NSA whistleblower William Binney takes questions live.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The truth is out there people.
You just have to search for it.

William Binney, NSA whistleblower, has taken to social media in collaboration with LaRouchePAC to outflank the international surveillance state. There was NO Russian hack of the DNC, and we have the means to prove it. Anyone can ask Mr. Binney any question in this process, and he will answer as many as he can. We will primarily be taking questions via reddit .

here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern... Sign up at https://lpac.co/b20 with LaRouchePAC to learn more about Bill Binney's efforts with LaRouchePAC, and mobilize to defeat the attempted coup against the US presidency.
Tell it to the republican led and controlled Senate Select intelligence committee. Trumps own party does not even support the no Russian interference for trump crap anymore.
Tell it to the republican led and controlled Senate Select intelligence committee. Trumps own party does not even support the no Russian interference for trump crap anymore.
Lindsey Graham is gatekeeper in that sense.
Graham is not on the committee. Mitch made the appointments. He runs the Senate/ Burr chairs the committee. Forward your complaints, maybe your testimony will force them to recall the 5 reports they have made on it sense 2017.
Tell it to the republican led and controlled Senate Select intelligence committee. Trumps own party does not even support the no Russian interference for trump crap anymore.
Lindsey Graham is gatekeeper in that sense.
Graham is not on the committee. Mitch made the appointments. He runs the Senate/ Burr chairs the committee. Forward your complaints, maybe your testimony will force them to recall the 5 reports they have made on it sense 2017.
Graham is the Chair of Judicial which is above ,
The Marxist Lyndon LaRouche?

Never heard of him.
Please stay on topic from now on.

This is about Mr Binney.
It's true. LaRouche believed in voluntary communal association. OTH, unlike our current crop of Marxists and Socialists, he believed in the Bretton woods and a Gold Standard, an economy that the State could not manipulate.

He was opposed to a NWO.

The globalist NWO had it in for him, so much of the old timers here, believe the corporate and government generated smear campaigns against his organization and the John Birch society. . . when, in fact, much of what they were saying in regards to what the government was doing in regards to the economy and foreign policy? Has largely come to pass.

I was often surprised at how much the Birch Society and LaRouche PAC agreed on, when philosophically? They are diametrically opposed.

Both these organizations warned us about the ever growing tentacles of the Deep State bureaucracy, and how they were stripping sovereignty away from the people, that is why there is so much disinformation about them in literature and education.

The Birch Society was concerned about the threats to individual liberty, the LaRouche Pact was concerned about the power given to the Corporatocracy.

Our fine government/corporate fascist marriage at the CFR disparaged them both in the MSM, and attacked them both in the courts and the establishment to the point where civil society takes neither seriously.
Bill knew the witch hunt was BS 3 years ago too.

You can search my posts. . . I posted about this early last year, but I have know about it at least two years now.

It is why I didn't bother reading that Mueller report. Why read it when it is all based on a lie? It was a disinformation campaign, start to finish.

Consortium news was running this information three years ago.

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
July 24, 2017
Tell it to the republican led and controlled Senate Select intelligence committee. Trumps own party does not even support the no Russian interference for trump crap anymore.
Lindsey Graham is gatekeeper in that sense.
Graham is not on the committee. Mitch made the appointments. He runs the Senate/ Burr chairs the committee. Forward your complaints, maybe your testimony will force them to recall the 5 reports they have made on it sense 2017.
Graham is the Chair of Judicial which is above ,
Never read it as a sub-committee. Looks like a real committee with member selected by McConnell. Explain, please.
Never read it as a sub-committee. Looks like a real committee with member selected by McConnell. Explain, please.
My point is that Lindsey Graham is the media gatekeeper regarding the information that 'leaks' out about who hacked the DNC. He knows it was not Russia but has never admitted publicly.

And Barr's DOJ, with the Durham thing ongoing, remains to be seen. But the nefarious things like Seth Rich, Joseph Mifsud etc will be redacted)
Never read it as a sub-committee. Looks like a real committee with member selected by McConnell. Explain, please.
My point is that Lindsey Graham is the media gatekeeper regarding the information that 'leaks' out about who hacked the DNC. He knows it was not Russia but has never admitted publicly.

And Barr's DOJ, with the Durham thing ongoing, remains to be seen. But the nefarious things like Seth Rich, Joseph Mifsud etc will be redacted)
If that were true, I am pretty sure it would be in the republican report or would have "leaked out" of the Senate investigation.

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