NY Teens Attack 67 Year Old with Hammer

Initially he was asked several times and refused to answer. Only a possible 2 years? Is that how he would feel if that were someone in his family?
No I’d want to kill them. Torture them. That’s why they don’t let family members give out the sentences.

I see a lot of cases where I feel the families of the victims were robbed. Their loveone was murdered. Then I want them to be executed.

In this case, I’d give these boys 2 years in juvy.

You want to talk about if they’ll be reformed in 2 years? Will they be in 10?

The fact is, they are boys and didn’t seriously hurt the man. They could have. The fact they didn’t, means something.

I know they are black and that’s a problem for you. Imagine if one of them was in your family.
YAWN..,, Off topic. Keep trying. 🇮🇱
Young black boy in Detroit ripped my grandmothers purse off her arm you should have seen the bruise. I would execute him if I found him. I wonder what he’s doing today? Is he in prison? Is he a good person now? I‘d love to know.

That was years ago. Looking back, what punishment would I give him? If he was 15 I’d give him 3 years juvy out at 18.

Assuming he’d be a better person when he got out. If he’s not, maybe our system is fucked up.
I haven't taken a poll. Do we need to ? Leave these teens unpunished and they will be men attacking the elderly with hammers and more.
Who said unpunished?

And I like the possibility that someone doing this could get 10-20. If they had a record or if they seriously hurt the guy or if they weren’t sorry. If they were hard, I’d throw the book at them. The sad thing is they know how to act. So behavior in prison matters. But I too want to send a message to other violent criminals.

If the kid was easily redeemable, out in 2
Yes, but still…would you just stand there and let this happen? I wouldn’t…
I always wonder why punks never act up around me. I’d do something.

But if it was 5 young black men against 1 white guy, my flight mode might kick in. I’m not taking a beating for anyone except family and friends.
I always wonder why punks never act up around me. I’d do something.

But if it was 5 young black men against 1 white guy, my flight mode might kick in. I’m not taking a beating for anyone except family and friends.
Fucking coward.
Who said unpunished?

And I like the possibility that someone doing this could get 10-20. If they had a record or if they seriously hurt the guy or if they weren’t sorry. If they were hard, I’d throw the book at them. The sad thing is they know how to act. So behavior in prison matters. But I too want to send a message to other violent criminals.

If the kid was easily redeemable, out in 2
So far all messages to violent criminals has failed.

There are people so misaligned that prison is the only home they have ever known, the only job they have ever had, all their friends and in a few cases, lovers and emotional bonds.
Young black boy in Detroit ripped my grandmothers purse off her arm you should have seen the bruise. I would execute him if I found him. I wonder what he’s doing today? Is he in prison? Is he a good person now? I‘d love to know.

That was years ago. Looking back, what punishment would I give him? If he was 15 I’d give him 3 years juvy out at 18.

Assuming he’d be a better person when he got out. If he’s not, maybe our system is fucked up.
Sorry about your Grandmother! I mean 😪 it ! Unfortunately with “ juveniles” they are released at the age of 21 with a Clean Record !
What makes it even worse today is “ No Bail Reform “ That’s BULL- S.IT

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