NRA to party in Houston

I was going to go buy a gun and murder a bunch of people this weekend. Then I found out it's illegal to own a gun where I live. There go my plans for Saturday night..... :rolleyes:
Do you have any serious ideas for reducing the gun carnage in America, or are you resigned to the horrific slaughter and determined to deny most Americans their support for sensible preventive measures?
Do you have any serious ideas for reducing the gun carnage in America, or are you resigned to the horrific slaughter and determined to deny most Americans their support for sensible preventive measures?
Sure. Education about guns. And get kids off social media. I'm guessing deaths from school shootings drops precipitously if you do those 2 things. Using historical data as a guide makes me think Im right. Making things illegal wont solve the problem that's for sure. It's already illegal to shoot up a school you know.
Do you have any serious ideas for reducing the gun carnage in America, or are you resigned to the horrific slaughter and determined to deny most Americans their support for sensible preventive measures?
Maybe try a question that isn't loaded.

The 2022 Annual Meetings & Exhibits will take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center May 27-29 in Houston, Texas. The Exhibit Hall is open all three days and will showcase over 14 acres of the latest guns and gear from the most popular companies in the Industry. From entertainment to special events, it’s all happening in Houston over Memorial Day weekend. Make plans now to join fellow Second Amendment patriots for a freedom-filled weekend for the entire family as we celebrate Freedom, Firearms, and the Second Amendment!

Im not sure if you are aware but the NRA are holding a celebration of the gun in Houston this weekend. I hope that it goes well and that commie leftist blm antifa types do not try andd disrupt this.

The NRA are guardians of Americas soul , oathkeepers in suits, and deserve your support during this difficult period.
I'm sure they have lots to celebrate.
I think we can see who is playing politics. The people who make a good living from the NRA.
How's that? Looks to me like those in support of 2A are in here telling you that it's too soon to politicize this, yet assholes like you, who don't even live in this country couldn't wait to do so....These kids aren't even in the ground you putz.
Sure. Education about guns. And get kids off social media. I'm guessing deaths from school shootings drops precipitously if you do those 2 things. Using historical data as a guide makes me think Im right. Making things illegal wont solve the problem that's for sure. It's already illegal to shoot up a school you know.
Add in strong family also helps. Statistics don't support gun laws reducing murder rates, so we need to look at where the real problems are.
I haven't seen that, do you have any links to this fundraising?
Those kids are still being identified because the nra approved products have disfigured them so much.Think about that.
Decent folk would call off the party.
the NRA doesn’t approve products or regulates the gun/bullet industry…joey xiden does

my understanding is these guns were purchased via obama and xiden’s fast and furious scandal
Constitutional rights, firearms safety, education about handling firearms, reasonable restrictions on crazy people obtaining firearms and enforcement of existing laws. It seems like democrat Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is the enemy and the NRA is the ally in the firearms debate but lefties have it backwards as usual.
You don't blame the AAA when some drunk kills a kid in a car wreck because the AAA promotes highway safety. How did the NRA become the enemy?
  • Funny

I am so goddamn tired of cowards like you not willing to engage honestly, just hit and run like cowards...Piss off...
You guys do realize the NRA declared bankruptcy last year and are a shell of they used to be right.

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