NRA Robocalls In Newtown Spark Outrage


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Christina Wilkie

WASHINGTON -- The National Rifle Association came under fire late Thursday from members of a gun-control advocacy group in Newtown, Conn., after reports surfaced of Newtown residents receiving robocalls and pro-gun postcards from the NRA.

The advocacy group, the Newtown Action Alliance, posted a Facebook message Thursday about the calls, prompting responses from people who said they'd received communications from the NRA and were upset by them.

"I received one of these," Newtown resident Christopher Wenis wrote on Facebook Thursday afternoon. "I was insulted and offended." Wenis told The Huffington Post in an interview Friday night that in the 36 hours since he first posted his response, he received two more robocalls from the NRA, one later on Thursday night and one Friday evening.

"I've got a 5-year-old son who went to preschool on the Sandy Hook Elementary School campus," Wenis explained. "And this was a really hard week for me on a lot of levels. These calls were the very last thing I needed."

Wenis said that he called the NRA twice to request that his name be placed on a "Do Not Call List" -- first on Tuesday and again Thursday. He said an NRA phone operator assured him he would be removed from NRA call lists. But the calls kept coming. By Friday night, Wenis said, he was desperate to be left in peace.

Another woman, Lisa Abrams, wrote on Facebook that she had "received a call and a postcard asking me to call my congressmen and tell them 'NO ASSUALT WEAPONS BAN' [sic] ... I was not happy and needless to say did just the opposite!"

Tom Maurath, a 40-year resident of Newtown, said he was having dinner with his family on Tuesday when the phone rang at 6:37 p.m. "Our caller ID announces who is calling, and when I heard 'National Rifle Association,' I jumped to answer the phone so my 6-year-old son wouldn't get there first," he told The Huffington Post in an interview. "Our son loves to answer the phone because it might be Grandma."

Maurath said he listened to a prerecorded message about Connecticut state gun legislation for about 30 seconds -- a call that he was stunned to realize took no account of who might pick up the phone.

"The idea that this message could have been delivered to a sibling of one of the families who lost children at [Sandy Hook Elementary School] is just appalling," he said.

More: NRA Robocalls In Newtown Spark Outrage From Local Gun Control Group
Strangely enough.. Requests for gun permits have soared in Newtown since the shooting..

Newtown sees jump in gun permit applications

Applications for gun permits have jumped in Newtown since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which sparked a renewed debate about stricter gun control laws and a surge in gun sales around the country due to worries about new limits.

Newtown in recent years has issued about 130 gun permits annually. Police say the town received 79 permit applications in the three months since the Dec. 14 massacre, well over double the normal pace.

"A good percentage of people are making it clear they think their rights are going to be taken away," said Robert Berkins, records manager for Newtown police.

The increase in applications in Newtown came as firearms sales surged around the country driven by Washington's new focus on gun control.

So I have a feeling that those were "offended" and getting the press attention from the like minded press are just slightly out-numbered to say the least.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Ever wonder how the Newtown Action Alliance is getting their message out, why is their trying to capitalize on the situation any different, both organizations are pushing political agendas. OH! That's right it only matters if you disagree with the message.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.


And people like you just piss your pants when they are approached by a 15 year old kid with a gun and watch their kid get shot in the face. Feel free to bring fist to a gun fight, personally I'll take equal or greater force every time.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.
Indeed. If the NRA really cared, they would offer to give all of those parents free assault rifles and training.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

What bothers me is that people like you are trying to infringe on my rights because you are bothered by the scary looking gun.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

What bothers me is that people like you are trying to infringe on my rights because you are bothered by the scary looking gun.

And what bothers me is that people like you are so scared of their own shadow that they have live their lives in fear and carry a gun everywhere they go. Because you and I both know that there is only one reason to carry a gun. Fear.

And another thing that bothers me is that people like you thinks there should be no limits on the 2nd Amendment whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.
man oh man, how petty over a phone call

I guess that town wants to drop off the face of America and just be isolated from the rest of us

Of couse this something you'd get off the hufferpost...rile up the people
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Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

What bothers me is that people like you are trying to infringe on my rights because you are bothered by the scary looking gun.

And what bothers me is that people like you are so scared of their own shadow that they have live their lives in fear and carry a gun everywhere they go. Because you and I both know that there is only one reason to carry a gun. Fear.

And another thing that bothers me is that people like you thinks there should be no limits on the 2nd Amendment whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.

I carry my gun with me everywhere I go because I have been mugged once and had the police laugh in my face about it because I am 6'3". They didn't do squat about it, even leaving out important information from the reports such as the guy's license plate number.

Next time the police won't have an excuse not put their hands on the perp.. They will find him on the ground or in the hospital.

As far as the big assed lie of yours,
whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.
You are simply a liar. But what else do I expect from a friggin' gun grabber. You have nothing but lies and distortions on your side. You can't deal in the truth because you would lose.
and leave it too the troll to dump such crap here

gotta stir stir stir up shit
What bothers me is that people like you are trying to infringe on my rights because you are bothered by the scary looking gun.

And what bothers me is that people like you are so scared of their own shadow that they have live their lives in fear and carry a gun everywhere they go. Because you and I both know that there is only one reason to carry a gun. Fear.

And another thing that bothers me is that people like you thinks there should be no limits on the 2nd Amendment whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.

I carry my gun with me everywhere I go because I have been mugged once and had the police laugh in my face about it because I am 6'3". They didn't do squat about it, even leaving out important information from the reports such as the guy's license plate number.

Next time the police won't have an excuse not put their hands on the perp.. They will find him on the ground or in the hospital.

As far as the big assed lie of yours,
whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.
You are simply a liar. But what else do I expect from a friggin' gun grabber. You have nothing but lies and distortions on your side. You can't deal in the truth because you would lose.

Alright then if you say you favor background checks (which puts you at odds with the NRA) then I'll retract that statement about you.

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