NUNES tasked by TRUMP to get INTEL from Mueller hasn't spoken to his OWN CMTE in months!

watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
The right decision was made by them, that's all that counts....

it did end up hurting Hillary, by them postponing the new found email/investigation/announcement,

but as far as the USA is concerned and the safety of our elections without the Russian Govt influence,

it was more important at that time when staffing was limited and when they were forced to choose which one was more important,

by far and away, the Russia investigation was MUCH MORE important, for all American citizens!
Good for him.
good for him, but NOT GOOD for America....

Actually it is. These asshole fbi clowns tried to engineer a coup. That is anathema to the principles of this country.
westwall, it is nothing but a partisan witch hunt, to use Trump's term....

IF Nunes cared one iota about our nation, he would conduct his investigations within the so called intelligence committee he heads, in an honest, with sunshine, ethical, bipartisan manner....

so not to divide the country, and make half the nation believe he is nothing but a lying piece of partisan sh8t.... which he clearly, with no doubt, is....

he has abandoned his committee, he has abandoned any resemblance of doing this for his nation and for the country and all ethical rules of how the committee should run...

he is not conducting business and investigations or oversight on the up and up, period. It is all simply a dog and pony show for Trump's supporters, and not an ounce of honesty to be found....

if he wanted the Nation to believe he is investigating for the 'right and just' reasons, he should not have gone off on his own right wing, republican only, wild goose chases....

His actions are preplanned and MEANT TO DIVIDE US..... that's his goal... it can be no other.... there is no honest excuse, for what he's done!
I just don't get you.
You buy into this bullshit about Russian Collusion, which is now falling apart, and you ignore the fact that Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, yet you feel TRump is the one who deserves to be thrown out of office.

What makes me scratch my head is how a person can be so gullible to buy into all of this knowing Hillary rigged the nomination process.
Do you have any idea how criminal that is?
Is there any wonder why people don't take you seriously on this forum?

In alt least 1 instance the Trump campaign did attempt to collude. They met with a Russian expecting to get dirt on Clinton.

I didn't have a horse in the Democrat primaries but Clinton got a majority of the primary vote. Explain to me how a majority of the primary vote does not get you the nomination. If anything, the Democrat nominating rules are fairer than the Republican rules. In SC, Sanders got only 25 percent of the vote and got 25 percent of the delegates. 68 percent of Republicans voted against Trump and were disenfranchised by Trump getting all the delegates.
He's been nothing more than a sockpuppet for more than a year now.
Sockpuppet for who?
For an outsider?
That's illogical.
Trump doesn't need deceptions.
You guys do.
Dude, do you actually think about what you post? tRump tells more lies than anybody.
That's a lie of course.
We all know Obama had to read from a teleprompter to keep from lying, and Hillary was incapable of being honest about the color of shit.

We know Trump needs a teleprompter to keep him from babbling incoherently.
Gee.... I guess its Devin out there quoting Peters texts saying he's going to stop Trump all by his lonesome.

I thought he said WE. Government employees are ALLOWED to have opinions.

They are. They're not allowed to let their opinions bias their decisions and he clearly did so your point is moot.

Precisely, and if he did everything by the book, which appears to be the case, he can express all the opinions he wants. Now and then.
Peter Strzok sent texts to his colleague Lisa Page,

a senior FBI lawyer who was also working on the Mueller team at the time, who he was having some sort of an affair with. That is the 'we' if anything. They did not control the attitudes and professionalism of agents doing investigations on the ground

and some people might want to get a few facts straight

Exclusive: Trump pressed Sessions to fire 2 FBI officials who sent anti-Trump text messages

Strzok also recommended that the investigation into Clinton's e-mails be re-opened when new e-mails were discovered.

You need to get your facts straight.
Good for him.
good for him, but NOT GOOD for America....

Actually it is. These asshole fbi clowns tried to engineer a coup. That is anathema to the principles of this country.

Bullshit. Your lies are a anathema to the principles of this country. There was no coup.

There most certainly has been an attempt at a soft coup. You're either too blind, or too biased to understand what is going on.

You are the one who is biased. You are another Trump fanatic.
Good for him.
good for him, but NOT GOOD for America....

Actually it is. These asshole fbi clowns tried to engineer a coup. That is anathema to the principles of this country.

Bullshit. Your lies are a anathema to the principles of this country. There was no coup.

There most certainly has been an attempt at a soft coup. You're either too blind, or too biased to understand what is going on.

You are the one who is biased. You are another Trump fanatic.

Yes, i am indeed biased. But, I also believe in the rule of law. And you clearly don't.
watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
The right decision was made by them, that's all that counts....

it did end up hurting Hillary, by them postponing the new found email/investigation/announcement,

but as far as the USA is concerned and the safety of our elections without the Russian Govt influence,

it was more important at that time when staffing was limited and when they were forced to choose which one was more important,

by far and away, the Russia investigation was MUCH MORE important, for all American citizens!

What "right decision"? To ignore Federal law and allow her to violate the Espionage Act because she is somehow above the law? Are you really sure you want to go down that rabbit hole?
Obama’s biggest whoppers
9 Biggest Lies Obama Told In His DNC Speech
Washington Post catalogues the biggest lies Obama ever told

Obama’s ‘blizzard of lies’
Sockpuppet for who?
For an outsider?
That's illogical.
Trump doesn't need deceptions.
You guys do.
Dude, do you actually think about what you post? tRump tells more lies than anybody.
That's a lie of course.
We all know Obama had to read from a teleprompter to keep from lying, and Hillary was incapable of being honest about the color of shit.
No, your kremilin-linked RWNJ "news" sources have told you that, but it isn't true.

tRump is setting records for lying almost daily. That is the truth, and it is both verifiable and already verified.
your posts are as empty as your ability to back up your own claims. The loyalist colonists were the conservatives. The traitorous rebels were the liberals. The liberals founded the USA

LOL!!! Liberals fighting AGAINST government?? LOLOL


Liberals were fighting for a limited federal government and individual sovereign states?


Only in Bizzaroland
The liberals fighting against government controls. The conservatives remaining loyalist subjects
Good for him.
good for him, but NOT GOOD for America....

Actually it is. These asshole fbi clowns tried to engineer a coup. That is anathema to the principles of this country.

Bullshit. Your lies are a anathema to the principles of this country. There was no coup.

There most certainly has been an attempt at a soft coup. You're either too blind, or too biased to understand what is going on.
soft coups, deep state, conspiracies all over the place... do you listen to yourself?
He's 100% working for TRUMP NOW!

Dem congressman reveals ‘rogue’ Devin Nunes has refused to even speak to Intelligence Committee for months


08 JUL 2018 AT 19:51 ET

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is demanding that special counselor Robert Mueller release all of his information to the House Intelligence Committee, but according to one colleague he’s not working with his fellow members on it, much less keeping them abreast.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Kassie Hunt, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) was asked about the Nunes request and revealed he’s not much for government transparency.

We haven’t had notification from Mr. Nunes about anything he’s going to do for months now,”
Quigley said. “He has under taken rogue investigations. He’s working with the White House to prepare his own memo. He began the investigation with the midnight ride to the White House, which was very clear that he was getting information, then turning it back to the White House to show some other conspiracy.”

Quigley said that Nunes also put a halt to anyone being able to issue “subpoenas on documents and people of critical interest.”

“He’s basically worked hand in glove with the White House to thwart the investigation, so what he’s doing now, which is unilateral, rogue, against the rules of the committee and the House, is absolutely nothing new,” he explained.

He went on to call attempts by the GOP to paint the FBI as an unethical agency “desperate attempts” to “protect the president publicly and legally.”

“Nothing in all the wild allegations they’ve made for over a year and a half now has been found to be true,” he continued. “So, we can only expect this to continue.”

Dem congressman reveals 'rogue' Devin Nunes has refused to even speak to Intelligence Committee for months
Nunes is a criminal and a traitor to the state.
watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
That is not what the IG said. try and be honest

That is EXACTLY what he said. You try and be honest. I know it's tough for a progressive to be truthful, but try anyway.
watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
That is not what the IG said. try and be honest

That is EXACTLY what he said. You try and be honest. I know it's tough for a progressive to be truthful, but try anyway.
The IG did not say it affected the investigation?
watch his testimony before Congress where he expressly admits that the bias was present.
What will that prove? Did it affect the investigation? Not as far as professionals at Justice are concerned.

Yes, it did. That is the point. Try and keep up.
"It’s not my job to draw firm conclusions about why things happened the way they did. In fact, it’s not even my job to determine whether investigative decisions were right or wrong." - IG Horowitz

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