Number of guns in society falling sharply

Also, this guy was a British Soldier. Which means unlike American soldiers, he actually got quite a lot of hand to hand combat training. Didn't help much.

This is the problem with the gun nuts. You all think you are going to be on edge, ready for action at any moment. the killer only has to be on edge the moment he plans to do it.

Comrade Stalin - you are an utter scumbag, reprehensible in every way.

Your Muslim heroes HIT HIM WITH A CAR - you fucking retard. He was incapacitated and thus not able to fight back.

Also, I really hope an American soldier gives you a first hand look at the quality of hand to hand training provided to our military.
Look at the gun mags today. They are not about hunting guns, they are about 'tactical weapons', weapons made for the sole purpose of killing other people. Our gun culture are the symptoms of some very sick people. I own hunting guns, and would not allow one of the war weapons in my home.

These gun nuts are insecure, fearful, and careless in their handling of the dangerous weapons that they own.

Ohh, I believe you..

I mean - "hunting guns" are completely different than "war weapons."


Ohhhh - dangerous - evil...

Oh wait, it's a 10 shot .22 LR semi-auto. BUT it scared you, all that black plastic makes it a SCAWEEE gun.


Ahhh, a nice "hunting gun."

Oh wait, it's a 30 round mag in a Mini-14 firing NATO 5.56mm rounds.

But at least it doesn't have that dangerous black plastic on it...

[ are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:


The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.

None of those groups you mentioned are as funny as liberal metrosexual males reciting poetry to each other in coffee shops. That is some seriously funny shit.
How many children killed this week by picking up the gun their parents carelessly left out? You gun dealers have blood on your hands.

About 1/100 the number killed by Texting and driving.

Should we ban cell phones, Comrade?
As Old Rocks has shown himself incapable of having a meaningful conversation on this topic, there's no need to respond to him.

So you are really picking very poor examples to make a point, if you had one.

Neither are firearms. I have over two hundred in my collection and not one has ever harmed a soul or any living thing for that matter. There are over 300 million firearms in this country alone and they kill around 30,000 per year. 62 million cars kill over 45,000 per year and a little more than half that number are drunk driving related. 800,000 doctors kill over 100,000 people per year (acording to the AMA) due to medical malpractice, misdiagnoses, prescribing the wrong drugs etc.

Congratulations. You have passed. How to lie with statistics.

Point is, we can live without guns. We can't live without cars or doctors.

No, they aren't. The vast majority of gun deaths are sucides (19,000). Of the 11,000 murders, 80% of those are cases where the victim knows his or her killer. Usually that domestic argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best is more likely than a drive-by. We also have 850 accidental gun deaths every year. It might seem like a small number, but four times the number the FBI says are civilians killing an intruder while protecting themselves.

Why don't you focus on actually stopping crime instead of propelling us down your path towards a police state?

We are a lot closer to a Police State than the European or Japanese are. We lock up 2 million of our citizens and have another 7 million on parole. If that isn't a police state, I'm not sure what is. Maybe if we didn't lock up a pot smoker with a rapist, we wouldn't have these problems.

And no, my arguments were fine. You're just not intellectually honest enough to see that.

No, they were actually sort of retarded. Let's take cars. Cars are used EVERY DAY for their intended purpose- getting someone to point A to point B. Gun usually sit in their cases, but when someone whips one out, it's usually bad stuff that follows. Because that's what they are designed to do.

Actually no we can't live without guns. large violent people can. They allways have done so. But what about the small and the sickly? Do they just get the honor of being killed for the amusement of the big and powerful like has been the case throughout all of history?

You asshats are all alike. The statistics I posted are valid and accurate. You post emotional appeals. Those aren't arguments those are pleas.
[ are so off the reservation, its not even real. How does one navigate life with this mindset that at any moment, a house is going to fall out of the sky onto their head? Your definition of a "police state" is Disney-like and this whole thing about a society without guns is beyond gone. To people like you.......the fringe few, of course, its like thinking possible a world where all men suddenly embrace only immensely fat chicks with small tits. need to get a bit networked into regular society somehow. Get out of Scratchmyassville USA and see how the other 95% lives. That bubble is making you highly gay.........and thats gay.:coffee:


The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.

So should you. All of Europe is smaller than the continental US. All of Europe is more homogenized population wise than the US. Europe has a centuries old tradition of servile life. We don't. Move to Europe and leave this country alone. The way I look at it is this. There are multiple social experiments going on around the world. You don't like this one, move to one that you like.
The only person who sounded gay was that guy in the video. Gay Republicans are funny. Almost as funny as black republicans.

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.

Then go live there s0n........happy now!!!

Why when we can FIX this country? You guys are in the minority now.

Incidently, I'd love to live in Japan. The women are H O T!!!!!

There's that little problem of not being able to speak Japanese, and I really don't like raw fish.

Proving how little world experience you have. Try tempura sometime nimrod. Sheesh you come and try and lecture us about seeing the world and you have no fucking clue what the big world is like. Typical ignorant troll.
For home defense and SHTF situations, this is my preferred weapon of choice.........semi-slug shots FTMFW!!! The $700 price tag sucked thanks to the fucking gun grabbing assholes.

Not even that scary looking!!!!:ack-1:

[ame=]MOSSBERG 930 SLUG DESTRUCTION - YouTube[/ame]

What the fuck has happened to males in the country over the last 40 years?

Wiffle ball bat home defense systems are gay.
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M14 Shooter -

Have you noticed that almost all of your posting on these topics is devoted to explaining why you will not address the topic?

I think you'd present strong, factual arguments if they existed.
M14 Shooter -

Have you noticed that almost all of your posting on these topics is devoted to explaining why you will not address the topic?

I think you'd present strong, factual arguments if they existed.

Pot meet kettle. You're one of the most disingenuous, uninformed propagandists on the board. Your arguments consist of appeals to emotion, not facts.
These are facts:

Fact is, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy - all limit or outright ban guns.

They have lower crime rates.
They have lower incarceration rates.

Seriously, it's a big world. You should travel it some time.

I'd be delighted to hear why posters think we should ignore them.
Then go live there s0n........happy now!!!

Why when we can FIX this country? You guys are in the minority now.

Incidently, I'd love to live in Japan. The women are H O T!!!!!

There's that little problem of not being able to speak Japanese, and I really don't like raw fish.

Proving how little world experience you have. Try tempura sometime nimrod. Sheesh you come and try and lecture us about seeing the world and you have no fucking clue what the big world is like. Typical ignorant troll.

I did try it. Didn't like it. Frankly, love the Japanese people, love their culture and their history.

Absolutely hate their food.

So should you. All of Europe is smaller than the continental US. All of Europe is more homogenized population wise than the US. Europe has a centuries old tradition of servile life. We don't. Move to Europe and leave this country alone. The way I look at it is this. There are multiple social experiments going on around the world. You don't like this one, move to one that you like.

We don't have a history of "servile Life". Did you miss the whole "Civil War" thingee? The Jim Crow thingee?

We tried to do the "Conservative" expirament. It failed MISERABLY.

Case in point. We let the gun companies dictate gun policy. We let the prison-industrial complex dictate crime policy.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year and 2 million people locked up in prison. Some assholes are getting rich off all this misery, but it really hasn't acheived the desired effect - to make people safer.

So you sit there in your home clinging to your gun and your bible, as the President once famously said, hoping the world leaves you alone.

So should you. All of Europe is smaller than the continental US. All of Europe is more homogenized population wise than the US. Europe has a centuries old tradition of servile life. We don't. Move to Europe and leave this country alone. The way I look at it is this. There are multiple social experiments going on around the world. You don't like this one, move to one that you like.

We don't have a history of "servile Life". Did you miss the whole "Civil War" thingee? The Jim Crow thingee?

We tried to do the "Conservative" expirament. It failed MISERABLY.

Case in point. We let the gun companies dictate gun policy. We let the prison-industrial complex dictate crime policy.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year and 2 million people locked up in prison. Some assholes are getting rich off all this misery, but it really hasn't acheived the desired effect - to make people safer.

So you sit there in your home clinging to your gun and your bible, as the President once famously said, hoping the world leaves you alone.

To all the gun grabbers........history is irrelevant.

[ame=]Gun Control = Control Your FREEDOM By New World Order (Don't let history repeat itself.) - YouTube[/ame]

The dreamers of our society are always the most dangerous to the rest of us.
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To all the gun grabbers........history is irrelevant.

The dreamers of our society are always the most dangerous to the rest of us.

To gun nuts, history is whatever you think you can mold it into.

It's laughable to think that the (usually exaggerated) numbers of those killed in Russia's civil war were because of gun control. It's beause they had a civil war, dumbass.

And what happens in a civil war- usually- is the winners kill the losers.

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