Number of guns in society falling sharply

Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out? You gun dealers have blood on your hands.
Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.

Then lucky no one said they did.

Guns are not designed to kill people.

What you claime was that they are not DESIGNED to kill - and that claim is patently false.

Yes, Joe said they did. And you agreed. Are you not even aware of what you write?
"Patently"=I can't prove it but I know it must be right.
Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out? You gun dealers have blood on your hands.
Not nearly as many as teenagers killed drunk driving. Auto makers have blood on their hands.

You are a dunce and a half. Neg rep for abject stupidity.
Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

No one ever said guns will start firing themselves.

What I did say is that they are designed for the purpose of killing people. Which is why we should restrict who should have them.
Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

No one ever said guns will start firing themselves.

What I did say is that they are designed for the purpose of killing people. Which is why we should restrict who should have them.

Yeah actually you did. I couldnt make up anything that stupid on my own.
And if one of them did, would that change your mind? Somehow, I doubt it.
Look at the gun mags today. They are not about hunting guns, they are about 'tactical weapons', weapons made for the sole purpose of killing other people.
This is, of course, a lie.
But then, even if it weren't, it is meaningless point, given that the right to keep and bear arms is centered around the idea that, sometimes, people need to kill other people.

These gun nuts are insecure, fearful, and careless in their handling of the dangerous weapons that they own.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance, and/or dishonesty.
Rabbi -

Design work on the AK-47 began in the last year of World War II (1945). After the war in 1946, the AK-46 was presented for official military trials. In 1948 the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army. An early development of the design was the AKS (S—Skladnoy or "folding"), which was equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. In 1949, the AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[10] and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.

AK-47 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So your contention is that this military weapon was not designed to kill people.

It was designed to shoot bullets. The killing comes from pointing the gun and pulling the trigger, done by the operator.
Another fail from the resident porro Skeida.

Tell all that bullshit to the children of Sandy Hook.

I really believe at this point that we need some major laws concerning those that deal in this kind of weapon.
Fortunately, for the knowledgable and sane among us, you arent a competent judge.
It was designed to shoot bullets. The killing comes from pointing the gun and pulling the trigger, done by the operator.
Another fail from the resident porro Skeida.

Tell all that bullshit to the children of Sandy Hook.

I really believe at this point that we need some major laws concerning those that deal in this kind of weapon.
Fortunately, for the knowledgable and sane among us, you arent a competent judge.

He isn't even mildly informed.
Rabbi -

In other words, you cannot fault his thinking at all.

Let me guess - you will now starting telling us how you kicked ass on this thread.

There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?
How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out?
Statistically? <5 -- but this includes "children" up to 24 years of age.
WONDER Message
Compared to the number of guns, this number approaches zero.
Thus, you have nothing here but a 3rd rate appeal to emotion.

You gun dealers have blood on your hands.
Thank you for helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance, and/or dishonesty.
Now Ernie negged me with the message, "How many died of malaria?". Good question, so let us examine the number of deaths from malaria versus the number of death from guns in the us.


Malaria is the world's most important parasitic disease, accounting for an estimated 300 to 500 million new cases and between 1.5 and 2.7 deaths annually. The majority of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is endemic and are the result of infection with Plasmodium falciparum. The number of deaths in the United States due to malaria is comparably much lower and involves so-called "imported" cases in which U.S. travelers acquire the infection upon travel to endemic areas and subsequently return to the United States or in which infected foreign citizens travel to the United States. There were a total of 118 deaths due to malaria in the United States between 1979 and 1998 with an average of 5.9 deaths per year. Specific epidemiological data provided by the CDC regarding the 40 deaths that occurred between 1992 and 1998 yielded the following results. Deaths occurred in patients ranging from 9 months to 89 years of age (median, 53 years). Thirty-eight (95%) of these were due to P. falciparum and two (5%) due to P. vivax. Anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis was taken in 40% of cases, not taken in 45% of cases, and unknown in 15% of cases. Twenty-four (60%) of the cases involved U.S. travelers to endemic areas, of whom 59% traveled to Africa, 25% to South America, 8% to India, 4% to Haiti, and 4% to unspecified areas. The remaining cases included eleven foreign travelers to the U.S. (27.5%), three induced cases (7.5%), and two undetermined cases (5%). Thirty-nine (98%) of the cases were diagnosed antemortem and only one case was known to have come to the attention of the medical examiner/coroner. An illustrative case report demonstrates many of the features associated with fatal malaria infections in the United States. The case involves a U.S. student who was studying in Africa and who, by report, had not taken antimalarial chemoprophylaxis. Despite seeking medical attention, the patient was not diagnosed with P. falciparum infection and cerebral malaria until the time of medico-legal autopsy, where the classic gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria were identified. This case represents one of the few cases of P. falciparum infection in the United States not diagnosed antemortem. Given the worldwide prevalence of the disease, increasing international travel, and rapidly developing drug resistance, malaria will continue to be an important disease and should be considered in cases of sudden, unexplained deaths. By reviewing the major epidemiological features of malaria-related deaths in the United States and by presenting the major gross and microscopic features of cerebral malaria, an attempt is made at raising the awareness of the forensic community to the potential of malaria-related deaths.

An average of 5.9 deaths per year, or 118 deaths in the period from 1979 to 1998. The death rate per 100,000 from guns is higher than the total death rate per year from malaria.
Rabbi -

Rather than just spout mindless abuse, why not address some of the points raised?

You insisted:

Guns are not designed to kill people.

And yet we know guns such as the AK47 were designed specifically to kill people. It is a military weapon.

Do you accept and understand this?
There was no thinking to fault. Anyone who believes that guns will spontaneously fire and kill people isn't thinking.
Will you admit that you have been wrong on every assertion you continue to make on these threads?

No one ever said guns will start firing themselves.

What I did say is that they are designed for the purpose of killing people. Which is why we should restrict who should have them.

Yeah actually you did. I couldnt make up anything that stupid on my own.
And if one of them did, would that change your mind? Somehow, I doubt it.

Do you really need to remove all context to make a point?
Rabbi -

Rather than just spout mindless abuse, why not address some of the points raised?

You insisted:

Guns are not designed to kill people.

And yet we know guns such as the AK47 were designed specifically to kill people. It is a military weapon.

Do you accept and understand this?

No. It is designed to shoot bullets. The killing comes from training soldiers to point the weapon at people and pull the trigger.
Do you understand that?
I doubt it. You dont understand anything about surveys, statistics, guns, or American society. You might understand reindeer shit. You should confine your comments to that topic.
No one ever said guns will start firing themselves.

What I did say is that they are designed for the purpose of killing people. Which is why we should restrict who should have them.

Yeah actually you did. I couldnt make up anything that stupid on my own.
And if one of them did, would that change your mind? Somehow, I doubt it.

Do you really need to remove all context to make a point?

Translation: Yeah I said it so I'll deflect to something else like I always do.
Rabbi -

You forgot to tell us all how you kicked ass, handed peoples ass back to them etc, etc, etc.

Honestly, have you EVER posted a substantive comment on this board? About anything?
Rabbi -

You forgot to tell us all how you kicked ass, handed peoples ass back to them etc, etc, etc.

Honestly, have you EVER posted a substantive comment on this board? About anything?

Is that an admission that you are wrong, that the AK-47 was designed to fire bullets and its lethality comes from a person pointing the gun and pulling the trigger?
Designed to kill

Designers like to envisage their fundamental role as one of making the world a better place. How does the signature work of Mikhail Kalashnikov fit in to that noble mission? In 1947, Kalashnikov won a Soviet competition to design a new sub-machine gun for the Red Army, fresh from its victory in Word War II. The AK-47 went on to become the principal weapon of one side or the other in virtually every war since. It is estimated to have caused most of the 300,000 combat deaths in all the many wars of the 1990s and is still a fixture in conflicts the world over.

In a 2003 interview with The Guardian, Kalashnikov acknowledged the grisly legacy he had bestowed upon the world: "I made it to protect the motherland. And then they spread the weapon [around the world] - not because I wanted them to. Not at my choice. Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want."

Creative Review - Designed to kill
Designed to kill

Designers like to envisage their fundamental role as one of making the world a better place. How does the signature work of Mikhail Kalashnikov fit in to that noble mission? In 1947, Kalashnikov won a Soviet competition to design a new sub-machine gun for the Red Army, fresh from its victory in Word War II. The AK-47 went on to become the principal weapon of one side or the other in virtually every war since. It is estimated to have caused most of the 300,000 combat deaths in all the many wars of the 1990s and is still a fixture in conflicts the world over.

In a 2003 interview with The Guardian, Kalashnikov acknowledged the grisly legacy he had bestowed upon the world: "I made it to protect the motherland. And then they spread the weapon [around the world] - not because I wanted them to. Not at my choice. Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want."

Creative Review - Designed to kill

Right. Nothign supports your conention that is was "designed to kill." Kalashnikov himself says it was designed to defend the Motherland.
Are you willing to admit that you are wrong here, as you were wrong in saying the number of guns is declining, as you were wrong in saying the number of people with guns is declining?
It's a test of your intellectual honesty.
Designed to kill

Designers like to envisage their fundamental role as one of making the world a better place. How does the signature work of Mikhail Kalashnikov fit in to that noble mission? In 1947, Kalashnikov won a Soviet competition to design a new sub-machine gun for the Red Army, fresh from its victory in Word War II. The AK-47 went on to become the principal weapon of one side or the other in virtually every war since. It is estimated to have caused most of the 300,000 combat deaths in all the many wars of the 1990s and is still a fixture in conflicts the world over.

In a 2003 interview with The Guardian, Kalashnikov acknowledged the grisly legacy he had bestowed upon the world: "I made it to protect the motherland. And then they spread the weapon [around the world] - not because I wanted them to. Not at my choice. Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want."

Creative Review - Designed to kill

Right. Nothign supports your conention that is was "designed to kill." Kalashnikov himself says it was designed to defend the Motherland.
Are you willing to admit that you are wrong here, as you were wrong in saying the number of guns is declining, as you were wrong in saying the number of people with guns is declining?
It's a test of your intellectual honesty.

well yeah he says so himself in the piece he posted

"I made it to protect the motherland. "

Yeah actually you did. I couldnt make up anything that stupid on my own.

Do you really need to remove all context to make a point?

Translation: Yeah I said it so I'll deflect to something else like I always do.

Translation- I needed to remove the rest of the conversation to almost make a point that wasn't really made.

CONTEXT. Understand it. IN this case, I was specifically asking that if a gun sold at your store was used to murder someone, would you get out of the gun business.

You never did answer that one for some reason. I wonder why.

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