NY Times admits it was wrong about Trump/Russia collusion

However, some aspects of the dossier have been corroborated,[8] namely that Putin and Russia actively favored Trump over Clinton,[9] and that many Trump campaign officials and associates had multiple secret contacts with Russians.[10][11]

What did the NYTimes say about Trump's campaign's collaboration with Russia that has you so indignant?
There has been nothing as intensely investigated as the Russia collusion hoax, also the Ukraine collusion hoax, and nobody came up with ANYTHING. There were no 'secret' contacts with Russians. Even every witness Schiff called in his witchhunt admitted they saw or heard the President do or say nothing inappropriate or illegal. We do have diplomatic relations with Russia and every contact was legitimate and for legitimate purpose. Nothing sinister about anything. If there was any justification to report any of that, you can be sure that the NYT (also WAPO and others) would not be apologizing now.

And yes Putin said he preferred Trump to Hillary. He and Hillary, as well as Obama, had a very cozy relationship including the uranium deal and all. But during the campaign, Putin very much resented her criticizing the Russian election and blamed her for provoking Russian protests. So of course he would endorse ANY candidate running against her to punish her.


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I get apprehensive when CNN and MSNBC turn on a Democrat.
They could, of course, be doing it to get back to their usual dismal ratings as opposed to almost no one currently watching.
I can't wrap my mind around how it must feel to have somewhere in the past 5 years when it became evident to some reporters that they had bought the Democrat farm on lies and so did their clueless colleagues. :dunno:

However, I think the audiences they lost when the American people had a belly full of all that lying that the writers realized that clinging to the lies they bought, it was time for chalking it up to errors past and moving forward a little bit wiser.
I can't wrap my mind around how it must feel to have somewhere in the past 5 years when it became evident to some reporters that they had bought the Democrat farm on lies and so did their clueless colleagues. :dunno:

However, I think the audiences they lost when the American people had a belly full of all that lying that the writers realized that clinging to the lies they bought, it was time for chalking it up to errors past and moving forward a little bit wiser.
Reporters are employees like everyone else; they have little choice.
I can't wrap my mind around how it must feel to have somewhere in the past 5 years when it became evident to some reporters that they had bought the Democrat farm on lies and so did their clueless colleagues. :dunno:

However, I think the audiences they lost when the American people had a belly full of all that lying that the writers realized that clinging to the lies they bought, it was time for chalking it up to errors past and moving forward a little bit wiser.
It is a terrible feeling when you are passionately arguing a point of view and reach that point in the argument where you realize you're wrong. The temptation, probably tendency, for most is to find some way to justify or keep defending the argument. Failing that, too many resort to ad hominem or building a straw man to attack and divert or otherwise change the subject so the other will be detracted and you won't have to justify your original argument.

It takes a lot of character and courage do do that mea culpa and admit being wrong. Then again there is no virtue in going along with a lie to get along with others.
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Time for all you libs on here to admit the same. That it was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton cause she couldn't handle losing to Trump and you all bought it. That in your rage, anger and TDS you surrendered all common sense and morals and have allowed this nation to descend into the state it is cause Orange Man Bad

Trump just wanted Putin to like him.
Reporters are employees like everyone else; they have little choice.
There is a glimmer of truth in that. To keep their jobs they may feel they have to toe the 'company line' or otherwise agree with their colleagues even when in their heart they know it is a tissue of lies. Those in the mainstream media have to follow orders to keep their jobs much the same as those in the scientific community or education or even in government these days. Contrary opinions or inconvenient facts are often not allowed at all.

Time for all you libs on here to admit the same. That it was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton cause she couldn't handle losing to Trump and you all bought it. That in your rage, anger and TDS you surrendered all common sense and morals and have allowed this nation to descend into the state it is cause Orange Man Bad

Today's Democrats are like the International Communist dupes of the 1920s and 1930s. They believe in a mythical communal paradise that can only be attained by threats, coercion and brutal force. Admitting that the all-powerful State was wrong about anything is unacceptable. If necessary, people and events will be erased from history. Hillary who?

Time for all you libs on here to admit the same. That it was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton cause she couldn't handle losing to Trump and you all bought it. That in your rage, anger and TDS you surrendered all common sense and morals and have allowed this nation to descend into the state it is cause Orange Man Bad

17-U.S. Intelligence and Security Services say differently.
There has been nothing as intensely investigated as the Russia collusion hoax, also the Ukraine collusion hoax, and nobody came up with ANYTHING.
However, some aspects of the dossier have been corroborated,[8] namely that Putin and Russia actively favored Trump over Clinton,[9] and that many Trump campaign officials and associates had multiple secret contacts with Russians.[10][11]

The above is SOMETHING. So, what did the NYTimes say about the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia that has your panties in a wad?
Unfortunately I've used up the last of my "free" articles and access to the NYT and won't be able to see this OP link, etc. unless I pay ransom.

Just another reason I'll consider the NYT a pile of shyte and not worth the paper it's printed upon nor the webspaces it wastes.

Worst form of MSM there is, and not news, but "Fake News" ~ IMO!

Time for all you libs on here to admit the same. That it was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton cause she couldn't handle losing to Trump and you all bought it. That in your rage, anger and TDS you surrendered all common sense and morals and have allowed this nation to descend into the state it is cause Orange Man Bad

Well Whoop Dee do dah day.And night.Just a few years too late.
Now with the diehard fact that he MSM is hurting really bad.
Not merely that they've been found out but also are true
blue Bullies.And the Public no longer finds them credible.
Even cushy conservative Hugh Hewitt { a once regular on
Meet the Press } who ended his relationship with NBC more
because he was friends with Chuck Todd last December.
Hugh this past week had a conversion.He is now pleading with
his radio audience to never even dare vote for ANY Democrat this
fall.Things have become that awfull.The MSM is Broke.
He kept using the word " broke ". Hewitt never explained use of
that word.Are they broke as far as credibility.Or their diminshed
viewership,thereby generating revenue.
Makes no nevermind.Most sane citizens even many Illegals are
fed-up with these dirty dog democrats.
They Lie,frame their opposition and use Stalinistic tactics like
the January 6th hearing to ply their trade.It's all basic bunk.
The United States had never witnessed such one-sided
ways and means.A two-tier justice system and actual
Stalinism c/o of Neo-Marxists.Where right is now left.
And Wrong is right.
And We the People are now the pet project Enemy.
" We should support whatever the enemy opposes and
oppose whatever the enemy supports. "
-- Mao Zedong
Unfortunately I've used up the last of my "free" articles and access to the NYT and won't be able to see this OP link, etc. unless I pay ransom.

Just another reason I'll consider the NYT a pile of shyte and not worth the paper it's printed upon nor the webspaces it wastes.

Worst form of MSM there is, and not news, but "Fake News" ~ IMO!
Its a video so you're good watch it
Perhaps you should read my comments in response to that post. I hate to repeat myself.
You haven't said what the NYTimes said about the Trump campaign's Russian collusion and which they got wrong - the point of this thread - that has your knickers in a twist. Nor has Rainbow.

Funny, that.

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