Nunes needs to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee

Ryan needs to get him off the committee asap. It's ridiculous and a threat to our national security. Nunes has to go.
ryan cares about as much for our national security as any of the wingers here do

Lol. Your party paid for info from Russian intelligence agents and used that fake crap to try and swing an election, but you are more pissed it was exposed. Typical dumb ass liberal.
I'm not enrolled in a party and never have been. Show me your claims about Russia swinging the election.
I never said Russia changed a damn thing regarding results. Steele himself says he used Russian intelligence assets when creating the dossier the Demorats and corrupt FBI purchased.
Steele is an intelligence expert on Russia, of course he is going to be consulted. Calling the FBI corrupt for that shows you are a partisan douche.

The FBI knew he hated Trump. Yet, they used him to confirm the contents of the memo, which he created!
So an official Trump himself appointed authorized one, four separate judges all appointed by Republicans all approved Page's surveillance, and the FISA application disclosed Steele was working for a political party. That means Nunes memo was misleading as it implied that it was hidden from judges that a party paid for the memo, amongst other bullshit.

Game, set, and match. You guys shouldn't believe crap you read on Fox or other far right propaganda.
GOP Memo Escalates Clash Over Russia Probe
Now you're trying to blame the janitor for cleaning up the shit Obama's FBI and DOJ's dumped on us.

How libtarded of you.
It's Obama's fault Nunes is an idiot? How trumptarded of you.

Nunes just kicked the Democrats in the balls. You can't stand it or you wouldn't be whining about it on a message board.

Shoot the messenger. All your losers are going back to committee hearings to explain why they shouldn't be tried for treason.
Did you read the links in the OP? Nunes is a dangerous moron.

I really wouldn't dwell on the fact a moron just kicked your ass. It's unbecoming. Nunes owns you libtardos now.
Back in reality, Nunes looks like an idiot for releasing a partisan memo that proves nothing, and undermines the United States intelligence community. What a "patriot"

The memo does nothing of the sort. It undermines only a nest of traitors and criminals who staged a coup against a lawfully elected president. You support the coup. That's your idea of "patriotism."
You think the applications relied on "press coverage"? Are you for real? Your telling me multiple judges were all hoodwinked by a corrupt FBI using "Press coverage". Cmon man.

FISA memo: Steele fired as an FBI source for breaking 'cardinal rule' --leaking to the media

The Page FISA application did cite, however, a Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff, which focused on the former Trump campaign advisor’s July 2016 trip to Moscow. According to the memo, the article did “not corroborate the Steele dossier” as the article was “derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News.”

“The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not properly provide information to Yahoo News,” the memo read. “Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News—and several other outlets – in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS.”

Not a good time to slack off with your studying here. You'll be hopelessly lost and mocked quoting CNN.. Get with the program and be a good citizen and figure this out...
So the FBI dropped Steele immediately after he broke the "cardinal rule". Sounds like they did everything right.

You're comical. Here you have a dossier initiated and funded by Hillary/DNC and the FBI is found to be a PARTNER in DEVELOPING AND MARKETING the pile of shit. By treating Steele as a contractor/source and offering to PAY him. While Bruce Ohr (principle investigator in much of this at FBI) has a wife who's one of the 8 GPS employees. WOW.. What a fucking coincidence huh? And SHE is treated as an FBI CONTRACTOR with Fusion GPS.

Steele got caught BRAGGING to the media about the FBI telling him specific facts about ongoing investigations. And here YOU are. Telling me that EVERYTHING is just peachy. Because they ended up parting ways with Steele. That's a load.. But kinda funny considering how little all these opinionated "there's nothing there" people are.
Read this from the Wall Street Journal that is not left wing.
GOP Memo Escalates Clash Over Russia Probe
An excerpt:
At least two of those renewals occurred while Mr. Trump was president and at least one was authorized by a Justice Department official he appointed. A person familiar with the matter said that four separate federal judges approved the surveillance of Mr. Page, and all of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

The memo is critical of Mr. Steele and notes that prosecutors in their application for the warrant didn’t explicitly state that he was working for a firm funded by Democrats. But the FISA application did disclose Mr. Steele was being paid by a law firm working for a major political party, according to a person familiar with the matter. Redacting the names of U.S. people or organizations who aren’t the subject of an investigation is a common practice in government legal filings, designed to protect privacy.

Disappointed by the WSJ on accepting that quote. The Chief Justice of the SCourt APPOINTS those judges. Not the presidents. Fact that they all MIGHT have appointed under Repub Presidents is kinda iffy.

I think there were only actually 3 approved applications/renewals. They are probably counting the intitial application that was rejected. The rest of that is heresay, anonymous 3rd party. Like the part where the judge was told Steele was being paid by a political party. I don't believe it.

Release the FISA apps. There was ZERO REASON to classify or declassify ANY of this memo. It was classify ONLY to keep it from the media and public.

To release redacted FISA applications for all this -- now that everyone in the freaking world KNOWS the details of the investigation -- would be healthy and would NOT compromise sources and methods of ANYTHING. It's only because the ENTIRE PROCESS is technically classified.

MAYBE -- the Schiff Minority report will do that. And I'd be all in favor of that. Because I'd rather see it with my own eyes than rely on identified sources in the WSJ..
trump can release at any time. He won't. Because he is a coward, a liar, and likely guilty.
It is absolutely clear who the moron is.
It's absolutely clear who the partisan hack who will dismiss the American intelligence community for their god emperor is.

You mean like that partisan hack Obama who used the intelligence community to spy on the Trump campaign for no reason?
Citation needed. Bullshit isn't fact.

You probably think Lynch and Billdo Clintoon talked about golf and grand kids on the tarmac in Arizona. Admit it, boss.
I'm sorry, your insane trumpspeak is hard to understand. Could you clarify?
He can't make it clear to the mentally retarded.
But the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission PROHIBITS the company from selling out side of the country.

Must be another leftist that doesn't understand how the markets work. You DONT NEED the ability to export to CONTROL the US market in uranium. If you own the rights to mine, you can CUT PRODUCTION, or increase production elsewhere to affect US pricing and availability. If you knew anything about the dangers of this deal -- you wouldn't look so stupid quoting the APOLOGISTS for this awful deal.

Russia had a strategic plan to control a majority of world uranium mining. We gave them CONTROL over when and how much is PRODUCED in the USA versus other lower cost places. No export required to put us in a world of hurt if the market tightens..
quote) 20% that cant leave the country is not control, & if it was true, why did home land security (just to name one of the agency's involved sign off on it?

You're still not understanding markets, pricing, availability. Even if the Russians can only sell to America that 20% of their OWN uranium --- If they CONTROL a majority of the world mining, they can dictate WHERE the cheapest prices and biggest volumes are extracted. So they can CUT BACK production on that 20% any fucking time they want to in order to favor mining in another country. Go sit and think about how many ways they can screw us on our own resource without exporting an ounce. And stop quoting policy wonks making up phony excuses why this deal wasn't an abomination..

Can't discuss this here. It's not the topic. Go revive one of the 26 threads on Uranium One and I'll explain more about why this allows the Russians a WORLDWIDE dominance of market availability and pricing.
Nunes just kicked the Democrats in the balls. You can't stand it or you wouldn't be whining about it on a message board.

Shoot the messenger. All your losers are going back to committee hearings to explain why they shouldn't be tried for treason.

He kicked them in the balls because Trump already kicked their asses :)
FISA memo: Steele fired as an FBI source for breaking 'cardinal rule' --leaking to the media

The Page FISA application did cite, however, a Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff, which focused on the former Trump campaign advisor’s July 2016 trip to Moscow. According to the memo, the article did “not corroborate the Steele dossier” as the article was “derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News.”

“The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not properly provide information to Yahoo News,” the memo read. “Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News—and several other outlets – in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS.”

Not a good time to slack off with your studying here. You'll be hopelessly lost and mocked quoting CNN.. Get with the program and be a good citizen and figure this out...
So the FBI dropped Steele immediately after he broke the "cardinal rule". Sounds like they did everything right.

You're comical. Here you have a dossier initiated and funded by Hillary/DNC and the FBI is found to be a PARTNER in DEVELOPING AND MARKETING the pile of shit. By treating Steele as a contractor/source and offering to PAY him. While Bruce Ohr (principle investigator in much of this at FBI) has a wife who's one of the 8 GPS employees. WOW.. What a fucking coincidence huh? And SHE is treated as an FBI CONTRACTOR with Fusion GPS.

Steele got caught BRAGGING to the media about the FBI telling him specific facts about ongoing investigations. And here YOU are. Telling me that EVERYTHING is just peachy. Because they ended up parting ways with Steele. That's a load.. But kinda funny considering how little all these opinionated "there's nothing there" people are.
Read this from the Wall Street Journal that is not left wing.
GOP Memo Escalates Clash Over Russia Probe
An excerpt:
At least two of those renewals occurred while Mr. Trump was president and at least one was authorized by a Justice Department official he appointed. A person familiar with the matter said that four separate federal judges approved the surveillance of Mr. Page, and all of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

The memo is critical of Mr. Steele and notes that prosecutors in their application for the warrant didn’t explicitly state that he was working for a firm funded by Democrats. But the FISA application did disclose Mr. Steele was being paid by a law firm working for a major political party, according to a person familiar with the matter. Redacting the names of U.S. people or organizations who aren’t the subject of an investigation is a common practice in government legal filings, designed to protect privacy.

Disappointed by the WSJ on accepting that quote. The Chief Justice of the SCourt APPOINTS those judges. Not the presidents. Fact that they all MIGHT have appointed under Repub Presidents is kinda iffy.

I think there were only actually 3 approved applications/renewals. They are probably counting the intitial application that was rejected. The rest of that is heresay, anonymous 3rd party. Like the part where the judge was told Steele was being paid by a political party. I don't believe it.

Release the FISA apps. There was ZERO REASON to classify or declassify ANY of this memo. It was classify ONLY to keep it from the media and public.

To release redacted FISA applications for all this -- now that everyone in the freaking world KNOWS the details of the investigation -- would be healthy and would NOT compromise sources and methods of ANYTHING. It's only because the ENTIRE PROCESS is technically classified.

MAYBE -- the Schiff Minority report will do that. And I'd be all in favor of that. Because I'd rather see it with my own eyes than rely on identified sources in the WSJ..
trump can release at any time. He won't. Because he is a coward, a liar, and likely guilty.

What a fucking leap to judgement. Because he gets 2 scoops of ice cream I believe he's a wife beater and a nose picker..

It's not as easy for Trump to release. Because the RELEASE has to be coordinated with the Agency that classified it all in the 1st place. And that is Congress who AUTHORIZED the Secret FISA court and maybe the Court itself. Better done thru Congress.
You mean like that partisan hack Obama who used the intelligence community to spy on the Trump campaign for no reason?
Citation needed. Bullshit isn't fact.

Too many links for me.. You'd have to include his EXPANSION of the # of people with access to queries on the NSA spy system. Then links to his DirNatIntel who took the POS fictitious Hillary/Steele/Russian spy dossier --- wrapped it in some 20 yr old "intel" on Russian meddling and passed the stinky deal off on the media and the public as an "Official US Intel Document".. Even fooled John McCain with that one.

Then his FBI that not only MISREPRESENTED this stinky pile of shit to a FISA judge, but WORKED WITH, EMPLOYED and passed sensitive data to Steele, Fusion GPS..

Or his fukking ambassador to the UN (of all people) who ended up unmasking 10 TIMES the number of names of Americans during the election from super secret collections by the NSA..

That's a LOT of links dude. And it was PERVASIVE in Obama's Admin. If he didn't know what's going on, he's incompetent and inept. If he DID know what's going on -- he's a traitor and criminal.. Your choice..
OK please some links to explain this. Are you saying the FBI lied and several judges were just tricked?

Obviously yes. You know the FISA court turned down the 1st application. Likely because they named Trump himself in the application. So that rare FISA "turn-down" occurred. It's an lie of omission. Depends on the fraud of presenting a "dossier" without disclosing who paid for it. Or how unverifiable it actually was.

2nd and 3rd updates to the application relied on PHONY press coverage as evidence. Press coverage that was PLANTED by Steele himself as a source (came out in his trial in England for defamation).. So the media stories (Yahoo news and others) were just based on Steele comments in the dossier to VERIFY the dossier. Called "circular sourcing" and is a huge no-no in journalism.

The JOURNALISTS were fooled or complicit. Why not believe the FISA judges were hoodwinked?
You think the applications relied on "press coverage"? Are you for real? Your telling me multiple judges were all hoodwinked by a corrupt FBI using "Press coverage". Cmon man.
Yes they did. Their FISA application relied on a Yahoo news story as confirmation of the "dossier." The funny part is that Steele was the source of the Yahoo story. So Steele "confirmed" his own bogus "dossier."

It's good that all you traitorous douchebags are trying so hard to deny the obvious. It just gives honest people a chance to hammer down the message.
Obviously yes. You know the FISA court turned down the 1st application. Likely because they named Trump himself in the application. So that rare FISA "turn-down" occurred. It's an lie of omission. Depends on the fraud of presenting a "dossier" without disclosing who paid for it. Or how unverifiable it actually was.

2nd and 3rd updates to the application relied on PHONY press coverage as evidence. Press coverage that was PLANTED by Steele himself as a source (came out in his trial in England for defamation).. So the media stories (Yahoo news and others) were just based on Steele comments in the dossier to VERIFY the dossier. Called "circular sourcing" and is a huge no-no in journalism.

The JOURNALISTS were fooled or complicit. Why not believe the FISA judges were hoodwinked?
You think the applications relied on "press coverage"? Are you for real? Your telling me multiple judges were all hoodwinked by a corrupt FBI using "Press coverage". Cmon man.
Liberals will go to any lengths to defend the indefensible. They were willing to purchase info from Russian intelligence and used that material to undermine a national election. Scum.
Citation needed. No Infowars
Does Vanity Fair work as a legit source? Who knows what you idiots want. Always shooting the messenger.
So no citation and just bs as I figured.
I am sorry you are poorly informed. Reading is a strugge struggle for many.
It is absolutely clear who the moron is.
It's absolutely clear who the partisan hack who will dismiss the American intelligence community for their god emperor is.

You mean like that partisan hack Obama who used the intelligence community to spy on the Trump campaign for no reason?
Citation needed. Bullshit isn't fact.
Did you read the memo? The DNC
:dig: That's how CNN is planning it's escape from the PREVIOUS holes it's dug itself into.

Did you LISTEN to what Nunes said?? Betcha you didn't. Because the DOJ LIMITED the folks who could ACCESS the material to ONE MEMBER of Congress and 2 investigators. He delegated to Trey Gowdy.

You have an issue with that? If you do -- you're grabbing for the flotsam and jetsam from this sinking that CNN tosses your way... How long did they go on about that nothing burger?

They'll be palm trees growing in Minneapolis before your Blue Team and their lacky media recover from this deception and misuse of their positions.
I'm not on a team, apparently you are though. So if Nunes couldn't access why is he releasing the memo?

Because he GOT the information from Trey Gowdy. They are EQUALLY CLEARED to share the info. And when the DOJ has STONEWALLED Congress for a year on the requested data and they say ONE CONGRESS MEMBER can view it --- You send a high powered Lawyer to read it..

That's why... Also -- I'm not "on a team" either. My concern is the serious abuse of WEAPONIZING a Domestic Spying system that Washington should NOT have --- for political purposes. Wouldn't care if Team Trump had done all this. I'd be EQUALLY torqued off and ready to riot... .
So then why is the memo information so underwhelming and why isn't the complete report released. Also you keep saying one congress member, what about Schiff?
Underwhelming? The DNC colluded with Russian agents to create a dossier that was used in a Russian influence investigation. Are you slow?
Yes yes, the FBI are all commies and they colluded with Russia and the DNC in a big conspiracy and the only thing trump, who can declassify anything, could do is have Nunes release this shitty memo. Are you slow?
I never said any of the crap you are spewing. Stop babblng.
when two branches of your government attack you and your credibility wtf is there to stop other countries from doing the same thing .. problem being other countries carry guns and bombs when they attack americans.

You babble at the best of times. And this aint the best of times for you.

So the memo released did what? And this means other countries now have "nothing to stop them"? LOL. Man even for you that is weak.
In reality any prson with morals or decency would help run Schiff out of town. I knew he was lying before when he said the memo was dangerous to security. Now YOU know it too.
So the FBI dropped Steele immediately after he broke the "cardinal rule". Sounds like they did everything right.

You're comical. Here you have a dossier initiated and funded by Hillary/DNC and the FBI is found to be a PARTNER in DEVELOPING AND MARKETING the pile of shit. By treating Steele as a contractor/source and offering to PAY him. While Bruce Ohr (principle investigator in much of this at FBI) has a wife who's one of the 8 GPS employees. WOW.. What a fucking coincidence huh? And SHE is treated as an FBI CONTRACTOR with Fusion GPS.

Steele got caught BRAGGING to the media about the FBI telling him specific facts about ongoing investigations. And here YOU are. Telling me that EVERYTHING is just peachy. Because they ended up parting ways with Steele. That's a load.. But kinda funny considering how little all these opinionated "there's nothing there" people are.
Read this from the Wall Street Journal that is not left wing.
GOP Memo Escalates Clash Over Russia Probe
An excerpt:
At least two of those renewals occurred while Mr. Trump was president and at least one was authorized by a Justice Department official he appointed. A person familiar with the matter said that four separate federal judges approved the surveillance of Mr. Page, and all of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

The memo is critical of Mr. Steele and notes that prosecutors in their application for the warrant didn’t explicitly state that he was working for a firm funded by Democrats. But the FISA application did disclose Mr. Steele was being paid by a law firm working for a major political party, according to a person familiar with the matter. Redacting the names of U.S. people or organizations who aren’t the subject of an investigation is a common practice in government legal filings, designed to protect privacy.

Disappointed by the WSJ on accepting that quote. The Chief Justice of the SCourt APPOINTS those judges. Not the presidents. Fact that they all MIGHT have appointed under Repub Presidents is kinda iffy.

I think there were only actually 3 approved applications/renewals. They are probably counting the intitial application that was rejected. The rest of that is heresay, anonymous 3rd party. Like the part where the judge was told Steele was being paid by a political party. I don't believe it.

Release the FISA apps. There was ZERO REASON to classify or declassify ANY of this memo. It was classify ONLY to keep it from the media and public.

To release redacted FISA applications for all this -- now that everyone in the freaking world KNOWS the details of the investigation -- would be healthy and would NOT compromise sources and methods of ANYTHING. It's only because the ENTIRE PROCESS is technically classified.

MAYBE -- the Schiff Minority report will do that. And I'd be all in favor of that. Because I'd rather see it with my own eyes than rely on identified sources in the WSJ..
trump can release at any time. He won't. Because he is a coward, a liar, and likely guilty.

What a fucking leap to judgement. Because he gets 2 scoops of ice cream I believe he's a wife beater and a nose picker..

It's not as easy for Trump to release. Because the RELEASE has to be coordinated with the Agency that classified it all in the 1st place. And that is Congress who AUTHORIZED the Secret FISA court and maybe the Court itself. Better done thru Congress.
Man you are a pain. You posted a bunch of bullshit in this thread that I obliterated. Now you want me to do more work to obliterate more bullshit. Fuck sakes.
You're comical. Here you have a dossier initiated and funded by Hillary/DNC and the FBI is found to be a PARTNER in DEVELOPING AND MARKETING the pile of shit. By treating Steele as a contractor/source and offering to PAY him. While Bruce Ohr (principle investigator in much of this at FBI) has a wife who's one of the 8 GPS employees. WOW.. What a fucking coincidence huh? And SHE is treated as an FBI CONTRACTOR with Fusion GPS.

Steele got caught BRAGGING to the media about the FBI telling him specific facts about ongoing investigations. And here YOU are. Telling me that EVERYTHING is just peachy. Because they ended up parting ways with Steele. That's a load.. But kinda funny considering how little all these opinionated "there's nothing there" people are.
Read this from the Wall Street Journal that is not left wing.
GOP Memo Escalates Clash Over Russia Probe
An excerpt:
At least two of those renewals occurred while Mr. Trump was president and at least one was authorized by a Justice Department official he appointed. A person familiar with the matter said that four separate federal judges approved the surveillance of Mr. Page, and all of those judges were appointed by Republican presidents.

The memo is critical of Mr. Steele and notes that prosecutors in their application for the warrant didn’t explicitly state that he was working for a firm funded by Democrats. But the FISA application did disclose Mr. Steele was being paid by a law firm working for a major political party, according to a person familiar with the matter. Redacting the names of U.S. people or organizations who aren’t the subject of an investigation is a common practice in government legal filings, designed to protect privacy.

Disappointed by the WSJ on accepting that quote. The Chief Justice of the SCourt APPOINTS those judges. Not the presidents. Fact that they all MIGHT have appointed under Repub Presidents is kinda iffy.

I think there were only actually 3 approved applications/renewals. They are probably counting the intitial application that was rejected. The rest of that is heresay, anonymous 3rd party. Like the part where the judge was told Steele was being paid by a political party. I don't believe it.

Release the FISA apps. There was ZERO REASON to classify or declassify ANY of this memo. It was classify ONLY to keep it from the media and public.

To release redacted FISA applications for all this -- now that everyone in the freaking world KNOWS the details of the investigation -- would be healthy and would NOT compromise sources and methods of ANYTHING. It's only because the ENTIRE PROCESS is technically classified.

MAYBE -- the Schiff Minority report will do that. And I'd be all in favor of that. Because I'd rather see it with my own eyes than rely on identified sources in the WSJ..
trump can release at any time. He won't. Because he is a coward, a liar, and likely guilty.

What a fucking leap to judgement. Because he gets 2 scoops of ice cream I believe he's a wife beater and a nose picker..

It's not as easy for Trump to release. Because the RELEASE has to be coordinated with the Agency that classified it all in the 1st place. And that is Congress who AUTHORIZED the Secret FISA court and maybe the Court itself. Better done thru Congress.
Man you are a pain. You posted a bunch of bullshit in this thread that I obliterated. Now you want me to do more work to obliterate more bullshit. Fuck sakes.

You have a vivid imagination. You olbitered nothing but your own credibility.
Also you keep saying one congress member, what about Schiff?

I got that from your CNN vid in YOUR OP.. Question about Schiff is interesting and I don't know. Majority members were waiting for a year on this information. Which I suppose included LIMITED access to the foundation documents. MAYBE the Minority members have to work their OWN DEAL to get similar access at the DOJ. It's all that bureaucratic horseshit and confrontation that powers the Swamp..
"Nunes needs to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee"

The Committee should at least remove the word "Intelligence" from its name, as long as Nunes is a member.
Says the party that is fine with the President gettng blow jobs under his desk from interns and says its cool. I get it. Powerful men. The dem party is down with this. They love it!
"Nunes needs to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee"

The Committee should at least remove the word "Intelligence" from its name, as long as Nunes is a member.
You mean Schiff, don't you?
Schiff is a Harvard graduate lawyer that prosecutes traitors that sell out to Russia. Nunes is a rancher that peddles inaccuracies in partisan memos. Its hilarious the GOP made this fool chairman of an intelligence committee. Actually its not hilarious it is sad.
"Nunes needs to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee"

The Committee should at least remove the word "Intelligence" from its name, as long as Nunes is a member.
You mean Schiff, don't you?
Schiff is a Harvard graduate lawyer that prosecutes traitors that sell out to Russia. Nunes is a rancher that peddles inaccuracies in partisan memos. Its hilarious the GOP made this fool chairman of an intelligence committee. Actually its not hilarious it is sad.
Schiff is a scumbag who tried to cover up evidence of senior government officials staging a coup against a lawfully elected president of the United States. Nunes is a patriot who brought the facts of this treason to light. He's a hero.
"Nunes needs to be removed from the House Intelligence Committee"

The Committee should at least remove the word "Intelligence" from its name, as long as Nunes is a member.
You mean Schiff, don't you?
Schiff is a Harvard graduate lawyer that prosecutes traitors that sell out to Russia. Nunes is a rancher that peddles inaccuracies in partisan memos. Its hilarious the GOP made this fool chairman of an intelligence committee. Actually its not hilarious it is sad.
Schiff is a scumbag who tried to cover up evidence of senior government officials staging a coup against a lawfully elected president of the United States. Nunes is a patriot who brought the facts of this treason to light. He's a hero.
See...Devin was smart...he did the right thing by letting Trey Gowdy do the ground work and view the FISA applications...he knew!!! Devin knew he would be the target if he acted alone...

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