NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily

Wait if Bush was a *rick for doing it, what does that make Obama?? Come one, if you're going to call out one, you have to include "the other" one that's doing the "same thing".

Obama and company could have stopped it ya know, then you MIGHT have a legitimate argument. But he's loving it, all of it!! Oh the power to do as I please with everyone else's money. I get to save mine!!
well I guess all of us single men will be cutting back on those 1-900 numbers. for only 3.99 a minute. yah, half of them are men with womens voices and weigh 400 pounds.
Phone records and phone conversations are two different things. Phones records are not private information.

Phone Record Gathering Story Blown Out of Proportion | National Review Online
NRO.....The first stop for neocon statist blabbering points.

I said that they can blow a moose when they were carrying the water for Chimpola and they can blow a moose today.

I am far from a statist, dude....just trying to inject some FACTS into the conversation here. I don't like Obama and Company any more than you. The collection of phone data has been happening since at 2006...or before.
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Phone records and phone conversations are two different things. Phones records are not private information.

Phone Record Gathering Story Blown Out of Proportion | National Review Online
NRO.....The first stop for neocon statist blabbering points.

I said that they can blow a moose when they were carrying the water for Chimpola and they can blow a moose today.

I am far from a statist, dude....just trying to inject some FACTS into the conversation here.
I know who you are.

Quit falling for the bullshit of the bullshitters....They are not your friends.
My response to this: Duh.

Did none of you notice the Patriot Act? The Department of Homeland Security? What, did you think they were simply in charge of making up that handy color coded-threat dealie?
If it saves lives, I've got no problem with it. I've got nothing to hide.

I don't have anything to hide either. But I dont want the government listening to my phone calls either. Especially when the government consists of people who I routinely speak out against.

The point everyone seems to be missing, and this was also true when it was happening under Bush, is that they aren't listening to anyone's calls. They actually need a court order to do that. What they are doing is looking for certain things that might trigger suspicion of illegal activity.

I didn't have a problem with this when Bush's people were doing it and I don't have a problem with it now. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the same people. People who work for the NSA don't care so much about politics as they do their jobs.
For the first time in my life, I am kinda proud of my country, and at the same time, terrified to use a public restroom. {remember that 1986 song? I always feel like, somebodys watching me?}

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