NY Post Cover Perfectly Captures Politics In America Today


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"The New York Post’s Thursday cover featured a contrast between President Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that perfectly encapsulates the current state of politics in America."

On the Left, you have Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi doing what is beneficial / best for THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, signing Articles of Impeachment against the President.
- At the start Pelosi declared Impeachment would divide the nation and the only way she would proceed would be to have overwhelming evidence of crimes / High Crimes and Misdemeanors AND Bipartisanship in the process. She got neither, yet she chose to divide the country for what was best for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

On the right, the President signs the historic trade deal with China that includes China purchasing between $215 billion and $220 billion in US goods, a HUGE win for this COUNTRY.


The New York Post's Cover Perfectly Summarizes Politics in America
The more time this drunk old harridan spends in the national spotlight, the better Republicans will do.

Between her and the pathological liar Adam Schiff, it will take rigged elections and illegal alien votes to keep even California from waking up to nightmare of plutocratic Bolshevism.
The Dimwinger party is anti-American. They don't even try to hide it anymore.
On the right, the President signs the historic trade deal with China that includes China purchasing between $215 billion and $220 billion in US goods, a HUGE win for this COUNTRY.
What happens when you elect a self-described King of Debt to the White House?

[CHART] What the Trump Trade War Will Cost You - and How to Protect Yourself

"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported their estimates of the U.S. economic impact in August 2019.

"By 2020, tariffs would reduce the level of real U.S. GDP by about 0.3%, reduce real consumption by 0.3%, reduce real private investment by 1.3%, and reduce real household income by $580 (about 1%).

"Real U.S. exports would be 1.7% lower and real imports would be 2.6% lower.

"CBO explained tariffs reduce U.S. economic activity in three ways: 1) Consumer and capital goods become more expensive; 2) Business uncertainty increases, thereby reducing or slowing investment; and 3) Other countries impose retaliatory tariffs, making U.S. exports more expensive and thus reducing them.

"CBO estimated the U.S. had imposed tariffs on 11% of imports by January 2018.

"As of July 25, 2019, retaliatory tariffs had been imposed on 7% of all U.S. goods exports

"CBO expects the negative consequences will remain but have a smaller impact in 2029, as businesses adjust their supply chains (i.e., source from countries not affected by tariffs)"

China–United States trade war - Wikipedia
On the right, the President signs the historic trade deal with China that includes China purchasing between $215 billion and $220 billion in US goods, a HUGE win for this COUNTRY.
What happens when you elect a self-described King of Debt to the White House?

[CHART] What the Trump Trade War Will Cost You - and How to Protect Yourself

"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported their estimates of the U.S. economic impact in August 2019.

"By 2020, tariffs would reduce the level of real U.S. GDP by about 0.3%, reduce real consumption by 0.3%, reduce real private investment by 1.3%, and reduce real household income by $580 (about 1%).

"Real U.S. exports would be 1.7% lower and real imports would be 2.6% lower.

"CBO explained tariffs reduce U.S. economic activity in three ways: 1) Consumer and capital goods become more expensive; 2) Business uncertainty increases, thereby reducing or slowing investment; and 3) Other countries impose retaliatory tariffs, making U.S. exports more expensive and thus reducing them.

"CBO estimated the U.S. had imposed tariffs on 11% of imports by January 2018.

"As of July 25, 2019, retaliatory tariffs had been imposed on 7% of all U.S. goods exports

"CBO expects the negative consequences will remain but have a smaller impact in 2029, as businesses adjust their supply chains (i.e., source from countries not affected by tariffs)"

China–United States trade war - Wikipedia
You DO know the Democrats have controlled the House since 2018, meaning they control the Budget (which they refuse to pass), spending, the economy, the debt......

You DO know that the United States, thanks to the President's economic success, collected more tax revenue in this nation's history...and yet the Democrats couldn't find a way to save any of it with their control of the budget...

...and good luck trying to convince the American people that the strongest, most successful economy in the last 50 years, ever in some cases, is a 'BAD' thing, that it is in their best interest to vote instead for a Democrat who has declared they will tax the $hit out of them, take most of their money, drag them back to the Democrats' 'economic slave plantation' by driving factories / manufacturing back overseas, re-instate job/business-choking regulations, eliminate jobs / raises / bonuses, drive up the unemployment rate, welfare and food stamp enrollment, and use their tax dollars to pay for violent illegal medical care,housing, food, education, etc...

....which is the whole reason the Democrats are trying to Impeach Trump....

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You DO know the Democrats have controlled the House since 2018, meaning they control the Budget (which they refuse to pass), spending, the economy, the debt......
Which budget didn't pass?

2020 United States federal budget - Wikipedia

"The Trump administration's budget proposal was released on March 11, 2019.[1][2]

"On August 1, 2019, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 (H.R. 3877) was passed by the House.

"The next day, on August 2, 2019, the bill was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Trump.

"This act increases spending by $320 billion over levels set in the Budget Control Act of 2011 and removes the possibility of budget sequestration."

Progressive Charlestown: House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.
...and good luck trying to convince the American people that the strongest, most successful economy in the last 50 years, ever in some cases, is a 'BAD' thing,
Is a rising level of consumer debt a GOOD thing?

The State of the American Debt Slaves, Q2 2019
So you prefer remaining on your knees and being China's bit@h?! Got it...
So you prefer remaining on your knees and being China's bit@h?! Got it.
China's a symptom of a debt problem that began fifty years ago in the USA:


"Inequality fuels debt crises Debt crises have become dramatically more frequent across the world since the deregulation of lending and global financial flows in the 1970s.

"An underlying cause of the most recent global financial crisis, which began in 2008, was the rise in inequality and the concentration of wealth.

"This made more people and countries more dependent on debt, and increased the amount of money going into speculation on risky financial assets."

"The New York Post’s Thursday cover featured a contrast between President Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that perfectly encapsulates the current state of politics in America."

On the Left, you have Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi doing what is beneficial / best for THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, signing Articles of Impeachment against the President.
- At the start Pelosi declared Impeachment would divide the nation and the only way she would proceed would be to have overwhelming evidence of crimes / High Crimes and Misdemeanors AND Bipartisanship in the process. She got neither, yet she chose to divide the country for what was best for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

On the right, the President signs the historic trade deal with China that includes China purchasing between $215 billion and $220 billion in US goods, a HUGE win for this COUNTRY.

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The New York Post's Cover Perfectly Summarizes Politics in America

Historic trade deal?
Very funny. Did you even read what are the specifics?

Did you hear any businesses or farmers cheering jumping up and down celebrating?

The only people celebrating are the people inside the WH so Trump can be happy.

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