Nuclear War Placing Bets

So, in the event of WWIII and with that Nuclear War who will make the first strike?

Will America hit Russia first or will Russia hit America first?

In any event, Matthew will be happy with Nuclear War because at least it's better than watching science be cut.

Poor Matthew :itsok: :smiliehug:

Nuclear War Tomorrow?

If we didn't go into nuclear war with Russia during the very scary Cold War, where we really did fear and hate one another...why would that seem so likely today? I don't even think there's as much as a mutually assured destruction guarantee on the Russian side. I'm sure getting into nuke war is the last thing they want.

What's far more likely, greatest to least:
A. N. Korea tries to launch an emp attack on the United States.
B. N Korea launches nuclear strikes on S Korea and United States gets involved
C. N Korea helps Iran develops nukes (they probably have viable ones, just haven't tested them). Iran launches strike on Israel, US gets involved.
D. N Korea and Iran go launch emp and nuclear strikes on US, in hopes of knocking out the big fish, and turning to fry the littler ones (Israel and S Korea).

Very good point-------- However the complexities, interest and other groups of other countries ------ has evolved far more today than during the Cold War. Like Iran has increasingly very powerful. Any miscalculation in North K, Eastern Europe, china sea or Syria will trigger a war.
Drop a bomb by this chest pounding president in NK will restart the war in Korea and do not expect china will just idle.
An attack, from anybody, on Russia could be interpreted as coming from the U.S. The response sets off the American counterforce. Most of the U.S. is ruined and Russia glows in the dark. Who wins? Everybody else.
Not going to happen.

Russia knows Trump will annihilate them. They know Trump isn't the pussy Obama was.
Russia can barbecue this country from coast to coast in less than a half hour.
-------------------------------- not all of the USA , probably just selected spots Billo !!

Major cities will be the target ---------- tough pismoe.
--------------------------------------------------------- of course , i just didn't want to spell it out for Billo as he already sounds pretty scared . And 'long beach' is just an extension of nasty , dirty , filthy 'los angeles' Charwin !!
i have gone to 'long beach' a few times . Every year there is a yuge collectible coin and precious metal and precious bauble show . I have also gone for the Cycle World motorcycle expo or show but like i say , 'long beach' sucks Charwin !!
An attack, from anybody, on Russia could be interpreted as coming from the U.S. The response sets off the American counterforce. Most of the U.S. is ruined and Russia glows in the dark. Who wins? Everybody else.
Time to start rebuilding in less populated areas and wait for the big cities to cool down in a couple hundred years eh 4eye ??
So, in the event of WWIII and with that Nuclear War who will make the first strike?

Will America hit Russia first or will Russia hit America first?

In any event, Matthew will be happy with Nuclear War because at least it's better than watching science be cut.

Poor Matthew :itsok: :smiliehug:

Nuclear War Tomorrow?

Its a 1 in 100 possibility over the next year given Trumps new adventurous spirit. One chance in a 100 that our major cities--all of them-- will be reduced to radioactive craters. Moscow likewise.
That risk is far too high considering what is at stake.

All in less than a hundred days. Russia has gone from friend to foe. China from a currency manipulator that is raping our country to a trusted ally. Kim Jong Um from a person Trump says he respects for what he accomplished to a villain who's looking for trouble.

America under Trump has no foreign policy and that is a profoundly serious problem.
and Billo lives in LongBeach and thats even funnier .
Long Beach is a cool town. The only problem is that it is next to Seal Beach where they keep all the nuclear warheads. I don't know how many. But I do know, if you hop that fence, you're going to get real popular real fast.
cool town , teah , 'long beach' sucks same as 'seal beach' and most of s. kali Billo .
So, in the event of WWIII and with that Nuclear War who will make the first strike?

Will America hit Russia first or will Russia hit America first?

In any event, Matthew will be happy with Nuclear War because at least it's better than watching science be cut.

Poor Matthew :itsok: :smiliehug:

Nuclear War Tomorrow?

If we didn't go into nuclear war with Russia during the very scary Cold War, where we really did fear and hate one another...why would that seem so likely today? I don't even think there's as much as a mutually assured destruction guarantee on the Russian side. I'm sure getting into nuke war is the last thing they want.

What's far more likely, greatest to least:
A. N. Korea tries to launch an emp attack on the United States.
B. N Korea launches nuclear strikes on S Korea and United States gets involved
C. N Korea helps Iran develops nukes (they probably have viable ones, just haven't tested them). Iran launches strike on Israel, US gets involved.
D. N Korea and Iran go launch emp and nuclear strikes on US, in hopes of knocking out the big fish, and turning to fry the littler ones (Israel and S Korea).

We agree re. Russia/Cold War and the situation as it is today.

Also we can agree that North Korea is the greater threat.

"Iran launches strike on Israel, US gets involved."

Why would America have to get involved? Israel has plenty of bombs, aircraft, it's OWN Nuclear Weaponry and The Iron Dome ALL of which America have provided for it, either for next to nothing or for a reduced I think in the insane event that Iran did launch some sort of strike on Israel, Israel is more than capable of fighting Iran on it's own.

There's no reason for America not to assist Israel in Logistical Support etc, but there is absolutely no reason why America would have to militarily get actively involved by sending American Combat troops in to put boots on the ground and sending a fleet of American bombers along with them.

Israel isn't in NATO, so it's not as if the excuse can be used that a NATO country has been attacked so other countries in NATO have to rush to help it.

But how do you defend against an emp, which are nukes launched into stratosphere. Last time I checked, iron dome defenses don't contact ICMBs in the stratosphere. And EMPs may not be as an instantaneous death as regular nuclear strikes, but they will still kill up to 70-90% of the population in an effected area within the first year.

Make no mistake, EMPs, are the real threat to America. Now the US could have some sort of unknown defense against this sure (it's unlikely with a solid fuel launch like Korea has developed), but iron dome certainly does not stop that.

And just because Israel is not a NATO ally does not mean that we wouldn't come to their defense, especially in the case of a nuclear strike from Iran. Syria is not a NATO ally and look what happened in both cases of a very minor in comparison chemical attack, one president threatened, one president retaliated.

"And EMPs may not be as an instantaneous death as regular nuclear strikes, but they will still kill up to 70-90% of the population in an effected area within the first year."

Now that is the more probable threat America faces, attack by EMP and yes it would be almost impossible to defend against an attack by EMP, the damage they cause is extensive and irreparable and if centrally located could easily spread outwards coast to coast and it would send America literally back to The Dark Age in ALL spheres, you would have no communications at ALL, no hospitals would be able to operate on any level AT all, so no medications, you wouldn't have ANY form of transport not even your own vehicle, you would have no food OR eventually water etc.

America would be permanently plunged into both darkness and silence.

You would then also have a savage internal war, where people increasingly desparate would be killing each other for a crust of bread or a bottle of water.

Within the first month you would probably have one million dead, by the end of the year 90% of Americas population would be dead from either disease or starvation.
Since we both agree, here's my question, why the hell are we not all (left and right) giving a mass petition to the government shield our power infastructure from an EMP or natural kerrington event. It would cost the US pennies on a 1000 dollar bill to do, it's not perfect, but many would be able to survive and rebuild. And we're here arguing about .2% usage of bathrooms, and how spicer is a holocaust denier. What the fuck. Can we get our shit together on this
Not sure which way it ill go. Either Trump will stupidly launch an attack, or he will be such an ass, till Russia thinks they will have to launch an attack. Either way, that orange fool would be responsible.
Wasn't trump just Russia's stooge only like 2 weeks ago? Why don't you make up your mind
Not sure which way it ill go. Either Trump will stupidly launch an attack, or he will be such an ass, till Russia thinks they will have to launch an attack. Either way, that orange fool would be responsible.
Wasn't trump just Russia's stooge only like 2 weeks ago? Why don't you make up your mind

Trump Is Russia's stooge. He's an idiot stooge.
Not going to happen.

Russia knows Trump will annihilate them. They know Trump isn't the pussy Obama was.
Russia can barbecue this country from coast to coast in less than a half hour.
-------------------------------- not all of the USA , probably just selected spots Billo !!

Major cities will be the target ---------- tough pismoe.
--------------------------------------------------------- of course , i just didn't want to spell it out for Billo as he already sounds pretty scared . And 'long beach' is just an extension of nasty , dirty , filthy 'los angeles' Charwin !!

And yet you refuse to reveal what state you live ----------------- Pismoe. Why is that Pismoe? BTW six millions tourist visits Long Beach each year and that is just the registered tourists that doesn't count the visitors that are from 3 hours or 4 hours drive to LB. Plus city earned $300 millions each year.
What a shitty place--------- No wonder California economy is the 6th largest in the world.

About The Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau

Every business in Long Beach benefits from a strong convention and hospitality industry. Recent studies show that overnight visitors to Long Beach generate an estimated $300 million in overall economic benefit to the city. The LBCVB directs its aggressive sales and marketing efforts to the "people movers;" the meeting planners, travel agents, tour operators and travel journalists who directly influence a visitor's choice in planning a convention or vacation. Approximately six million visitors travel to Long Beach each year, making tourism one of the city's most important industries.
-------------------------------- not all of the USA , probably just selected spots Billo !!
You hope you're not in one of those spots. I probably am. Then again, you don't think Russia would want to take out LA now, do ya?
---------------------------------------------------------- hey Billo , yep , yes Sir , you are !!

I forgot-------- Seriously ---------- You love Russia.
Remember all western countries that poses nuclear bomb is to protect themselves from aggressor ----------- and that will be Russia not US. In the event of nuclear war Russia will be obliterated from different directions. I do not expect Russian troops or tanks will roll into Washington or Maine but I expect US troops will roll inside Russia coming from Poland and other NATO countries. I'm praying that this will not happen----------- but Trump in power ----------- this worries me.
Not going to happen.

Russia knows Trump will annihilate them. They know Trump isn't the pussy Obama was.
Russia can barbecue this country from coast to coast in less than a half hour.
-------------------------------- not all of the USA , probably just selected spots Billo !!

Major cities will be the target ---------- tough pismoe.
--------------------------------------------------------- of course , i just didn't want to spell it out for Billo as he already sounds pretty scared . And 'long beach' is just an extension of nasty , dirty , filthy 'los angeles' Charwin !!

And yet you refuse to reveal what state you live ----------------- Pismoe. Why is that Pismoe? BTW six millions tourist visits Long Beach each year and that is just the registered tourists that doesn't count the visitors that are from 3 hours or 4 hours drive to LB. Plus city earned $300 millions each year.
What a shitty place--------- No wonder California economy is the 6th largest in the world.

About The Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau

Every business in Long Beach benefits from a strong convention and hospitality industry. Recent studies show that overnight visitors to Long Beach generate an estimated $300 million in overall economic benefit to the city. The LBCVB directs its aggressive sales and marketing efforts to the "people movers;" the meeting planners, travel agents, tour operators and travel journalists who directly influence a visitor's choice in planning a convention or vacation. Approximately six million visitors travel to Long Beach each year, making tourism one of the city's most important industries.
-------------------------------------------------- like i said , i sometimes go to the 'cycleworld' motorcycle show in 'long beach' . I also go to the 'collector coin and bauble' show in 'long beach' . That doesn't mean that 'long beach' and 'los angeles' is nice or even decent . Tourists are pretty stupid , they still flock to 'vegas' , 'long beach' and murderous 'acalpuco' Charwin !!

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