NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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LMAO....testimony....where they evade and lie? That testimony. If you post a lie detector test then I will surely click. My gut tells me that Biden had him fired to help Burisma as it helped Hunter. I have zero proof of this. Just an educated guess on my part.

Thanks for proving me right.

There’s no point in me showing you anything if you’re just going to brush it off because you don’t believe it without any critical thinking involved. Total waste of time.
Why do you believe he had him fired? Why would the US care about a foreign prosecutor? Show me some critical thinking skills.


"why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?"
Ask Iran. We do it all the time. Why do you have to be nasty all the time? Is your life that miserable that you cannot be polite even once?
Who's being nasty?

Regardless of your tender feelings, you didn't give Iran money and even impeached Trump doesn't want us to give money we think is corrupt. That answers your moronic question.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
But he went to less credible tabloid media. He even admitted he will get less question or less challenges using NYP tabloid.
All these doesn’t make sense.
Libs have smeared Fox as Faux so going for the POST does make sense ---because the libs aren't sure how to attack this. Plus it is likely that Guilliani knows someone at the post who makes him feel more comfortable.
TURTLE...... Why are you blaming the libs of an action that was done by your Russian assets Giuliani? We didn’t tell him to go to New York post or anywhere. We have nothing to do with any of that but let me update you just incase you don’t know what is going on.

He went NY Post because it’s a lot less scrutiny and it’s the only outlet that takes this story.

But even Fox News turned it down the story of Giuliani because of credibility and not properly vetted. Here’s the link.

Fox News passed on Hunter Biden email story amid credibility concerns

Fox News reportedly declined the chance to run Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden emails story amid reported concerns on its credibility.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel was offered the story by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer but refused it until it could be properly vetted, according to political news site mediaite.com.

Another braindead Liberal holding on by his fingernails.

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.don't you?
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
You can fuck off too troll. Show us any official statement from Biden saying this is false. Or else STFU.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant bitch. Who cares about a Biden statement? What is he supposed to be denying? Who cares? It's Hunter's laptop, so what? Show me something proven to be both from the laptop..and illegal! You cannot..can you?

You got nothing but shit stained teeth and feces drooling from your ignorant mouth.

If you cannot shut me up..and you cannot...you best take your limp-dicked excuse for argument back to your safe zone..this ain't it.
Poor little uneducated child porn supporter. Hey asshole, I told you to provide a statement from Biden denying any of this. You can’t can you asshole? You can go fuck yourself you walking advertisement for birth control . Here’s one fuckwad. Verified email showing that Joe had his kids getting money from foreign agents and funneling the money to him to avoid disclosure and tax reporting. So take your mouth off Biden’s cock, clean the jizz from your chin and try to deny it you worthless POS.
You don't get to tell me shit..loser. All you can do is sing the same old song..because you have nothing real..nothing..just shit drooling from your mouth....love the taste, t
Emails verified. Your bullshit exposed. How’s that taste with the side of crow?
Verified as WHAT..pray tell? Hunter's/ OK...I'll bite..they're Hunter's--so fucking what? He peddled his Daddy's influence...again, so what? Not a shred of proof Joe was affected, at all. That video you're so fond of...that one where Joe Biden brags about the great job is did for the US in getting a corrupt guy gone. That's not what you try to make it out to be..and almost everyone know this.

BTW..where's that child porn again? Where's that evidence of Hunter raping?

In your shit-stained imagination, no doubt!
Hun, they are never ever going to show the kiddy porn-------two, how do you think JOE became a mutli-millionaire working for the government and three, when have you ever heard of a US politician bragging about forcing some random foreign prosecutor to be fired?
turtle, he was ''middle class Joe'' in the Senate.... even ranked the poorest man in Congress/senate, a couple of years...

he made his new found money AFTER he left office from Book Sales and speaking fees....

his past 30 years in taxes are public, for all to see.
Funny-------------if you claim on his taxes that he was claiming to be poor---his lifestyle says something different---but then again we know that JOE wasn't reporting his income that he made by taking 50% of bribes from China and Burisms which is tax fraud dear. Obama too spent more than he was showing on the books-------hopefully, with the Bidens now snagged that this all gets throughly investigated and tax audited.
His lifestyle showed that he was like every other 2 professional $100,000+ income families.....mortgages and investments. Where in the world do you get that he lived some extra extravagant lifestyle, for the income they both earned? That's bull crud, propaganda...and a complete rewrite of history.

Yep -

Joe bought a 10,000 square foot Dupont Family mansion in an affluent Wilmington Delaware suburb as a 32 year old widower and father of 2, commuting daily to Washington as a Senator.

Now he owns 4 homes.

Seems totally legit.
You got that from Eric Trump tweets but he was blasted for lying like his father or just plane ignorant.... . He sold that decades ago.
“Plane Ignorant”? Or plain ignorant. Do us a favor and move on please.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.don't you?
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
You can fuck off too troll. Show us any official statement from Biden saying this is false. Or else STFU.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant bitch. Who cares about a Biden statement? What is he supposed to be denying? Who cares? It's Hunter's laptop, so what? Show me something proven to be both from the laptop..and illegal! You cannot..can you?

You got nothing but shit stained teeth and feces drooling from your ignorant mouth.

If you cannot shut me up..and you cannot...you best take your limp-dicked excuse for argument back to your safe zone..this ain't it.
Poor little uneducated child porn supporter. Hey asshole, I told you to provide a statement from Biden denying any of this. You can’t can you asshole? You can go fuck yourself you walking advertisement for birth control . Here’s one fuckwad. Verified email showing that Joe had his kids getting money from foreign agents and funneling the money to him to avoid disclosure and tax reporting. So take your mouth off Biden’s cock, clean the jizz from your chin and try to deny it you worthless POS.
You don't get to tell me shit..loser. All you can do is sing the same old song..because you have nothing real..nothing..just shit drooling from your mouth....love the taste, t
Emails verified. Your bullshit exposed. How’s that taste with the side of crow?
Verified as WHAT..pray tell? Hunter's/ OK...I'll bite..they're Hunter's--so fucking what? He peddled his Daddy's influence...again, so what? Not a shred of proof Joe was affected, at all. That video you're so fond of...that one where Joe Biden brags about the great job is did for the US in getting a corrupt guy gone. That's not what you try to make it out to be..and almost everyone know this.

BTW..where's that child porn again? Where's that evidence of Hunter raping?

In your shit-stained imagination, no doubt!
Hun, they are never ever going to show the kiddy porn-------two, how do you think JOE became a mutli-millionaire working for the government and three, when have you ever heard of a US politician bragging about forcing some random foreign prosecutor to be fired?
turtle, he was ''middle class Joe'' in the Senate.... even ranked the poorest man in Congress/senate, a couple of years...

he made his new found money AFTER he left office from Book Sales and speaking fees....

his past 30 years in taxes are public, for all to see.
Funny-------------if you claim on his taxes that he was claiming to be poor---his lifestyle says something different---but then again we know that JOE wasn't reporting his income that he made by taking 50% of bribes from China and Burisms which is tax fraud dear. Obama too spent more than he was showing on the books-------hopefully, with the Bidens now snagged that this all gets throughly investigated and tax audited.
His lifestyle showed that he was like every other 2 professional $100,000+ income families.....mortgages and investments. Where in the world do you get that he lived some extra extravagant lifestyle, for the income they both earned? That's bull crud, propaganda...and a complete rewrite of history.

Yep -

Joe bought a 10,000 square foot Dupont Family mansion in an affluent Wilmington Delaware suburb as a 32 year old widower and father of 2, commuting daily to Washington as a Senator.

Now he owns 4 homes.

Seems totally legit.
You got that from Eric Trump tweets but he was blasted for lying like his father or just plane ignorant.... . He sold that decades ago.

Sold what?

Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails October 19, 2020

We are all individuals who devoted significant portions of our lives to national security. Some of us served in senior positions in policy departments and agencies, and some of us served in senior positions in the Intelligence Community. Some of us were political appointees, and some were career officials. Many of us worked for presidents of both political parties. We are all also individuals who see Russia as one of our nation’s primary adversaries. All of us have an understanding of the wide range of Russian overt and covert activities that undermine US national security, with some of us knowing Russian behavior intimately, as we worked to defend our nation against it for a career. A few of us worked against Russian informaon operations in the United States in the last several years.

Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments. All of us agree with the founding fathers’ concern about the damage that foreign interference in our politics can do to our democracy. It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operaon. We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case. If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.

There are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement. Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and thereby help the candidacy of President Trump.

For the Russians at this point, with Trump down in the polls, there is incentive for Moscow to pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win. A “laptop op” fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are clearly designed to discredit Biden.


Such an operation would be consistent with some of the key methods Russia has used in its now multi-year operation to interfere in our democracy – the hacking (via cyber operations) and the dumping of accurate information or the distribution of inaccurate or misinformation.

Russia did both of these during the 2016 presidential election – judgments shared by the US Intelligence Community, the investigation into Russian activities by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the entirety (all Republicans and Democrats) on the current Senate Intelligence Committee.

Such an operation is also consistent with several data points.

The Russians, according to media reports and cybersecurity experts, targeted Burisma late last year for cyber collection and gained access to its emails.

And Ukrainian politician and businessman Adriy Derkach, identified and sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for being a 10-year Russian agent interfering in the 2020 election, passed purported materials on Burisma and Hunter Biden to Giuliani.

Our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue is consistent with two other significant data points as well. According to the Washington Post, citing four sources, “U.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence.”

In addition, media reports say that the FBI has now opened an invesgation into Russian involvement in this case. According to USA Today, “…federal authories are investigating whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani…is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.”

We do not know whether these press reports are accurate, but they do suggest concern within Executive Branch departments and agencies that mirrors ours. It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.
Jim Clapper and John Brennan have no credibility. None.




And you are an idiot for pushing that joke of a letter by folks who are no longer in the know. Our current intel agencies confirm this has NOTHING to do with Russia, Dummy.

Brennan and Clapper have 100% more integrity than that bragging, lying, cheating fool in the WH!

Joe only got 10%.......maybe you can get a telethon going for Quid Pro Joe....

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
But he went to less credible tabloid media. He even admitted he will get less question or less challenges using NYP tabloid.
All these doesn’t make sense.
Libs have smeared Fox as Faux so going for the POST does make sense ---because the libs aren't sure how to attack this. Plus it is likely that Guilliani knows someone at the post who makes him feel more comfortable.
TURTLE...... Why are you blaming the libs of an action that was done by your Russian assets Giuliani? We didn’t tell him to go to New York post or anywhere. We have nothing to do with any of that but let me update you just incase you don’t know what is going on.

He went NY Post because it’s a lot less scrutiny and it’s the only outlet that takes this story.

But even Fox News turned it down the story of Giuliani because of credibility and not properly vetted. Here’s the link.

Fox News passed on Hunter Biden email story amid credibility concerns

Fox News reportedly declined the chance to run Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden emails story amid reported concerns on its credibility.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel was offered the story by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer but refused it until it could be properly vetted, according to political news site mediaite.com.

Another braindead Liberal holding on by his fingernails.

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????
Too bad they didn't publish the metadata with that.
LMAO....testimony....where they evade and lie? That testimony. If you post a lie detector test then I will surely click. My gut tells me that Biden had him fired to help Burisma as it helped Hunter. I have zero proof of this. Just an educated guess on my part.

Thanks for proving me right.

There’s no point in me showing you anything if you’re just going to brush it off because you don’t believe it without any critical thinking involved. Total waste of time.
Why do you believe he had him fired? Why would the US care about a foreign prosecutor? Show me some critical thinking skills.


"why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?"
Ask Iran. We do it all the time. Why do you have to be nasty all the time? Is your life that miserable that you cannot be polite even once?
Who's being nasty?

Regardless of your tender feelings, you didn't give Iran money and even impeached Trump doesn't want us to give money we think is corrupt. That answers your moronic question.
You. Who do you think? So Biden has a foreign employee fired. Only time I can think of that someone of that stature does that to a foreign nation and he doesn’t do it quietly. He does it publicly and laughs. Why? So future prosecutors and such know not to bother Burisma and his son’s money train. At the time we knew Burisma was corrupt.

Your story doesn’t fly with or without your ad Hominems.
The credibility of those defending Hunter and Low IQ Joe on the foreign aid to Ukraine kickback have the same "credibility"

as those who argue that the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief did NOT write HIS OWN YEARBOOK PAGE

See the source image

See the source image

My FOREVER President
Forever not Impeached.


President Trump:
Forever exonerated from a partisan Impeachment and forever not removed.
Your forever Kenyan Muslim President set up coup attempt from within - that Trumps pretty much - everything
Last edited:
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

All I can say is....grow up and get back to me when you want to have an honest debate.
Thank you.
I don’t remember talking to you. I posted exact facts and reality. If you think I’m not honest then why not pick which one you think that it’s not honest. Thank you.
And one more exceptional corollary due to the emails on the laptop.....

Trump was 'impeached' by the party of Death for making a call to Ukraine supposedly asking for "dirt" on the Bidens.....

....and guess what.......Hunter provided that "dirt."

This is like out of a novel.

Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails October 19, 2020

We are all individuals who devoted significant portions of our lives to national security. Some of us served in senior positions in policy departments and agencies, and some of us served in senior positions in the Intelligence Community. Some of us were political appointees, and some were career officials. Many of us worked for presidents of both political parties. We are all also individuals who see Russia as one of our nation’s primary adversaries. All of us have an understanding of the wide range of Russian overt and covert activities that undermine US national security, with some of us knowing Russian behavior intimately, as we worked to defend our nation against it for a career. A few of us worked against Russian informaon operations in the United States in the last several years.

Perhaps most important, each of us believes deeply that American citizens should determine the outcome of elections, not foreign governments. All of us agree with the founding fathers’ concern about the damage that foreign interference in our politics can do to our democracy. It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operaon. We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case. If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.

There are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement. Such an operation would be consistent with Russian objectives, as outlined publicly and recently by the Intelligence Community, to create political chaos in the United States and to deepen political divisions here but also to undermine the candidacy of former Vice President Biden and thereby help the candidacy of President Trump.

For the Russians at this point, with Trump down in the polls, there is incentive for Moscow to pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win. A “laptop op” fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are clearly designed to discredit Biden.


Such an operation would be consistent with some of the key methods Russia has used in its now multi-year operation to interfere in our democracy – the hacking (via cyber operations) and the dumping of accurate information or the distribution of inaccurate or misinformation.

Russia did both of these during the 2016 presidential election – judgments shared by the US Intelligence Community, the investigation into Russian activities by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the entirety (all Republicans and Democrats) on the current Senate Intelligence Committee.

Such an operation is also consistent with several data points.

The Russians, according to media reports and cybersecurity experts, targeted Burisma late last year for cyber collection and gained access to its emails.

And Ukrainian politician and businessman Adriy Derkach, identified and sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for being a 10-year Russian agent interfering in the 2020 election, passed purported materials on Burisma and Hunter Biden to Giuliani.

Our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue is consistent with two other significant data points as well. According to the Washington Post, citing four sources, “U.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence.”

In addition, media reports say that the FBI has now opened an invesgation into Russian involvement in this case. According to USA Today, “…federal authories are investigating whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani…is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.”

We do not know whether these press reports are accurate, but they do suggest concern within Executive Branch departments and agencies that mirrors ours. It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.
Jim Clapper and John Brennan have no credibility. None.




And you are an idiot for pushing that joke of a letter by folks who are no longer in the know. Our current intel agencies confirm this has NOTHING to do with Russia, Dummy.

Brennan and Clapper have 100% more integrity than that bragging, lying, cheating fool in the WH!

Joe only got 10%.......maybe you can get a telethon going for Quid Pro Joe....

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????

Is it the Plugs from Biden's head?
And one more exceptional corollary due to the emails on the laptop.....

Trump was 'impeached' by the party of Death for making a call to Ukraine supposedly asking for "dirt" on the Bidens.....

....and guess what.......Hunter provided that "dirt."

This is like out of a novel.

And, you know that they have barely scratched the surface, to this point.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.don't you?
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
You can fuck off too troll. Show us any official statement from Biden saying this is false. Or else STFU.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant bitch. Who cares about a Biden statement? What is he supposed to be denying? Who cares? It's Hunter's laptop, so what? Show me something proven to be both from the laptop..and illegal! You cannot..can you?

You got nothing but shit stained teeth and feces drooling from your ignorant mouth.

If you cannot shut me up..and you cannot...you best take your limp-dicked excuse for argument back to your safe zone..this ain't it.
Poor little uneducated child porn supporter. Hey asshole, I told you to provide a statement from Biden denying any of this. You can’t can you asshole? You can go fuck yourself you walking advertisement for birth control . Here’s one fuckwad. Verified email showing that Joe had his kids getting money from foreign agents and funneling the money to him to avoid disclosure and tax reporting. So take your mouth off Biden’s cock, clean the jizz from your chin and try to deny it you worthless POS.
You don't get to tell me shit..loser. All you can do is sing the same old song..because you have nothing real..nothing..just shit drooling from your mouth....love the taste, t
Emails verified. Your bullshit exposed. How’s that taste with the side of crow?
Verified as WHAT..pray tell? Hunter's/ OK...I'll bite..they're Hunter's--so fucking what? He peddled his Daddy's influence...again, so what? Not a shred of proof Joe was affected, at all. That video you're so fond of...that one where Joe Biden brags about the great job is did for the US in getting a corrupt guy gone. That's not what you try to make it out to be..and almost everyone know this.

BTW..where's that child porn again? Where's that evidence of Hunter raping?

In your shit-stained imagination, no doubt!
Hun, they are never ever going to show the kiddy porn-------two, how do you think JOE became a mutli-millionaire working for the government and three, when have you ever heard of a US politician bragging about forcing some random foreign prosecutor to be fired?
turtle, he was ''middle class Joe'' in the Senate.... even ranked the poorest man in Congress/senate, a couple of years...

he made his new found money AFTER he left office from Book Sales and speaking fees....

his past 30 years in taxes are public, for all to see.
Funny-------------if you claim on his taxes that he was claiming to be poor---his lifestyle says something different---but then again we know that JOE wasn't reporting his income that he made by taking 50% of bribes from China and Burisms which is tax fraud dear. Obama too spent more than he was showing on the books-------hopefully, with the Bidens now snagged that this all gets throughly investigated and tax audited.
His lifestyle showed that he was like every other 2 professional $100,000+ income families.....mortgages and investments. Where in the world do you get that he lived some extra extravagant lifestyle, for the income they both earned? That's bull crud, propaganda...and a complete rewrite of history.
"A meeting in passing?" Hunter arranged it, dumbfuck.
You have no idea what Hunter did or didn’t arrange.
Actually we do------------one of the reasons why I know is because I knew years ago when prostitutes/strippers were coming out the woodwork saying that Hunter and his entourage were using large amounts of cash thousands a night and credit cards by his HOST to pay for the strippers-------pretty obvious that it was pay off political favor even then. The only way Hunter could pay for his hookers and coke-----was via the payoffs.

This is enough to take down a lot of dominos including Kerry and his step son------and the Clintons. As the same group of slime keep popping up in this---including Whitey Bulger (hitman that was assassinated in prison last year believe as he started to negotiate his freedom for info on the clintons) whose nephew was involved in this nonsense as well.........(Mueller has some interesting ties to Bulger as well as Kerry kept innocent men in prison in order to keep Bulger safe)......

If Trump wins despite the dems cheating---------and Barr grows a pair---a whole lot of corrupt Washington may be removed.

The problem is that the corruption is so deep that I fear it can't be weeded out. Intelligence agencies will flat out lie and cover up information. The media will censor. People will be off'ed if necessary. For there to be any chance, the American people need to stop being so blind an open their eyes to this corruption. If they do so, Trump will win in a landslide. If not, the country is in serious trouble.
Most people know Biden is corrupt but think Trump is just as corrupt. The huge difference is that Trump is American and supports basic American values while Biden is a socialist who appointed Harris every after it was known that she was to left of Bernie Sanders.
Lemme guess... Trump U is your alma mater?
And to clear that up, sitting in your basement for four days looks even worse. I do not know if Joe is guilty but he is acting like a guilty person.
He’s preparing for a debate. Their strategy is clearly not bring attention to it since this story existed on the fringes of the media. That appears to be changing.
Hiden Biden is still hiding.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
But he went to less credible tabloid media. He even admitted he will get less question or less challenges using NYP tabloid.
All these doesn’t make sense.
Libs have smeared Fox as Faux so going for the POST does make sense ---because the libs aren't sure how to attack this. Plus it is likely that Guilliani knows someone at the post who makes him feel more comfortable.
TURTLE...... Why are you blaming the libs of an action that was done by your Russian assets Giuliani? We didn’t tell him to go to New York post or anywhere. We have nothing to do with any of that but let me update you just incase you don’t know what is going on.

He went NY Post because it’s a lot less scrutiny and it’s the only outlet that takes this story.

But even Fox News turned it down the story of Giuliani because of credibility and not properly vetted. Here’s the link.

Fox News passed on Hunter Biden email story amid credibility concerns

Fox News reportedly declined the chance to run Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden emails story amid reported concerns on its credibility.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel was offered the story by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer but refused it until it could be properly vetted, according to political news site mediaite.com.

Another braindead Liberal holding on by his fingernails.

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????

First 2 sentences alone is just a waste of my time reading the rest of your post. Your post has NOTHING to do what I was talking about ............ why that Russian assets Giuliani went to NY post instead of Fox News. Go back and TRY AGAIN.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

All I can say is....grow up and get back to me when you want to have an honest debate.
Thank you.
I don’t remember talking to you. I posted exact facts and reality. If you think I’m not honest then why not pick which one you think that it’s not honest. Thank you.
And to clear that up, sitting in your basement for four days looks even worse. I do not know if Joe is guilty but he is acting like a guilty person.
He’s preparing for a debate. Their strategy is clearly not bring attention to it since this story existed on the fringes of the media. That appears to be changing.
Hiden Biden is still hiding.
his name is Joe Basement
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
But he went to less credible tabloid media. He even admitted he will get less question or less challenges using NYP tabloid.
All these doesn’t make sense.
Libs have smeared Fox as Faux so going for the POST does make sense ---because the libs aren't sure how to attack this. Plus it is likely that Guilliani knows someone at the post who makes him feel more comfortable.
TURTLE...... Why are you blaming the libs of an action that was done by your Russian assets Giuliani? We didn’t tell him to go to New York post or anywhere. We have nothing to do with any of that but let me update you just incase you don’t know what is going on.

He went NY Post because it’s a lot less scrutiny and it’s the only outlet that takes this story.

But even Fox News turned it down the story of Giuliani because of credibility and not properly vetted. Here’s the link.

Fox News passed on Hunter Biden email story amid credibility concerns

Fox News reportedly declined the chance to run Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden emails story amid reported concerns on its credibility.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel was offered the story by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer but refused it until it could be properly vetted, according to political news site mediaite.com.
All lies, of course.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
But he went to less credible tabloid media. He even admitted he will get less question or less challenges using NYP tabloid.
All these doesn’t make sense.
Libs have smeared Fox as Faux so going for the POST does make sense ---because the libs aren't sure how to attack this. Plus it is likely that Guilliani knows someone at the post who makes him feel more comfortable.
TURTLE...... Why are you blaming the libs of an action that was done by your Russian assets Giuliani? We didn’t tell him to go to New York post or anywhere. We have nothing to do with any of that but let me update you just incase you don’t know what is going on.

He went NY Post because it’s a lot less scrutiny and it’s the only outlet that takes this story.

But even Fox News turned it down the story of Giuliani because of credibility and not properly vetted. Here’s the link.

Fox News passed on Hunter Biden email story amid credibility concerns

Fox News reportedly declined the chance to run Rudy Giuliani’s Hunter Biden emails story amid reported concerns on its credibility.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel was offered the story by Donald Trump’s personal lawyer but refused it until it could be properly vetted, according to political news site mediaite.com.

Another braindead Liberal holding on by his fingernails.

"...the e-mail showing that Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, were part of a group trying to set up a partnership with Chinese individuals, involving energy projects and perhaps American infrastructure. Millions of dollars were being discussed, making the deal a windfall for the Bidens and a propaganda coup for China.

The e-mail, sent from one of the American partners to Hunter and two others, detailed large cash payments to the partners as well as eventual equity stakes. Hunter, referred to as “H,” was to get 20 percent, and the deal listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Sources have confirmed to Fox News that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. I have been told by another person with knowledge of the arrangement that there are documents and other proof of Joe Biden’s involvement."


Hey, Joe Biden, what did you know about Hunter’s dirty deals?: Goodwin
Now that some secrets of the Biden family business are no longer secrets, it’s easy to imagine Joe Biden asking the same question Robert Redford asked in the 1972 film “The Candidate.” After winnin…



Not......what was that about "unraveling"??????

First 2 sentences alone is just a waste of my time reading the rest of your post. Your post has NOTHING to do what I was talking about ............ why that Russian assets Giuliani went to NY post instead of Fox News. Go back and TRY AGAIN.

Everyone knows it's true, and proof of what was revealed months back.

Now....what is it that makes Hunter Biden, crack-addict, ne'er-do-well, with no experience in gas or oil, kicked out of the Navy, never visited the Ukraine....worth millions and billions?

Interesting that when Biden was VP, he and his son Hunter went to deal with China, and Hunter came away with $millions.....

But Trump is immune to the bribes.

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

The irony is astounding.....for years it was the lie that Trump was a Russian asset.....

......now we have proof......PROOF......that the Democrat candidate is a Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese employee.
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