NRA Robocalls In Newtown Spark Outrage

Goose, I feel what you are saying totally. I teach in a prison, and these self-proclaimed "thugs" are pussies when they don't have their guns.

And some of us who are in our fifties are smart enough to know that we aren't 25 anymore and while our fists may have been good enough 30 years ago, age does have a way of catching up with you.

Then again a fight that would have broke out with out a gun may just be avoided with a gun. It is amazing how much common sense a person gets when they are seeing the business end of a gun being pointed at them.

I wonder if you've ever pointed the "business end of a gun" at anyone, or if this is just some line you picked up from some action movie. :doubt:

I will simply say that I have been on both ends of that end of the gun.

Neither is much fun and nothing to brag about.
what a petty article coming from the Hufferpost, who should be surprised though
oh look its the ...."i am for gun rights,but i just dont think you should be able to own them" guy.......

Prove your lie.

read what you post say your for gun rights and at the same time you argue against the 2nd have stated before that the 2nd amendment says you cant own guns.....which is it?....

The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.
Prove your lie.

read what you post say your for gun rights and at the same time you argue against the 2nd have stated before that the 2nd amendment says you cant own guns.....which is it?....

The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

Two things
You say the second amendment is obsolete
Wouldn't that be your stand on gun control?
Racist have always tried too dictate that certain citizens shouldn't have access to firearms and that was their stance on gun control.
read what you post say your for gun rights and at the same time you argue against the 2nd have stated before that the 2nd amendment says you cant own guns.....which is it?....

The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

Two things
You say the second amendment is obsolete
Wouldn't that be your stand on gun control?
Racist have always tried too dictate that certain citizens shouldn't have access to firearms and that was their stance on gun control.

If the 2nd Amendment isn't obsolete - why do state and federal courts and legislatures keep reinterpreting what it means? It's nothing more than a curtain rod with a fossil dangling from it. It's somewhat like a chameleon that is whatever color SCOTUS says it is at any given time. Its meaning will continue to change...
Prove your lie.

read what you post say your for gun rights and at the same time you argue against the 2nd have stated before that the 2nd amendment says you cant own guns.....which is it?....

The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

sure it have threads in here STATING that because you think its obsolete you should not be able to own guns......if you would not have said you should not be able to own a gun i would not have gotten on you.....but when you say how you are for gun rights and feel only Mentally healthy people should able to own them and then in the next post say how the 2nd is obsolete and you should not be able to own them......i will question you on would not explain yourself after being asked more than once so that's on you....its called communication.....try it sometime....
read what you post say your for gun rights and at the same time you argue against the 2nd have stated before that the 2nd amendment says you cant own guns.....which is it?....

The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

sure it have threads in here STATING that because you think its obsolete you should not be able to own guns......if you would not have said you should not be able to own a gun i would not have gotten on you.....but when you say how you are for gun rights and feel only Mentally healthy people should able to own them and then in the next post say how the 2nd is obsolete and you should not be able to own them......i will question you on would not explain yourself after being asked more than once so that's on you....its called communication.....try it sometime....

Stop lying and provide some proof. BTW, I question whether you are mentally qualified to own guns.
The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

Two things
You say the second amendment is obsolete
Wouldn't that be your stand on gun control?
Racist have always tried too dictate that certain citizens shouldn't have access to firearms and that was their stance on gun control.

If the 2nd Amendment isn't obsolete - why do state and federal courts and legislatures keep reinterpreting what it means? It's nothing more than a curtain rod with a fossil dangling from it. It's somewhat like a chameleon that is whatever color SCOTUS says it is at any given time. Its meaning will continue to change...

because many are like you and they cant figure out if it means just a Militia or people included.....if you are for Reasonable Gun you say you are.....i would think the word People in there means just that.....THE PEOPLE....meaning the Citizens of this Country....otherwise why did they not use the word Militia there too?....then there would have been no question who has the right....
The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.

sure it have threads in here STATING that because you think its obsolete you should not be able to own guns......if you would not have said you should not be able to own a gun i would not have gotten on you.....but when you say how you are for gun rights and feel only Mentally healthy people should able to own them and then in the next post say how the 2nd is obsolete and you should not be able to own them......i will question you on would not explain yourself after being asked more than once so that's on you....its called communication.....try it sometime....

Stop lying and provide some proof. BTW, I question whether you are mentally qualified to own guns.

oh here it backed into a corner so what should i do.....i know i will get know what LaKota i gave it a shot.....i tried talking with ya.....fuck was a waste of are incapable of talking that's why you always have a link with someone else talking for you.....forget i even tried asshole....when you make your anti-gun comments and i see it.....i will be there to remind you what you post....
Let me post this again just as a reminder that the language being presented as supposedly representing the "feelings" of Newtown versus the actions of the people who live there..

Newtown sees jump in gun permit applications

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Applications for gun permits have jumped in Newtown since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which sparked a renewed debate about stricter gun control laws and a surge in gun sales around the country due to worries about new limits.

Newtown in recent years has issued about 130 gun permits annually. Police say the town received 79 permit applications in the three months since the Dec. 14 massacre, well over double the normal pace.

"A good percentage of people are making it clear they think their rights are going to be taken away," said Robert Berkins, records manager for Newtown police.

The increase in applications in Newtown came as firearms sales surged around the country driven by Washington's new focus on gun control.
Two things
You say the second amendment is obsolete
Wouldn't that be your stand on gun control?
Racist have always tried too dictate that certain citizens shouldn't have access to firearms and that was their stance on gun control.

If the 2nd Amendment isn't obsolete - why do state and federal courts and legislatures keep reinterpreting what it means? It's nothing more than a curtain rod with a fossil dangling from it. It's somewhat like a chameleon that is whatever color SCOTUS says it is at any given time. Its meaning will continue to change...

because many are like you and they cant figure out if it means just a Militia or people included.....if you are for Reasonable Gun you say you are.....i would think the word People in there means just that.....THE PEOPLE....meaning the Citizens of this Country....otherwise why did they not use the word Militia there too?....then there would have been no question who has the right....

You can speculate and split hairs all you wish. Bottom line - the 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time. SCOTUS has clearly shown that it no longer means what it originally meant.

Does the 2nd Amendment allow you to legally own fully automatic firearms? Why?
"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
~~Justice Antonin Scalia

And Now a Thought From Justice Scalia
If the 2nd Amendment isn't obsolete - why do state and federal courts and legislatures keep reinterpreting what it means? It's nothing more than a curtain rod with a fossil dangling from it. It's somewhat like a chameleon that is whatever color SCOTUS says it is at any given time. Its meaning will continue to change...

because many are like you and they cant figure out if it means just a Militia or people included.....if you are for Reasonable Gun you say you are.....i would think the word People in there means just that.....THE PEOPLE....meaning the Citizens of this Country....otherwise why did they not use the word Militia there too?....then there would have been no question who has the right....

You can speculate and split hairs all you wish. Bottom line - the 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time. SCOTUS has clearly shown that it no longer means what it originally meant.

Does the 2nd Amendment allow you to legally own fully automatic firearms? Why?

There's no need to speculate
Millers ruling is quite clear
and their are numerous sources on what the founders said about the second amendment.
because many are like you and they cant figure out if it means just a Militia or people included.....if you are for Reasonable Gun you say you are.....i would think the word People in there means just that.....THE PEOPLE....meaning the Citizens of this Country....otherwise why did they not use the word Militia there too?....then there would have been no question who has the right....

You can speculate and split hairs all you wish. Bottom line - the 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time. SCOTUS has clearly shown that it no longer means what it originally meant.

Does the 2nd Amendment allow you to legally own fully automatic firearms? Why?

There's no need to speculate
Millers ruling is quite clear
and their are numerous sources on what the founders said about the second amendment.

Miller? Quite clear? Both sides claim it supports their position.

"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

United States v. Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Speaking of hypocrites..

Mayor Bloomberg, who is about to spend $12 million of his own money to restrict your right to own guns doesn't feel that way about the people who defend him, even when he is at his second home in Berumda, usually every other weekend..

The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.
Speaking of hypocrites..

Mayor Bloomberg, who is about to spend $12 million of his own money to restrict your right to own guns doesn't feel that way about the people who defend him, even when he is at his second home in Berumda, usually every other weekend..

The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.

Hypocrite? I'm not much of a Bloomberg fan - but he has as much right to spend millions as the NRA does.
Speaking of hypocrites..

Mayor Bloomberg, who is about to spend $12 million of his own money to restrict your right to own guns doesn't feel that way about the people who defend him, even when he is at his second home in Berumda, usually every other weekend..

The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.

I'm not much of a Bloomberg fan - but he has that right.

You do realize that this article is about Bermuda, where the average citizen is not allowed to own a gun. Bermuda law does not permit any person, except a bona fide member of an established gun club, to own a handgun.

In Bermuda, there is only one bona fide gun club – The Coral Reefs Rifle & Pistol Club. All club members must undergo stringent checks by the Bermuda Police before they can even be accepted as potential gun-owners.

Evidently Bloomberg's billions were able to get his guards an exemption to that law there.
You can speculate and split hairs all you wish. Bottom line - the 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time. SCOTUS has clearly shown that it no longer means what it originally meant.

Does the 2nd Amendment allow you to legally own fully automatic firearms? Why?

There's no need to speculate
Millers ruling is quite clear
and their are numerous sources on what the founders said about the second amendment.

Miller? Quite clear? Both sides claim it supports their position.

"Miller stands only for the proposition that the Second Amendment right, whatever its nature, extends only to certain types of weapons. It is particularly wrongheaded to read Miller for more than what it said, because the case did not even purport to be a thorough examination of the Second Amendment."

United States v. Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You've never read Miller

Opinion of the Court
In order for a firearm too be protected by the second amendment it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
United States v. Miller

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