NY also finds DOMA unconstitutional


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional: judge | Reuters

(Reuters) - A law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman was found unconstitutional by a federal judge in New York on Wednesday because it improperly interferes with states' rights to regulate marriage.

The ruling by Manhattan federal court judge Barbara Jones followed a decision last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit in Boston that concluded the Defense of Marriage Act discriminates against gay couples.

Judge Jones became the fifth judge to find the 1996 law unconstitutional, adding weight to the demands of law makers and activists who want the law repealed.

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court in San Francisco declined to reconsider its decision tossing out a California ban on gay marriage, clearing the way for the Supreme Court to consider whether the ban violates the U.S. Constitution.
Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional: judge | Reuters

(Reuters) - A law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman was found unconstitutional by a federal judge in New York on Wednesday because it improperly interferes with states' rights to regulate marriage.

The ruling by Manhattan federal court judge Barbara Jones followed a decision last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit in Boston that concluded the Defense of Marriage Act discriminates against gay couples.

Judge Jones became the fifth judge to find the 1996 law unconstitutional, adding weight to the demands of law makers and activists who want the law repealed.
There wouldn't be discrimination if the sickos kept it in the closet where it belongs!!!!
GOP urges court to uphold Defense of Marriage Act

Denying federal benefits to same-sex spouses is a rational way to preserve federal funds, promote responsible child-rearing and leave the volatile marriage debate to the states, House Republicans maintain in arguments to a federal appeals court in San Francisco.

"Any redefinition of marriage should be left to the democratic process," lawyers hired by House leaders said in urging the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold the 1996 law known as the Defense of Marriage Act.

Their brief, filed Monday night, did not mention last week's ruling by a federal appeals court in Boston that declared unconstitutional DOMA's central provision, the denial of joint tax filing, Social Security survivor payments, and more than 1,000 other federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples legally married in their states.
GOP urges court to uphold Defense of Marriage Act

Denying federal benefits to same-sex spouses is a rational way to preserve federal funds, promote responsible child-rearing and leave the volatile marriage debate to the states, House Republicans maintain in arguments to a federal appeals court in San Francisco.

"Any redefinition of marriage should be left to the democratic process," lawyers hired by House leaders said in urging the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold the 1996 law known as the Defense of Marriage Act.

Their brief, filed Monday night, did not mention last week's ruling by a federal appeals court in Boston that declared unconstitutional DOMA's central provision, the denial of joint tax filing, Social Security survivor payments, and more than 1,000 other federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples legally married in their states.
Gays are trying to redefine GODS definition of marriage, doesn't work though, sane people know better.
Your record is stuck.

And yes. Sane people do know better, and we now outnumber your crew.
Your record is stuck.

And yes. Sane people do know better, and we now outnumber your crew.
Wrong on both counts. Gay is nothing but a sexual perversion and a CHOICE!!! Belongs in the bedroom period. Marriage is only right between a man and woman. the way it is supposed to be. Gay is sick.
Note the rhetorical sleight-of-hand: their reason for finding DOMA unconstitutional is because historically the federal government has always recognized legal marriages of the states. But while the states have never had true uniformity in marriage laws (marriageable age comes to mind), there has always been uniformity with regards to what a marriage is defined as. Even when DOMA was passed, there weren't states with gay marriage, and maybe with the exception of one or two states, no states had any domestic partnerships or civil unions, either.

There's no constitutional mandate that the federal government recognize certain marriages, just like, as the court argues, there's no mandate that the states recognize a particular form of marriage. Their basing the constitutionality of DOMA on what has tended to be the case, not what is required to be the case.
Great news. I really am not worried in the slightest about gay marriage not being law ten years from now. No civil rights movement is reversed once it really gets its feet into the ground.

And the posts by majority of those who disagree make clear what kind of person supports gay marriage (the educated, the tolerant, the people with world experience) and those who don't support it.

I can't think of any groups left for "the christians" to hate on? They pulled the same shit with women ("GOD made Eve with Adam's rib bone because GOD didn't want Eve to be an equal, HE wanted her inside raising the children!"), black people and other minorities ("GOD made us different colors because GOD made us different and wants us seperated!")

Oh, uneducated people never stop finding reasons to peddle god towards whatever they dislike. Strange more people are killed in natural disasters in the real bible south states (Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas) than progressive places like San Francisco, New York City and Seattle.

I wonder who "he" is really mad at?
GOP urges court to uphold Defense of Marriage Act

Denying federal benefits to same-sex spouses is a rational way to preserve federal funds, promote responsible child-rearing and leave the volatile marriage debate to the states, House Republicans maintain in arguments to a federal appeals court in San Francisco.

"Any redefinition of marriage should be left to the democratic process," lawyers hired by House leaders said in urging the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold the 1996 law known as the Defense of Marriage Act.

Their brief, filed Monday night, did not mention last week's ruling by a federal appeals court in Boston that declared unconstitutional DOMA's central provision, the denial of joint tax filing, Social Security survivor payments, and more than 1,000 other federal benefits to gay and lesbian couples legally married in their states.
Gays are trying to redefine GODS definition of marriage, doesn't work though, sane people know better.

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