NRA Robocalls In Newtown Spark Outrage

Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......
And what bothers me is that people like you are so scared of their own shadow that they have live their lives in fear and carry a gun everywhere they go. Because you and I both know that there is only one reason to carry a gun. Fear.

And another thing that bothers me is that people like you thinks there should be no limits on the 2nd Amendment whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.

I carry my gun with me everywhere I go because I have been mugged once and had the police laugh in my face about it because I am 6'3". They didn't do squat about it, even leaving out important information from the reports such as the guy's license plate number.

Next time the police won't have an excuse not put their hands on the perp.. They will find him on the ground or in the hospital.

As far as the big assed lie of yours,
whatsoever and actually favor putting guns in the hands of convicted murderers, rapists, child molestors and armed robbers by doing away with background checks.
You are simply a liar. But what else do I expect from a friggin' gun grabber. You have nothing but lies and distortions on your side. You can't deal in the truth because you would lose.

Alright then if you say you favor background checks (which puts you at odds with the NRA) then I'll retract that statement about you.

I favor the instant-a-check system for purchases from a FFL dealer. It takes about 3 minutes with no records of kept.

I do not favor the 3 day waiting period for background checks.
This is far beyond repulsive!

No different than robocalls and postcards from liberal democrats to the home of patriots. Repulsive. Both have published phone numbers and public mail boxes. Deal with it.

so much DRAMTICS it's sickening but you won't let dancing on these children's graves get in your way to dumped you "repulsive" views on us about the Nra
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I'm sorry, but Lakhota has to be the sickest person around..

They see no problem using dead children time and again for their hate

they make me sick and really needs to seek help
Just think how safe those good folks will be after some mindless liberal crusade saves them...........
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......

Please show me a post by anyone who says all guns should be banned.
Doesn't the despicable insensitivity of this bother anyone? Imagine being one of the victim's parents and receive such a call from the NRA.

Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......

"Gun Nuts" = Blacks

If you want to drastically reduce gun violence , keep weapons out of the hands of "african" americans................The statistics are perfectly clear.........
Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......

Please show me a post by anyone who says all guns should be banned.

oh he wont come out and say that....he is too chicken shit......he hints at it......and if your wondering about my reasons for saying this.....i have asked him more than once about what he posts......he wont give me a straight answer,he just does fuck him....he is anti-gun and until he has enough balls to have a conversation about this......he will be categorized that way by me until he does.... and he has stated more than once that the 2nd Amendment does not say the individual can own what is YOUR definition of "gun-nut?".....
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Which is why the NRA is nothing more than a nuthouse worshiped by a bunch of nuts. If it was MY child that was murdered and MY wife that was being harrassed like that by the NRA they just might need those guns. And I would be un-armed.

Gun nuts ain't nothing but a bunch of dickless, scared, wet pant girls hiding behind a firearm because they're too afraid to fight like men.

whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......

"Gun Nuts" = Blacks

If you want to drastically reduce gun violence , keep weapons out of the hands of "african" americans................The statistics are perfectly clear.........

is that your meaning or someone elses?....
This is far beyond repulsive!

Yes, I agree. The end result may be the opposite of what the NRA is hoping for. This will create more negatives for them than positives.

Every link I have found say that NRA memberships have exploded since Newtown.

Can you provide those links? Because, my inclination would be to think that is not true. So, if you have some valid links and information that proves that, it would be very interesting to see them.
Yes, I agree. The end result may be the opposite of what the NRA is hoping for. This will create more negatives for them than positives.

Every link I have found say that NRA memberships have exploded since Newtown.

Can you provide those links? Because, my inclination would be to think that is not true. So, if you have some valid links and information that proves that, it would be very interesting to see them.

Are you too stupid too use google?,d.eWU&fp=897ba9997041d6f1&biw=1440&bih=799
whats your definition of a "gun-nut" Goose.....i look at people like LaKota as a "gun-nut".....the guy has done dozens of threads on this....and they all basically have the same theme......ban guns......

Please show me a post by anyone who says all guns should be banned.

oh he wont come out and say that....he is too chicken shit......he hints at it......and if your wondering about my reasons for saying this.....i have asked him more than once about what he posts......he wont give me a straight answer,he just does fuck him....he is anti-gun and until he has enough balls to have a conversation about this......he will be categorized that way by me until he does.... and he has stated more than once that the 2nd Amendment does not say the individual can own what is YOUR definition of "gun-nut?".....

Anyone who thinks they need more than 10 rounds of rapid fire to get the job done. Anyone who thinks that "cop killer" bullets should be sold to the public. Anyone who says that background checks are against the Constitution. Anyone who thinks people should be allowed to carry guns on airplanes. Anyone who thinks that the Constitution gives everyone an unfettered right to carry guns anywhere and anytime they want. Anyone who was not appalled to hear the NRA say about Bush's election, "we'll have . . . a president where we work out of their office."

I own multiple guns. I hunt, skin, cook and eat what I kill. I own a nice Taurus Judge that I use for home protection and target practice. And when they pass a CC law in Illinois I'll probably apply for one.

But I also agree with strict gun control. There has to be limits to who can carry, what they can own and carry and where they can carry.
Very informative video
I realize the gun grabbing nutters heads will explode...... Gawd I hope so.

[ame=][FULL VERSION] Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves - YouTube[/ame]
Every link I have found say that NRA memberships have exploded since Newtown.

Can you provide those links? Because, my inclination would be to think that is not true. So, if you have some valid links and information that proves that, it would be very interesting to see them.

Are you too stupid too use google?,d.eWU&fp=897ba9997041d6f1&biw=1440&bih=799

Another unprovoked rude insult by the right wing. How it works in debate is that when one makes a knowledge claim, he is supposed to provide the evidence to back it up. Did you go to school? Did you ever write an argumentative paper? Did you learn that you need to provide evidence for knowledge claims? If you make a claim, and don't provide support for it, it is not my obligation to go searching for that evidence. It is your obligation to provide it. The insult you directed at me really belongs to you, so you keep it.

So, as you don't provide the evidence, I'll have to assume you don't have any, and it will be completely within reason for me to discount your assertion that since the massacre in Newtown, there has been a big increase, in Newton, in ownership of guns and interest in the NRA. Seems it is just another unverified rumor.
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