Nunes......representative of the Trump cult....NOT California.

Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

Ted Lieu

Under our Constitution, the duty of Congress is not to clear the President. The duty of Congress is to be a check and balance on the Executive Branch, and to pursue the facts wherever they may lead.

Devin Nunes should resign for perverting the oath he took.
When the Republicans go away the Democrats will go with them. They are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats are in very serious danger of losing again in 2020. The longer y'all take to realize that the worse your odds will be. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?


This thread is obviously strongly related to the left's attempt to take Trump down legally. I'm just trying to keep it real dude. The longer you waste your time with this shit the worse it will be. I'm going to send you in particular a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" in 2020 when he wins again. Peace, I'm out.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

I never said he should protect the president. I just said Trump isn't going to get impeached, and the longer you people take to realize it the less chance you'll have of defeating him in 2020.
You know the GOP Congress would never have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes. That’s why we have to have a Democratic House. They won’t be scared to do the right thing.
I never said he should protect the president. I just said Trump isn't going to get impeached, and the longer you people take to realize it the less chance you'll have of defeating him in 2020.

Look......I'll make this thread's objective very simple...even for you....

Should the chair of the House Intel committee in openly stating that his job is to "protect" the president....OR, is his job to represent the economic and social interest of his constituency?

Want to know a secret? I would love to see Trump in handcuffs, just because. What a fucking circus that would be. That's why for a while I was one of the people regularly posting new information related to the investigation. Is the dude's job to protect the president? No, not to my knowledge. I still adamantly stick by what I said to you, though.
When the Republicans go away the Democrats will go with them. They are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats are in very serious danger of losing again in 2020. The longer y'all take to realize that the worse your odds will be. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?

Your threads are all irrelevant anyway. We may as well be talking about goat turds.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.
So Pelosi and Reid should have kept quiet while Obama was president and being unfairly attacked? are you even thinking?...
You have never exhibited the ability to hold a cogent idea in your empty head. This post included
You have no idea if the GOP Congress would ever have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes

The COUNTRY-FIRST republicans of the Nixon era are long gone.....What we now have are spineless, self-preservation idiots in the GOP majority in congress.
When the Republicans go away the Democrats will go with them. They are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats are in very serious danger of losing again in 2020. The longer y'all take to realize that the worse your odds will be. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?


This thread is obviously strongly related to the left's attempt to take Trump down legally. I'm just trying to keep it real dude. The longer you waste your time with this shit the worse it will be. I'm going to send you in particular a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" in 2020 when he wins again. Peace, I'm out.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

I never said he should protect the president. I just said Trump isn't going to get impeached, and the longer you people take to realize it the less chance you'll have of defeating him in 2020.
You have no idea if the GOP Congress would ever have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes. That’s why we have to have a Democratic House. They won’t be scared to do the right thing.
You mean like, er, more men in women's bathrooms?
As the recently released audio tapes show, Nunes is Trump's lap dog...a "useful idiot" of the Trump cult .......He openly stated that a GOP majority in congress is needed to "protect" his master, Trump........Ryan should be ashamed of himself for not smacking down this idiot as "chair" of the House Intel committee.....

View attachment 209390
Add Jordan, Gohmert and a host of others in the GOP Congress need to be voted out of office for putting their blind devotion to 45 rather than the American people. They truly are American traitors. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?


This thread is obviously strongly related to the left's attempt to take Trump down legally. I'm just trying to keep it real dude. The longer you waste your time with this shit the worse it will be. I'm going to send you in particular a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" in 2020 when he wins again. Peace, I'm out.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

I never said he should protect the president. I just said Trump isn't going to get impeached, and the longer you people take to realize it the less chance you'll have of defeating him in 2020.
You have no idea if the GOP Congress would ever have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes. That’s why we have to have a Democratic House. They won’t be scared to do the right thing.
You mean like, er, more men in women's bathrooms?
I love your fake outrage over a nonexistent problem.
Another straw man post, by an ignorant putz.
This is kinda dishonest for the same reason it's dishonest to say the Democrats used to be affiliated with the KKK.
What’s dishonest about the republican party’s actual 1956 platform? It’s not and you know it. You just cant handle the truth about how far they have strayed from their values adopting the policies of a known racist and xenophobe.

Dude, the labels got switched in the 50s. Have you ever seen the right making the dishonest claim that the Democrats are the party of the KKK? At that time the "democrats" were largely racist southerners that were anti-taxes, anti-immigration and anti-welfare. Does that sound like the Democrats to you? Learn some history you dope.
When the Republicans go away the Democrats will go with them. They are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats are in very serious danger of losing again in 2020. The longer y'all take to realize that the worse your odds will be. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?


This thread is obviously strongly related to the left's attempt to take Trump down legally. I'm just trying to keep it real dude. The longer you waste your time with this shit the worse it will be. I'm going to send you in particular a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" in 2020 when he wins again. Peace, I'm out.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.
so when is congress,and this includes the democrats, going to start serving the people who pay their salaries?......just curious....
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

Ted Lieu

Under our Constitution, the duty of Congress is not to clear the President. The duty of Congress is to be a check and balance on the Executive Branch, and to pursue the facts wherever they may lead.

Devin Nunes should resign for perverting the oath he took.
3/4 of congress should resign for that reason....
When the Republicans go away the Democrats will go with them. They are two sides of the same coin. The Democrats are in very serious danger of losing again in 2020. The longer y'all take to realize that the worse your odds will be. this fucking thread about the 2020 elections.....OR is it about Nunes being a lap dog for Trump???....Either address THIS thread or start your own about your particular bitching issue.....Fair enough?


This thread is obviously strongly related to the left's attempt to take Trump down legally. I'm just trying to keep it real dude. The longer you waste your time with this shit the worse it will be. I'm going to send you in particular a big fat "I TOLD YOU SO!" in 2020 when he wins again. Peace, I'm out.
Another fucking idiot who has no idea what the role of Congress is. It’s NOT to protect the president and make excuses for him.
It’s to serve the people who pay their salaries.

I never said he should protect the president. I just said Trump isn't going to get impeached, and the longer you people take to realize it the less chance you'll have of defeating him in 2020.
You know the GOP Congress would never have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes. That’s why we have to have a Democratic House. They won’t be scared to do the right thing.
unless a democrat is president....
You have no idea if the GOP Congress would ever have to spine to do the right thing if this prez has committed crimes

The COUNTRY-FIRST republicans of the Nixon era are long gone.....What we now have are spineless, self-preservation idiots in the GOP majority in congress.
oh geezus the democrats put the country first...those type of congress people from both sides are long gone....
so when is congress,and this includes the democrats, going to start serving the people who pay their salaries?......just curious....

Please understand that attacking spineless republicans in congress does NOT mean an all-out "defense" or "endorsement" of equally lazy democrats.

HOWEVER, with some notable exceptions,'s a bit of objectivity regarding the criminal mindset of members of the 2 main parties.

“When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations it's so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear is how corrupt the Democrats are. So why don't we break it down by president and the numbers.

  • Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.
  • Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.
  • Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.
  • Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.
  • Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
  • Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
  • Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.
  • Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.
  • Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.
Progressives will rue the day they followed Soros instead of the Constitution. Your failed coup will end the democrat Party for a generation
Hey idiot. I see you can’t admit Nunes, Jordan, Gohmert and all the other pinhead goobers are “ serving the president” NOT the American people. Their jobs are to hold him accountable and be an equal branch of government not kiss his ass.

Your opinion is just that, not everyone thinks those congressmen are doing a bad job. May I suggest a liberal application of butt hurt cream? LMAO


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