NUNES tasked by TRUMP to get INTEL from Mueller hasn't spoken to his OWN CMTE in months!

Gee.... I guess its Devin out there quoting Peters texts saying he's going to stop Trump all by his lonesome.

I thought he said WE. Government employees are ALLOWED to have opinions.

They are. They're not allowed to let their opinions bias their decisions and he clearly did so your point is moot.

Precisely, and if he did everything by the book, which appears to be the case, he can express all the opinions he wants. Now and then.

The problem that you have is the overwhelming evidence he did allow his bias to influence his actions, so yet again, your point is moot.
Actually, according to the IG report you guys were so looking forward to for so many months he did not allow his bias to influence his actions. So no. There's no evidence to support your claim.
thank you
Good for him.
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences
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I thought he said WE. Government employees are ALLOWED to have opinions.

They are. They're not allowed to let their opinions bias their decisions and he clearly did so your point is moot.

Precisely, and if he did everything by the book, which appears to be the case, he can express all the opinions he wants. Now and then.

The problem that you have is the overwhelming evidence he did allow his bias to influence his actions, so yet again, your point is moot.

NUNES bias? You bet your ass.

Let's get down to brass tacks here as far as the "Russian/Trump" collusion accusation goes.

Is it your contention that Trump and the Rooskies colluded to hack the DNC server and the unsecured server that the Hildebeast had in order to expose the criminality and corruption of the DNC candidate and the entire DNC as a whole. That Trump colluded with the Rooskies to show how the DNC conspired to steal the nomination from Sanders, how it was revealed that the lamestream media was in on trying to carry the Hildebeast over the finish line, the dirty tactics employed using "bulldogging" to purposely incite violence at Trump rallies and outright voter fraud and how the Seventh Floor was going to exonerate the Hildebeast regardless? And that was "cheating"?

I just want to know exactly where you stand is all....

wow! Never knew one could stack so many straw men in a single pile of horseshit
Hillary rigged the nomination process.
Do you have any idea how criminal that is?
Too funny

Hillary rigged over 50 separate primary elections and caucuses? Criminal? In what world was her doing what she could to win (think of Trump's disgusting antics) somehow rigging and a criminal offense? Wingnut world?
We all know Obama had to read from a teleprompter to keep from lying.
Seriously, you do know Trump had to use a teleprompter so he wouldn't babble on like a blithering imbecile, when speaking to the Israeli money men and others. And there are lies built in to every Trump speech
Good for him.
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences

There were many Colonists who were big government loyalists, they were the Liberals.
Good for him.
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences

There were many Colonists who were big government loyalists, they were the Liberals.
The Loyalists were conservatives.

The radical traitors were the liberals. They founded the USA
Good for him.
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences

There were many Colonists who were big government loyalists, they were the Liberals.
The Loyalists were conservatives.

The radical traitors were the liberals. They founded the USA

The Loyalists LOVED big government! Regulate me! Take my stuff!!! Those are the sounds of a Liberal. Why would Liberals ever fight AGAINST government? It's insanity, it's like a fish fighting against water
Good for him.
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences

There were many Colonists who were big government loyalists, they were the Liberals.
The Loyalists were conservatives.

The radical traitors were the liberals. They founded the USA

The Loyalists LOVED big government! Regulate me! Take my stuff!!! Those are the sounds of a Liberal. Why would Liberals ever fight AGAINST government? It's insanity, it's like a fish fighting against water
IF you can't admit the Tories were the conservatives you are lost
and almost every single conservative President and Congress has expanded government's powers and more, in the USA
It would be like the Colonists talking to King George loyalists, what's the point?
CrusaderFrank you have Dale Smith and westwall agreeing with you here. What amazes me is the level of ignorance here. Weren't colonists also King George Loyalists?

Reminds me of Ben Shapiro critiquing people who called the founders 'immigrants.' Shapiro stated no fewer than 4 times, that the founders were 'British Citizens'

Shapiro's lecture was as smug, ignorant, and sad as it was wrong: the founders were British Subjects and knew of the differences

There were many Colonists who were big government loyalists, they were the Liberals.
The Loyalists were conservatives.

The radical traitors were the liberals. They founded the USA

The Loyalists LOVED big government! Regulate me! Take my stuff!!! Those are the sounds of a Liberal. Why would Liberals ever fight AGAINST government? It's insanity, it's like a fish fighting against water
IF you can't admit the Tories were the conservatives you are lost
and almost every single conservative President and Congress has expanded government's powers and more, in the USA

The last true Conservative President was Coolidge, he cut government and spending. Reagan did what the best he could with a democrat controlled Congress. Newt's Congress was on a glidepath to balance the budget in a war-free world, then the Establishment took over
The last true Conservative President was Coolidge, he cut government and spending. Reagan did what the best he could with a democrat controlled Congress. Newt's Congress was on a glidepath to balance the budget in a war-free world, then the Establishment took over

Why the excuses for Reagan?

"since Reagan campaign literature today describes him as "the greatest tax-cutterm in the state's history," it is instructive to look at the figures."

4. A governor's report card

Newt was one of the biggest phonies ever to walk planet earth, then along came The Donald
He's been nothing more than a sockpuppet for more than a year now.
Sockpuppet for who?
For an outsider?
That's illogical.
Trump doesn't need deceptions.
You guys do.
Dude, do you actually think about what you post? tRump tells more lies than anybody.
That's a lie of course.
We all know Obama had to read from a teleprompter to keep from lying, and Hillary was incapable of being honest about the color of shit.
No, your kremilin-linked RWNJ "news" sources have told you that, but it isn't true.

tRump is setting records for lying almost daily. That is the truth, and it is both verifiable and already verified.
your posts are as empty as your ability to back up your own claims. The loyalist colonists were the conservatives. The traitorous rebels were the liberals. The liberals founded the USA

LOL!!! Liberals fighting AGAINST government?? LOLOL


Liberals were fighting for a limited federal government and individual sovereign states?


Only in Bizzaroland
Good for him.
good for him, but NOT GOOD for America....

Actually it is. These asshole fbi clowns tried to engineer a coup. That is anathema to the principles of this country.

Bullshit. Your lies are a anathema to the principles of this country. There was no coup.

There most certainly has been an attempt at a soft coup. You're either too blind, or too biased to understand what is going on.

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