NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut Convicted of Murder


No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

Ruled JUSTIFIABLE because DUM Degan shot sammy weaver in the back
Yet it is illegal to sell a gun from your porch to
individuals who are known to be:

  • Those convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanors except where state law reinstates rights, or removes disability.
  • Fugitives from justice
  • Unlawful users of certain depressant, narcotic, or stimulant drugs
  • Those adjudicated as mental defectives or incompetents or those committed to any mental institution and currently containing a dangerous mental illness.
  • Non-U.S. citizens, unless permanently immigrating into the United States or in possession of a hunting license legally issued in the United States
  • Those who have renounced U.S. citizenship
  • Persons convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (an addition)
  • Persons under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year are ineligible to receive, transport, or ship any firearm or ammunition
The "loophole" makes it conveniently impossible to know this.

and yet when the brady bill was passed, and Clinton claimed it stopped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS from buying (from dealers)

a) only 12 were prosecuted for lying on the form

b) crime did not go down

so why do you push a law that won't decrease crime?[/QUOTE]Why not discuss the results of increased background checks in Colorado? I think I know.

In the first year, 72 felons were denied purchasing a gun. Say that was applied in all 50 states. Pretty good results, huh? Crime does go down. Easily.

And not a worthy soul was denied his rights.
Yeah, you have said that. You haven't said how you think you know the Weavers were nazis, but that is ok. I understand that you only accept facts that support your argument and reject any that call it into question. Just more of the "It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.", huh?

You mean opposed to you claiming Nancy Lanza wasn't a prepper even though all of her relatives said she was?

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

Ruled JUSTIFIABLE because DUM Degan shot sammy weaver in the back

Sammy shot Degan first, after Degan shot their dog.

Um, not really. But you keep telling yourself that...

So you support someone threatening someone's children, but want people who are not politically correct to be executed? Nice.

Sorry, but unless someone breaks the law they are entitled to the same freedoms you enjoy, despite your most fervent wish that the gov't remove everyone who isn't like you.

They did break the law.

They shot and killed a Federal Marshal.

Hey SFBs, Kevin Harris's killing of the USM Deputy was RULED JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE BY A FEDERAL JUDGE

Uh, no, not really. He was acquitted by a jury because Sammy shot the fatal shot.
All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

So, this is just slander and libel?

Pretty much all you Communists have to offer the nation, isn't it - Herr Goebbels?
Sammy shot Degan first, after Degan shot their dog.

Um, not really. But you keep telling yourself that...

Comrade Stalin, are you sure you want to start lying about Ruby Ridge again?

I will humiliate you, just as I did last time.
All this happened almost 50 years ago but it's been more or less unknown to the general public. Despite the NRA's high profile, they haven't talked about the history of one of their most important staff. Moreover, they're not talking now. They won't discuss Robert Dowlut's history and he won't either. That's kind of strange. The NRA tells us guns are good so why aren't they talking?

So, this is just slander and libel?

Pretty much all you Communists have to offer the nation, isn't it - Herr Goebbels?
Dowlut could certainly sue for libel if any of this was untrue...

But don't look for that.

So you support someone threatening someone's children, but want people who are not politically correct to be executed? Nice.

Sorry, but unless someone breaks the law they are entitled to the same freedoms you enjoy, despite your most fervent wish that the gov't remove everyone who isn't like you.

They did break the law.

They shot and killed a Federal Marshal.

Hey SFBs, Kevin Harris's killing of the USM Deputy was RULED JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE BY A FEDERAL JUDGE

Uh, no, not really. He was acquitted by a jury because Sammy shot the fatal shot.

Sammy fired the fatal shot?? Really? I have read the various versions of the story of what happened, but never one that had Sammy killing Marshal Degan. Every account I have read has Harris firing the shot that killed Degan.

And no, he was not acquitted because Sammy fired the fatal shot. There may be some questions concerning what happened on the mountain that night, but the court records are very clear. Kevin Harris was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. But it does not surprise me that you would lie to try and win your point.
Yeah, you have said that. You haven't said how you think you know the Weavers were nazis, but that is ok. I understand that you only accept facts that support your argument and reject any that call it into question. Just more of the "It's a shit number, I don't care where it came from.", huh?

You mean opposed to you claiming Nancy Lanza wasn't a prepper even though all of her relatives said she was?

I saw no evidence that she was a prepper. I don't know one single active shooter who has so few rounds per gun. And most of them are not preppers. Being a prepper means being prepared for societal collapse. If she had that small amount of ammo (for the centerfire weapons) she was not prepared.

So I have an explanation for my denial. You simply say you don't like the number and stamp your feet like it matters. You have no rational reason why you will not accept the numbers.

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

Ruled JUSTIFIABLE because DUM Degan shot sammy weaver in the back

Sammy shot Degan first, after Degan shot their dog.

Um, not really. But you keep telling yourself that...

Continuing to lie does not change the facts.

I challenge you to produce one link showing valid information that Sammy shot Degan.
Dowlut could certainly sue for libel if any of this were untrue...

But don't look for that.

The demagogue party needs to be sued for libel. Top demagogues and their media engage in some of the most outrageous slander and libel - depending on the idea that public figures cannot or will not sue them.

Just like the National Enquirer of the 1970's - the Demagogue National Convention (DNC) thinks it is above the law, just as it is immune from ethics or common decency. I have advocated before that every demagogue candidate, every demagogue spokes-puke. every lying cocksucker at the NY Times and NBC be sued every time they slander and libel the opposition. Tie the entire demagogue party up in court for the next decade.
Yet it is illegal to sell a gun from your porch to
individuals who are known to be:

  • Those convicted of felonies and certain misdemeanors except where state law reinstates rights, or removes disability.
  • Fugitives from justice
  • Unlawful users of certain depressant, narcotic, or stimulant drugs
  • Those adjudicated as mental defectives or incompetents or those committed to any mental institution and currently containing a dangerous mental illness.
  • Non-U.S. citizens, unless permanently immigrating into the United States or in possession of a hunting license legally issued in the United States
  • Those who have renounced U.S. citizenship
  • Persons convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (an addition)
  • Persons under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year are ineligible to receive, transport, or ship any firearm or ammunition
The "loophole" makes it conveniently impossible to know this.

and yet when the brady bill was passed, and Clinton claimed it stopped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS from buying (from dealers)

a) only 12 were prosecuted for lying on the form

b) crime did not go down

so why do you push a law that won't decrease crime?
Why not discuss the results of increased background checks in Colorado? I think I know.

In the first year, 72 felons were denied purchasing a gun. Say that was applied in all 50 states. Pretty good results, huh? Crime does go down. Easily.

And not a worthy soul was denied his rights.[/QUOTE]

if those people were not incarcerated who knows if they were actually unable to get a gun

so you are talking out of your ass

the issue was-did crime go down as a result

if those 72 people were people who had decades old marijuana or draft evasion convictions-who cares because most people like them are not going to commit violent crime


Sammy fired the fatal shot?? Really? I have read the various versions of the story of what happened, but never one that had Sammy killing Marshal Degan. Every account I have read has Harris firing the shot that killed Degan.

And no, he was not acquitted because Sammy fired the fatal shot. There may be some questions concerning what happened on the mountain that night, but the court records are very clear. Kevin Harris was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. But it does not surprise me that you would lie to try and win your point.

I have read the official reports and spoke to LEOs familiar with the story

the USMS started the shooting by shooting the weaver dog because it was going to alert the weavers. Sammy fired a wild shot in the vicinity of some of the USMS agents including the one that killed their dog. Randy called sammy to come to him and Sammy started running towards his home. Degan shot sammy in the back and then Kevin harris killed Degan. It was a righteous shooting of Degan. Degan should have been tried for murder for shooting Sammy in the back. Lon Horiuchi also should have been tried for murder along with the superior (Potts) who gave the illegal order to shoot when there was no threat

Horiiuchi claimed that Harris and Weaver were pointing rifles at an FBI helicopter so he shot and wounded them and then killed Vicky Weaver trying to shoot a running Kevin Harris.

The helicopter was more than 5 miles away at the time
Sammy fired the fatal shot?? Really? I have read the various versions of the story of what happened, but never one that had Sammy killing Marshal Degan. Every account I have read has Harris firing the shot that killed Degan.

And no, he was not acquitted because Sammy fired the fatal shot. There may be some questions concerning what happened on the mountain that night, but the court records are very clear. Kevin Harris was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. But it does not surprise me that you would lie to try and win your point.

I have read the official reports and spoke to LEOs familiar with the story

the USMS started the shooting by shooting the weaver dog because it was going to alert the weavers. Sammy fired a wild shot in the vicinity of some of the USMS agents including the one that killed their dog. Randy called sammy to come to him and Sammy started running towards his home. Degan shot sammy in the back and then Kevin harris killed Degan. It was a righteous shooting of Degan. Degan should have been tried for murder for shooting Sammy in the back. Lon Horiuchi also should have been tried for murder along with the superior (Potts) who gave the illegal order to shoot when there was no threat

Horiiuchi claimed that Harris and Weaver were pointing rifles at an FBI helicopter so he shot and wounded them and then killed Vicky Weaver trying to shoot a running Kevin Harris.

The helicopter was more than 5 miles away at the time

That is an accurate assessment. Pity that JoeB. has no qualms about lying. It makes the discussion less productive.

The changes in the rules of engagement were completely unjustified. The FBI was spoiling for a fight.
It is funny that you are so quick to convict the Weavers based on little actual information, but you defend Michael Brown when there is ample evidence he committed crimes and used physical force.

I guess I consider shooting a federal marshal a more serious crime than "Grand Theft Cigar".

there was no crime..Degan engaged in activities that justified harris killing him-ie shooting a boy in the back

A federal judge said so

sucks to be a defender of a fascist action by the government but that appears to be your lot

you support law enforcement shooting kids in the back when they are right wing racial separatists
Sammy fired the fatal shot?? Really? I have read the various versions of the story of what happened, but never one that had Sammy killing Marshal Degan. Every account I have read has Harris firing the shot that killed Degan.

And no, he was not acquitted because Sammy fired the fatal shot. There may be some questions concerning what happened on the mountain that night, but the court records are very clear. Kevin Harris was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. But it does not surprise me that you would lie to try and win your point.

I have read the official reports and spoke to LEOs familiar with the story

the USMS started the shooting by shooting the weaver dog because it was going to alert the weavers. Sammy fired a wild shot in the vicinity of some of the USMS agents including the one that killed their dog. Randy called sammy to come to him and Sammy started running towards his home. Degan shot sammy in the back and then Kevin harris killed Degan. It was a righteous shooting of Degan. Degan should have been tried for murder for shooting Sammy in the back. Lon Horiuchi also should have been tried for murder along with the superior (Potts) who gave the illegal order to shoot when there was no threat

Horiiuchi claimed that Harris and Weaver were pointing rifles at an FBI helicopter so he shot and wounded them and then killed Vicky Weaver trying to shoot a running Kevin Harris.

The helicopter was more than 5 miles away at the time

That is an accurate assessment. Pity that JoeB. has no qualms about lying. It makes the discussion less productive.

The changes in the rules of engagement were completely unjustified. The FBI was spoiling for a fight.

RW was Green Beret. He was a separatist. The Feds figured he'd be a good guy to help them infiltrate WHITE SUPREMACISTS. Weaver said no-leave me alone. He did his service honorably and he didn't want to get involved. SO he was set up with an entrapment to force him to help. when he wouldn't the Feds decided to fuck him over. I worked for the federal government for almost 25 years. 99% of the agents I worked with were honest hardworking patriots-Democrats and Conservatives. My bosses-both parties, were for the most part very good people. One, a democrat, was appointed a federal judge. I told my congressman friend and my college buddy who had the ear of Orrin Hatch, to support this man even though it was right before the 96 election.

and none of us had any use for what was done with the weavers. its was an abomination. and it wasn't Bush or Clinton. Randy weaver and his surviving family members got over 3 million dollars that us tax payers had to pay.
Potts, Horiuchi and others should have paid. Potts gave the illegal orders-he should be in prison, Horiuchi should have known the orders were illegal. the only guy to pay for his crimes is Degan-he is dead

No, Weaver was not a Nazi.

I am thrilled that you even answered. But the 14 year old child did not kill Marshall Degan.

You'd have done better to look for the source of the quote I posted. It was written by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson. He knew that the shooters from the FBI should have been hung out to dry.

I couldn't give a fuck what some pencil pusher at the FBI said.

Point was, Weaver's Nazi Buddy Harris DID shoot the Marshal.

Seriously fuck these Nazis and Preppers and other freaks.

Ruled JUSTIFIABLE because DUM Degan shot sammy weaver in the back

Sammy shot Degan first, after Degan shot their dog.

Um, not really. But you keep telling yourself that...

uh you are lying. sammy was the first killed. Sammy shot in the general vicinity of the dog killer

Harris shot Degan

you are so FOS its funny
1. On about August 24, 1992, the fourth day of the siege on the Weaver family, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson wrote a memo:

OPR 004477
Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was
barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog.
Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the

shooting [of Degan]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position."[10][55]
1. On about August 24, 1992, the fourth day of the siege on the Weaver family, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson wrote a memo:

OPR 004477
Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was
barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog.
Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the

shooting [of Degan]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position."[10][55]

Yeah, I posted this memo too. Joey's comment was something about not caring what an FBI pencil pusher thought. You see, facts don't really matter to Joey. He has this idea of utopia and is absolutely sure if we could ban guns, kill the 1%ers, and give everyone a union job, we would be returned to Eden.

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