NRA receives surge in donations.

You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
How would giving up my AR-15 help children stay alive? My weapon has yet to kill anyone? Are you under 16 years old?
If high-powered weapons weren't available, less children would be shot at school and maybe the shooter figures "fuck it, I won't kill enough people with a smaller caliber gun". are ignorant and have no idea what you are talking about, we get it but do you have to remind us with posts like this....

The worst school shooting was Virginia Tech and that was done with 2 pistols, 32 people were murdered

If we got rid of democrat gun free school zones actual children would be safe.....that is what draws shooters, your democrat gun free zones.
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
..."and the like". You need guns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. All that other stuff is pointless, and if it helps school children stay alive, I'm all for trying something new. aren' taz go into spasms of pain...

Do you want to arm and train school staff and teachers....?
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.

Rifles are the least likely to be used in a mass shooting you dumb twit......

The AR-15 civilian rifle is the most common and most popular rifle in the country, so over 8,000,000 people think they need one....

Lawn mowers kill more people each year than mass shooters do and that includes the guys using rifles of any kind...
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
Do you need to have a car? Why do you have one?
I'm not allowed to drive a race car on the street. And there's a speed limit. And I wear a seatbelt by law. And my car can't be falling apart... or over crowded... or be drinking in the car... or simply drunk... You want all those laws repealed so it's a free-for-all? No thanks.

You can't use a gun to commit rape, robbery, murder, kidnapping.......we already have those laws on the book and we can already arrest any felon who guys, owns or carries a gun...

The only problem we can't seem to get rid of is democrats who keep letting those violent gun criminals out of jail...if we could fix that problem our gun crime levels would be lower than Europe....
Wrong again, I'm a Libertarian. Better luck next time.
Yeah sure you are. You admitted that AR-15s should be banned, Why?
Why not? They were banned for 10 years before.....?
They were banned for 10 years before.....?

FLASHBACK: CBS Reported Clinton’s ’94 Assault Weapons Ban Didn’t Prevent Columbine
Columbine shooters from using those weapons in the massacre:

“When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot their way into Columbine High School in Colorado a few months ago, one of the guns in their arsenal was a powerful pistol called a TEC-9. That’s one of the guns supposedly outlawed by the assault-weapons ban, passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton back in 1994. So how were they able to get ahold of a banned gun? Well, as we found when we first aired this story in 1995, this ban wasn’t really a ban at all. One gun dealer in Kentucky, Bill Perkins, went so far as to call the law a joke.”
Liberals, are the Joke of the Universe...

View attachment 185140
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
more of an editorial on society than guns.

No matter how you slice it a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people who can legally get a gun will kill with it.

Mass shootings while great press for liberal control efforts account for only about 1% of all murders

The vast majority of murders, 68%,occur in very small areas in 5 % of all the counties in the country and since those areas tend to historically urban and plagued by crime. We don't care about the murders that occur in them because they are mostly urban youths killing other urban youths.
it's not that people do not care, but it is the reason why any mass shootings in the counties and areas not plagued with gun crimes, stands out and people go bonkers over it....imo.
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
Do you need to have a car? Why do you have one?
I'm not allowed to drive a race car on the street. And there's a speed limit. And I wear a seatbelt by law. And my car can't be falling apart... or over crowded... or be drinking in the car... or simply drunk... You want all those laws repealed so it's a free-for-all? No thanks.
That isn't what I said. Nice try. Why do you own a car? Because you need one? No because it is your CHOICE to have one. Otherwise you could ride a bus, use the metro, or other means of public transportation. It is my Choice to have an AR-15 and it has YET to take a life...Are you jealous that I can have one, but you cant?
Actually, where I live, I NEED a car. No public transport... in my small town. You keep failing badly, please try again soon.
Why don't you just walk or ride a bicycle? A small town, you waste money just to putz around. Why do you want to infringe on my right to CHOOSE, what I want to purchase or not. You sure don't act like a libertarian but more like a Fascist..
You're right to choose what you want has already been infringed, as you can't buy an AA missile or a nuke or a cluster bomb or a mine or... So spare me the fake outrage.
Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?

We are outraged....we just need on more justice on the Supreme Court to make it right...
So that Arab-Americans can buy nukes in the US? :cuckoo:
Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
..."and the like". You need guns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. All that other stuff is pointless, and if it helps school children stay alive, I'm all for trying something new. aren' taz go into spasms of pain...

Do you want to arm and train school staff and teachers....?
I have no problem with responsible adults who want to be armed and trained.
Do you need to have a car? Why do you have one?
I'm not allowed to drive a race car on the street. And there's a speed limit. And I wear a seatbelt by law. And my car can't be falling apart... or over crowded... or be drinking in the car... or simply drunk... You want all those laws repealed so it's a free-for-all? No thanks.
That isn't what I said. Nice try. Why do you own a car? Because you need one? No because it is your CHOICE to have one. Otherwise you could ride a bus, use the metro, or other means of public transportation. It is my Choice to have an AR-15 and it has YET to take a life...Are you jealous that I can have one, but you cant?
Actually, where I live, I NEED a car. No public transport... in my small town. You keep failing badly, please try again soon.
Why don't you just walk or ride a bicycle? A small town, you waste money just to putz around. Why do you want to infringe on my right to CHOOSE, what I want to purchase or not. You sure don't act like a libertarian but more like a Fascist..
You're right to choose what you want has already been infringed, as you can't buy an AA missile or a nuke or a cluster bomb or a mine or... So spare me the fake outrage.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
You are fucking sad dude.
There is no law that makes that illegal. Thats the LAST time i will tell you as it seems you enjoy being ignorant.
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.

Rifles are the least likely to be used in a mass shooting you dumb twit......

The AR-15 civilian rifle is the most common and most popular rifle in the country, so over 8,000,000 people think they need one....

Lawn mowers kill more people each year than mass shooters do and that includes the guys using rifles of any kind...
You're a fool who doesn't care how many school children get shot. We get it. You don't have to keep butting in to show us.
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
How would giving up my AR-15 help children stay alive? My weapon has yet to kill anyone? Are you under 16 years old?
If high-powered weapons weren't available, less children would be shot at school and maybe the shooter figures "fuck it, I won't kill enough people with a smaller caliber gun". are ignorant and have no idea what you are talking about, we get it but do you have to remind us with posts like this....

The worst school shooting was Virginia Tech and that was done with 2 pistols, 32 people were murdered

If we got rid of democrat gun free school zones actual children would be safe.....that is what draws shooters, your democrat gun free zones.
semi automatic pistols.
Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
As I said multiple one profits more from a mass shooting than the NRA and gun manufacturers.....Thanks for confirming.
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.

Rifles are the least likely to be used in a mass shooting you dumb twit......

The AR-15 civilian rifle is the most common and most popular rifle in the country, so over 8,000,000 people think they need one....

Lawn mowers kill more people each year than mass shooters do and that includes the guys using rifles of any kind...
You're a fool who doesn't care how many school children get shot. We get it. You don't have to keep butting in to show us.

You're a fool who doesn't care about the tens of millions of people killed by governments who disarmed them.

Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?

We are outraged....we just need on more justice on the Supreme Court to make it right...
So that Arab-Americans can buy nukes in the US? :cuckoo:

You're trying that again? No new material so recycling your old troll bait. Sad
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
How would giving up my AR-15 help children stay alive? My weapon has yet to kill anyone? Are you under 16 years old?
If high-powered weapons weren't available, less children would be shot at school and maybe the shooter figures "fuck it, I won't kill enough people with a smaller caliber gun".
Do you know the difference in caliber between a .223 and a .22?
I love how blood cultists want to make gun rights all about detaled knowledge of guns and ammo, while trying to restrict women's reproductive Rights while knowing so little....lolol
Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?

We are outraged....we just need on more justice on the Supreme Court to make it right...
So that Arab-Americans can buy nukes in the US? :cuckoo:

You're trying that again? No new material so recycling your old troll bait. Sad
You still don't have a proper response to what I said. Very sad.
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?

We are outraged....we just need on more justice on the Supreme Court to make it right...
So that Arab-Americans can buy nukes in the US? :cuckoo:

You're trying that again? No new material so recycling your old troll bait. Sad
You still don't have a proper response to what I said. Very sad.

I am saddened by your determination to cast Arab Americans in the worst possible light and perpetuate the sick stereotype that they are all terrorists. Frankly, there is no proper response for your repulsive attitude toward them and that's why I have stopped taking you seriously enough to give you the courtesy of conversation. Go let the Klan know you're ready to join their ranks and stop trolling us.
Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?

We are outraged....we just need on more justice on the Supreme Court to make it right...
So that Arab-Americans can buy nukes in the US? :cuckoo:

You're trying that again? No new material so recycling your old troll bait. Sad
You still don't have a proper response to what I said. Very sad.

I am saddened by your determination to cast Arab Americans in the worst possible light and perpetuate the sick stereotype that they are all terrorists. Frankly, there is no proper response for your repulsive attitude toward them and that's why I have stopped taking you seriously enough to give you the courtesy of conversation. Go let the Klan know you're ready to join their ranks and stop trolling us.
So you'd be ok with Arab-Americans owning nukes in the US? Or any one, possibly a guy like in Oklahoma? And you defend their right to own some?

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