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NRA sees a huge surge in membership after Parkland shooting

Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

What an absurd comment, but par for the course from the left.

Especially since the Democrats know all about terrorist organizations. They're closely associated or sympathize with known terrorist organizations like CAIR, La Raza, the Freedom From Religion Organization, the SPLC, Planned Parenthood, the Communist and Socialist Parties USA, ANTIFA, radical eco-terrorist and animal-rights organizations, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, the list could go on and on and on...

Hell, Barack Obama even befriended several domestic terrorists and allowed them to visit the White House on multiple occasions. Bill Ayers, for example.

I get it. Any minority group trying to get equal rights is a terrorist group - maybe to you white supremacists.

I can show lots of pics with your Republican pals hanging out with the PLO.

About Trump & Putin? Or Trump & Flynn? Or Trump & Manafort?

Bill Ayers & Obama were not friends. I see you dickfucks are still pushing that lie.

Meanwhile the NRA keeps fighting for access to terrorists to obtain assault type weapons here in the US. They openly raise money by trashing our intel & law enforcement people.

Obama and ayerss were good friends and ayers wife, the witch bernadine dorhn, introduced obama to michelle....you doofus.

Moron...the NRA trains cops and government agents......you know, if you don't stop talking out of your ass, you are going to get a rash...
Notice the words here used by the left regarding the NRA and or its members:

"Bloodlust" , "mental illness", "terrorist organization".

Why do we bother to discuss this with extremists ?

Most of you don't bother to discuss why we find the NRA to enable terrorists, because you and others lack the ability to provide a credible defense to the fact that the NRA - at best - enables terrorists to kill masses of innocent people.

Boy....usually you are just stupid...that post is vile.........the only ones who enabled the last couple of shooters were democrats and their policies....the last guy in Florida is directly traceable to obama's policy to not arrest students who commit violent crimes on school grounds....that is directly traceable to obama you shit stain.....

Democrats are constantly reducing prison sentences of actual gun criminals and letting them out of jail...over and over again while the NRA fights to keep violent, murderous criminals in jail........

This is the democrats letting actual violent criminals out of jail who then actually go on to murder people, you dumb ass...

Dart warns of 'dramatic increase' in people charged with gun crimes released on electronic monitors

Judges have treated felony gun charges in a dramatically different way since the reforms were implemented, according to data from the sheriff's office.

Over a nearly four-month period in 2016, judges gave out cash-based bonds in nearly 96 percent of felony gun cases and released just 2 percent on electronic monitors. In the 10 weeks after the bond order took effect in September, though, the number of cash-based bonds for gun cases plummeted to about 40 percent, while those freed on the electronic bracelets jumped to 22 percent.

The amount set for bonds also sharply fell on average, from nearly $134,000 in 2016 to almost $22,000 in 2017, according to the analysis.

By contrast, judges also boosted how often they ordered no bond for those charged with felony gun offenses, to more than 9 percent in 2017, compared with no cases at all in 2016, the analysis showed.


Dart, along with Preckwinkle and other elected county officials, has been a vocal opponent of the cash-bond system in which judges require defendants to put down money to secure their release from jail while awaiting trial.

Critics say the system unfairly punishes the poor and that defendants charged with violent offenses who sometimes have easy access to cash because of gang ties can be back out on the street within days.

In July, as part of the reform push, Chief Judge Timothy Evans announced that judges would be required to set bail only in amounts that defendants could afford to pay in an effort to ensure that people charged with nonviolent crimes weren’t languishing in jail simply because they didn’t have the cash, sometimes only a few hundred dollars, to post for bond.

firearmwhile committing a violent crime. A court struck down the law in 2016. Under the law, Florida’s firearmviolent crime rate plummeted to the lowest levels in the Sunshine State’s recorded history.


John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

When you lock up violent criminals, you prevent them from victimizing other innocents. Crime in America dipped almost 50%after America abandoned “soft on crime” attitudes of the 1970s. Of course, many soft-on-crime politicians like Reitz have once more taken a love to “diversion” programs. And that’s how we get Robbie Patton (above), a local crime celebrity of sorts.

In 2015, he had an altercation at a Champaign Steak ‘n Shake restaurant commonly frequented by my friends and me. While none of us were enjoying a milkshake or steakburger at 5:30pm, Robbie was.

Robbie found himself in an altercation inside the restaurant. He felt one of his friends had been “disrespected”, so little Robbie went outside. He waited for the other group to emerge, pulled out of gun and tried to kill those other people.

He missed, and fled the scene with an Illinois State Trooper in hot pursuit. After a short, high-speed chase in a stolen car, Robbie crashed and escaped on foot.

Cops caught up with him. Local prosecutor Julia Reitz then went soft on little Robbie. She let him go to “boot camp”, even though that sentencing option is not supposed to be available for violent offenders. And squeezing off a bunch of shots at other people, trying to kill them, pretty much fits the bill as a violent crime.

After serving eight months on an eight-year sentence, Robbie returned to the streets of Champaign-Urbana. In less than two days, cops arrested him again for drugs and who knows what else. Not even three weeks after that, he’s illegally got agun. When someone “disrespects” another one of Robbie’s friends, guess what he does? He pulls out the gun and fires shots at those he believes responsible.

He misses his intended targets, but in the busy University of Illinois campustown district, his errant, not-so-late-night rounds found four innocent people within a block or two. George Korchev, the recent nursing school graduate due to start his career as a registered nurse at a hospital in Libertyville, IL, the following Monday morning, was struck and killed a blockaway from one of Robbie’s bullets.


Democrats lower sentences in California...for gun criminals

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds

Chicago's grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms

Lamar Harris had seven felony convictions and 43 arrests when he shot three Chicago police officers. The same week, Samuel Harviley, who had just been paroled after serving less than half of his sentence for armed carjacking, shot yet another of the Windy City’s finest.

Police officials, researchers and many elected leaders all agree that the pair were prime examples of the violent pool of criminals driving the city’s historically high crime rate. Ex-cons well-known to police and with a proven propensity for violence are being let out early from prison or let off lightly by judges, only to wreak havoc on the city, they say.


“We have five districts that are driving the crime in the city,” Johnson said in a recent radio interview. “And within those districts, there is a small subset of individuals who are responsible for those crimes. They have multiple arrests for gun offenses and until we start holding these people accountable [the problem will persist].”


Illinois is one of several states implementing recommendations from prison reform commissions to reduce or even eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. Those groups seek to reduce prison populations by as much as 25 percent.

The movement to slash sentences and free inmates is given momentum by controversial, police-involved shootings that galvanize communities, as well as protests by Black Lives Matter and civil rights groups. But shortening sentences of violent offenders puts both police and law-abiding residents of the inner city at risk, say law enforcement officials.
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

You obviously have the NRA confused with BLM. BTW, they sure have been quiet sine the Trump took over. Matter of fact, race division is way down post Obama. He like him some riots

Ironically, the worse the Progs act, the more they drive people to the organizations which the Progs are attacking.

Keep on keeping on, Foaming Moonbats!
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

What an absurd comment, but par for the course from the left.

Especially since the Democrats know all about terrorist organizations. They're closely associated or sympathize with known terrorist organizations like CAIR, La Raza, the Freedom From Religion Organization, the SPLC, Planned Parenthood, the Communist and Socialist Parties USA, ANTIFA, radical eco-terrorist and animal-rights organizations, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, the list could go on and on and on...

Hell, Barack Obama even befriended several domestic terrorists and allowed them to visit the White House on multiple occasions. Bill Ayers, for example.

I get it. Any minority group trying to get equal rights is a terrorist group - maybe to you white supremacists.

I can show lots of pics with your Republican pals hanging out with the PLO.

About Trump & Putin? Or Trump & Flynn? Or Trump & Manafort?

Bill Ayers & Obama were not friends. I see you dickfucks are still pushing that lie.

Meanwhile the NRA keeps fighting for access to terrorists to obtain assault type weapons here in the US. They openly raise money by trashing our intel & law enforcement people.

No, I don't think you do get it. Otherwise you wouldn't still be a Democrat. I didn't even mention Obama's $1.8 billion dollars of cash stacked up on pallets on the tarmac, headed for Iran, which is basically a terrorist country. How many of your own countrymen were killed, thanks to the money Iran used to finance their operations in Syria and Iraq? Come to think of it, that would make Obama a terrorist too, wouldn't it?

Of the terrorist organizations you Democrats are snuggling up with, Planned Parenthood is the worst. 50 million murdered innocents since the 1970's is quite the body count you people have. That's a helluva lot of blood on you people's hands. Hell, Hitler only murdered 6 million or so in the gas chambers, not 50 million. Hitler would have been green with envy oover ya'll, yowsa yowsa.

How the hell do you people sleep at nights? Maybe the Democrat Party should be among the list of "terrorist organizations". Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that we have a Second Amendment in the first place. Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that so many people belong to the NRA. Ever thought of that?
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

You obviously have the NRA confused with BLM. BTW, they sure have been quiet sine the Trump took over. Matter of fact, race division is way down post Obama. He like him some riots


It's kinda hard to protest and riot when you have a job to get up and go to. That's probably also the reason why you don't see a bunch of Republicans running around with pink pussy hats on their heads.
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

You obviously have the NRA confused with BLM. BTW, they sure have been quiet sine the Trump took over. Matter of fact, race division is way down post Obama. He like him some riots


It's kinda hard to protest and riot when you have a job to get up and go to. That's probably also the reason why you don't see a bunch of Republicans running around with pink pussy hats on their heads.

I can assure you that having a job is not the reason why I don't wear a Pink Pussy Hat.
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

You obviously have the NRA confused with BLM. BTW, they sure have been quiet sine the Trump took over. Matter of fact, race division is way down post Obama. He like him some riots


It's kinda hard to protest and riot when you have a job to get up and go to. That's probably also the reason why you don't see a bunch of Republicans running around with pink pussy hats on their heads.
Republicans want women to be subservient. But hand out tiki torches & they show up with their robes & hoods.
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

You obviously have the NRA confused with BLM. BTW, they sure have been quiet sine the Trump took over. Matter of fact, race division is way down post Obama. He like him some riots


It's kinda hard to protest and riot when you have a job to get up and go to. That's probably also the reason why you don't see a bunch of Republicans running around with pink pussy hats on their heads.
Republicans want women to be subservient. But hand out tiki torches & they show up with their robes & hoods.

I don't even own a Tiki Torch. A couple Coleman lanterns maybe, but I'd look pretty silly standing outside in my bathrobe holding a Coleman lantern.
I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

What an absurd comment, but par for the course from the left.

Especially since the Democrats know all about terrorist organizations. They're closely associated or sympathize with known terrorist organizations like CAIR, La Raza, the Freedom From Religion Organization, the SPLC, Planned Parenthood, the Communist and Socialist Parties USA, ANTIFA, radical eco-terrorist and animal-rights organizations, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, the list could go on and on and on...

Hell, Barack Obama even befriended several domestic terrorists and allowed them to visit the White House on multiple occasions. Bill Ayers, for example.

I get it. Any minority group trying to get equal rights is a terrorist group - maybe to you white supremacists.

I can show lots of pics with your Republican pals hanging out with the PLO.

About Trump & Putin? Or Trump & Flynn? Or Trump & Manafort?

Bill Ayers & Obama were not friends. I see you dickfucks are still pushing that lie.

Meanwhile the NRA keeps fighting for access to terrorists to obtain assault type weapons here in the US. They openly raise money by trashing our intel & law enforcement people.

No, I don't think you do get it. Otherwise you wouldn't still be a Democrat. I didn't even mention Obama's $1.8 billion dollars of cash stacked up on pallets on the tarmac, headed for Iran, which is basically a terrorist country. How many of your own countrymen were killed, thanks to the money Iran used to finance their operations in Syria and Iraq? Come to think of it, that would make Obama a terrorist too, wouldn't it?

Of the terrorist organizations you Democrats are snuggling up with, Planned Parenthood is the worst. 50 million murdered innocents since the 1970's is quite the body count you people have. That's a helluva lot of blood on you people's hands. Hell, Hitler only murdered 6 million or so in the gas chambers, not 50 million. Hitler would have been green with envy oover ya'll, yowsa yowsa.

How the hell do you people sleep at nights? Maybe the Democrat Party should be among the list of "terrorist organizations". Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that we have a Second Amendment in the first place. Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that so many people belong to the NRA. Ever thought of that?

If I could, I would give your post more "winner" tabs.....exactly, well posted....
I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.

What an absurd comment, but par for the course from the left.

Especially since the Democrats know all about terrorist organizations. They're closely associated or sympathize with known terrorist organizations like CAIR, La Raza, the Freedom From Religion Organization, the SPLC, Planned Parenthood, the Communist and Socialist Parties USA, ANTIFA, radical eco-terrorist and animal-rights organizations, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, the list could go on and on and on...

Hell, Barack Obama even befriended several domestic terrorists and allowed them to visit the White House on multiple occasions. Bill Ayers, for example.

I get it. Any minority group trying to get equal rights is a terrorist group - maybe to you white supremacists.

I can show lots of pics with your Republican pals hanging out with the PLO.

About Trump & Putin? Or Trump & Flynn? Or Trump & Manafort?

Bill Ayers & Obama were not friends. I see you dickfucks are still pushing that lie.

Meanwhile the NRA keeps fighting for access to terrorists to obtain assault type weapons here in the US. They openly raise money by trashing our intel & law enforcement people.

No, I don't think you do get it. Otherwise you wouldn't still be a Democrat. I didn't even mention Obama's $1.8 billion dollars of cash stacked up on pallets on the tarmac, headed for Iran, which is basically a terrorist country. How many of your own countrymen were killed, thanks to the money Iran used to finance their operations in Syria and Iraq? Come to think of it, that would make Obama a terrorist too, wouldn't it?

Of the terrorist organizations you Democrats are snuggling up with, Planned Parenthood is the worst. 50 million murdered innocents since the 1970's is quite the body count you people have. That's a helluva lot of blood on you people's hands. Hell, Hitler only murdered 6 million or so in the gas chambers, not 50 million. Hitler would have been green with envy oover ya'll, yowsa yowsa.

How the hell do you people sleep at nights? Maybe the Democrat Party should be among the list of "terrorist organizations". Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that we have a Second Amendment in the first place. Maybe it's for reasons like the Democrat Party that so many people belong to the NRA. Ever thought of that?

It was Iran's money.

But hey, your party allowed Halliburton to work ion Iran helping them produce oil that they sod to fund the IEDs they put in Iraq & mauled our soldiers./ You voted for that/ You love Halliburton. You love dick Cheney. How many US soldiers did you kill in your made up war based on lies.

You, Cheney & Bush did Iran the biggest favor when they took out Iran's number one enemy, Sadam.

And, keep being an ignorant ass & think Democrats don't own guns. I probably own more guns that you do.

Planned Parenthood have prevented millions of unwanted pregnancies. The problem with you dumbasses is that you have not figured out the relationship between access birth control & abortions. You love abortions. You love to pretend you care about children when you & your terrorist group ,the NRA, is having them slaughtered because you have to have an AR-15 - probably because you can't shoot straight & have a tiny dick that you can't get up unless you are holding that assault type rifle.
Didn't the NRA spokesperson just say that the media loves gun massacres? It seems that the real lovers of gun massacres is the NRA!

Pot, meet kettle.
No, but the NRA does do so much better when the leftwing media starts pushing their fearmongering and useless control nonsense.

People can see that gun control will not, nor ever, be a real solution to these kinds of tragedies.

But never let it be said that the media allows the bodies of gun shootings to grow cold before they start their hysterical caterwauling.
Didn't the NRA spokesperson just say that the media loves gun massacres? It seems that the real lovers of gun massacres is the NRA!

Pot, meet kettle.
No, but the NRA does do so much better when the leftwing media starts pushing their fearmongering and useless control nonsense.

People can see that gun control will not, nor ever, be a real solution to these kinds of tragedies.

But never let it be said that the media allows the bodies of gun shootings to grow cold before they start their hysterical caterwauling.
Lets just ignore the FACT that using an assault type rifle in a school shooting kills far far far more than any other type legal gun. An assault rifle that no one needs other than to get beered up & shoot bottles.
Didn't the NRA spokesperson just say that the media loves gun massacres? It seems that the real lovers of gun massacres is the NRA!

Pot, meet kettle.
No, but the NRA does do so much better when the leftwing media starts pushing their fearmongering and useless control nonsense.

People can see that gun control will not, nor ever, be a real solution to these kinds of tragedies.

But never let it be said that the media allows the bodies of gun shootings to grow cold before they start their hysterical caterwauling.
Lets just ignore the FACT that using an assault type rifle in a school shooting kills far far far more than any other type legal gun. An assault rifle that no one needs other than to get beered up & shoot bottles.

Moron....are you really this stupid........

The Florida shooter killed 17 with a rifle...and he didn't use an Assault rifle, he used a civilian and police AR-15 rifle, please, get your facts straight....

The Virginia tech shooter killed 32 with 2 pistols...

The shooter at Luby's cafe, not a school, just a restaurant, killed 23 people...with 2 pistols......

The muslim terrorist in Nice, France, murdered 86 people in 5 minutes with a rental truck....

Are you really this dumb?
Sorry folks. I don't think Americans are buying the left's anti-gun sentiment.

"The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group."

NRA sees a huge surge in membership interest after Parkland | Daily Mail Online

I am already a life member, but I did give them a donation.......

I also belong to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...

You belong to a terrorist organization.
You sir are ignorant (not to be confused with stupid). The NRA, of which I'm not a member, but am to a degree, familiar with them.
For their millions of "legal" gun-owning members, they promote gun "safety" and gun "training," as well as other programs and articles, weapons related.
They recognize that of those millions, many are law-abiding non-criminal owners of semi-automatic rifles who practice their gun ownership safely at ranges across the nation.
They don't do the following: They don't run amok committing crimes with their weapons. They aren't out threatening the populace. In many cases you wouldn't even know that they owned firearms unless you saw them place their encased rifles into the back of their vehicles on the way to a practice range or to hunt.
Overall there are 80+ million (although I've heard that the latest figure could be as high as 100 million) gun owners. With the exception of those under 21, many are registered voters and recognize that those like yourself want to see their weapons taken away, even though they are no danger to you, whatsoever.
My suggestion is for you to go to a range and learn about these individuals and the organization which they support. You will find them family members and actually quite nice individuals.
If you are steadfast against even getting to know such people and remain against the ownership of firearms in general, then I suspect that you are most likely one of the far-left neo-Marxist people who want our Constitutional Republic vanquished in favor of something akin to China, Vietnam, Venezuela, North Korea, or Cuba and in order to do that, know that you must first disarm the public, as we would fight to maintain the Republic.
Didn't the NRA spokesperson just say that the media loves gun massacres? It seems that the real lovers of gun massacres is the NRA!

Pot, meet kettle.
No, but the NRA does do so much better when the leftwing media starts pushing their fearmongering and useless control nonsense.

People can see that gun control will not, nor ever, be a real solution to these kinds of tragedies.

But never let it be said that the media allows the bodies of gun shootings to grow cold before they start their hysterical caterwauling.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Are you suggesting the reason people are up in arms, so to speak, about gun massacres is because the media covers them? Would you have the killing of 17 people at a high school be just another local story? Fifty-eight at a concert could show up on page nine below the fold in the daily paper?

And that there is a problem caused by man that cannot be solved by man? Should we shrug off gun massacres as just the cost of doing business in the country that has more guns per capital than every other country on the planet?

So let's review. Guns don't kill people and guns are far too cool to be scarification even if the cost is dead school kids. And the real problem is the media. That good old convenient boogeyman, the media. Is there nothing it cannot be blamed for?
Here is the NRA Modus Operandi in a nutshell:

1. School or other massacre.
2. Talk of reasonable gun control.
3. NRA gets hysterical.
4. Spreads fear that "they're" coming for our guns.
5. Neurotic and panic-stricken NRA members and other gun zealots go out to buy more guns.
6. NRA gets more members.
7.Gun Manufacturers profits sore.
8. NRA and gun companies laugh all the way to the bank.

Repeat at next tragedy.

NRA motto never make a good massacre get in the way of a good profit.
If libtardians Avoid #2 then #3 thru #8 will not have to happen.
George HW Bush wrote a letter to the NRA t=revoking his lifetime membership & asked his name be removed from their advertising & literature.

Bush SR, recognized what an evil POS LaPierre really is.
HW is virtue signaling thinking it will get him into heaven. Read the Old Testament. God loves guns.

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