Number of guns in society falling sharply

I'm not getting the "designed to kill" argument.

Guns in America are legally owned for two purposes...hunting and defense.

Yes, military firearms become sporterized...been happening for more than 300 years.

I own the civilian version of the M-16, it was the first semi-automatic firearm I handled...I learned it inside and out...I could strip it down and reassemble it in total darkness and when I returned to civilian life, I wanted to own one.

And that's how military rifles become sporting rifles.

There are very few things that man has created who's sole purpose is to kill. The morningstar and the footmans flail immediately come to mind. They have but one purpose. But firearms? They have many purposes and killing is the least used of them all.
When you consider the amount of ammunition expended yearly and the numbers of people killed by those expenditures only a moron, or political propagandist could assert otherwise.

So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.

cars and liquor aren't designed to kill people.

Incidently, bars CAN be held responsible if they served someone too much alcohol and they went on to drive. Doctors can be held responsible if there is some horrible side-effect of the medicine they prescribe.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.
Translation: Yeah I said it so I'll deflect to something else like I always do.

Translation- I needed to remove the rest of the conversation to almost make a point that wasn't really made.

CONTEXT. Understand it. IN this case, I was specifically asking that if a gun sold at your store was used to murder someone, would you get out of the gun business.

You never did answer that one for some reason. I wonder why.

So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.

Yeah.....anybody posing as an Eisenhower Republican while posting up far left views on a message board has connect the dots issues.

Gun grabbing works only for the connect the dots challenged.......

Obama's Gun Control Not Working Out in Chicago
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So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.

cars and liquor aren't designed to kill people.

Incidently, bars CAN be held responsible if they served someone too much alcohol and they went on to drive. Doctors can be held responsible if there is some horrible side-effect of the medicine they prescribe.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are guns.
Yeah, if someone does something negligent they can be charged. Is this news to you?

So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.

cars and liquor aren't designed to kill people.

Incidently, bars CAN be held responsible if they served someone too much alcohol and they went on to drive. Doctors can be held responsible if there is some horrible side-effect of the medicine they prescribe.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

So, just going on the numbers alone you are far more likely to die by a doctors hand than by the barrel of a gun. And of those gun deaths noted above the vast majority are gang related. So, tossing them in prison forever will have a far greater effect on gun violence than any gun ban you could ever hope to ram down the throats of law abiding people everywhere.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.

cars and liquor aren't designed to kill people.

Incidently, bars CAN be held responsible if they served someone too much alcohol and they went on to drive. Doctors can be held responsible if there is some horrible side-effect of the medicine they prescribe.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

So, just going on the numbers alone you are far more likely to die by a doctors hand than by the barrel of a gun. And of those gun deaths noted above the vast majority are gang related. So, tossing them in prison forever will have a far greater effect on gun violence than any gun ban you could ever hope to ram down the throats of law abiding people everywhere.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

The vast majority are suicides.
Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides.

But as gun homicides have declined sharply in recent years, suicides have become a greater share of all firearm deaths: the 61% share in 2010 was the highest on record.

That year there were 19,392 suicides by firearm compared to 11,078 homicides by gun (35% of all firearm deaths). The rest were accidents, police shootings and unknown causes.

Suicides account for most gun deaths | Pew Research Center

I think you meant "of the homicides, the vast majority"... :thup:
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cars and liquor aren't designed to kill people.

Incidently, bars CAN be held responsible if they served someone too much alcohol and they went on to drive. Doctors can be held responsible if there is some horrible side-effect of the medicine they prescribe.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

So, just going on the numbers alone you are far more likely to die by a doctors hand than by the barrel of a gun. And of those gun deaths noted above the vast majority are gang related. So, tossing them in prison forever will have a far greater effect on gun violence than any gun ban you could ever hope to ram down the throats of law abiding people everywhere.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

The vast majority are suicides.
Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides.

But as gun homicides have declined sharply in recent years, suicides have become a greater share of all firearm deaths: the 61% share in 2010 was the highest on record.

That year there were 19,392 suicides by firearm compared to 11,078 homicides by gun (35% of all firearm deaths). The rest were accidents, police shootings and unknown causes.

Suicides account for most gun deaths | Pew Research Center

I think you meant "of the homicides, the vast majority"... :thup:

Yes, that was my gist but thanks for the assist!
Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of producing crack cocain with a Columbian drug lord.
Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of producing crack cocain with a Columbian drug lord.

I don't believe you thought this through before you posted it.

First, owning firearms is totally legal, producing cocaine is not.

Second, A better analogy would be "Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of coin collecting with a numismatist."

If you can't manage that, you might as well deactivate your account.
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Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of producing crack cocain with a Columbian drug lord.

I don't believe you thought this through before you posted it.

First, owning firearms is totally legal, producing cocaine is not.

Second, A better analogy would be "Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of coin collecting with a numismatist."

If you can't manage that, you might as well deactivate your account.

No, I pretty much see it as I wrote it.:eusa_whistle:
Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of producing crack cocain with a Columbian drug lord.

Arguing anything with a person who claims to be one thing when they have never been anything of the sort, like you and a host of libtards on this board, is an excercise in futility. If you feel the need to lie about something so simple your credibility is zero.

Thanks for playing but you can run along junior.
Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of producing crack cocain with a Columbian drug lord.

I don't believe you thought this through before you posted it.

First, owning firearms is totally legal, producing cocaine is not.

Second, A better analogy would be "Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of coin collecting with a numismatist."

If you can't manage that, you might as well deactivate your account.

No, I pretty much see it as I wrote it.:eusa_whistle:

Of course you do. You're a libtard propagandist and have ALLWAYS been one. Why lie about who and what you are.
I don't believe you thought this through before you posted it.

First, owning firearms is totally legal, producing cocaine is not.

Second, A better analogy would be "Arguing gun control with a man who owns 200 firearms seems to me to be about as productive as arguing the pros and cons of coin collecting with a numismatist."

If you can't manage that, you might as well deactivate your account.

No, I pretty much see it as I wrote it.:eusa_whistle:

Of course you do. You're a libtard propagandist and have ALLWAYS been one. Why lie about who and what you are.

I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about, Westwall. I don't even think that I have had a conversation with you before. I don't pretend to be anything other than what I am, which is a liberal with opinions as valid as anyone else's on this board, including you.
No, I pretty much see it as I wrote it.:eusa_whistle:

Of course you do. You're a libtard propagandist and have ALLWAYS been one. Why lie about who and what you are.

I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about, Westwall. I don't even think that I have had a conversation with you before. I don't pretend to be anything other than what I am, which is a liberal with opinions as valid as anyone else's on this board, including you.

This is the mistake. Your opinions are not valid. Opinions based on ignorance and fear are not valid.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

Congratulations. You have passed. How to lie with statistics.

Point is, we can live without guns. We can't live without cars or doctors.

So, just going on the numbers alone you are far more likely to die by a doctors hand than by the barrel of a gun. And of those gun deaths noted above the vast majority are gang related. So, tossing them in prison forever will have a far greater effect on gun violence than any gun ban you could ever hope to ram down the throats of law abiding people everywhere.

No, they aren't. The vast majority of gun deaths are sucides (19,000). Of the 11,000 murders, 80% of those are cases where the victim knows his or her killer. Usually that domestic argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best is more likely than a drive-by. We also have 850 accidental gun deaths every year. It might seem like a small number, but four times the number the FBI says are civilians killing an intruder while protecting themselves.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

We are a lot closer to a Police State than the European or Japanese are. We lock up 2 million of our citizens and have another 7 million on parole. If that isn't a police state, I'm not sure what is. Maybe if we didn't lock up a pot smoker with a rapist, we wouldn't have these problems.

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

No, they were actually sort of retarded. Let's take cars. Cars are used EVERY DAY for their intended purpose- getting someone to point A to point B. Gun usually sit in their cases, but when someone whips one out, it's usually bad stuff that follows. Because that's what they are designed to do.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

Congratulations. You have passed. How to lie with statistics.

Point is, we can live without guns. We can't live without cars or doctors.

No, they aren't. The vast majority of gun deaths are sucides (19,000). Of the 11,000 murders, 80% of those are cases where the victim knows his or her killer. Usually that domestic argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best is more likely than a drive-by. We also have 850 accidental gun deaths every year. It might seem like a small number, but four times the number the FBI says are civilians killing an intruder while protecting themselves.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

We are a lot closer to a Police State than the European or Japanese are. We lock up 2 million of our citizens and have another 7 million on parole. If that isn't a police state, I'm not sure what is. Maybe if we didn't lock up a pot smoker with a rapist, we wouldn't have these problems.

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

No, they were actually sort of retarded. Let's take cars. Cars are used EVERY DAY for their intended purpose- getting someone to point A to point B. Gun usually sit in their cases, but when someone whips one out, it's usually bad stuff that follows. Because that's what they are designed to do. are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:

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[ are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:


The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.
[ are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:


The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.


Then go live there s0n........happy now!!!
[ are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:


The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.

Then go live there s0n........happy now!!!

Why when we can FIX this country? You guys are in the minority now.

Incidently, I'd love to live in Japan. The women are H O T!!!!!

There's that little problem of not being able to speak Japanese, and I really don't like raw fish.

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