Number of guns in society falling sharply


This is exactly what I mean by failure to connect the dots by these bubble dwellars. There is no consideration by the gun grabber bozo's of the deterrent value of persons being able to possess a firearm. And look at the attitude of this mental case, "Well.....the victim should have BETTER executed his hand to hand combat skills against a guy with a giant knife.....FUCK HIM!!!"

Oh.....on published crime data >>>>

Fortunately for people in America, the gun grabbers are in the distinct minority........because reasoned people realize that if some nut come into their home or tries to jack their car, they'd much prefer to pull a weapon than to be laying on a slab and hour later.:eusa_dance:

If there was a deterent value in gun ownership, we'd have the LOWEST crime rate in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Point is, the bad guys aren't afraid of your firearm. They know you probably aren't that good with it and they can always get the drop on you. You have to be ready all the time. He only has to be ready when he wants to be .

What guns in the home do make possible is having that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best become fatal. 80% of murders are cases where the murders nd victims know each other.

This is exactly what I mean by failure to connect the dots by these bubble dwellars. There is no consideration by the gun grabber bozo's of the deterrent value of persons being able to possess a firearm. And look at the attitude of this mental case, "Well.....the victim should have BETTER executed his hand to hand combat skills against a guy with a giant knife.....FUCK HIM!!!"

Oh.....on published crime data >>>>

Fortunately for people in America, the gun grabbers are in the distinct minority........because reasoned people realize that if some nut come into their home or tries to jack their car, they'd much prefer to pull a weapon than to be laying on a slab and hour later.:eusa_dance:

If there was a deterent value in gun ownership, we'd have the LOWEST crime rate in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Point is, the bad guys aren't afraid of your firearm. They know you probably aren't that good with it and they can always get the drop on you. You have to be ready all the time. He only has to be ready when he wants to be .

What guns in the home do make possible is having that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best become fatal. 80% of murders are cases where the murders nd victims know each other.

s0n.......we can do this all day back and forth. For you and the other gun grabbbers, its a gun hating thing inspired by fear. What can I say? Its like people who dont want to go in the ocean becaue they fear a shark will bite them in the ass.

The whole gun grabbing effort is purely based on emotion.....except for the committed limp wristers who loath that guns exist. But they are not going anywhere because the majority gets it.......disarming = you're fucked.

But knock yourself out displaying your cherry picked stats!!!:coffee:

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein, American novelist and former liberal
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s0n.......we can do this all day back and forth. For you and the other gun grabbbers, its a gun hating thing inspired by fear. What can I say? Its like people who dont want to go in the ocean becaue they fear a shark will bite them in the ass.

The whole gun grabbing effort is purely based on emotion.....except for the committed limp wristers who loath that guns exist. But they are not going anywhere because the majority gets it.......disarming = you're fucked.

But knock yourself out displaying your cherry picked stats!!!:coffee:

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein, American novelist and former liberal


So you are going with a SF writer as a source? Seriously?

Incidently, I was in the Army for 11 years and probably handled more weapons than you have in your wildest wet dreams.

it isn't the guns I worry about, it's the fact that most of the 300 million out there are owned by people who have no idea how to handle them, and quite a few of them are nuts, fantasizing about all the people they'd like to shoot, given the oppurtunity.

Personally, I'd have no problem with gun ownership if we treated it like car ownersihp. You can have one if you are trained, licensed, insured and the manufacturers are held to account for their products.

Instead, we have manufacturers who know that more and more families don't want these things in their homes, so they've doubled down on selling more guns to the people who do.

Most sensible people would look at Nancy Lanza and think she had a serious problem when she was buying her 12th gun. the Gun manufacturers look at her as a prime customer.

s0n.......we can do this all day back and forth. For you and the other gun grabbbers, its a gun hating thing inspired by fear. What can I say? Its like people who dont want to go in the ocean becaue they fear a shark will bite them in the ass.

The whole gun grabbing effort is purely based on emotion.....except for the committed limp wristers who loath that guns exist. But they are not going anywhere because the majority gets it.......disarming = you're fucked.

But knock yourself out displaying your cherry picked stats!!!:coffee:

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein, American novelist and former liberal


So you are going with a SF writer as a source? Seriously?

Incidently, I was in the Army for 11 years and probably handled more weapons than you have in your wildest wet dreams.

Thats right........just like you are an Eisenhower Republican!!!:2up:

s0n.......we can do this all day back and forth. For you and the other gun grabbbers, its a gun hating thing inspired by fear. What can I say? Its like people who dont want to go in the ocean becaue they fear a shark will bite them in the ass.

The whole gun grabbing effort is purely based on emotion.....except for the committed limp wristers who loath that guns exist. But they are not going anywhere because the majority gets it.......disarming = you're fucked.

But knock yourself out displaying your cherry picked stats!!!:coffee:

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein, American novelist and former liberal


So you are going with a SF writer as a source? Seriously?

Incidently, I was in the Army for 11 years and probably handled more weapons than you have in your wildest wet dreams.

it isn't the guns I worry about, it's the fact that most of the 300 million out there are owned by people who have no idea how to handle them, and quite a few of them are nuts, fantasizing about all the people they'd like to shoot, given the oppurtunity.

Personally, I'd have no problem with gun ownership if we treated it like car ownersihp. You can have one if you are trained, licensed, insured and the manufacturers are held to account for their products.

Instead, we have manufacturers who know that more and more families don't want these things in their homes, so they've doubled down on selling more guns to the people who do.

Most sensible people would look at Nancy Lanza and think she had a serious problem when she was buying her 12th gun. the Gun manufacturers look at her as a prime customer.

ZExcept the "weapons" you handled were between the legs of the other guys.

You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Again. The Skook has it right.

s0n.......we can do this all day back and forth. For you and the other gun grabbbers, its a gun hating thing inspired by fear. What can I say? Its like people who dont want to go in the ocean becaue they fear a shark will bite them in the ass.

The whole gun grabbing effort is purely based on emotion.....except for the committed limp wristers who loath that guns exist. But they are not going anywhere because the majority gets it.......disarming = you're fucked.

But knock yourself out displaying your cherry picked stats!!!:coffee:

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert A. Heinlein, American novelist and former liberal


So you are going with a SF writer as a source? Seriously?

Incidently, I was in the Army for 11 years and probably handled more weapons than you have in your wildest wet dreams.

it isn't the guns I worry about, it's the fact that most of the 300 million out there are owned by people who have no idea how to handle them, and quite a few of them are nuts, fantasizing about all the people they'd like to shoot, given the oppurtunity.

Personally, I'd have no problem with gun ownership if we treated it like car ownersihp. You can have one if you are trained, licensed, insured and the manufacturers are held to account for their products.

Instead, we have manufacturers who know that more and more families don't want these things in their homes, so they've doubled down on selling more guns to the people who do.

Most sensible people would look at Nancy Lanza and think she had a serious problem when she was buying her 12th gun. the Gun manufacturers look at her as a prime customer.

ZExcept the "weapons" you handled were between the legs of the other guys.

You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Again. The Skook has it right.

NOt really.

Frankly, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

Your fantasies about all the people you want to kill are much scarier than Muslims with knives.
So you are going with a SF writer as a source? Seriously?

Incidently, I was in the Army for 11 years and probably handled more weapons than you have in your wildest wet dreams.

it isn't the guns I worry about, it's the fact that most of the 300 million out there are owned by people who have no idea how to handle them, and quite a few of them are nuts, fantasizing about all the people they'd like to shoot, given the oppurtunity.

Personally, I'd have no problem with gun ownership if we treated it like car ownersihp. You can have one if you are trained, licensed, insured and the manufacturers are held to account for their products.

Instead, we have manufacturers who know that more and more families don't want these things in their homes, so they've doubled down on selling more guns to the people who do.

Most sensible people would look at Nancy Lanza and think she had a serious problem when she was buying her 12th gun. the Gun manufacturers look at her as a prime customer.

ZExcept the "weapons" you handled were between the legs of the other guys.

You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Again. The Skook has it right.

NOt really.

Frankly, the best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

Your fantasies about all the people you want to kill are much scarier than Muslims with knives.

And finally you expose yourself for the liberal extremist that you are! Thank you for finally falling to your lowest level. The fact is that when Australia banned gun ownership for the majority of its citizens the violent crime rate jumped 44%. That's a FACT. The "hot burglary" rate jumped from 15% to 85%. A "hot burglary" is where the burgler enters the home KNOWING the resident is inside....and is the most dangerous form of burglary.

But that too is a fact. You don't do facts.
I dunno, West. I gotta disagree with you on this one. Calling Joe a liberal extremist is attributing some kind of thought to him. Ignorant dumbshit is more like it.
Rabbi -

In all honestly, I don't think I have seen a single comment from you on either of these threads that amounted to more than name calling, and gibberish. Except for the occasional burst of self-congratulation, of course.

What post # did I miss where you revealed the true Proustian nature of your prose?

No response to this, I see....I am surprised.

It must almost be time for Rabbi to remind us again how he "won".
Rabbi -

In all honestly, I don't think I have seen a single comment from you on either of these threads that amounted to more than name calling, and gibberish. Except for the occasional burst of self-congratulation, of course.

What post # did I miss where you revealed the true Proustian nature of your prose?

No response to this, I see....I am surprised.

It must almost be time for Rabbi to remind us again how he "won".

I'm not here to do your work for you. My post was recent and long and thorough. And correct.

Will you admit that you were wrong?

In the world of the gun grabber bozo's, that victim should have kicked the terror guy in the balls and then apologized!!!

Outside the bubble world of the gun grabbers, sure would have been nice if that victim could have blown the terror bad guys face off with a .45 Colt.....but the gun grabber assholes woould deem that not fair to the terror bad guy who didnt properly get to aire his grievance.:up:

It would have been nice, but unlikely.

According to the FBI statistics, despite there being 300 Million privately owned guns, there were only 201 cases of guns being used in "justifiable" homicides in 2010. The chances of you having a gun and using it to stop a crime and having the presense of mind to act are up there with lightening strikes and winning lottery tickets.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15


The police use there firearms to stop crimes in progress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and how many justifiable homicides do they average per year nationwide?


Justifiable homicides by police on the rise - James Alan Fox - Crime & Punishment blog -
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Guns are used many times a day to prevent homicide. These go unreported because reporting gun use usually results in the gun owner being charged with one or more of the many retarded gun laws on the city, county, state or federal law books.
Number of guns in society falling sharply

read on

How The Obama Gun Boom Pushed The Fortune Of Two Brothers To $1.2 Billion

Shares have increased by 95% in the last year and are up more than 70% already in 2013. That makes Cabela’s stock the best-performing in the firearms industry and one of the top-performing stocks in the U.S. in the last year. The company’s two biggest shareholders, founders Richard and James Cabela, have seen the value of their combined 25% stake jump to $1.2 billion from $750 million at the start of 2013.

How The Obama Gun Boom Pushed The Fortune Of Two Brothers To $1.2 Billion - Forbes

And finally you expose yourself for the liberal extremist that you are! Thank you for finally falling to your lowest level. The fact is that when Australia banned gun ownership for the majority of its citizens the violent crime rate jumped 44%. That's a FACT. The "hot burglary" rate jumped from 15% to 85%. A "hot burglary" is where the burgler enters the home KNOWING the resident is inside....and is the most dangerous form of burglary.

But that too is a fact. You don't do facts.

Sure I do. Here are the facts.

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

The HOmicide rate in 1996, when the ban took effect, was 302. It dropped to 217 by 2010.

Gun homicides dropped from 104 in 1996 to 30.

It should also be pointed out that Australia didn't ban guns completely. Instead, they had to prove a "legitimate need" to have a gun. A million guns were bought back by the government, but replacement guns that met the new regulations were purchased.

Guns in Australia: Small arms policy, firearm injury and gun law

As policy changes took effect in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre, the risk of an Australian dying by gunshot fell more than 50 per cent and stayed at that level (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013a). The number of gun homicides fell from 69 in 1996 (this total excludes the 35 victims shot dead at Port Arthur) to 30 in 2012 (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013b). In the decade before the country’s change of direction, 100 people died in eleven mass shootings (Chapman, Alpers et al, 2006). Following the 1996 announcement of legislation specifically designed to reduce gun massacres, Australia has seen no more mass shootings. Firearm-related deaths that attract smaller headlines still occur, yet the national rate of gun homicide – which before Port Arthur was already one-fifteenth the U.S. rate – has now plunged to 0.13 per 100,000, or 27 times lower than that of the United States (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013c).

In the world of the gun grabber bozo's, that victim should have kicked the terror guy in the balls and then apologized!!!

Outside the bubble world of the gun grabbers, sure would have been nice if that victim could have blown the terror bad guys face off with a .45 Colt.....but the gun grabber assholes woould deem that not fair to the terror bad guy who didnt properly get to aire his grievance.:up:

It would have been nice, but unlikely.

According to the FBI statistics, despite there being 300 Million privately owned guns, there were only 201 cases of guns being used in "justifiable" homicides in 2010. The chances of you having a gun and using it to stop a crime and having the presense of mind to act are up there with lightening strikes and winning lottery tickets.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15


The police use there firearms to stop crimes in progress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and how many justifiable homicides do they average per year nationwide?


Justifiable homicides by police on the rise - James Alan Fox - Crime & Punishment blog -

No one is debating that police should have guns.

The FBI stats were on civilian uses of guns, which are actually pretty rare in use for self defense.

201 self-defence homicides compared to 11,101 murders and 19,766 suicides and 851 accidental gun deaths.

A gun is four times more likely to kill someone by accident than kill a bad guy.
It would have been nice, but unlikely.

According to the FBI statistics, despite there being 300 Million privately owned guns, there were only 201 cases of guns being used in "justifiable" homicides in 2010. The chances of you having a gun and using it to stop a crime and having the presense of mind to act are up there with lightening strikes and winning lottery tickets.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15


The police use there firearms to stop crimes in progress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and how many justifiable homicides do they average per year nationwide?


Justifiable homicides by police on the rise - James Alan Fox - Crime & Punishment blog -

No one is debating that police should have guns.

The FBI stats were on civilian uses of guns, which are actually pretty rare in use for self defense.

201 self-defence homicides compared to 11,101 murders and 19,766 suicides and 851 accidental gun deaths.

A gun is four times more likely to kill someone by accident than kill a bad guy.

I have many guns at home. I am surrounded by guns at work. Not one of them has ever killed anyone either accidently or intentionally.
Leave it to the left to spin logic into a pretzel. Everyone knows that gun ownership has dramatically increased especially during left wing administrations like Clinton and especially Obama. A lot of experts would say that (legal) gun ownership is the reason for lower gun crime rate. Gun violence has increased in in areas where gun ownership has been restricted. It's more dangerous to live in Obama's adopted home town of Chicago than it is to live in Afghanistan.
And Obama promises he will not stop until every legal gun owner has been rendered defenseless to his DHS forces.

And finally you expose yourself for the liberal extremist that you are! Thank you for finally falling to your lowest level. The fact is that when Australia banned gun ownership for the majority of its citizens the violent crime rate jumped 44%. That's a FACT. The "hot burglary" rate jumped from 15% to 85%. A "hot burglary" is where the burgler enters the home KNOWING the resident is inside....and is the most dangerous form of burglary.

But that too is a fact. You don't do facts.

Sure I do. Here are the facts.

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

The HOmicide rate in 1996, when the ban took effect, was 302. It dropped to 217 by 2010.

Gun homicides dropped from 104 in 1996 to 30.

It should also be pointed out that Australia didn't ban guns completely. Instead, they had to prove a "legitimate need" to have a gun. A million guns were bought back by the government, but replacement guns that met the new regulations were purchased.

Guns in Australia: Small arms policy, firearm injury and gun law

As policy changes took effect in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre, the risk of an Australian dying by gunshot fell more than 50 per cent and stayed at that level (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013a). The number of gun homicides fell from 69 in 1996 (this total excludes the 35 victims shot dead at Port Arthur) to 30 in 2012 (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013b). In the decade before the country’s change of direction, 100 people died in eleven mass shootings (Chapman, Alpers et al, 2006). Following the 1996 announcement of legislation specifically designed to reduce gun massacres, Australia has seen no more mass shootings. Firearm-related deaths that attract smaller headlines still occur, yet the national rate of gun homicide – which before Port Arthur was already one-fifteenth the U.S. rate – has now plunged to 0.13 per 100,000, or 27 times lower than that of the United States (Alpers, Wilson and Rossetti, 2013c).

Yes legitimate need confines gun ownership to farmers in the main. Oh and the rich of course. The rich always seem to have weapons while the poor do not. And your facts come from a gun control organization...not exactly accurate.

The numbers from the Australian Institute of Criminology disagree with your activist groups numbers. No surprise there....

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