NY Offers "Free" College to Every Student Whose Family Makes under $125k

It's a good thing. Anyone can look at anything and think up other ways other people should've done it. For example: if $125k isn't high enough then what is?

The peanut gallery will just scream "it should be more! Or less! Or something other than what it is!

$125k in NY isn't a lot of money. Do you want to reduce crime or nah?

I pull in $132k with a bonus and and wife brings in roughly $50k. We don't struggle, but we are definitely not wealthy and college (I have 4 kids) is going to be a huge struggle for us.

Rich is hard to put your finger on, but a safe bet is $600k. At $600k a year I believe one can afford whatever they want.

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This is great news!

This is far better then just giving out money as teaching a man to fish = eating for life....I'd probably tie it too programs and degrees that are "good" but either way this is a great idea.

Great! If you think it is so great, pack your things and head east so your own tax dollars will fund this boondoggle!
I paid my own way through college and law school with savings, GI bill, employer assistance, part-time jobs, academic grants, and a couple of small loans that were paid off before I graduated. Contribution from family: Zip.
I paid my own way through college and law school with savings, GI bill, employer assistance, part-time jobs, academic grants, and a couple of small loans that were paid off before I graduated. Contribution from family: Zip.
College Is for Coolies

You still bought your job and have nothing to be proud of for doing that. Even if it was your own money, that in no way means you deserve your degrees instead of people with more talent but more self-respect, too. Imagine reciting the same litany of submissive sacrifices to tell us how you got on the college football team, if the players had to get through college in the same way all the rest of the students do.
I did a search and didn't see a thread on this, so if there is one I apologize.

Many issues with this:
(1) Why is it set at $125k? $125k a year is not that much money anymore. Esp in NY it is middle class. These people will struggle to send their kids to college also.

(2) It is not free! It will come from tax dollars. So the $125k+ earners will have to pay for their kids tuition and everyone else's!

(3) College costs will skyrocket in NY. For the $125k+ families they are going to pay the highest tuitions in the world.

It used to be attack the rich! Now it is attack the upper portion of the middle class!

Well obviously none of you yahoos did much research. Most importantly, it ain't free, not even freakin close.

The Excelsior Scholarship, as the program is called, is expected to cut the cost of a degree from a four-year State University of New York college — now almost $83,000 for tuition, fees and room and board — by about $26,000 for an eligible family making $100,000 a year. That is a substantial reduction, but still means paying about $57,000 over four years.


If it is free, well I might be a little ticked off that I haven't moved to yankeeland. I have two in a state school at the moment and will continue to have two for the next three years as the oldest graduates and the youngest starts. Cost, well that eighty grand works out about right for four years. My oldest graduates next month and that eighty grand is right at what he spent. But I got to tell you, I would rather spend eighty grand at a North Carolina state school than sixty grand at a New York state school.
It's a good thing. Anyone can look at anything and think up other ways other people should've done it. For example: if $125k isn't high enough then what is?

The peanut gallery will just scream "it should be more! Or less! Or something other than what it is!

$125k in NY isn't a lot of money. Do you want to reduce crime or nah?

I pull in $132k with a bonus and and wife brings in roughly $50k. We don't struggle, but we are definitely not wealthy and college (I have 4 kids) is going to be a huge struggle for us.

Rich is hard to put your finger on, but a safe bet is $600k. At $600k a year I believe one can afford whatever they want.

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Lol I was going to agree with you until you said 600 grand

I always said the more you make just the more and bigger bills you have

The devil is in the details. Few cogent taxpayers would begrudge the cost of college tuition for top students pursuing meaningful degrees or certificates. I hope this benefit is not going to be handed out to students studying ethnic or gender studies.

Who decides what constitutes a "meaningful" degree?
The devil is in the details. Few cogent taxpayers would begrudge the cost of college tuition for top students pursuing meaningful degrees or certificates. I hope this benefit is not going to be handed out to students studying ethnic or gender studies.

Who decides what constitutes a "meaningful" degree?

Why the wonderful government, of course. What better institution to decide which degrees are needed? The same outstanding organization that decides which humans get to come into the country. It's amazing really--if a GOVERNMENT can decide which degrees are appropriate and what type of individuals are needed for our country then the GOVERNMENT ought to be able to decide things like minimum wage, hours worked, prices charged, profits allowed, and even the goods that should be produced. You either believe in free markets are you don't, you can't have it both ways.

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