Nunes to Schiff: ‘It Is Clear You Are in Need of Rehabilitiation’

Nunes is so absolutely right! :thup: Bless him!

"As part of your rehabilitation, it’s crucial that you admit you have a problem—you are hijacking the Intelligence Committee for political purposes while excusing and covering up intelligence agency abuses."

Nunes to Schiff: 'It Is Clear You Are in Need of Rehabilitiation' | Breitbart

The entire letter is floating around the web already


2 democrats defecting

It only means government officals are catching a ton of shit from regular ol americans in thier districts.....the videos of it popping up from every where are gettin epic

The sleeping giant is even more awake than it was in 2016
Like somebody said:

"Sorry Devin, but you would have had a better chance of rehabilitating Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy than that piece of garbage."

Ain't that the truth.
Like somebody said:

"Sorry Devin, but you would have had a better chance of rehabilitating Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy than that piece of garbage."

Ain't that the truth.
Right, this is what lying, guilty scumbags say, when they have no actual arguments or defense.

Why do they say this? Because they know there exists somene stupid, gullible, and ignorant enough to think it IS a good defense.
What did we expect from a cocksucker head of House Intel????

Someone honest and patriotic??

The perpetually startled looking bug eyed slimer will be working at a 7/11 real soon.

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