NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily

I might be able to support the Patriot Act if the people who ran it could be trusted--and acted with a little TRANSPARENCY. I probably have to do more just to get on an airplane than they do to rifle thru private phone calls.
I might be able to support the Patriot Act if the people who ran it could be trusted--and acted with a little TRANSPARENCY. I probably have to do more just to get on an airplane than they do to rifle thru private phone calls.

'transparency' obviously means different things for different people....

for example....where are the 'transparent' records of all the emails and calls surrounding Benghazi and our so-called 'transparent' president and administration.....?

what about the 'transparency' of all those White House IRS meetings....?

heck....we can't even see the basic life history records of our so-called 'transparent' president....
Can't even imagine the amount of screeching from the lolberals it was BOOOOSH! doing this....And I can imagine an awful lot.

He was doing it.

The program started in 2007.

And enabled by the Patriot Act.
I might be able to support the Patriot Act if the people who ran it could be trusted--and acted with a little TRANSPARENCY. I probably have to do more just to get on an airplane than they do to rifle thru private phone calls.


And there you go.

I don't or will never support that piece of crap legislation.

It gives the government far to much power.
Can't even imagine the amount of screeching from the lolberals it was BOOOOSH! doing this....And I can imagine an awful lot.

He was doing it.

The program started in 2007.

And enabled by the Patriot Act.

And obama is using it too? Why must you turds always revert to the past and say "See! They did it too!" as some defense mechanism? It make you look like fucking sporks.

Yes, Bush did it. Yes, Obama is doing it. Can you acknowledge that or is the partisan log jam so far into you eye it's coming out your ass?
Fox News confirmed that the NSA and FBI began this in 2007 - under Bush. What are wingnuts afraid of?

No one is "afraid". It's just funny to see people who flailed the flesh off Bush for the Patriot Act and the "spying" turn on a dime to defend Obama for continuing the same programs the Left said made Bush evil.

And, it's funny to see how offended the Lefties get when you take what they said about Bush and change the names from Bush to Obama. How they are SURE it's a sign of racism when it's really an illustration of the hypocrisy of the Left. :lol:

It's very entertaining. :clap2:
If it saves lives, I've got no problem with it. I've got nothing to hide.

How about if they use it to dig up dirty laundry on political opponents ? And how are you going to know what they did/do with it ?

You want to be kept in the dark when it comes to the shady shit politicians do? I'm totally fine with both parties playing that game.
If it saves lives, I've got no problem with it. I've got nothing to hide.

How about if they use it to dig up dirty laundry on political opponents ? And how are you going to know what they did/do with it ?

You want to be kept in the dark when it comes to the shady shit politicians do? I'm totally fine with both parties playing that game.

hopefully some day everyone realizes that politicians NEVER play fair. NEVER. Over and Over again in history.
next thing you know, all americans will have a chip in their buttcheeks so they can moniter our farts and charge us 1.00 per fart to pay for health-care.
will we see the day when all public restrooms will have 24/7 surveylance? even in the stalls?

They will need that to catch Congressmen in airports.

the Libs will demand 24/7 public restroom surveylance to make sure than conservatives don't use more than 4 sheets per wipe, otherwise they will be declared racists and will be fined 25.00 per sheet wasted.
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will we see the day when all public restrooms will have 24/7 surveylance? even in the stalls?

They will need that to catch Congressmen in airports.

the Libs will demand 24/7 public restroom surveylance to make sure than conservatives don't use more than 4 sheets per wipe, otherwise they will be declared racists and will be fined 25.00 per sheet wasted.

When toilet paper is replaced by corn cobs left over from all the ethanol the government buys, they will need the cameras to make sure people do wipe.

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