NY anti-fascist group turn violent to stop someone they disagree with from speaking

sorry, dear mods-----for the screaming caps.......... I couldn't help-----my fingers
acted on their own...........
You're too stupid to get my point. Grow a brain
This is funny. There are occasions I do not agree with Rosie but I can say it quite confidently that she is in no way stupid by any stretch of imagination.
She's not doing so hot today

stop flirting with me, peabrain-----I am a married lady
Yes, mam

sorry---sweetie----that's Ma'am Some brits do do "mam" ------seems awkward to me.
Bro If we didn't resort to violence during WW2, who knows where the world would be now

Duuuude...that violence wasn't over stopping someone from talking...but hey, keep using the strawman by all means
My point is that OP incorrectly believes that anti-fascists are for some reason not supposed to resort to violence. Not sure where he got that idea

The problem is that these are not actual anti-fascists, because the people they are currently fighting aren't fascists.

They are anti-progressives who think calling someone a fascist is all you need to do for them to be fascist.
Bro If we didn't resort to violence during WW2, who knows where the world would be now

Duuuude...that violence wasn't over stopping someone from talking...but hey, keep using the strawman by all means
My point is that OP incorrectly believes that anti-fascists are for some reason not supposed to resort to violence. Not sure where he got that idea

The problem is that these are not actual anti-fascists, because the people they are currently fighting aren't fascists.

They are anti-progressives who think calling someone a fascist is all you need to do for them to be fascist.

thanks for clearing that up for us----but you are preaching to the choir
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