Nutcase Kirk Cameron: How To Raise Children


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Kirk Cameron Promotes ?Great Article? Encouraging Parents To Never Ever Explain Anything to Their Children

Actor and Crocoduck-creating super-Christian Kirk Cameron is promoting a “great article” on his website that offers rather questionable advice for parents: Never explain things to your kids; just teach them to obey:

Children are not in need of lengthy, compelling explanations. What they are in need of is the understanding that God must be obeyed.

From the article he's praising:

Children from 6-12 must be encouraged to obey because they know this pleases God. Your discussions will be more involved than with young children, but again you are not trying to win their approval. You want them to grasp how important it is to trust God and the reliability of his word. This type of training will yield a conscience that is sensitive to the things of God.

It doesn’t take much insight to realize that teenagers and long explanations don’t go well together. Obedience with teenagers is to be primarily be focused on helping them see the value of following God because they love him and that God’s ways are the only ones that can be trusted. Your goal is to have conversations not explanations.

Yeah...don't let your kids ask questions...that's the way to go! ::)
Most mom's eventually give up the explanations and offer "Because I"m the Mom and I said so" eventually.
How to raise children is to make sure they drink, take drugs and grow up to be solid members of the community like Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus.
The only way religion survives is to close people's minds to logic and critical thought. If you start asking questions you'll start to realize that most everything you've been taught is a crock.
The only way liberalism survives is by keeping the subject in a state of drugged altered perception.
Nutcase Kirk Cameron: How To Raise Children

Cameron has the right to raise his children however he sees fit according to his beliefs. It doesn't make him a nut case just because you don't agree with those beliefs, but it does make you intolerant to refer to him as such.
The only way liberalism survives is by keeping the subject in a state of drugged altered perception.

You're not exactly a beacon of clarity, particularly considering how often you lie on this forum.
There are times for explanation and times for flat out declarations. Kids will learn through logic and through understanding their place in the family both. But if a kid asks why every time you tell them to do something, it's often a sign of disrespect, not idle curiosity.
I believe he is trying to say do not answer to your children. You do not have to explain your decisions to them when it comes to being their parent. You do not answer to your children, your children answer to you. I remember a situation where a 15 yr old demanded her father explain himself concerning a decision that was none of her business. To my amazement he did and her response was to curse him out. Obviously his method wasn't working. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday. Children need boundaries. They need to understand that God set the world by boundaries - that boundaries are healthy and one boundary is that parents have a God given responsibility to train their children in the way they should go.

Many things should be explained to children at appropriate ages but conferring with them on a decision that should be made by the parent is not a good idea.
I believe he is trying to say do not answer to your children. You do not have to explain your decisions to them when it comes to being their parent. You do not answer to your children, your children answer to you. I remember a situation where a 15 yr old demanded her father explain himself concerning a decision that was none of her business. To my amazement he did and her response was to curse him out. Obviously his method wasn't working. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday. Children need boundaries. They need to understand that God set the world by boundaries - that boundaries are healthy and one boundary is that parents have a God given responsibility to train their children in the way they should go.

Many things should be explained to children at appropriate ages but conferring with them on a decision that should be made by the parent is not a good idea.

Safe bet everyone of the detractors in this thread ,don't or haven't raised children.
I believe he is trying to say do not answer to your children. You do not have to explain your decisions to them when it comes to being their parent. You do not answer to your children, your children answer to you. I remember a situation where a 15 yr old demanded her father explain himself concerning a decision that was none of her business. To my amazement he did and her response was to curse him out. Obviously his method wasn't working. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday. Children need boundaries. They need to understand that God set the world by boundaries - that boundaries are healthy and one boundary is that parents have a God given responsibility to train their children in the way they should go.

Many things should be explained to children at appropriate ages but conferring with them on a decision that should be made by the parent is not a good idea.

Safe bet everyone of the detractors in this thread ,don't or haven't raised children.
That has never stopped progressives from sticking their nose in other peoples lives.
That has never stopped progressives from sticking their nose in other peoples lives.

I'll remember that when conservatives stop telling me who to love, stop peeking in my bedroom window and stop telling women what to do with their bodies, mkay?
That has never stopped progressives from sticking their nose in other peoples lives.

I'll remember that when conservatives stop telling me who to love, stop peeking in my bedroom window and stop telling women what to do with their bodies, mkay?

No one is telling you who to love you . Goood lord. Go think some other bullshit fabrication.
That has never stopped progressives from sticking their nose in other peoples lives.

:lol: Look who's talking. Conservatives and regressives love sticking their noses in other people's lives, just on a different set of issues. You're two sides of the same coin.

That has never stopped progressives from sticking their nose in other peoples lives.

:lol: Look who's talking. Conservatives and regressives love sticking their noses in other people's lives, just on a different set of issues. You're two sides of the same coin.


Hey dummy we don't you idiots keep shoving it at us and demanding we give approval

tapatalk post
Children from 6-12 must be encouraged to obey because they know this pleases God. Your discussions will be more involved than with young children, but again you are not trying to win their approval. You want them to grasp how important it is to trust God and the reliability of his word. This type of training will yield a conscience that is sensitive to the things of God.

I meet people who have surely been raised in that matter all the time.

What other explanation could there be for people that can't use their brains? They have simply been conditioned not to. People like Cameron are a blight on society!

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