Nuclear Blackmail by Ukrainian Nazis

Aren't the Ukrainian Nazies cowards hiding behind those children? And why do you never mention the Donbass children, thousands of them killed by shellings that went on since 2014. Do you know who shelled them? Your Ukrainian friends.
Because in THEIR mind they are NOT PEOPLE...

They think like their ancestors who snatched a baby from a Native American mother and threw it to the cannibalistic dogs to be torn apart and eaten by the dogs in front of the distraught mother.
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Damn, you're one clueless commie propagandist. I never watch CNN, only watch CBS or NBC local news. I can however read what Putty himself has been spewing. Evidently you have too, because you parrot him so well.

You didn't have to specify WHAT programs you watch - it was clear anyway... Alas, your critical thinking about the corrupt American media is completely off. You are just afraid to hear and read the TRUTH...

And the truth is that Washington's traitors want to destroy our country.

You will remember my words in a few months when the whole country is one wildfire...

I repeat: I can't fly to Moscow or Donetsk. In Moscow, I will be arrested at the airport for my anti-Putin stance, and in Donetsk, as the head of the Republic warned me personally, I will be shot by a sniper...

However, they threaten me here, too...
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Ukrainian Nazis booby-trapped an experimental nuclear reactor at the Institute of Physics and Technology in the city of Kharkov, surrounded by Russian troops, and are threatening to blow it up, causing an environmental disaster.

And the White House is silent... "Silence is consent" rule???


Well all the trumpers would love that. You all want Russia to win. Enjoy your very own Marxists.
Well all the trumpers would love that. You all want Russia to win. Enjoy your very own Marxists.
Let's be frank: two Jewish factions - of the "collective West" and of Russia+China - clashed in a fierce battle.

If the collective West had not taken from Putin and his associates everything they had stolen from the people of Russia, they would NEVER have turned against jews of Great Britain and the United States.

This is simply BY CHANCE that Putin and his closest Jewish entourage's "personal vendetta against the Jewish faction of the West, COINCIDED with the interests of the indigenous peoples of Russia.

But the world would be a better place if Russians (not "Russians") win.

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