NRA receives surge in donations.

No matter how you slice it a fraction of a fraction of a percent of people who can legally get a gun will kill with it.
This is TRUE, and I do not deny it... most are good, law abiding citizens

So how man of you gun nuts have kids or grandkids in school? You don't worry about a shooter coming into that school with one of your, protected ARs, and shooting it up? I pray you never find the fate of the parents or grandparents of the 17 who died in Florida....but if you do. You need to still protect the ARs and military style fire arms out there. Cause you feel owning an AR is more important than any one of the lives of the kids that died either in Sandy Hook or in Florida.

Remember that....

No I don't worry about it.

The odds of being killed in a mass shooting in any location are 1 in 11,125 so the odds of being killed in a mass shooting at a school are considerably less
The odds of being killed in a mass shooting in any location are 1 in 11,125
The odds increase dramatically when you go into a gun free zone though.
I will probably get watched. But i can legally own one.
Please, stop spreading your ignorance and learn from mistakes the first time.
I have to tell my 5 year old that all the time!
First of all, you can't buy one in the US and if you arrive at the border with one, well, it won't end well. Can you imagine Arab-Americans being legally able to possess a nuke in the US? :cuckoo:
Thats because the us govt doesnt sell nuclear weapons, dude.
There is no law prohibiting citizens from owning nukes. It might as well be impossible but it is perfectly legal.
Sorry, but you're wrong. The US doesn't want COUNTRIES possessing nukes, you think they're going to let you Arab-Americans own some? :biggrin:
Not nukes maybe, but tanks and cannons and shit--he's right, apparently. At least when I asked Google the question a lot of sites said yes.
Can you imagine all the crazies sitting in the bushes near an airport with their AA shoulder fired missiles? lol. People planting mines in parks... Shooting off cruise missiles from the back of their pick-up? ...
No need to imagine, Muslims do that shit all too often.
First of all, you can't buy one in the US and if you arrive at the border with one, well, it won't end well. Can you imagine Arab-Americans being legally able to possess a nuke in the US? :cuckoo:
Thats because the us govt doesnt sell nuclear weapons, dude.
There is no law prohibiting citizens from owning nukes. It might as well be impossible but it is perfectly legal.
Sorry, but you're wrong. The US doesn't want COUNTRIES possessing nukes, you think they're going to let you Arab-Americans own some? :biggrin:
Not nukes maybe, but tanks and cannons and shit--he's right, apparently. At least when I asked Google the question a lot of sites said yes.
Can you imagine all the crazies sitting in the bushes near an airport with their AA shoulder fired missiles? lol. People planting mines in parks... Shooting off cruise missiles from the back of their pick-up? ...
View attachment 185138
Wrong again, I'm a Libertarian. Better luck next time.
Yeah sure you are. You admitted that AR-15s should be banned, Why?
Civilians situations don't need this stuff, unless of course if you want to shoot up a school, then it's the perfect weapon.
Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns
More than 50,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year — the most ever.
So should we ban all drugs?
You have no proper comeback so you move the goalposts. Please try again soon.
oh come on now, you "libertarians" and I used the term loosely, all want the war on drugs to go away and legalize it. Yet more people die per year from OD'ing than with an AR-15. if you cant play the game, then please don't show up again.

Should we ban all drugs because it kills more people than an Armalite Rifle -15?
Two bad things don't make anything right, despite your tap dancing.
Parkland students have gun owners in a panic
Yes, for the superficial observer. In a few weeks those kids saved their weekly pocket money to charter buses, pay for hotel rooms in D.C., maybe airplane tickets depending if they traveled alone etc. Makes a lot of sense.

Maybe one needs to look deeper into who financed and who registered the protest with D.C. That would be a good start.
Yeah sure you are. You admitted that AR-15s should be banned, Why?
Civilians situations don't need this stuff, unless of course if you want to shoot up a school, then it's the perfect weapon.
Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns
More than 50,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year — the most ever.
So should we ban all drugs?
You have no proper comeback so you move the goalposts. Please try again soon.
oh come on now, you "libertarians" and I used the term loosely, all want the war on drugs to go away and legalize it. Yet more people die per year from OD'ing than with an AR-15. if you cant play the game, then please don't show up again.

Should we ban all drugs because it kills more people than an Armalite Rifle -15?
Two bad things don't make anything right, despite your tap dancing.
I am calling you out on your libertarianism. Are you or are you not for drugs to be allowed on the streets? Come on man, man up(I know that is gender specific) and answer the question.
Wrong again, I'm a Libertarian. Better luck next time.
Yeah sure you are. You admitted that AR-15s should be banned, Why?
Why not? They were banned for 10 years before.....?
They were banned for 10 years before.....?

FLASHBACK: CBS Reported Clinton’s ’94 Assault Weapons Ban Didn’t Prevent Columbine
Columbine shooters from using those weapons in the massacre:

“When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot their way into Columbine High School in Colorado a few months ago, one of the guns in their arsenal was a powerful pistol called a TEC-9. That’s one of the guns supposedly outlawed by the assault-weapons ban, passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton back in 1994. So how were they able to get ahold of a banned gun? Well, as we found when we first aired this story in 1995, this ban wasn’t really a ban at all. One gun dealer in Kentucky, Bill Perkins, went so far as to call the law a joke.”
Liberals, are the Joke of the Universe...

View attachment 185140
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Yeah sure you are. You admitted that AR-15s should be banned, Why?
Why not? They were banned for 10 years before.....?
They were banned for 10 years before.....?

FLASHBACK: CBS Reported Clinton’s ’94 Assault Weapons Ban Didn’t Prevent Columbine
Columbine shooters from using those weapons in the massacre:

“When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot their way into Columbine High School in Colorado a few months ago, one of the guns in their arsenal was a powerful pistol called a TEC-9. That’s one of the guns supposedly outlawed by the assault-weapons ban, passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton back in 1994. So how were they able to get ahold of a banned gun? Well, as we found when we first aired this story in 1995, this ban wasn’t really a ban at all. One gun dealer in Kentucky, Bill Perkins, went so far as to call the law a joke.”
Liberals, are the Joke of the Universe...

View attachment 185140
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
Civilians situations don't need this stuff, unless of course if you want to shoot up a school, then it's the perfect weapon.
Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns
More than 50,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year — the most ever.
So should we ban all drugs?
You have no proper comeback so you move the goalposts. Please try again soon.
oh come on now, you "libertarians" and I used the term loosely, all want the war on drugs to go away and legalize it. Yet more people die per year from OD'ing than with an AR-15. if you cant play the game, then please don't show up again.

Should we ban all drugs because it kills more people than an Armalite Rifle -15?
Two bad things don't make anything right, despite your tap dancing.
I am calling you out on your libertarianism. Are you or are you not for drugs to be allowed on the streets? Come on man, man up(I know that is gender specific) and answer the question.
Start a thread on that if you're so interested, but we lost the war on drugs. Another method could be tried. The same with school mass murders, we're losing that war as well, time for something new.
You have no proper comeback so you move the goalposts. Please try again soon.
oh come on now, you "libertarians" and I used the term loosely, all want the war on drugs to go away and legalize it. Yet more people die per year from OD'ing than with an AR-15. if you cant play the game, then please don't show up again.

Should we ban all drugs because it kills more people than an Armalite Rifle -15?
Two bad things don't make anything right, despite your tap dancing.
I am calling you out on your libertarianism. Are you or are you not for drugs to be allowed on the streets? Come on man, man up(I know that is gender specific) and answer the question.
Start a thread on that if you're so interested, but we lost the war on drugs. Another method could be tried. The same with school mass murders, we're losing that war as well, time for something new.
Yeah something new like having armed people there to shoot the bastards when they pull out a gun in school.
Thinks hogg!

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked

On Tuesday, a new report revealed that donations to the National Rifle Association's (NRA) political action committee significantly increased in February after they were attacked by the media and far-left activists in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

"The PAC raised a total of $779,063 in February and reported $247,985 in donations in January," an increase of over 300%, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

The massive surge in donations comes after the gun rights group has been viciously attacked by the media and far-left activists like Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has referred to the NRA as "child murderers" on multiple occasions...

View attachment 185127

REPORT: NRA Gets Flooded With Donations After Being Attacked
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
..."and the like". You need guns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. All that other stuff is pointless, and if it helps school children stay alive, I'm all for trying something new.
Why not? They were banned for 10 years before.....?
They were banned for 10 years before.....?

FLASHBACK: CBS Reported Clinton’s ’94 Assault Weapons Ban Didn’t Prevent Columbine
Columbine shooters from using those weapons in the massacre:

“When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot their way into Columbine High School in Colorado a few months ago, one of the guns in their arsenal was a powerful pistol called a TEC-9. That’s one of the guns supposedly outlawed by the assault-weapons ban, passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton back in 1994. So how were they able to get ahold of a banned gun? Well, as we found when we first aired this story in 1995, this ban wasn’t really a ban at all. One gun dealer in Kentucky, Bill Perkins, went so far as to call the law a joke.”
Liberals, are the Joke of the Universe...

View attachment 185140
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
You have no proper comeback so you move the goalposts. Please try again soon.
oh come on now, you "libertarians" and I used the term loosely, all want the war on drugs to go away and legalize it. Yet more people die per year from OD'ing than with an AR-15. if you cant play the game, then please don't show up again.

Should we ban all drugs because it kills more people than an Armalite Rifle -15?
Two bad things don't make anything right, despite your tap dancing.
I am calling you out on your libertarianism. Are you or are you not for drugs to be allowed on the streets? Come on man, man up(I know that is gender specific) and answer the question.
Start a thread on that if you're so interested, but we lost the war on drugs. Another method could be tried. The same with school mass murders, we're losing that war as well, time for something new.
Yeah something new like having armed people there to shoot the bastards when they pull out a gun in school.
You need to seek some mental health care. And soon.
When I move to Florida this year, I will become a lifetime member of the NRA. Nothing like being a patriot to this country and defending the Constitution from the Commies who want to destroy it 1 amendment at a time.

Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
..."and the like". You need guns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. All that other stuff is pointless, and if it helps school children stay alive, I'm all for trying something new.

Now watch the troll post "I already answered the question."
Lifetime member, what's that for you? 4 or 5 more years? :biggrin:

Your 2nd Amendment right has already been infringed with an age limit and all the weapons you are currently not allowed to buy. Where's your outrage for that?
Even if it is 4 or 5 more years, I am all in for the fight against you communist faggots. If it means taking a few of you with me, so be it.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
We know all about your tactics, we are ready and we are waiting...Your move....
Actually, I'm all for the right to bear arms, just not AR-15s and the like.
Tell us all how banning ar-15 rifles will do anything when there are several hundred others you can still but just a powerful or more so. Tell us gun banner, we are waiting.
..."and the like". You need guns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. All that other stuff is pointless, and if it helps school children stay alive, I'm all for trying something new.

Now watch the troll post "I already answered the question."
Your English comprehension skills could use an update. How's that? Didi you understand it? :biggrin:
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
Do you need to have a car? Why do you have one?
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
How would giving up my AR-15 help children stay alive? My weapon has yet to kill anyone? Are you under 16 years old?
Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
I posted this before. Please answer?

Which gun should be banned below?

Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

You are right it did not stop mass shootings....

And Columbine had 30% less deaths, even with TWO people doing the shooting, with no assault weapons....vs the Valentine's Day school massacre....
You do understand that even with the gun ban, people ended up dead? Why don't EVIL people follow the law? Why do idiots like you want to take our guns away but not the bad guys?
So with you it's either of only 2 choices, either sell everything or ban everything. There is a middle ground.
Why should they ban the AR-15? If there are only 2 choices, then it either gets banned or not? My AR-15 has yet to take a life.. Why should it be banned?
You don't need such a weapon, but those things are used in school shootings. So to help children stay alive, are you willing to give yours up? I would, because I'd still have other guns for protection and hunting.
Do you need to have a car? Why do you have one?
I'm not allowed to drive a race car on the street. And there's a speed limit. And I wear a seatbelt by law. And my car can't be falling apart... or over crowded... or be drinking in the car... or simply drunk... You want all those laws repealed so it's a free-for-all? No thanks.

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