Number of guns in society falling sharply

For what it's worth, I no longer own any guns... And that's all the information a poll taker is going to get. :eusa_whistle:

But can we trust you to be honest with us, tjvh!! :eusa_drool:

As I said earlier - there will be some margin of error with all polling, but given people opted to take part in the survey, I can't see why literally millions would then lie, do you?

Of course millions will lie about gun ownership, the leftist war on guns has made gun owners weary of becoming a target for the emotionally charged and oh so tolerant left.
Katz -

I believe what the facts say - it makes no difference to me if the facts show gun ownership is going up or down.

Four seperate surveys show it is going down - hence that is what I am going with.

Of further research shows an increase, then I'll go with that.
For what it's worth, I no longer own any guns... And that's all the information a poll taker is going to get. :eusa_whistle:

But can we trust you to be honest with us, tjvh!! :eusa_drool:

As I said earlier - there will be some margin of error with all polling, but given people opted to take part in the survey, I can't see why literally millions would then lie, do you?

Of course millions will lie about gun ownership, the leftist war on guns has made gun owners weary of becoming a target for the emotionally charged and oh so tolerant left.

So gun owners would rather lie about having guns, than simply decline to take part in a survey?

That makes no sense at all.
Can it be that the fascination with guns is slowly coming to an end?

And can it be that the reason the US homicide rate is falling is because the number of households owning guns is falling?

It seems so, according to both the NY Times and LA Times, Gallup and the General Social Survey:

The share of American households with guns has declined over the past four decades, a national survey shows, with some of the most surprising drops in the South and the Western mountain states, where guns are deeply embedded in the culture.

The household gun ownership rate has fallen from an average of 50 percent in the 1970s to 49 percent in the 1980s, 43 percent in the 1990s and 35 percent in the 2000s, according to the survey data, analyzed by The New York Times.



The major point is that the American “culture of gun ownership” that one often hears about has been strikingly on the wane for the past generation. A similar decline has taken place in the number of Americans who hunt, now about 5% of the population.

Crime is down -- and so is gun ownership - Los Angeles Times

Unfortunately, I don't think there are less guns in America. There are less households owning guns, yes. But the situation seems to be while there are less people owning guns, the people that own guns have more guns per person. A minority of Americans own most of the guns in America. Gun zealots, basically, most of them.

It seems quite likely that the lunatic fringe that have stockpiled weapons under Obama were gun owners to begin with.

You do realize that the majority of people who own multiple guns never use a firearm in the commission of a crime, don't you?

The vast majority of criminals using guns possess only one gun that was #1, not obtained legally and #2, that would not admit to owning to someone over the phone.

So what is the solution here? Perhaps requiring all American households to own multiple weapons?
Absurd? Well, yes, but no more so than claiming that since I may own more than 10 and less than 80 weapons, I am part of some lunatic fringe, or that I am more likely to commit a murder than a gangbanger in Chicago that bought his only gun out of the back of a van in a dark alley.
There are people here that collect dolls or teapots or coins. I collect guns. My guns pose no more threat to society than your Barbies and would be a whole lot more effective if I should need to defend my home from intruders.

I get it. You don't like guns. I don't like abortion. You have no more right to place me in some imagined fringe group than I have to do so to you.
Ernie -

You do realize that the majority of people who own multiple guns never use a firearm in the commission of a crime, don't you?

I don't see any connection between that and the thread topic.

I just think it is interesting that the number of households packing heat is dropping - I'm not saying that anything should be done as a result of that finding.
But can we trust you to be honest with us, tjvh!! :eusa_drool:

As I said earlier - there will be some margin of error with all polling, but given people opted to take part in the survey, I can't see why literally millions would then lie, do you?

Of course millions will lie about gun ownership, the leftist war on guns has made gun owners weary of becoming a target for the emotionally charged and oh so tolerant left.

So gun owners would rather lie about having guns, than simply decline to take part in a survey?

That makes no sense at all.

Everyone knows that polls are used to manipulate people politically, it makes total sense. Tyrannical liberalism has made people hesitant about admitting anything that might put them on a hit list... Especially where guns are concerned. Nobody wants emotional agenda driven liberals auditing their Tax returns simply because they own guns.
So all those people standing in line for hours to get their guns was just faked news. The background check backlog and back orders from manufacturers was just more fake news. In fact, this is just more fake news.
Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993

I was at WalMart yesterday and needed some gun food. Absolutely NO handgun ammunition, one box of .30-06, no .308, no .22 rimfire. There were a few boxes of shot shells, more in 20gauge and .410 and none in heavy shot.
They usually have several thousand boxes on ammo on the shelves. Does that sound to anyone like less people are owning guns?
So all those people standing in line for hours to get their guns was just faked news. The background check backlog and back orders from manufacturers was just more fake news. In fact, this is just more fake news.
Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993

I was at WalMart yesterday and needed some gun food. Absolutely NO handgun ammunition, one box of .30-06, no .308, no .22 rimfire. There were a few boxes of shot shells, more in 20gauge and .410 and none in heavy shot.
They usually have several thousand boxes on ammo on the shelves. Does that sound to anyone like less people are owning guns?

Actually, in a way it does.

It makes total sense to me that people stocking up on ammo are people trying to beat any ban on ammo - and those people already own weapons. They are also buying more weapons.

Meanwhile, the facts are what they are. Some 50% of households used to own guns. Now that figure is 35%.
Ernie -

You do realize that the majority of people who own multiple guns never use a firearm in the commission of a crime, don't you?

I don't see any connection between that and the thread topic.

I just think it is interesting that the number of households packing heat is dropping - I'm not saying that anything should be done as a result of that finding.

I was not directly addressing your topic, idiot. I was replying to Esmeralda. Chide her for going off topic if your feewings are hurt.

Oh! And please use the quote function. It's not that I think you would ever in a million years,alter my words or selectively quote in order to ignore context, but I don't want to have to search multiple page threads when I check, OK?
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So all those people standing in line for hours to get their guns was just faked news. The background check backlog and back orders from manufacturers was just more fake news. In fact, this is just more fake news.
Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993

I was at WalMart yesterday and needed some gun food. Absolutely NO handgun ammunition, one box of .30-06, no .308, no .22 rimfire. There were a few boxes of shot shells, more in 20gauge and .410 and none in heavy shot.
They usually have several thousand boxes on ammo on the shelves. Does that sound to anyone like less people are owning guns?

Actually, in a way it does.

It makes total sense to me that people stocking up on ammo are people trying to beat any ban on ammo - and those people already own weapons. They are also buying more weapons.

Meanwhile, the facts are what they are. Some 50% of households used to own guns. Now that figure is 35%.
In a way it does? Less people owning guns means more ammo purchased???????
People USED to live in the country and used guns to procure food. They don't need guns to pick up fried chicken at Popeye's.
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Ohhhh a three year old chart. Now it makes sense.

Again, Katz, there are FOUR independent pieces of research. The graphs show three of those research results. The results shown were all published in 2012.

Please try and stay on topic.

Analyze your assertions. One. The people who are buying up all the guns are actually current gun owners getting more.

Two. The number of guns in society is falling sharply, meaning that those who had guns are giving them up not buying more.

The number of guns "in society" is falling. Gun owners are buying more guns.

The assertion wasn't that the number of gun owners is falling. We know that's not true from the numbers of first time gun owner background checks. The assertion was the number of guns, available in society, is falling sharply. Now we see that the barest application of common sense shows that's not true either.

The article cited was that the number of households with guns has fallen particularly in rural and mountain areas. Places where having guns is a necessity not a social accoutrement.
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Pay someone for a successful survey and you get what you pay for.

Here is the reason for the survey and the discrepancy between what is well known and what the survey says.

Mr. Smith acknowledged the rise in background checks, but said it was impossible to tell how many were for new gun owners. The checks are reported as one total that includes, for example, people buying their second or third gun, as well as those renewing concealed carry permits.

“If there was a national registry that recorded all firearm purchases, we’d have a full picture,” he said. “But there’s not, so we’ve got to put together pieces.”

In other words, the survey was a guess, but if there was national gun control and a national registry they'd have better information.
Katz -

You do find these things difficult, don't you?!

1) The number of households owning guns is dropping. This we know.

2) The number of guns owned by each gun owner is likely increasing. This is my assumption.

3) There may be a current peak in purchases, but that has not yet shown in research.

I hope that makes sense for you.
People USED to live in the country and used guns to procure food. They don't need guns to pick up fried chicken at Popeye's.

Exactly! I couldn't agree more.

I don't know why gun owners would get so bent out of shape over this topic, when declining numbers of gun ownership may just be a natural part of urbanisation.
Katz -

You do find these things difficult, don't you?!

1) The number of households owning guns is dropping. This we know.

2) The number of guns owned by each gun owner is likely increasing. This is my assumption.

3) There may be a current peak in purchases, but that has not yet shown in research.

I hope that makes sense for you.

:clap2: LOL
Katz -

You do find these things difficult, don't you?!

1) The number of households owning guns is dropping. This we know.

2) The number of guns owned by each gun owner is likely increasing. This is my assumption.

3) There may be a current peak in purchases, but that has not yet shown in research.

I hope that makes sense for you.

We all know what they say about assumptions.

1) I would bet that the number of households with guns is increasing, though just not as fast as the number of total households.
2) Perhaps, but owning multiple guns is not the problem. Violent criminals owning guns is the problem. Infringing my 2nd Amendment rights in no way addresses the problem. It just serves to make you feel like you are doing something to prevent the next school shooting.
3) Amazing! A single shred of honesty. This is somewhat encouraging.
People USED to live in the country and used guns to procure food. They don't need guns to pick up fried chicken at Popeye's.

Exactly! I couldn't agree more.

I don't know why gun owners would get so bent out of shape over this topic, when declining numbers of gun ownership may just be a natural part of urbanisation.

I can't walk to Kentucky Fried Chicken for meals but I can shoot a deer or a hog or a snake or a bobcat or a burglar from my deck.

"urbanisation" has a "Z", not an "S".

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