Nuclear power is clean and safe. Why aren't we using more of it?

They're not...I should know...I've traveled the USA extensively and know what I pay.
Apparently you do not, as the data shows. I don't know what else to tell you.
You are an internet forum hero....I know that you believe yourself to be more right than anyone else. I got it....I heard you....I am just not ever going to believe you.
You are an internet forum hero...
I don't see how. I did not compile the statistics, and any child can find them. If you think that makes someone impressive, you need to raise your standards.
Yeah.... you can't even begin to understand. You know.... you might do better if you would stop proving my points and support your own in the future.
You are an internet forum hero...
I don't see how. I did not compile the statistics, and any child can find them. If you think that makes someone impressive, you need to raise your standards.
Yeah.... you can't even begin to understand. You know.... you might do better if you would stop proving my points and support your own in the future.
I don't see how that makes mich sense, in light of the factual data contradicting and undermining your claims. You can get as upset with me as you like, and the data will still be waiting for you after your tantrum.
>And again, we paid nothing for the installation nor for the electric utility to swap in the required new meter.

Does that meant you paid nothing for the equipment either?
Yes. The monthly cost is considered rent. We don't own the equipment so there's no upfront cost. The 20 year contract being the equipment's expected life means Tesla can depreciate their costs completely within the life of the contract. I believe that Tesla will consider at least the panels and connections worthless by then, meaning they'll leave them in place for maybe a few hundred dollars or so. They will likely take back their fancy inverter/controller and WIFI monitoring box and the electric utility will swap out the meter again. At that point I hope legislation has progressed so that I can just throw switches to go on grid (safely) or off, or add in other sources / generators (only while off grid). I may try to buy a Powerwall or an equivalent plus some new panels. I plan to have a generating windmill going by then as well, similar to the test version that's been spinning happily away on my garage for years now.
I would like to know the total price of the solar panel installation job. I am not surprised that the labor was free. Lots of companies make that claim.

You also state:
>remaining 14 years of the 20 contracted

What the heck does that mean? You said the installation was free. Is there any exchange of money associated with that, such as a loan you are paying off.

I get the impression that you are hiding the costs from us, that someone put solar panels on your roof for free, and now you pay much less for power.

How much are you paying for that 20-year contract?

I am also interested in what the heck this is about....
>Our bill from Tesla for July is about $86

You pay Tesla monthly for what reason? Payment on their charger? Electricity too?

Thanks in advance. Reality is very important.
All disclosed.. and again, you're so very fucking welcome.
>Yes. The monthly cost is considered rent.

LOL, That's like saying when you rent a house, you got a house for free.

You will pay a mortgage on the solar panels, and when the mortgage is up, you won't even own the equipment.

I knew you were blowing smoke.


>you're so very fucking welcome.

Cussing is so unbecoming.

Nuclear power is clean and safe.​

Yeah. yeah, and "too cheap to meter!" Same old bullshit, different day..
1. You don't know squat about the history of that phrase...

2. Lots of people have electricity that is too cheap to meter.

Look, I've been paying the power bill...I know what the electric co-ops have been pushing hard for and WHY....
Sorry, these personal anecdotes and gut feelings do not trump objective facts.

Of course you know the rates. I posted them for you. 5th cheapest in the country and well below the national average (20% below).
They're not...I should know...I've traveled the USA extensively and know what I pay.
Tell us what you pay, Mr. electrician. Cents per kWh, please, with all tax, distribution, and other fees included. Simple math.
Cheaper, cleaner, more reliable.

The US could gain actual energy independence by nationalizing a nuclear power project.

That is the correct motorcycle. We're not doing it because a nuclear power plant's safety systems worked perfectly (Three Mile Island) and scared everyone.
And because the idiot politicians thought that shitty Jane Fonda movie about a nuclear accident was a documentary
That was really Jack Lemon?
Why nationalize it? Just let power companies do what they do best. Plus having the regulator and the regulate-ee being the same thing is always a recipe for disaster.
I can't really disagree with any of that. And if we really really want it, we even just give them some money to help them do it. Subsidize it. Totally fine by me. I would pay an extra $100 a year for that. Wouldn't you?
Power companies are monopolies....just like AT&T was a monopoly. We broke apart AT&T and lo and behold the internet became the information superhighway that has spawned 35 years of innovation and jobs.

So what could happen if we broke up the Electric monopolies?
Power companies are monopolies....just like AT&T was a monopoly. We broke apart AT&T and lo and behold the internet became the information superhighway that has spawned 35 years of innovation and jobs.

So what could happen if we broke up the Electric monopolies?
You tell us!
Power companies are monopolies....just like AT&T was a monopoly. We broke apart AT&T and lo and behold the internet became the information superhighway that has spawned 35 years of innovation and jobs.

So what could happen if we broke up the Electric monopolies?
You tell us!
More than likely cheaper electricity made by renewable means...we need less government...not more.
More than likely cheaper electricity made by renewable means...we need less government...not more.
How so? I only mentioned just plain giving money to corporations. Not much big government there. Just handouts.

And our alt energy industry is competing with that of China, which heavily subsidizes it. Should we institute tariffs? I don't think that would work.
Cheaper, cleaner, more reliable.

The US could gain actual energy independence by nationalizing a nuclear power project.

Nuclear waste is neither clean nor safe.
Think Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
Think Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.
Think Kyshtym Nuclear Disaster.
Think Three-Mile Island Nuclear Accident.
Think Windscale Nuclear Accident.
Also, just because we've stored the waste, doesn't eliminate the danger it can present.
All that is needed is an earthquake, a tsunami, or simple human error to cause another disaster and death.

Nuclear power is clean and safe.​

Yeah. yeah, and "too cheap to meter!" Same old bullshit, different day..
1. You don't know squat about the history of that phrase...

2. Lots of people have electricity that is too cheap to meter.

Not that it hasn't been obvious from the start, but your quoting of NRC propaganda for backup there simply exposes your cluelessness and desperation.
Think Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
Think Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.
Think Kyshtym Nuclear Disaster.
Think Three-Mile Island Nuclear Accident.
Think Windscale Nuclear Accident.
How so? By number dead? Number affected? Lots of different ways of looking at it. Do we not also die from mining coal, and from other power plant accidents? We do. So it will have to go deeper than this.

For example, Fukushima transferring nuclear waste into the ocean is basically fine, to the surprise of a lot of people. The ocean holds so much material that the amount of radioactive Cesium dumped into it is very very tiny, relatively. Our instruments are fine enough that we can measure it, such as when fish carry it to the West CFoast of America. But it is not anywhere near dangerous levels. now, this doesn't excuse Fukushima (it could have been MUCH worse), but we did learn from it.

But there is the little matter of Fukushima being off limits for, practically, ever, at this point. l If we have ten times as many nuclear power plants, I would call it fair to expect 5 times as many accidents (spitballing, here). And Sop imagine 25 of those incidents in a 50 year span.
The company was called SolarCity back then and such installations were indeed subsidized -- probably still are, but perhaps less so.
And there you have it. Kind of silly to directly compare costs when someone is picking up part of the bill for you.

We should be subsidizing solar.. Heavily.
Yes, we must. And all must obviously directly compare subsidies (many kinds) in order "to directly compare costs":
To assure power availability at lower than the market price, the federal government owns certain dams that generate hydroelectric energy. Bonds—interest-bearing debt —are issued by power-generating facilities owned by the U.S. Department of Energy, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority.

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