Ny man arrested for corralling kids who ransacked his house

Children of the Corn.

These boys learned a valuable lesson. They can't be stopped.

Call the police and seek restitution from the parents. What he shouldn't have done is threaten children with a hammer.

If he was doing it in the street for no reason, I could see this being a crime. But they were trespassing inside a house.

He detained suspects with the threat of force, but used no force to do it.

He should not have even been charged.
Funny in the past neighbors would spank and discipline and the kids didn't grow up to be sociopathic fucks like what is so common today. Parents can't even discipline

Call the police and seek restitution from the parents. What he shouldn't have done is threaten children with a hammer.

If he was doing it in the street for no reason, I could see this being a crime. But they were trespassing inside a house.

He detained suspects with the threat of force, but used no force to do it.

He should not have even been charged.

I understand the point. However, he was threatening children with a hammer. He was not protecting himself or the house at the time. Further, there was no point to it. He knew who the kids were and where they lived. So whether this is seen as just or not, what he did was illegal and he opened himself up to charges when he did it.
What he did was illegal in today's climate of punishing law abiding citizens. Next time, these kids will do the same thing hoping to sting another homeowner.
Was Sallow one of the detained children?
Call the police and seek restitution from the parents. What he shouldn't have done is threaten children with a hammer.

If he was doing it in the street for no reason, I could see this being a crime. But they were trespassing inside a house.

He detained suspects with the threat of force, but used no force to do it.

He should not have even been charged.

I understand the point. However, he was threatening children with a hammer. He was not protecting himself or the house at the time. Further, there was no point to it. He knew who the kids were and where they lived. So whether this is seen as just or not, what he did was illegal and he opened himself up to charges when he did it.

Once those kids left the house, they would be unpunishable as the parents would have tried to cover up thier involvement in any way they could. it would then be his word vs. theirs. By detaining them he showed the police they were on the property.

If they are old enough to act in such a violent and destructive manner, they are old enough to be detained by another citizen via the use of threat of force.

No one was harmed. He should not be prosecuted for jack squat.
What he did was illegal in today's climate of punishing law abiding citizens. Next time, these kids will do the same thing hoping to sting another homeowner.

Oh bullshit. An adult threatening an 8 year old with a hammer being illegal is not something new.

The parents of the kids are amazing. Instead of being embarrassed they are going after the guy who was the 'victim' of their lack of parenting.

They should be out there pleading for their forgiveness and for charges to be dropped!

He had better sue the living crap out of the parents, and I would probably send a request in to child services to investigate the home situation.
What he did was illegal in today's climate of punishing law abiding citizens. Next time, these kids will do the same thing hoping to sting another homeowner.

Oh bullshit. An adult threatening an 8 year old with a hammer being illegal is not something new.

Its four 8-10 years olds in the middle of comissioning a crime.

and what do you think THEY were using to dismantle the interior of the house?
Threatening them with a Hammer and forcing them in a closet is called "False Imprisonment". Cops can't do it, the average person can't either.

This is what happens when Americans know more about Lebron James than the Law.

I live in PA and I know exactly what I can and cannot do when some azzhole breaks in, attacks me and/or or refuses to leave my property, day AND night. Yes, there's different laws for day and night here in PA.
The guy knew the identity of the intruders, he was an idiot as were the vandals. Easy solution, stick them in a MMA ring and settle it that way.


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