Number of guns in society falling sharply

Do you really need to remove all context to make a point?

Translation: Yeah I said it so I'll deflect to something else like I always do.

Translation- I needed to remove the rest of the conversation to almost make a point that wasn't really made.

CONTEXT. Understand it. IN this case, I was specifically asking that if a gun sold at your store was used to murder someone, would you get out of the gun business.

You never did answer that one for some reason. I wonder why.

Nice deflection there, chief.
My point was that no gun kills people spontaneously. You replied what if they did. Implying you believe it was possible.
Now having called you on it and having shown the absurdity you want to pivot to a different topic.
For the record, a gun sold in my store was used to kill someone. I feel no more responsibility over that than if I had sold a car that had killed someone or a prescription drug that someone abused. Why should I?

Nice deflection there, chief.
My point was that no gun kills people spontaneously. You replied what if they did. Implying you believe it was possible.
Now having called you on it and having shown the absurdity you want to pivot to a different topic.
For the record, a gun sold in my store was used to kill someone. I feel no more responsibility over that than if I had sold a car that had killed someone or a prescription drug that someone abused. Why should I?

I implied nothing of the sort, and if that is what you inferred, you have seriously poor reading comprehension abilities.

Then again, you thought Rick Perry was going to be the nominee...

That car or those drugs were not designed to kill someone. The gun you sold to someone who went out and committed a murder was.
And the Finnish Freak and Ignorant Joe have left the room.
How typical.

I'm waiting for an adult response.

I'm not sure if your posting on this thread is the weakest posting performance I have ever seen - but it is Top 10 material.

Put it this way - if AK-47s could not kill people - would they still sell well?
And the Finnish Freak and Ignorant Joe have left the room.
How typical.

I'm waiting for an adult response.

I'm not sure if your posting on this thread is the weakest posting performance I have ever seen - but it is Top 10 material.

Put it this way - if AK-47s could not kill people - would they still sell well?

Translation: I've been shown to be dead wrong even based on what I myself posted so must deflect to personal insult.

Put it this way: If an AK 47 could not shoot bullets would it still sell well?
Rabbi -

If AK47's could kill without using bullets - people would buy them.

IfAK47's could issue bullets and not kill - people would not buy them.
Rabbi -

If AK47's could kill without using bullets - people would buy them.

IfAK47's could issue bullets and not kill - people would not buy them.

Please explain how the second is even possible.

Better yet, don't. You've proven yourself a dishonest debater unable to admit he was wrong, even when shown so by his own posts. I have no time for people like that. It is like teaching a pig to sing. On to iggy you go, my skat.
Rabbi -

This is a hypothetical discussion - but I think at this point you do both understand my point and accept that it is logically correct.
Designed to kill

Designers like to envisage their fundamental role as one of making the world a better place. How does the signature work of Mikhail Kalashnikov fit in to that noble mission? In 1947, Kalashnikov won a Soviet competition to design a new sub-machine gun for the Red Army, fresh from its victory in Word War II. The AK-47 went on to become the principal weapon of one side or the other in virtually every war since. It is estimated to have caused most of the 300,000 combat deaths in all the many wars of the 1990s and is still a fixture in conflicts the world over.

In a 2003 interview with The Guardian, Kalashnikov acknowledged the grisly legacy he had bestowed upon the world: "I made it to protect the motherland. And then they spread the weapon [around the world] - not because I wanted them to. Not at my choice. Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want."

Creative Review - Designed to kill

Right. Nothign supports your conention that is was "designed to kill." Kalashnikov himself says it was designed to defend the Motherland.
Are you willing to admit that you are wrong here, as you were wrong in saying the number of guns is declining, as you were wrong in saying the number of people with guns is declining?
It's a test of your intellectual honesty.

well yeah he says so himself in the piece he posted

"I made it to protect the motherland. "

Never mind that anyone that knows anythng about guns knows that one of the reasons assault rifles use less powerful cartridges than battle rifles is that they are more likely to wound, rather than kill, enemy soldiers.
Designed to wound, not kill.

Never mind as well that the right to arms is -all- about killing people.
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M14 -

So if the intention of guns is to wound, and the intention of cars is to get from A to B - which item might require the strongest legislation to limit the potential damage of that use?
M14 -

So if the intention of guns is to wound, and the intention of cars is to get from A to B - which item might require the strongest legislation to limit the potential damage of that use?

The intention of poison and wasp spray is to kill. Says so right on the label. How strong is the legislation restricting these dangerous items?
M14 -

So if the intention of guns is to wound, and the intention of cars is to get from A to B - which item might require the strongest legislation to limit the potential damage of that use?

The intention of poison and wasp spray is to kill. Says so right on the label. How strong is the legislation restricting these dangerous items?
if you stop feeding the troll, it will go away.
M14 -

So if the intention of guns is to wound, and the intention of cars is to get from A to B - which item might require the strongest legislation to limit the potential damage of that use?

The intention of poison and wasp spray is to kill. Says so right on the label. How strong is the legislation restricting these dangerous items?
if you stop feeding the troll, it will go away.

He just won't learn. I need to listen to my inner ga-ga and just let the ignore rule.
M14 -

So if the intention of guns is to wound, and the intention of cars is to get from A to B - which item might require the strongest legislation to limit the potential damage of that use?

Let me know when cars become a Constitutional Right, instead of the privilege they currently are. Maybe then a rational argument might be made. There is no provision in driving laws that says getting from point A to point B shall not be infringed.
Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out? You gun dealers have blood on your hands.

How many children were killed this week by ingesting a household chemical that their parents carelessly left out?

Those supermarkets have blood on their hands!

How ridiculous is that. :cuckoo:
Do you really need to remove all context to make a point?

Translation: Yeah I said it so I'll deflect to something else like I always do.

Translation- I needed to remove the rest of the conversation to almost make a point that wasn't really made.

CONTEXT. Understand it. IN this case, I was specifically asking that if a gun sold at your store was used to murder someone, would you get out of the gun business.

You never did answer that one for some reason. I wonder why.

So, by your deluded view of the world...any car dealer who sells a car that is used to kill someone through drunk driving should get out of the business... any liquor store owner who sells liquor that is used by a perp who gets drunk and hits someone who then falls and hits their head should likewise leave the business.

Or how about those doctors who prescribe medicine that drives a percentage of their users berserk who then go off to kill and maim, they too should give up their practice? And, for the record, cars and doctors kill FAR more people than guns do in this country.
There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out? You gun dealers have blood on your hands.

How many children were killed this week by ingesting a household chemical that their parents carelessly left out?

Those supermarkets have blood on their hands!

How ridiculous is that. :cuckoo:

Their whole argument is ridiculous. They are statists and what the state to control everything. People with guns prevent that.
I'm not getting the "designed to kill" argument.

Guns in America are legally owned for two purposes...hunting and defense.

Yes, military firearms become sporterized...been happening for more than 300 years.

I own the civilian version of the M-16, it was the first semi-automatic firearm I handled...I learned it inside and out...I could strip it down and reassemble it in total darkness and when I returned to civilian life, I wanted to own one.

And that's how military rifles become sporting rifles.

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