NY Teens Attack 67 Year Old with Hammer

I always wonder why punks never act up around me. I’d do something.

But if it was 5 young black men against 1 white guy, my flight mode might kick in. I’m not taking a beating for anyone except family and friends.
The real pain is this does not end. Year after year, decade after decade. Then we get endless reformed gang members preaching against this violence and the endless Scared Straight videos all multiple generations of doing very little to combat it.
Police were too busy arresting families ordering dinner without papers.
This is normal and good and you will now forget this story ever happened.

BdB quickly transformed the former great city to a communist lawless shithole
Sorry about your Grandmother! I mean 😪 it ! Unfortunately with “ juveniles” they are released at the age of 21 with a Clean Record !
What makes it even worse today is “ No Bail Reform “ That’s BULL- S.IT
I would love to see court enforced payments to victims. If you don’t want to pay stay or go to prison.

I bet a lot of victims would be happy to hear about the early release because that means payments will be coming in 2 weeks.

Hes getting out of prison sounds better if it’s finished with “and he owes you $100k”
How many white southern democrats have walked after murdering a black person? Too many to count.
Hundreds of thousands of Biden voters looted and burned down peoples businesses and murdered civilians and police officers, and attacked govt buildings and police stations, all throughout summer of 2020 . They were encouraged and cheered by Democrat leaders Including Pelosi, Biden and Harris. Despite all the overwhelming video and other evidence not one of these criminals were prosecuted or even an investigation launched.
Hundreds of thousands of Biden voters looted and burned down peoples businesses and murdered civilians and police officers, and attacked govt buildings and police stations, all throughout summer of 2020 . They were encouraged and cheered by Democrat leaders Including Pelosi, Biden and Harris. Despite all the overwhelming video and other evidence not one of these criminals were prosecuted or even an investigation launched.
Hundreds of thousands?

Who got murdered? The only murdererer was Kyle Rittenhouse. No one else murdered anyone that night. Did they catch any of the murderers? Have they gone to trial yet? Can you show me any court cases?

Thousands of Trump supporters rioted and trashed the capitol. 4 police officers died. Many more suffered injuries. Did you care about govt buildings that day? And they were cheered on by Trump. Trump Jr and Trump's handlers were begging Trump to call off the insurrection. It went too far they said. But Trump did nothing. He had the power.

Can you show me any Republicans who are making such claims about Pelosi and Harris or is this just right wing shit talk? Because right now there are Republicans considering charging Trump with a crime for the insurrection.

Adam Kinzinger Says Jan. 6 Committee Is Probing Whether Trump Committed A Crime​

"Nobody is above the law," the Republican congressman said.
That's just an excuse for the police to do what the sheet wearers used to do.
That's right. And two wrongs don't make a right.

What happens is a decent citizen like you or me has a run in with a cop and that cop uses excessive force on us too. They start treating all of us like pieces of shit.

So these idiots here who want the cops to be more rough with apprehended suspects, are just idiots who don't know what they are saying. Or, we would never have losers like this on a committee deciding what's right and what's wrong.

And these people are why so many innocent people go to prison. They've already decided once they saw the guys skin color.
Not true.
Who else was murdered? Were they murdered by police or Proud Boys?

The majority of the George Floyd protests were peaceful; an estimated 96.3% of demonstrations were peaceful and nondestructive, involving no injuries or no property damage. However, police made arrests in about 5% of protest events (deploying chemical irritants in 2.5% of events); 3.7% of protest events were associated with property damage or vandalism (including damages by persons not involved in the actual demonstration); and protesters or bystanders were injured or killed in 1.6% of events. Clashes and other forms of violence were at various times initiated by protesters, by counter protesters, and by police, and were usually driven by opportunistic criminals rather than organized extremist groups.

There have also been numerous reports and videos of aggressive police actions using physical force including "batons, tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets on protesters, bystanders and journalists, often without warning or seemingly unprovoked." These incidents have provoked "growing concern that aggressive law enforcement tactics intended to impose order were instead inflaming tensions." The police responded that such tactics are necessary to prevent vandalism and arson, and that police officers have been assaulted with rocks and water bottles. Amnesty International issued a press release calling for the police to end excessive militarized responses to the protests.

Also on May 27, a man known as "Umbrella Man" dressed in black clothes and gas mask, carrying an umbrella and sledgehammer, was recorded on video breaking windows of an AutoZone store, spray painting graffiti, and encouraging looting. Some protesters confronted him and asked him to stop. Initial claims that the "Umbrella Man" was a Saint Paul police officer were debunked by surveillance video released by the Saint Paul Police Department.[90] Police later received an anonymous tip via email that the man may be a 32-year-old man with ties to white supremacist organizations, according to an affidavit obtained by the media. However, the suspect in question has not been charged and the identity of the "Umbrella Man" remains unconfirmed.[91]

In Downtown Detroit, a 21-year-old man was killed when his car was fired upon.[51][52] He was shot in the middle of police brutality demonstrations,[51] although police claimed the incident had no connection to the protests.

In St. Louis, Missouri, 29-year-old protester Barry Perkins died after being run over by a FedEx truck that was fleeing from looters.

In Omaha, Nebraska, 22-year-old protester James Scurlock was fatally shot outside of a bar.[57] The shooter was Jacob Gardner, the bar-owner, who had a scuffle with some protesters and fired several shots, one of which killed Scurlock; the altercation outside and shooting were caught on surveillance video.[57] Two days later, authorities announced that there would be no charges for the bar's owner and that he had opened fire in self-defense. However, after pushback, the matter was referred to a grand jury for review.

Looks like it was mostly BLM people who were murdered.

In Kansas City, Missouri, 50-year-old Marvin Francois was shot and killed by robbers while picking up one of his sons from a protest.

There were 19 deaths associated with these protests. Should I continue?

  • In Louisville, local restaurateur David McAtee was killed as a Louisville Metro Police and Kentucky National Guard curfew patrol fired at him.[62] Authorities stated that the patrol returned gunfire after McAtee fired at them.[62] McAtee's gunshot occurred after the patrol appeared to fire a pepper ball into McAtee's restaurant, nearly striking his niece in the head.[62] According to McAtee's sister, the gathering was not a protest but rather a regularly scheduled social gathering at which McAtee served food from his barbecue restaurant.[97] An investigation of the killing is ongoing.[98][63] LMPD Chief Steve Conrad was fired later that day, as officers and troops involved in the shooting did not wear or failed to activate body cameras.[99] Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer admitted that the city had shown an "inability to apply [curfew] evenly."[62]

In Las Vegas, police shot and killed Jorge Gomez, who was walking among protesters and reportedly reached for his firearm when he was shot.

So a guy named Jorge Gomez can't reach for his gun but Kyle can run around with his?

Fuck you Unkotare.
Not true.
In Philadelphia, two deaths occurred during the fourth day of unrest. A man in his twenties was fatally shot by the owner of the gun shop Firing Line Inc., while trying to break into the store in the south section of the city. Mayor Jim Kenney said he was "deeply troubled" by the killing and that he did not condone vigilantism.

You right wing cons even ran over protesters with your cars

June 3: In Bakersfield, California, Robert Forbes, a 50-year-old man was killed after being struck by a vehicle while marching between California Avenue and Oak Street.[77] The incident was caught on video and distributed widely on social media.[77] Forbes was transported to Kern Medical Center, where he remained in critical condition for three days before dying.[77] Police deny that Forbes was hit intentionally, while others dispute this claim.[77] The police did not restrain the driver with handcuffs and allowed him to smoke a cigarette, which caused indignation on social media.[77] A candlelight vigil was held for Forbes on June 6.

In Seattle, 24-year-old Summer Taylor died after being hit by a vehicle while protesting on Interstate 5. A second person also hit was in critical condition. A suspect was taken into custody a few hours later after the incident.

How many Republicans hit protesters with their cars last year? OMG. So you Republicans think you can go murder liberals who protest? Maybe that's why the guy ran over a bunch of cons just recently. I heard you guys cry about that one but not any of these.
How many Republicans ran over BLM protesters with their cars last year? Republican cry about the recent horrible act where a black guy ran over a bunch of white people but I don't recall them ever minding when blacks were being mowed down by republicans behaving badly.

Here is the story Republicans want to talk about

But they never told us how many Republicans ran over Democrats last year.

July 25: 28-year old Garrett Foster was killed in a shooting at a Black Lives Matter protest. Police said initial reports indicate that Foster was carrying an AK-47 style rifle, and was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair moments before he was killed. Foster identified with the boogaloo movement and had expressed anti-racist, libertarian, and anti-police views in his Facebook posts. Witnesses reported a driver accelerating their vehicle into a crowd of people. The suspect then pulled out his own firearm and shot Foster. Foster was then taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The driver accused of shooting Foster was brought in by police for questioning, and his handgun and car were secured for evidence. The driver was released pending further investigation.

And Republicans complain about letting protesters out without bail???

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