Number of guns in society falling sharply

M14 Shooter -

Have you noticed that almost all of your posting on these topics is devoted to explaining why you will not address the topic?

I think you'd present strong, factual arguments if they existed.
Pot meet kettle. You're one of the most disingenuous, uninformed propagandists on the board. Your arguments consist of appeals to emotion, not facts.
Exactly correct. Saigon, like most anti-gun loons, is unable to argue from anything other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Another page....and another page with not a single fact or reason presented to counter Joe's point.

All I see here is 4 or 5 posters conceding defeat.

I'll check back and see if we get something other than the usual braindead trolling.
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Politico -

Failing to present a case is NOT addressing the topic.

Abuse is not a rebuttal of facts.

Saigon, yours was the 294th post in this thread.

You were defeated by the 10th post.

Fact: the number of guns in society has RISEN sharply, we are at record number and growing geometrically. Gun sales are higher than any time in history. The number of women taking shooting classes is quintuple what it was just 10 years ago, showing that women will not be victims and are the major consumer in the current run on guns.

You tried to bullshit your way through, and you failed - completely.
Uncensored -

High volumes of shrieking do not constitute a rational argument.

Fact: the number of guns in society has RISEN sharply, we are at record number and growing geometrically. Gun sales are higher than any time in history. The number of women taking shooting classes is quintuple what it was just 10 years ago, showing that women will not be victims and are the major consumer in the current run on guns.

That is all quite possibly true - if unproven.

That, however, does not prove the surveys wrong.

It's an entirely different point.
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That is all quite possibly true - if unproven.

It's been proven a dozen times on this page alone. You ignoring the facts and pretending they don't exist, does not negate said facts, only your credibility.

That, however, does not prove the surveys wrong.

It's an entirely different point.

The "surveys" were self-serving nonsense. On the second page of this thread the survey methodology was proven to be flawed.

I took a survey of inmates at the Los Angeles County Jail, it turns out that 98% of them are innocent.

Fact: Record numbers of gun sales, record numbers of women training in gun use.

The facts are 180° from you assertions and the basis of this thread.

You WISH that gun ownership was falling - that is not the same as reality.
Uncensored -

I have to say, of all the discussion topics on this forum, the area in which there is the least quality debate is gun control. Maybe it is just too emotional a topic for some people, but I find very, very posters are willing to discuss statistics, research or news from around the world sensibly and objectively.

Too many posters seem content to post "You are a liar!" or "Those surveys are bullshit!" and are then incoherent with rage that I am not persuaded to drop my case.

It's been proven a dozen times on this page alone.

Really? In what post #?

Because I do not see a single fact, no evidence, no links, no numbers. What I see here are streams of abuse, some first hand observations and the occasional anecdote, most of which have little to do with the topic of the surveys.

The "surveys" were self-serving nonsense.

Nonsense. We have three independent surveys from three quality sources. They use the same methodology as any political poll.

Could anything be more than self-serving than refusing to look at surveys because you don't like the conclusions?

The facts are 180° from you assertions and the basis of this thread.

Then let's see them!!
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Politico -

Failing to present a case is NOT addressing the topic.

Abuse is not a rebuttal of facts.

Saigon, yours was the 294th post in this thread.

You were defeated by the 10th post.

Fact: the number of guns in society has RISEN sharply, we are at record number and growing geometrically. Gun sales are higher than any time in history. The number of women taking shooting classes is quintuple what it was just 10 years ago, showing that women will not be victims and are the major consumer in the current run on guns.

You tried to bullshit your way through, and you failed - completely.
Saigon, like most anti-gun loons, is unable to argue from anything other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
That is all quite possibly true - if unproven.

It's been proven a dozen times on this page alone. You ignoring the facts and pretending they don't exist, does not negate said facts, only your credibility.

That, however, does not prove the surveys wrong.

It's an entirely different point.

The "surveys" were self-serving nonsense. On the second page of this thread the survey methodology was proven to be flawed.

I took a survey of inmates at the Los Angeles County Jail, it turns out that 98% of them are innocent.

Fact: Record numbers of gun sales, record numbers of women training in gun use.

The facts are 180° from you assertions and the basis of this thread.

You WISH that gun ownership was falling - that is not the same as reality.
Saigon, like most anti-gun loons, is unable to argue from anything other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Another page....and another page with not a single fact or reason presented to counter Joe's point.

All I see here is 4 or 5 posters conceding defeat.

I'll check back and see if we get something other than the usual braindead trolling.

What point? That Italy has fewer guns?
So what! This is not Italy..... or Finland.
Why when we can FIX this country? You guys are in the minority now.

Incidently, I'd love to live in Japan. The women are H O T!!!!!

There's that little problem of not being able to speak Japanese, and I really don't like raw fish.

Proving how little world experience you have. Try tempura sometime nimrod. Sheesh you come and try and lecture us about seeing the world and you have no fucking clue what the big world is like. Typical ignorant troll.

I did try it. Didn't like it. Frankly, love the Japanese people, love their culture and their history.

Absolutely hate their food.

How can you not like tempura? It's just like Ameericun (sic) food.

So should you. All of Europe is smaller than the continental US. All of Europe is more homogenized population wise than the US. Europe has a centuries old tradition of servile life. We don't. Move to Europe and leave this country alone. The way I look at it is this. There are multiple social experiments going on around the world. You don't like this one, move to one that you like.

We don't have a history of "servile Life". Did you miss the whole "Civil War" thingee? The Jim Crow thingee?

We tried to do the "Conservative" expirament. It failed MISERABLY.

Case in point. We let the gun companies dictate gun policy. We let the prison-industrial complex dictate crime policy.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year and 2 million people locked up in prison. Some assholes are getting rich off all this misery, but it really hasn't acheived the desired effect - to make people safer.

So you sit there in your home clinging to your gun and your bible, as the President once famously said, hoping the world leaves you alone.

From the inception of the American experiment was there a two class system where one class is the "ruling" class and one the "serf" class. With no rights and no ability to travel freely? Where the master could dictate what job you would do for life? Where there was no upward mobility possible?

In Europe that was the norm till the mid 1800's. That's why people left. So that they COULD make their lives better. You are remarkably ignorant. But then most libtards are...
Another page....and another page with not a single fact or reason presented to counter Joe's point.

All I see here is 4 or 5 posters conceding defeat.

I'll check back and see if we get something other than the usual braindead trolling.

All you present is emotinal appeals. In other words you fail again. Now piss off.
That is all quite possibly true - if unproven.

It's been proven a dozen times on this page alone. You ignoring the facts and pretending they don't exist, does not negate said facts, only your credibility.

That, however, does not prove the surveys wrong.

It's an entirely different point.

The "surveys" were self-serving nonsense. On the second page of this thread the survey methodology was proven to be flawed.

I took a survey of inmates at the Los Angeles County Jail, it turns out that 98% of them are innocent.

Fact: Record numbers of gun sales, record numbers of women training in gun use.

The facts are 180° from you assertions and the basis of this thread.

You WISH that gun ownership was falling - that is not the same as reality.

saggy is a master of covering his ears and going "lalalalalalala". And he lost his credibility years ago...

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