NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Dates, players, actions, content of the emails. There are plenty of ways to know if they are authentic.

Take any one of the published emails and lets break it down specifically. Pick one.
Start with this supposed meeting with a Burisma executive. Hunter Biden said there was no meeting. Joe Biden said there was no meeting. At most they had an introduction but no one remembers it because any meeting was so inconsequential.

This is being portrayed as proof of a meeting to discuss bribery and firing Shokin when there’s zero evidence of this.

Guy on the far left is the Burisma Executive. Next topic.

That guy is a close personal friend of the Biden's who also happens to be the guy who got Hunter the job with Burisma. Not to mention, see if you can prove if Hunter was even working at Burisma yet when that photo was taken....

He was. You can tell by the age. His and Biden's. Hunter admitted he traded on the name.
Oh? How old are they there?
Hunter is 45 I would guess. Joe is 764.

ShortBus, your guess is wrong. Thanks for trying though.

I am right +/- 1 year
No, you guessed and your guess was wrong. Not only was your guess wrong, you failed miserably to prove your claim that Hunter was already a Burisma employee when that photo was taken.
I said it was a guess. We aren't in a court of law. Gun to my head, I say he was.
And I acknowledged it was a guess. A wrong guess, but a still a guess. Sadly for you, the reason you guessed is because you were actually full of shit when you claimed you can tell by his age that he worked for Burisma on that day. If you knew, you wouldn't have had to guess.
I have common sense. I keep forgetting you're captain literal. Let me rephrase he looks to b 45 years, 7 months, 8 days and 3 hours old (Hunter).
No worries. You lied and got caught. I expected nothing less from you.
Lied? I said it was a guess. Name the lie.
You said Hunter worked for Burisma when that photo was taken.
You got him on a technicality.............Crackhead Biden never actually worked. It was a no-show position because his corrupt dad was VP.
Actually, it is, as you well know. For years Biden and son denied there was ever a meeting.

Setting your hair on fire as you have in these pages, only more vividly confirms your degree of panic and desperation. You may want to keep some of your powder dry.
Correct me if I’m wrong but Biden said they never talked business. A handshake and an introduction with someone is hardly evidence to the contrary. Hunter Biden did something similar with a businessman in China and we’ve know about it for years. More to the point, we know factually that the allegations that Shokin was fired to protect a Burisma are baseless.

If I sound panicked, that’s because I’m kinda panicked. Clinton lost in the last second for a similar kind of bullshit and it sucks to see that it might be happening again. I’m not afraid to admit it.
see it happening again...you must mean the scum demonrats pulling more wool over your eyes? you are very dumb to believe anything that comes from that direction. what you should be scared of is communism, that is what this scum wants.
Are the people involved in the emails lying when they say its true?

No, but Fox is being less than honest.

So let's review. They contacted someone who is CC'd in an email... and they can remember the exact contents of an email they got 6 years ago? Really?

Which email were they shown? The ones that were kind of routine, or the supposedly 'incriminating' ones.
And they can't name them.

So, I gather now, you don’t believe that Trump called troops “suckers, and losers?”
I don't know if he did or didn't.

Well there's plenty of people saying he didn't...
So? That still provides no clue if he said it or not.

All you are saying with that is that you know it's a bull shit narrative, based on a fake story by the Atlantic, but you're going to run with it anyway, like a good little hack...
No, that's not what I said. It's a pity you struggle with reading comprehension.

Ok, break it down for me then.
When did I use the word "harmless"? Of course I can say it is legitimate but I don't trust it. Dorsey is the legitimate CEO of Twitter but I don't trust him. Both can be right. What information? I don't ignore facts but I may ignore someone's opinion on facts.

For example we can agree that Tom Brady is #12. What we may disagree on is if he is the GOAT. Facts point to it but I may use different criteria. So to me this Biden scandal is legitimate in that there is something fishy with Hunter. What I don't know is how much Joe knew and if Joe profited from it.
It's self contradictory to call something "legitimate" if you doubt the veracity of their product. You wouldn't call someone a legitimate doctor if you doubted whether they practice medicine or witchcraft.

In my business, you really develop the ability to tell who knows what they're talking about and who is faking it.

George Kent knows Ukraine. He knows what was going on. He testified to the impeachment committee. He later testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and told pretty much the same story. I haven't been able to locate that testimony transcript, I'm not sure they published it.

Read it. Read the whole thing. I did last year. If you want shortcuts, search the name Shokin. He starts talking about him for a couple of pages starting at 45, and then a really deep dive at how bad he was on page 90.

There is no way that Shokin was fired to help Burisma.

"I never knew what Hunter was doing."
"I never met with any people from Burisma"
"I never met any of Hunter's business clients from Kurdistan."
" I never bragged about extorting the previous Ukraine PM."
"I have never been to China."
"I have never grabbed an intern by the pu$$y."
"I have never groped, fondled, or sniffed a child."
"Hunter? Hunter? I have no son named Hunter..."

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When did I use the word "harmless"? Of course I can say it is legitimate but I don't trust it. Dorsey is the legitimate CEO of Twitter but I don't trust him. Both can be right. What information? I don't ignore facts but I may ignore someone's opinion on facts.

For example we can agree that Tom Brady is #12. What we may disagree on is if he is the GOAT. Facts point to it but I may use different criteria. So to me this Biden scandal is legitimate in that there is something fishy with Hunter. What I don't know is how much Joe knew and if Joe profited from it.
It's self contradictory to call something "legitimate" if you doubt the veracity of their product. You wouldn't call someone a legitimate doctor if you doubted whether they practice medicine or witchcraft.

In my business, you really develop the ability to tell who knows what they're talking about and who is faking it.

George Kent knows Ukraine. He knows what was going on. He testified to the impeachment committee. He later testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and told pretty much the same story. I haven't been able to locate that testimony transcript, I'm not sure they published it.

Read it. Read the whole thing. I did last year. If you want shortcuts, search the name Shokin. He starts talking about him for a couple of pages starting at 45, and then a really deep dive at how bad he was on page 90.

There is no way that Shokin was fired to help Burisma.
Huh...my dentist is legitimate and she is great. The one before her was legitimate too but not as good and I would not trust him for complex procedures so I switched. What are you taking about.

There is no way that Shokin was fired to help Burisma.

That is your opinion and none of us really know but the optics are bad. His firing certainly helped Burisma as to why he was fired that is speculation. WAPO is a biased left leaning paper.
Yeah yeah.....just ignore that Biden bragged on tape about it and that pesky money trail thing.....
Biden didn't brag about helping Burisma on tape. But you knew that already.
He actually did in essence......He bragged of having the prosecutor investigating their criminal enterprise fired-----after Hunter received his payments for it and gave Joe 1/2. Let's not try to play word games ---we all know what Biden said and what he was referring to at this point in time.
There is no way that Shokin was fired to help Burisma.

That is your opinion and none of us really know but the optics are bad. His firing certainly helped Burisma as to why he was fired that is speculation. WAPO is a biased left leaning paper.

And it is a moronic opinion.

The State Department testified that Hunter's fellow Burisma Board Members showed up wanting a meeting with Joe, using Hunter's name as leverage. The State Department advised Biden NOT to take the meeting due to the potentially perceived perception of a conflict of interest as well as a potential future one. They testified that Joe Biden ignored them and met with the Burisma Reps anyway.

Photos show Biden, Hunter and them playing golf.

These Burisma members testified that they told Joe Biden they needed help stopping the investigation into Burisma and his son Hunter. They also testified they bribed the Bidens.

Joe Biden then went to Ukraine where he extorted the previous Ukraine PM into firing the prosecutor, stopping the investigation. Due to a new trial Devon Archer is now in prison and is cooperating with investigators.

Joe Biden went on to give a videotaped confession in which he bragged about extorting the PM.

Despite all of the overwhelming existing evidence - justice with the exposed Obama failed coup attempt - snowflakes continue to cling to lies and attempt to re-write reality as ell as history.

This story has legs.

And is growing.

The OP is full of shit.

I'm pretty sure, given the DNC ass-kisser who started the thread, that what "The story is unraveling" actually means is "I have received my talking points about it!"

Disinforamation is what they are relying on.

That and getting Joe out of the spotlight so this can pass.

It ain't passing and Trump is surging.
The story is like Chinese water torture (pun intended)..... drip, drip..... just when you think it's over, OOOOPS there's another video of Hunted raping a 12-year old and another email confirming Pop is on the take, and his cut is X%.

Not a good time to be a marxist drone..... <snicker>
When did I use the word "harmless"? Of course I can say it is legitimate but I don't trust it. Dorsey is the legitimate CEO of Twitter but I don't trust him. Both can be right. What information? I don't ignore facts but I may ignore someone's opinion on facts.

For example we can agree that Tom Brady is #12. What we may disagree on is if he is the GOAT. Facts point to it but I may use different criteria. So to me this Biden scandal is legitimate in that there is something fishy with Hunter. What I don't know is how much Joe knew and if Joe profited from it.
It's self contradictory to call something "legitimate" if you doubt the veracity of their product. You wouldn't call someone a legitimate doctor if you doubted whether they practice medicine or witchcraft.

In my business, you really develop the ability to tell who knows what they're talking about and who is faking it.

George Kent knows Ukraine. He knows what was going on. He testified to the impeachment committee. He later testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and told pretty much the same story. I haven't been able to locate that testimony transcript, I'm not sure they published it.

Read it. Read the whole thing. I did last year. If you want shortcuts, search the name Shokin. He starts talking about him for a couple of pages starting at 45, and then a really deep dive at how bad he was on page 90.

There is no way that Shokin was fired to help Burisma.
GEorge Kent's testimony was entirely debunked.
Nice spin job, but Hunter's Lawyer already admitted it was his laptop and it's been authenticated.

When did this happen? Do you have a link, or is this more Right wing lies.

Conclusion: you only have to spin and lie if you've done something terribly wrong, so when Joe lied about never meeting the Burismo guys and we saw that pic of him playing golf with them, that was an admission that he lied to cover up wrong doing. The laptop was not needed for that, it was just icing on the cake of what we already got a taste of.

Again, where are these pictures.... The only "legitimate" picture that's out there is Hunter smoking a cigarette in the bath.

Everything else like the crack pipe picture looks fake.

You would be well served if you did some of your own research instead of swallowing what you are fed by CNN, MSNBC, the DailyKOS, or whatever.

Or, do you prefer ignorance?

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden.

The letter to which you refer states, and I quote: "We do not know if these press reports are accurate".

They are accurate and you know that otherwise, you wouldn't be in such a panic.

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden.

The letter to which you refer states, and I quote: "We do not know if these press reports are accurate".

They are accurate and you know that otherwise, you wouldn't be in such a panic.

This story is intensifying at an amazing rate.
"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”'

As I said the Hunter Biden story continues to unravel.
"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”'

As I said the Hunter Biden story continues to unravel.

As everyone else has said, you're wrong.
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