Nuclear War Placing Bets

No one will launch a nuke, not matter what the simpletons here lie about.

If NK were to get one on a rocket to the launch pad and "it" is taken out prior to launch by conventional bombs does it blow Nuke at that location? Yes, run-on sentence on tablet.......sthu already. Note: Seoul is very close. Could you send a small Nuke over the Hanh river and detonate near the shore?
Conventional explosives wouldn't detonate a nuke but they would have a "dirty"bomb putting radiation into the air.
"and tug its forelock to the USA." Why would that be? Why shouldn't North Korea develop closer relations with South Korea? America isn't IN Asia. You Jake are what we call The Ugly American, thinking you're Exceptional, well you're not, so you can stick your Ugly American where the sun doesn't shine. Hint: You DON'T OWN the world, nations have a RIGHT to be sovereign AND also have their OWN Independent Foreign Policy and Trade with WHO they WANT to. It's YOUR type who are the Fascists, YOU of the Imperialistic American World Empire ilk.
Punishing people who use chemical weapons is not fascist. Making sure crazed psychos in stalinist countries can't nuke other countries is not fascist. The USA has a right to protect itself and with those with whom it concerns itself. Assad is on notice is a war crimes candidate. The US, if they take and convict him, will execute him. Kim Jong Un is on an American death warrant that will be lifted if he knuckles under.

"Punishing people who use chemical weapons is not fascist."

Get off your silly high horse, you don't give a CRAP about people who use chemical weapons.

America tested chemical weapons both on it's OWN soldiers and it's OWN population, including VX AND Sarin Gas and not forgetting your Human Radiation Experiments.

Hypocrites and Pot Meet Kettle:

"Researchers in the United States have performed thousands of human radiation experiments to determine the effects of atomic radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, generally on people who were poor, sick, or powerless.[57] Most of these tests were performed, funded, or supervised by the United States military, Atomic Energy Commission, or various other US federal government agencies.

The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.

Much information about these programs was classified and kept secret. In 1986 the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report entitled American Nuclear Guinea Pigs : Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens. 58] In the 1990s Eileen Welsome's reports on radiation testing for The Albuquerque Tribune prompted the creation of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments by executive order of president Bill Clinton, to monitor government tests. It published results in 1995. Welsome later wrote a book called The Plutonium Files."

Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.
"and tug its forelock to the USA." Why would that be? Why shouldn't North Korea develop closer relations with South Korea? America isn't IN Asia. You Jake are what we call The Ugly American, thinking you're Exceptional, well you're not, so you can stick your Ugly American where the sun doesn't shine. Hint: You DON'T OWN the world, nations have a RIGHT to be sovereign AND also have their OWN Independent Foreign Policy and Trade with WHO they WANT to. It's YOUR type who are the Fascists, YOU of the Imperialistic American World Empire ilk.
Punishing people who use chemical weapons is not fascist. Making sure crazed psychos in stalinist countries can't nuke other countries is not fascist. The USA has a right to protect itself and with those with whom it concerns itself. Assad is on notice is a war crimes candidate. The US, if they take and convict him, will execute him. Kim Jong Un is on an American death warrant that will be lifted if he knuckles under.

Those who believe they can use chemical weapons or threaten the world with nuclear war are very confused individuals, particularly those who think America will not act.

"Punishing people who use chemical weapons is not fascist."

Also Operation Top Hat, of course someone as ignorant and uneducated as you Jake doesn't know about all this stuff. There are literally several THOUSAND of these situations where the US Government tested biological and chemical weapons on it;s own soldiers and it's own population over a course of multiple decades, even going into the mid-1970s these experiments were still happening.

Operation Top Hat.


"In June 1953 the United States Army formally adopted guidelines regarding the use of human subjects in chemical, biological, or radiological testing and research.[1] The guidelines were adopted per an Army Chief of Staff memo (MM 385) and closely mirrored the Nuremberg Code.[1] These guidelines also required that all research projects involving human subjects receive approval from the Secretary of the Army.[1] The guidelines, however, left a loophole; they did not define what types of experiments and tests required such approval from the secretary, thus encouraging "selective compliance" with the guidelines.[1]"


"Under the guidelines, seven research projects involving chemical weapons and human subjects were submitted by the Chemical Corps for Secretary of the Army approval in August 1953.[1][2] One project involved vesicants, one involved phosgene, and five were experiments which involved nerve agents; all seven were approved.[1][2] Operation Top Hat, however, was not among the projects submitted to the Secretary of the Army for approval.[2]

Operation Top Hat was termed a "local field exercise" by the Army and took place from September 15–19, 1953 at the Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan, Alabama.[1][2] In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General's report, the military maintained Top Hat was not subject to the guidelines requiring approval because it was a "line of duty" exercise in the Chemical Corps.[2] The experiments used Chemical Corps personnel to test decontamination methods for biological and chemical weapons,[2] including sulfur mustard and nerve agents.[1] Chemical Corps personnel participating in the tests were not volunteers and were not informed of the tests.[1]"

We'll have the last part AGAIN shall we....NOT volunteers ie. didn't even know that their OWN US Government was testing biological and chemical weapons on them including Sulfur mustard and nerve agents....and were NOT informed of the tests.

"Chemical Corps personnel participating in the tests were not volunteers and were not informed of the tests.[1]"

Operation Top Hat - Wikipedia

Lucy: tough. America will act is best interest and what it considers that of the rest of the world.
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.

The Radical Jihadists YOU support Jake, there isn't a Muslim you wouldn't get on your knees for.

Radical Islamic Fundamentalism is OUR battle, it's THE battle the Western world should be uniting to fight.
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.

The Radical Jihadists YOU support Jake, there isn't a Muslim you wouldn't get on your knees for. Radical Islamic Fundamentalism is OUR battle, it's THE battle the Western world should be uniting to fight.
Show exactly where I support radical jihadism: be specific or continue being absolutely confused..
Lucy: tough.

Nobody cares what a moron like you thinks Jake, up your meds or something....people know you HATE Trump, you spent a YEAR telling everyone how much you HATE Trump, so your idiotic rambling since Friday is just that idiotic rambling.
Lucy: tough.

Nobody cares what a moron like you thinks Jake, up your meds or something....people know you HATE Trump, you spent a YEAR telling everyone how much you HATE Trump, so your idiotic rambling since Friday is just that idiotic rambling.
Lucy cut off my post, so here it is again. "Lucy: tough. America will act is best interest and what it considers that of the rest of the world." I don't like Trump at all, but I support his change on NATO, Russia, Syria, China, and North Korea. You can name call all you want and be laughed at. Your choice.
I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline.

Then maybe they'll be cognizant and start to interact with the world around them.

Those things are the bane of humanity. :mad:
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.

The Radical Jihadists YOU support Jake, there isn't a Muslim you wouldn't get on your knees for. Radical Islamic Fundamentalism is OUR battle, it's THE battle the Western world should be uniting to fight.
Show exactly where I support radical jihadism: be specific or continuing be a liar.

Every time there has been an Islamic Terrorist attack and there have been threads, you are always in them, you also tend to be in the group that will deflect attention away from it being something to do with Islam.

Nobody has ever seen you condemn Islam, the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.

The Radical Jihadists YOU support Jake, there isn't a Muslim you wouldn't get on your knees for. Radical Islamic Fundamentalism is OUR battle, it's THE battle the Western world should be uniting to fight.
Show exactly where I support radical jihadism: be specific or continuing be a liar.
Every time there has been an Islamic Terrorist attack and there have been threads, you are always in them, you also tend to be in the group that will deflect attention away from it being something to do with Islam. Nobody has ever seen you condemn Islam, the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.
I condemn all violent religionists, and I hope you do as well. I condemn radical jihadism, and I hope you do as well.
I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline.

Then maybe they'll be cognizant and start to interact with the world around them.

Those things are the bane of humanity. :mad:

"I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline."

Well darling, if that happens how am I going to contact my manicurist or masseur in case of Emergency? :smoke:
Lucy, you are on your high horse not me. I am simply pointing out the facts. Assad and Kim Jong Un are culpable for their behavior, and both are threats to the stability of the human population. If Trump was acting toward all of the radical jihadists in this matter, you would be cheering.

The Radical Jihadists YOU support Jake, there isn't a Muslim you wouldn't get on your knees for. Radical Islamic Fundamentalism is OUR battle, it's THE battle the Western world should be uniting to fight.
Show exactly where I support radical jihadism: be specific or continuing be a liar.
Every time there has been an Islamic Terrorist attack and there have been threads, you are always in them, you also tend to be in the group that will deflect attention away from it being something to do with Islam. Nobody has ever seen you condemn Islam, the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.
I condemn all violent religionists, and I hope you do as well. I condemn radical jihadism, and I hope you do as well.

There you go again, what other "violent religionists"?

Do we have Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Jews, Christians all wandering around frequently blowing themselves up, driving vehicles into crowds and mowing multitides of people down, cutting peoples' heads off, burying people alive, burning people alive, crucifying people, dissolving people in vats of acid....throwing faggots off rooftops?

No we don't, ONLY Islamists DO ALL of that horrific stuff and on a REGULAR basis.
I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline.

Then maybe they'll be cognizant and start to interact with the world around them.

Those things are the bane of humanity. :mad:

"I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline."

Well darling, if that happens how am I going to contact my manicurist or masseur in case of Emergency? :smoke:

You'll have to use the landline. :eek:
So, in the event of WWIII and with that Nuclear War who will make the first strike?

Will America hit Russia first or will Russia hit America first?

In any event, Matthew will be happy with Nuclear War because at least it's better than watching science be cut.

Poor Matthew :itsok: :smiliehug:

Nuclear War Tomorrow?

If we didn't go into nuclear war with Russia during the very scary Cold War, where we really did fear and hate one another...why would that seem so likely today? I don't even think there's as much as a mutually assured destruction guarantee on the Russian side. I'm sure getting into nuke war is the last thing they want.

What's far more likely, greatest to least:
A. N. Korea tries to launch an emp attack on the United States.
B. N Korea launches nuclear strikes on S Korea and United States gets involved
C. N Korea helps Iran develops nukes (they probably have viable ones, just haven't tested them). Iran launches strike on Israel, US gets involved.
D. N Korea and Iran go launch emp and nuclear strikes on US, in hopes of knocking out the big fish, and turning to fry the littler ones (Israel and S Korea).

We agree re. Russia/Cold War and the situation as it is today.

Also we can agree that North Korea is the greater threat.

"Iran launches strike on Israel, US gets involved."

Why would America have to get involved? Israel has plenty of bombs, aircraft, it's OWN Nuclear Weaponry and The Iron Dome ALL of which America have provided for it, either for next to nothing or for a reduced I think in the insane event that Iran did launch some sort of strike on Israel, Israel is more than capable of fighting Iran on it's own.

There's no reason for America not to assist Israel in Logistical Support etc, but there is absolutely no reason why America would have to militarily get actively involved by sending American Combat troops in to put boots on the ground and sending a fleet of American bombers along with them.

Israel isn't in NATO, so it's not as if the excuse can be used that a NATO country has been attacked so other countries in NATO have to rush to help it.

But how do you defend against an emp, which are nukes launched into stratosphere. Last time I checked, iron dome defenses don't contact ICMBs in the stratosphere. And EMPs may not be as an instantaneous death as regular nuclear strikes, but they will still kill up to 70-90% of the population in an effected area within the first year.

Make no mistake, EMPs, are the real threat to America. Now the US could have some sort of unknown defense against this sure (it's unlikely with a solid fuel launch like Korea has developed), but iron dome certainly does not stop that.

And just because Israel is not a NATO ally does not mean that we wouldn't come to their defense, especially in the case of a nuclear strike from Iran. Syria is not a NATO ally and look what happened in both cases of a very minor in comparison chemical attack, one president threatened, one president retaliated.

"And EMPs may not be as an instantaneous death as regular nuclear strikes, but they will still kill up to 70-90% of the population in an effected area within the first year."

Now that is the more probable threat America faces, attack by EMP and yes it would be almost impossible to defend against an attack by EMP, the damage they cause is extensive and irreparable and if centrally located could easily spread outwards coast to coast and it would send America literally back to The Dark Age in ALL spheres, you would have no communications at ALL, no hospitals would be able to operate on any level AT all, so no medications, you wouldn't have ANY form of transport not even your own vehicle, you would have no food OR eventually water etc.

America would be permanently plunged into both darkness and silence.

You would then also have a savage internal war, where people increasingly desparate would be killing each other for a crust of bread or a bottle of water.

Within the first month you would probably have one million dead, by the end of the year 90% of Americas population would be dead from either disease or starvation.
I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline.

Then maybe they'll be cognizant and start to interact with the world around them.

Those things are the bane of humanity. :mad:

"I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline."

Well darling, if that happens how am I going to contact my manicurist or masseur in case of Emergency? :smoke:

You'll have to use the landline. :eek:

Oh the shame of it, having to use....the landline :omg:
I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline.

Then maybe they'll be cognizant and start to interact with the world around them.

Those things are the bane of humanity. :mad:

"I hope they launch an emp that takes everybody's "smart phones" offline."

Well darling, if that happens how am I going to contact my manicurist or masseur in case of Emergency? :smoke:

You'll have to use the landline. :eek:

Oh the shame of it, having to use....the landline :omg:

The horror! :eek:

Have to punch more than 1 button!

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