that the best you can do?

As I said, the event happened 50 years ago. The current interest in it is because of the NRA's unwillingness to admit their staff member very likely is a murderer. The evidence against him is compelling and conclusive and led to a conviction. The reversal came because of a technicality.

Do you think the NRA should defend him with their silence.
It's the same thing as the Catholic church defending pedophiles.
Yet it is illegal to sell a gun from your porch to
individuals who are known to be:

  • Those convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanors except where state law reinstates rights, or removes disability.
  • Fugitives from justice
  • Unlawful users of certain depressant, narcotic, or stimulant drugs
  • Those adjudicated as mental defectives or incompetents or those committed to any mental institution and currently containing a dangerous mental illness.
  • Non-U.S. citizens, unless permanently immigrating into the United States or in possession of a hunting license legally issued in the United States
  • Those who have renounced U.S. citizenship
  • Persons convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (an addition)
  • Persons under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year are ineligible to receive, transport, or ship any firearm or ammunition
The "loophole" makes it conveniently impossible to know this.[/QUOTE]

and yet when the brady bill was passed, and Clinton claimed it stopped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS from buying (from dealers)

a) only 12 were prosecuted for lying on the form

b) crime did not go down

so why do you push a law that won't decrease crime?
... All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

50 year ago, eh?

Can you come up with older news, or is that the best you can do?

As I said, the event happened 50 years ago. The current interest in it is because of the NRA's unwillingness to admit their staff member very likely is a murderer. The evidence against him is compelling and conclusive and led to a conviction. The reversal came because of a technicality.

Do you think the NRA should defend him with their silence.
It's the same thing as the Catholic church defending pedophiles.

Moron alert--that is not true-nothing like it

So you support someone threatening someone's children, but want people who are not politically correct to be executed? Nice.

Sorry, but unless someone breaks the law they are entitled to the same freedoms you enjoy, despite your most fervent wish that the gov't remove everyone who isn't like you.

They did break the law.

They shot and killed a Federal Marshal.

Hey SFBs, Kevin Harris's killing of the USM Deputy was RULED JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE BY A FEDERAL JUDGE

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